View Full Version : Russian Disclosure: Russia has MIBs???

midnight rambler
7th October 2016, 05:41 AM
Info jibes with info from various other sources -


7th trump
7th October 2016, 07:09 AM
Info jibes with info from various other sources -


So you believe in little green aliens.....hilarious!

And all about them Russian commy's.
Next I bet you'll post video's that Russian technology (cough cough) is used to help the little green men build their space weapons.

7th October 2016, 07:55 AM
If aliens are here when are they going to show up and save us from the political hacks currently making our lives miserable?

7th October 2016, 12:18 PM
The "aliens" used to be called demons. They are interdimensional beings, not creatures from outer space. Modern man is "much too sophisticated" for mere "demons." But they're still from the same place...Hell. Yes, they run today's world affairs, and they answer to a Master. He used to be called Lucifer or Satan.


7th October 2016, 12:20 PM
"The UFO manifestations seem to be, by and large, merely minor variations of the age-old demonological

John A. Keel

"Demonology is not just another crackpot-ology. It is the ancient and scholarly study of the monsters and
demons who have seemingly coexisted with man throughout history.... The manifestations and occurrences
described in this imposing literature are similar, if not entirely identical, to the UFO phenomenon itself. Victims
of demonomania (possession) suffer the very same medical and emotional symptoms as the UFO contacteés....

The Devil and his demons can, according to the literature, manifest themselves in almost any form and can
physically imitate anything from angels to horrifying monsters with glowing eyes. Strange objects and entities
materialize and dematerialize in these stories, just as the UFOs and their splendid occupants appear and
disappear, walk through walls, and perform other supernatural feats."

John A. Keel

"A large part of the available UFO literature is closely linked with mysticism and the metaphysical. It deals with
subjects like mental telepathy, automatic writing and invisible entities as well as phenomena like poltergeist
[ghost] manifestation and 'possession.' Many of the UFO reports now being published in the popular press
recount alleged incidents that are strikingly similar to demonic possession and psychic phenomena."

Lynn E. Catoe, Library of Congress Bibliographer writing for the Air Force Office of Scientific Research

"The 'medical examination' to which abductees are said to be subjected, often accompanied by sadistic sexual
manipulation, is reminiscient of the medieval tales of encounters with demons. It makes no sense in a
sophisticated or technical framework: any intelligent being equipped with the scientific marvels that UFOs
possess would be in a position to achieve any of these alleged scientific objectives in a shorter time and with
fewer risks."

Jacques Vallee, Ph.D.

"[Jacques] Vallee’s explanation of UFOs is the most striking," she said, "because of its parallels with demonic
activity. UFO investigators have noticed these similarities. Vallee himself, drawing from extrabiblical literature on
demonic activities, establishes a number of parallels between UFOnauts and demons..."

Elizabeth L. Hillstrom

7th October 2016, 12:21 PM
If aliens are here when are they going to show up and save us from the political hacks currently making our lives miserable?

You assume these "aliens" are benevolent.

7th October 2016, 02:39 PM
You assume these "aliens" are benevolent.

If they aren't then we're screwed already my friend

7th October 2016, 05:08 PM
The "aliens" used to be called demons. They are interdimensional beings, not creatures from outer space. Modern man is "much too sophisticated" for mere "demons." But they're still from the same place...Hell. Yes, they run today's world affairs, and they answer to a Master. He used to be called Lucifer or Satan.

Not all of them, CT, not all of them. But, you are mostly right I figure.

midnight rambler
7th October 2016, 05:53 PM
Let us make man in our image, after our likeness

Huh. How about that.

7th October 2016, 06:11 PM
Huh. How about that.

"In the beginning was the Word...and the Word was with God...and the Word was God..."

"Our" image is one of two things:

1) the "Royal We";


2) the Father, the Son, and the Spirit.

7th October 2016, 06:30 PM
"In the beginning was the Word...and the Word was with God...and the Word was God..."

"Our" image is one of two things:

1) the "Royal We";


2) the Father, the Son, and the Spirit.

Our it could be in reference to the Anunnaki and the creation story that the bible takes most of those verses from which is Ancient Sumerian. Keep in mind that Sumerian text describing the Anunnaki and creation is older than the bible by about 3,000 years.

7th October 2016, 07:44 PM
Our it could be in reference to the Anunnaki and the creation story that the bible takes most of those verses from which is Ancient Sumerian. Keep in mind that Sumerian text describing the Anunnaki and creation is older than the bible by about 3,000 years.

Abram of Ur (Abraham) was Sumerian.

People find little trouble believing in the Talmudic Psychodrome's "aliens" meme, but find it incredibly difficult to accept the concept of God or that the Bible "just might" be based on ancient truths.

"BELIEVE, Goyim! Don't be a Denier!"


Closer to reality:


midnight rambler
7th October 2016, 08:12 PM
Really Fred?? You put faith in someone with serious ethics issues? How funny! lol

7th October 2016, 08:27 PM
Watched the whole thing, very interesting.

7th October 2016, 08:37 PM
Abram of Ur (Abraham) was Sumerian.

People find little trouble believing in the Talmudic Psychodrome's "aliens" meme, but find it incredibly difficult to accept the concept of God or that the Bible "just might" be based on ancient truths.

"BELIEVE, Goyim! Don't be a Denier!"


Closer to reality:


I have no issues believing in God. I believe with every fiber in my being that we have a creator. I just don't believe we are the only "intelligent" species in the universe and also don't believe they to be "demons". As large and expansive as our universe is I believe our creator is prolific with his creativity. :) Are there demons? Absolutely, but I don't believe them to be the same as Extra Terrestrials? No.

There are malevolent and benevolent beings in this reality. Valiant Thor, if you ever get a change to read up on him is definitely an interesting bit of history.