View Full Version : Hillary's Email Hacker Has Emerged and What He Just Said Could End Hillary

13th October 2016, 03:43 PM
Breaking! Hillary's Email Hacker Has Emerged and What He Just Said Could End Hillary And The Democratic Party

Please share this to spread the news. http://redstatewatcher.com/article.asp?id=42529

We can only pray this is legit, but you have to take everything with a grain of salt. Unless it comes straight from Wikileaks. Here's what one hacker is saying about the next bombshell for Hillary Clinton.

13th October 2016, 04:09 PM
some smoke around the petraeus and libya events..


The highly anticipated WikiLeaks document dump by Julian Assange — the “October surprise” many had expected would be a bombshell explosion for the Hillary Clinton campaign — didn’t materialize Tuesday morning. But chatter about what is believed to be in the hacked emails that will soon be made public is beginning to spread in certain circles.

And if this chatter, this advance word is supported by the contents of Clinton emails WikiLeaks is now promising to reveal over the coming weeks, the result will be more than a bombshell. The result will prove to be a nuclear event for the campaign of the former secretary of state.
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Consider the following scenario, based on what we’ve been able to piece together:

A highly respected U.S. general — a Washington-outsider with a solid reputation for integrity and capability — is put in charge of the CIA with overwhelming bi-partisan support. His clandestine operatives are on the ground in Libya, using the Department of State as cover.

The State Department is run by one of the most ruthless, despised, Washington, D.C. insiders in American history — a powerful former first lady and senator whose public life has been devoted to her private gain. Things go wrong in Libya and, when it comes time for the secretary of state to make the official request for support, she chooses not to respond.

Knowing that she will run for president in four years, she purposely avoids getting involved just in case things go wrong. The Department of Defense cannot respond without State Department approval. And that never comes — never. Warplanes that can save lives sit idle. The CIA operatives get brutally murdered. The general is incensed and his outrage threatens the political future of the self-absorbed secretary of state. So, she strikes first.

She leaks details of the General’s extramarital affair and presses her allies in the Department of Justice to charge him with mishandling classified information. The General is ruined; the ruthless secretary of state survives to make her run for the White House.

It sounds like something out of a movie, except it might not be. It might well be something out of the shadowy realm of reality.

Recent reports out of Russia, Turkey and Iran are alluding to the contents of WikiLeaks “October Surprise.” Buried within the 33,000 emails that Hillary Clinton deleted and then “bleached” supposedly beyond recovery is a nasty exchange between General-turned-CIA Director David Petraeus, and then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton over support for his operatives in Libya.
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Within those documents Clinton is believed to have balked at sending in military support “in case something goes wrong.” An outraged Petraeus cannot believe that the nation’s chief diplomat — the official so intimately involved in the Benghazi operation — will so easily sacrifice the lives of his men and a nearby command station, to avoid public entanglements and political accountability.

If true, and we expect those documents shortly, the timing seems to corroborate the conjecture.

Petraeus resigned his CIA post immediately after the 2012 election. He kept extremely quiet and disciplined throughout the remaining two months until the election, between the date of the attacks on September 11th and his November 9th resignation.

Inexplicably, the DOJ waited years before coming after Petraeus. Reportedly, then-Attorney General Eric Holder warned the White House of the general’s romantic involvement with his mistress Paula Broadwell in 2011 (before Petraeus was confirmed) and did not consider any illegal activity to have occurred.

However, two-and-a-half years after the resignation, James Comey’s FBI came after General Petraeus, a Republican, in January 2015. That occurred during the void between Attorney General Eric Holder’s announced resignation and Loretta Lynch’s Senate confirmation as the new boss at Justice.

It also happened months before the beginning of the Republican and Democrat presidential primary seasons.

Meanwhile, Secretary of State Clinton began destroying tens-of-thousands of her emails during that same time period, just after FBI chief Comey received copies of the Petraeus emails – which are now under lock-and-key as classified evidence.

Unfortunately for Secretary Clinton and James Comey, copies of those emails exist and will show that Hillary Clinton was willing to let the entire CIA station in Libya get murdered for her own political purposes.

And she — with the aid of FBI Director, James Comey — took down and shoved into the shadows the general, the fall guy, who could testify to that fact.

No wonder Julian Assange has expressed fear for his life.

13th October 2016, 04:27 PM
"This isn't about Russia anymore...it's God's work you're destroying now!"



13th October 2016, 05:44 PM
https://images1-focus-opensocial.googleusercontent.com/gadgets/proxy?url=http%3A%2F%2Fnoiimages%2Es3%2Eamazonaws% 2Ecom%2Fimages%2Fredstate%2F20161012266087270%2Ejp g&container=focus

13th October 2016, 07:58 PM