View Full Version : More Federal Money for Somali Refugees in Maine

8th October 2016, 10:53 AM

The federal government is sending more taxpayer money to Somali refugees in Maine.

“The United States Department of Agriculture is committing nearly $400,000 to increase food access for the Somali community in Lewiston,” the Associated Press reports:
WARNING ! Disgusting pic at link.

8th October 2016, 12:58 PM

News of this grant comes on the heels of a $300,000 federal grant designed to help limit domestic assaults occurring in Maine’s Somali community (http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/10/01/fbi-director-comey-somali-refugee-mn-mall-attacker-motivated-by-inspiration-from-radical-islamic-groups/).
“The federal Office on Violence Against Women is giving a Maine immigration resource center $300,000 for sexual assault and domestic violence advocacy in the immigrant community,” according (http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/sep/29/help-for-sexual-assault-services-for-east-african-/) to the Washington Times.

“The money is going to Immigration Resource Center of Maine, which is located in Lewiston. The center was formerly called the United Somali Women of Maine,” the Times reports.

Maine has the third highest Somali refugee resettlement rate of all the states in the country, as Breitbart News reported previously
