View Full Version : The Press Buries Hillary Clinton’s Sins

13th October 2016, 05:23 PM
The Press Buries Hillary Clinton’s Sins (http://www.wsj.com/articles/the-press-buries-hillary-clintons-sins-1476401308)

As reporters focus on Trump, they miss new details on Clinton’s rotten record.


If average voters turned on the TV for five minutes this week, chances are they know thatDonald Trump (http://topics.wsj.com/person/T/Donald-Trump/159) made lewd remarks a decade ago and now stands accused of groping women.

But even if average voters had the TV on 24/7, they still probably haven’t heard the news about Hillary Clinton (http://topics.wsj.com/person/C/Hillary-Clinton/6344): That the nation now has proof of pretty much everything she has been accused of.

It comes from hacked emails dumped by WikiLeaks, documents released under the Freedom of Information Act, and accounts from FBI insiders. The media has almost uniformly ignored the flurry of bombshells, preferring to devote its front pages to the Trump story. So let’s review what amounts to a devastating case against a Clinton presidency...

midnight rambler
13th October 2016, 05:25 PM
Straining at gnats and swallowing camels.

13th October 2016, 05:31 PM
The liberal media doesn’t just work to elect Hillary – they have totally ignored all the scandals and corruption we now know about thanks to WikiLeaks. Just take a look at how much coverage they gave the Trump tapes compared to how much they’ve covered the WikiLeaks revelations:

Read more: http://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/latest-poll-shows-donald-trump-leading-second-debate/#ixzz4N0zYCnV8


13th October 2016, 05:40 PM
The liberal media doesn’t just work to elect Hillary – they have totally ignored all the scandals and corruption we now know about thanks to WikiLeaks. Just take a look at how much coverage they gave the Trump tapes compared to how much they’ve covered the WikiLeaks revelations:

Read more: http://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/latest-poll-shows-donald-trump-leading-second-debate/#ixzz4N0zYCnV8


(((Mainstream Media)))

13th October 2016, 05:44 PM
As reporters focus on Trump, they miss new details on Clinton’s rotten record."Missing" the details infers they're innocently overlooking these facts. More like purposefully ignoring.

13th October 2016, 05:54 PM
Trump remembers.

13th October 2016, 08:40 PM

13th October 2016, 08:58 PM
You must understand: Her Majesty does not commit sins.

Anything that furthers Bolshevism is not a sin.

But "sexism," "racism," "homophobia," and the like are grave sins which must be utterly destroyed.

I'm only half joking. Most of Her Majesty's supporters regard Trump's "grab her in the pussy" comment as far worse than creating a murderous menace like ISIS.

midnight rambler
13th October 2016, 09:10 PM
But "sexism," "racism," "homophobia," and the like are grave sins which must be utterly destroyed.

I'm thinking you omitted the gravest sin - Islamophobia.

13th October 2016, 10:21 PM
I'm thinking you omitted the gravest sin - Islamophobia.

No, "anti-Semitism." Far worse than anti-Christism.

midnight rambler
13th October 2016, 10:31 PM
No, "anti-Semitism." Far worse than anti-Christism.

They are equally heinous sins as da joos and the goatfuckers are working in tandem double-teaming us.

14th October 2016, 06:37 AM
NEWS FLASH: Hillary does not poop.

14th October 2016, 08:20 AM
They are equally heinous sins as da joos and the goatfuckers are working in tandem double-teaming us.

I approve this message

14th October 2016, 11:37 AM
Hillary Clinton Goes into Hiding – Will Ride It Out Until Election Knowing Media Will Carry Her Water Jim Hoft (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/author/jim-hoft/) Oct 14th, 2016 8:36 am 73 Comments (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/10/hillary-clinton-goes-hiding-will-ride-election-knowing-media-will-carry-water/#disqus_thread)
Hillary Clinton went into hiding this week.
Her campaign says she is preparing for the third and final debate next Wednesday.
http://16004-presscdn-0-50.pagely.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/hillary-stairs-575x386.jpg According to American Mirror (http://www.theamericanmirror.com/wheres-hillary-no-public-events-1019-debate/) she has nothing scheduled except fundraisers until Wednesday night.

Coming off the heels of two private fundraisers in California on Thursday, Clinton doesn’t have any public events scheduled between today and the final presidential debate on October 19.
That’s five days.
Neither leading Clinton schedule tracking website — HillarySpeeches.com and WillHillaryWin.com — list a single event for her, as of Friday morning.
Hillary knows the media will do her bidding while she is away.
Yesterday the media wing of the Democrat party released several false accusations against Donald Trump and his family.
They know they can get away with it — Even if they are patently false (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/10/melania-trump-sends-people-mag-cease-desist-letter-not-even-friends-woman-article/).
Meanwhile — Donald Trump storms to the finish line (https://www.donaldjtrump.com/schedule).

14th October 2016, 11:41 AM
Hillary Clinton Goes into Hiding – Will Ride It Out Until Election Knowing Media Will Carry Her Water


midnight rambler
14th October 2016, 11:43 AM
Of course knowing the fix is in helps her to relax.

Hillary Clinton Goes into Hiding – Will Ride It Out Until Election Knowing Media Will Carry Her Water

Jim Hoft (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/author/jim-hoft/) Oct 14th, 2016 8:36 am 73 Comments (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/10/hillary-clinton-goes-hiding-will-ride-election-knowing-media-will-carry-water/#disqus_thread)
Hillary Clinton went into hiding this week.
Her campaign says she is preparing for the third and final debate next Wednesday.
http://16004-presscdn-0-50.pagely.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/hillary-stairs-575x386.jpg According to American Mirror (http://www.theamericanmirror.com/wheres-hillary-no-public-events-1019-debate/) she has nothing scheduled except fundraisers until Wednesday night.
Coming off the heels of two private fundraisers in California on Thursday, Clinton doesn’t have any public events scheduled between today and the final presidential debate on October 19.
That’s five days.
Neither leading Clinton schedule tracking website — HillarySpeeches.com and WillHillaryWin.com — list a single event for her, as of Friday morning.

Hillary knows the media will do her bidding while she is away.
Yesterday the media wing of the Democrat party released several false accusations against Donald Trump and his family.
They know they can get away with it — Even if they are patently false (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/10/melania-trump-sends-people-mag-cease-desist-letter-not-even-friends-woman-article/).
Meanwhile — Donald Trump storms to the finish line (https://www.donaldjtrump.com/schedule).

14th October 2016, 04:06 PM
I spent 45 minutes in a waiting room today, and CNN was on the TV in the room, and it was nothing but how Trump said this mean thing, touched someone, was rude, mean, nasty, etc., etc. That's all it was. This is the first I've watched CNN for a long time, and it's disgusting what passes for "news" nowadays.

14th October 2016, 04:56 PM
Medical vacation, look it up. Saw it first on here somewhere.

Hillary Clinton Goes into Hiding – Will Ride It Out Until Election Knowing Media Will Carry Her Water

Jim Hoft (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/author/jim-hoft/) Oct 14th, 2016 8:36 am 73 Comments (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/10/hillary-clinton-goes-hiding-will-ride-election-knowing-media-will-carry-water/#disqus_thread)
Hillary Clinton went into hiding this week.
Her campaign says she is preparing for the third and final debate next Wednesday.
http://16004-presscdn-0-50.pagely.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/hillary-stairs-575x386.jpg According to American Mirror (http://www.theamericanmirror.com/wheres-hillary-no-public-events-1019-debate/) she has nothing scheduled except fundraisers until Wednesday night.
Coming off the heels of two private fundraisers in California on Thursday, Clinton doesn’t have any public events scheduled between today and the final presidential debate on October 19.
That’s five days.
Neither leading Clinton schedule tracking website — HillarySpeeches.com and WillHillaryWin.com — list a single event for her, as of Friday morning.

Hillary knows the media will do her bidding while she is away.
Yesterday the media wing of the Democrat party released several false accusations against Donald Trump and his family.
They know they can get away with it — Even if they are patently false (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/10/melania-trump-sends-people-mag-cease-desist-letter-not-even-friends-woman-article/).
Meanwhile — Donald Trump storms to the finish line (https://www.donaldjtrump.com/schedule).

14th October 2016, 04:58 PM
I spent 45 minutes in a waiting room today, and CNN was on the TV in the room, and it was nothing but how Trump said this mean thing, touched someone, was rude, mean, nasty, etc., etc. That's all it was. This is the first I've watched CNN for a long time, and it's disgusting what passes for "news" nowadays.

Burger World down here only have CNN also. I no longer visit there.

14th October 2016, 05:04 PM
Burger World down here only have CNN also. I no longer visit there.

Well, with Donald Trump as president, you need to stop visiting Burger world anyway. Wienerschnitzel makes more sense at this time.

14th October 2016, 06:08 PM
NEWS FLASH: Hillary does not poop.

There'd be nothing left of her if she did.

14th October 2016, 06:10 PM
I spent 45 minutes in a waiting room today, and CNN was on the TV in the room, and it was nothing but how Trump said this mean thing, touched someone, was rude, mean, nasty, etc., etc. That's all it was. This is the first I've watched CNN for a long time, and it's disgusting what passes for "news" nowadays.

Almost all of my news comes via the Drudge Report. I can't even bear to look at what is listed on Google "News" anymore - all Bolshevist propaganda. "Trump ate my children." "Trump gave me uncontrollable flatulence." "Hillary performed five miracles." And so on.

15th October 2016, 09:32 AM
Almost all of my news comes via the Drudge Report. I can't even bear to look at what is listed on Google "News" anymore - all Bolshevist propaganda. "Trump ate my children." "Trump gave me uncontrollable flatulence." "Hillary performed five miracles." And so on.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xlp1/v/t1.0-9/14705623_1148808551865829_5652742186245091999_n.jp g?oh=0889cb778d6324deb4bf83b3b9fa1f78&oe=58A3E53E&__gda__=1486146859_624faf427bf5c53ab2c12cecbd0852b 5