View Full Version : Video shows how self-defense can turn into murder in a heartbeat

midnight rambler
9th October 2016, 11:15 PM

Twisted Titan
10th October 2016, 12:04 AM
I am going to go out on a limb hear and defend the shooter.

when you are in a life or death your body floods with adrenaline and you get tunnel vision I would submit that he didn't hear a thing that was saying to him that got bewteen them

he was in azone and what you do in that zone is just a fluid as water.

he made the decision that there is not going to be a next time because who is to say he would be lucky to arm himself?( the commentator admits 5 seconds is a eternity)

if it was me im not going to give you a second chance.

and there wont be here

everybody can Monday morning quarter back him all they like but he is alive to tell his tale

10th October 2016, 12:10 AM
Video Title is a bit misleading. or if I word that differently: presenter is presenting his opinion on the situation. Jury or Trial Judge to decide. Do we know when this happened?

To me it would come down to whether or not threat elimination is reasonable in that 3rd shot situation. He possibly should have waited to see if the guy came back.

What he should have done was shut the door and stay in the car. Then seen how things proceeded.

I guess to get views this channel had to get a bit more "intense" with their material.

Twisted Titan
10th October 2016, 12:16 AM
it is definitely worth it to provoke conversation as this is absolutely essential because it truly is a situation anyone could find themselves in.

you could be mistaken for somebody.

or some tweeker starts wilding out to get his next fix

10th October 2016, 12:27 AM
it is definitely worth it to provoke conversation as this is absolutely essential because it truly is a situation anyone could find themselves in.

you could be mistaken for somebody.

or some tweeker starts wilding out to get his next fix

Look. I agree with the presenters comments and assessment from an American perspective. He makes good points about the transitional period of going from being inside or outside the car. I also think his assessment would fit if you were in Brazil for instance.

And the location of the firearm, again I think is relevant for discussion if you are able to carry. I don't know what the deal is in Israel regarding carry. AFAIK US is about the only place it's allowed. Not to say people aren't doing it elsewhere. Certainly Brazil and places in the middle east.

Anyway I'd like to know more. When it went to trial and what the outcome was. I think calling it murder is line ball. It could get called either way. In Brazil I don't think it would be. In the US would it be?

10th October 2016, 02:22 AM
I am going to go out on a limb hear and defend the shooter.

when you are in a life or death your body floods with adrenaline and you get tunnel vision I would submit that he didn't hear a thing that was saying to him that got bewteen them

he was in azone and what you do in that zone is just a fluid as water.

he made the decision that there is not going to be a next time because who is to say he would be lucky to arm himself?( the commentator admits 5 seconds is a eternity)

if it was me im not going to give you a second chance.

and there wont be here

everybody can Monday morning quarter back him all they like but he is alive to tell his tale

The (((shysters))) have created "standards" that they themselves can't and won't uphold for themselves.

I would vote to acquit the white car driver of any charges whatsoever, even manslaughter.

We are human beings, not robots. The black car driver initiated the violence, and provoked all manner of response. We cannot and I do not expect the white car driver to simply "stop" after the SOB crumples.

Had the white car driver shot him, paramedics came to save him, and then five minutes later, he opened fire again, that would be a different matter. But it's not here.

Yes, "the Law" (created by (((shysters))), as noted above) expects us to act like robots, and "stop the very millisecond when the threat is stopped," but I apply a just and realistic standard instead.

Twisted Titan
10th October 2016, 02:49 AM
The (((shysters))) have created "standards" that they themselves can't and won't uphold for themselves.

Yes, "the Law" (created by (((shysters))), as noted above) expects us to act like robots, and "stop the very millisecond when the threat is stopped," but I apply a just and realistic standard instead.


10th October 2016, 08:48 PM
Crimethink, I agree with you one hundred percent.

Many years ago, two young white boys came upon me at dusk while I was outside in the parking area of a storage shed facility, and pointed a revolver at me.

Okay, I can talk about it now, years later, when I am all safe and sound. But let me tell you what happened to me in that instant. Number ONE: I did NOT have a weapon handy, but, if I were to have had my pistol on me, I would have emptied the clip into both guys as fast as I could get them off - without thinking!

What happens to you when you are suddenly faced with an obvious threat of life and limb is that you become like a jungle animal who doesn't care about anything but killing whatever it is that is threatening you (or your loved ones who may be nearby). You just don't think about anything else, and, even after the threat is over, it takes several HOURS for you to calm down and be able to resume your normal civilized temperament about things.

What folks all wanted to know is whether or not the second guy was also armed - I had no fuckin' idea. And it wouldn't have matted one spit to me either. He was in cahoots with the guy who pointed the revolver at me and I wouldn't have stopped to check out whether or not he carried or not - I'd have just shot both of them for as many rounds as there would have been in the clip.

That is just plain human nature - especially for those of us who have never been trained in how to deal with a sudden threat to life and limb - we can't be held to those high standards that can be dreamed up and trumpeted AFTER THE FACT!

10th October 2016, 09:02 PM

The guy yapping in the video is an idiot.

The other idiot is the guy who brought a stick to a gun fight.

Three quick shots until the attacker was down is good.

I probably would have also shot that second guy too who grabbed for the gun.


11th October 2016, 07:48 AM
Don't point it if you don't intend to use it. If you pull the trigger, don't stop till it goes click, click, click.

11th October 2016, 08:59 AM
The cops empty their magazines to stop a threat. I'm going to do the same.

11th October 2016, 09:35 AM
inconclusive evidence

The video of the incident was taken in Israel

We do not know if the defender, or attacker was Jewish or a Goy?

If the attacker was a Jew and the defender was a Goy, then it is murder.
If the attacker was a Goy and the defender was a Jew, it was self defense. No crime.