View Full Version : Organic companies swallowed up by Big Ag

6th October 2016, 09:02 AM
the guest doesnt speak of the organic standards being lowered as a result, but this gives a good glimpse at the picture. There are more articles on the main page besides the highlights below and to see a bigger pic of the chart.

Who Owns What in the Organic food industry
Dr Phil Howard introduces his research into the structure and dynamics of the USA Organics industry. In relation to the industrialisation of organics, the corporate take-over and consolidation and the overall growth of the organics market.




Organic companies swallowed up by Big Ag
The fact is, organic food has become a wildly lucrative business for Big Food and a premium-price-means-premium-profit section of the grocery store. The industry's image - contented cows grazing on the green hills of family-owned farms - is mostly pure fantasy. Or rather, pure marketing. Big Food, it turns out, has spawned what might be called Big Organic.

The Future of Organic Products: Brands or Private Labels?
Pioneering brands are re-inventing themselves to widen consumer appeal. However, retailer private labels are also evolving with some transcending traditional boundaries. The O Organics private label has expanded from Safeway retailers into foodservice outlets in the U.S. It has also developed an international presence, marketed by numerous food retailers in Latin America, Asia and Africa.

Whole Foods 'Organics' From China!
Whole Foods, which touts its support for locally grown food and organic agriculture, imports a great deal of its frozen food from China.

What Happens When Big Corporations Take Over Green Companies
It is a fairly familiar story in business. Someone has an idea, a passion. He or she builds a spectacular small business around that idea, builds a reputation for creating something really unique, and people love the business. Then, the owner sells the company to a large corporation.

AP, Miami Herad - May 23, 2013.
Campbell buying Plum Organics baby food maker
In an interview, CEO Denise Morrison said Campbell planned to keep Plum as a distinct brand. For example, the packaging will not be changed to reflect the new ownership.
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Stephanie Strom, New York Times - July 14, 2012
Organic companies swallowed up by Big Ag
Big Food, it turns out, has spawned what might be called Big Organic.
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Ari Le Vaux, Denver Post - July 26, 2009
Organic goes down a slippery road
Even as the demand for organic food continues to explode, organic farmers in America are getting thrown under the very beet cart they helped build.
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Samuel Fromartz, Huffington Post - July 7, 2009.
Is Organic in an End-Game?
In short, though some are controversial, you would be hard-pressed to find any processed organic food business arguing for a blanket dismissal of all synthetics.
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