View Full Version : A small taste of the stupidity of "bugging out"

5th October 2016, 08:52 PM
If you live in a city and believe in the fantasy of "bugging out" when "It" hits the whirling blades, please, please, please educate yourself, learning from this mild example of reality:



Once "It" hits, you have one option if you are not already in a safe location: shelter in place, with whatever it is you have.

5th October 2016, 08:57 PM
hurricane rita evac from houston is legendary in these parts. right on the heels of katrina, rita's fat ass came barreling toward houston. the agonizing stories are incredible....dead people, dead pets....all along the highways leading out of hou. 200 mile trips were taking 12 - 20 hours --- in MAX heat. there was no gas, no food, no water....and everybody ran out of gas, food, water..

me and mine left early - missed all of the fun. i was banging them at the craps table in shreveport...while watching thousands of katrina evacuees across the street from the casino at the shreveport community center...good times

Half Sense
6th October 2016, 08:56 AM
We're fairly well prepared here in North Florida. I could have bugged out to a location on the west coast of Fla but we decided to ride it out. I'm 15 miles from the coast and live near the top of a "hill" so should be okay. The only big risk is the 200-year-old oak hanging over my roof.

I don't understand the idiots fighting over cases of bottled water. There's clean water coming out of the tap.

6th October 2016, 09:36 AM
We're fairly well prepared here in North Florida. I could have bugged out to a location on the west coast of Fla but we decided to ride it out. I'm 15 miles from the coast and live near the top of a "hill" so should be okay. The only big risk is the 200-year-old oak hanging over my roof.

I don't understand the idiots fighting over cases of bottled water. There's clean water coming out of the tap.

speaking of that.....bathtub bladder


6th October 2016, 10:37 AM


6th October 2016, 10:42 AM
living on the shore... is not a good idea... living on a hill... not a good idea either


6th October 2016, 10:50 AM
We're fairly well prepared here in North Florida. I could have bugged out to a location on the west coast of Fla but we decided to ride it out. I'm 15 miles from the coast and live near the top of a "hill" so should be okay. The only big risk is the 200-year-old oak hanging over my roof.

I don't understand the idiots fighting over cases of bottled water. There's clean water coming out of the tap.

Don't worry, you can bet Obama will be there to help out in a big way. Big money will be spent to help Florida recover.
Unlike Louisiana, Florida is a battleground state for Hillary. There's an election ya know and Obama's legacy is at stake!
You will see military/national guard everywhere soon.

6th October 2016, 11:18 AM
Don't worry, you can bet Obama will be there to help out in a big way. Big money will be spent to help Florida recover.
Unlike Louisiana, Florida is a battleground state for Hillary. There's an election ya know and Obama's legacy is at stake!
You will see military/national guard everywhere soon.

like the fking we got on tropical storm sandy. and south florida is full of nyc diaspora

6th October 2016, 11:37 AM
like the fking we got on tropical storm sandy. and south florida is full of nyc diaspora

Soon to be seen all over damaged areas

http://cache2.asset-cache.net/gc/78507798-campaign-helicopter-carrying-u-s-democratic-gettyimages.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=CSIMBv%2faraCCLNLdbJQvXkiDbEGLZH3fLsvy4BoSSG4OH7 uS3VeXTmAghpfO6KZQkUfbm0dThusvjC8PaTvdGA%3d%3d




6th October 2016, 02:06 PM
From OP link

"They should've been prepared for us," Orr told NBC station WSAV (http://wsav.com/2016/10/04/gas-lines-extend-to-highway-hurricane-matthew-preparation/) of Savannah, Ga. "They knew that it was coming, so they should've had enough gas."

6th October 2016, 02:56 PM

:rolleyes:Where is that?

6th October 2016, 02:59 PM
...florida is full of (((nyc diaspora)))


6th October 2016, 03:01 PM
Where is that?

Texas in 2008 according to a site i found by using tineye.com.

6th October 2016, 03:38 PM
I don't understand the idiots fighting over cases of bottled water. There's clean water coming out of the tap.

The Talmudvision told them to "be prepared." Boobus is unable to actually think critically, and, therefore, has no actual plan..."gibs me dat!" is the "plan."

6th October 2016, 03:42 PM


Anyone who chooses to live in a completely indefensible location is beyond advice or help.

6th October 2016, 08:33 PM
Texas in 2008 according to a site i found by using tineye.com.

my hood. that pic is from crystal beach, tx (fairly certain). hurricane ike. it was a big bad one - huge storm surge. the winds f-ed up my roof, fences, more. and nyc insurance fked me good...paying out a pennies on the dollar. i still havent fixed the fences in personal protest

on the bright side, i was able to find my boat...floating upside down in galveston bay

funny thing about it....the dc 'aid' to the region was a fraction of the pathetic sandy tropical storm that hit nyc/nj