View Full Version : Prophecy of TRUMP!

13th October 2016, 07:00 PM
Just started watching this video, 1 hour, seems good!


13th October 2016, 07:35 PM

13th October 2016, 07:38 PM

Some guy is going to give his prophecy. I'm 20 minutes in and it is clips of about 6 "christian" missionaries and snippets of Trump speeches. And some dude with long hair as the the MC.

13th October 2016, 07:38 PM

Stopped watching it after 9 minutes!

Hey welcome back btw, long time no see

13th October 2016, 07:39 PM
Some guy is going to give his prophecy. I'm 20 minutes in and it is clips of about 6 "christian" missionaries and snippets of Trump speeches. And some dude with long hair as the the MC.

Sorry for luring you in!

13th October 2016, 07:49 PM
Here's the internet's prophesy of Trump:


13th October 2016, 09:27 PM
Just started watching this video, 1 hour, seems good!


Plenty of Jew-worship. And basing their "prophecies" upon the Talmudic calendar.

If anything, the video reinforces my decision to not vote for Trump. As Trump may end up being the anti-Christ.

13th October 2016, 09:55 PM
We must ask ourselves: does America deserve prosperity? Have we not sown what we are reaping?

Does America bless God?

Does America protect innocent lives, in particular, the lives of unborn children?

Does America honor righteous living and strong families?

Does America promote peace and goodness to all, as Christ would?

Is not Trump the worldly hope to give us what we think we deserve, despite our iniquities?

Is not Trump fighting against God's judgment of America, bringing tens of millions of Latinos who actually do love Him to this land?

Is not Trump the cheater's method to avoid doing what we must, if we wish to have God's favor once again?

13th October 2016, 10:07 PM
There is something uncanny about the Trump phenomena.

Whether it's something more than the populace craving an infusion of psychological testosterone or a shift in mass consciousness, or game theory or something deeper I don't know.

But he's touching on some previously untouchable stuff...

13th October 2016, 10:11 PM
There is something uncanny about the Trump phenomena.

Whether it's something more than the populace craving an infusion of psychological testosterone or a shift in mass consciousness, or game theory or something deeper I don't know.

But he's touching on some previously untouchable stuff...

After watching much of the OP video, I am troubled. The prophecy of the Anti-Christ is that he would deceive the masses. The masses know that Hillary Clinton is a lying crook, even if they still want to vote for her. But tens of millions support Trump, believing him to be a virtuous man who is our "answer" to "make America great again." He is our "hero" to "save" us. They are deceived, despite evidence to the contrary.

The "phenomenon" might not be holy in any sense.

13th October 2016, 10:35 PM
A couple of eyebrow-raising tidbits:

Trump Tower's true height is 203 meters - 666 feet.

666 Fifth Avenue is owned by Kushner Properties - yeah, that Kushner, Jared & Ivanka.

midnight rambler
13th October 2016, 10:56 PM
Where do you come up with 666 ft. in height for Trump Tower?? I checked and depending upon the source the height is stated as 663 or 664 ft. (202 meters = 663.73 ft.).

Get a grip Fred.

13th October 2016, 10:59 PM
Where do you come up with 666 ft. in height for Trump Tower?? I checked and depending upon the source the height is stated as 663 or 664 ft. (202 meters = 663.73 ft.).

Questions await you:

We must ask ourselves: does America deserve prosperity? Have we not sown what we are reaping?

Does America bless God?

Does America protect innocent lives, in particular, the lives of unborn children?

Does America honor righteous living and strong families?

Does America promote peace and goodness to all, as Christ would?

Is not Trump the worldly hope to give us what we think we deserve, despite our iniquities?

Is not Trump fighting against God's judgment of America, bringing tens of millions of Latinos who actually do love Him to this land?

Is not Trump the cheater's method to avoid doing what we must, if we wish to have God's favor once again?

midnight rambler
13th October 2016, 10:59 PM
You answer a question with questions. Nice.

13th October 2016, 11:02 PM
You answer a question with questions. Nice.

No source is going to convince you Trump Tower's real height is 666 meters.

The questions are self-explanatory, and were posted before you posted yours.

13th October 2016, 11:42 PM
Trump: I Don't Think I've Ever Asked God for Forgiveness


"If I do something wrong, I think I just try to make it right," Trump said. "I don't bring God into that picture. I don't.

13th October 2016, 11:58 PM
I said a prayer Wednesday night, asking God to show me if I am wrong, and if He wanted me to support (vote for) Trump as His instrument in this world.

I guess Neuro was the vehicle by which God gave me the answer.

14th October 2016, 12:43 AM
I guess Neuro was the vehicle by which God gave me the answer.

How can that be when Neuro is an atheistic hairy Muslim masseuse also ???

hmmm mysterious ways...

14th October 2016, 01:39 AM
How can that be when Neuro is an atheistic hairy Muslim masseuse also ???

hmmm mysterious ways...

#1) Neuro is neither a Mooslim nor an atheist.
#2) God can even use a Jew like you to do His will.

14th October 2016, 02:53 AM
I said a prayer Wednesday night, asking God to show me if I am wrong, and if He wanted me to support (vote for) Trump as His instrument in this world.

I guess Neuro was the vehicle by which God gave me the answer.

Said a prayer? What are you, a tibetan catholic? Try living a prayer.

Questions await you:

We must ask ourselves: does America deserve prosperity? Have we not sown what we are reaping?

Does America bless God?

Does America protect innocent lives, in particular, the lives of unborn children?

Does America honor righteous living and strong families?

Does America promote peace and goodness to all, as Christ would?

Is not Trump the worldly hope to give us what we think we deserve, despite our iniquities?

Is not Trump fighting against God's judgment of America, bringing tens of millions of Latinos who actually do love Him to this land?

Is not Trump the cheater's method to avoid doing what we must, if we wish to have God's favor once again?

Trump is the only one to stop abortion.
Trump is the only one pro-family.
Trump is the only one for rule of law.
Trump wants less taxes and smaller government= less beast.

Sure he lacks principles and lived a life of low class, hedonistic, narcissistic stupidity. He seems to have matured a bit in his old age.

Real simple. Either clinton or trump . Clinton is a clever devil. Trump seems to be a dope doing many of the right things.

14th October 2016, 03:00 AM
#1) Neuro is neither a Mooslim nor an atheist.

Not particularly hairy nor masseuse either...

7th trump
14th October 2016, 05:35 AM
Trump: I Don't Think I've Ever Asked God for Forgiveness


"If I do something wrong, I think I just try to make it right," Trump said. "I don't bring God into that picture. I don't.

By making it right without bringing God into the picture then Trump is way ahead of the flock.
Now whether or not what he did was a direct sin against God will make all the difference on a particular level. But lest ye forget....Trump will answer to his personal sins against God....that's between him and God....not you or a nation to judge. You will answer to yours like I will answer to mine.
Now I do not think God is going to judge America under Trumps leadership because of Trump personal past....which is what you are trying to make a point of.

If you ever happen to look at all that God asks us not do...its a mix. The ten commandments are one such example. Some are commandments that directly relate between you and God and some are social commandments between us.

I think Trump for the most part is a good man. He learns just as we do as life progresses....life lessons. Lets face it Trump has been blessed with wealth, he has morals and he is a strong leader by example. I don't see him lying about his past to cover it up, but apologizes for the wrongs hes done openly.
He knows and has what it takes to turn this train wreck around to stop the one world movement that nobody (maybe Reagan) has done....because its all economics and Trump know a bad deal when he sees one....hes stuck with dealing with it like we all are, but he wants to make a change for the better.
Trump knows who the enemies are (he's dealt with them business wise) and Trump is in a position to lose everything he has built up to the beast system when the jew commy's try and take America. Knowing who they are he can precisely take them out of the picture....and this is the reason the establishment doesn't want him in office. Everyone of the politicians who are in his party and doesn't want Trump in office is in collusion with the enemy and they are scared Trump exposes them.

Before Saul became Paul, Saul prosecuted Christians until God one day touched him and changed him into Paul. Look what Paul did for the Christians. I wouldn't judge someone so early or so poorly based on his long ago past.
Nothing cant be accomplished with God involved. If God looks upon Trump the way He did to Saul then theres nothing Trump cant do until God calls Trump home.
Trump without God is a strong sturdy leader that America hasn't seen since Reagan....with God....look out you filthy liberals and NWO fools.
And I know that God is looking at the Trump movement because those pro Trump want a change and believe Trump can do it. What you are witnessing is a nation yearning for a better change and the People are flocking to see their only hope for them.

14th October 2016, 10:03 AM
our nation needs his business leadership, most ofthe things he touches turns to gold. he makes jobs, makes wealth.

He is a alpha male, a man with the faults of a man. He likes women. He should not apologize for that.

14th October 2016, 10:29 AM
Said a prayer? What are you, a tibetan catholic? Try living a prayer.

Wow, sophistry much?

"And he said unto them, When ye pray, say..."

Trump is the only one to stop abortion.
Trump is the only one pro-family.
Trump is the only one for rule of law.
Trump wants less taxes and smaller government= less beast.

Spectrism BELIEVES Trump is the only to stop abortion.
Trump is the only one pro-family...which is why he's been married three times, and has had dozens of affairs and "encounters" with women not his wife.
Trump is the only one for rule of (man's) law.
Spectrism BELIEVES Trump wants less taxes and smaller government.

Real simple. Either clinton or trump .

I choose the third option. You should, too.

14th October 2016, 10:34 AM
our nation needs his business leadership, most ofthe things he touches turns to gold. he makes jobs, makes wealth.

Born in Jew York City, raised in Jew York City, runs his empire from Jew York City, and is purely a product of Jew York City and its "finance" monstrosity.

If we go by wealth, might as well install George Soros as President.

He is a alpha male, a man with the faults of a man. He likes women.

An Alpha male is a leader. Trump looks just like any ordinary low-class, low-life creep when it comes to character. A brute with lots of money, not a gentleman.

14th October 2016, 10:34 AM
our nation needs his business leadership, most ofthe things he touches turns to gold. he makes jobs, makes wealth.

He is a alpha male, a man with the faults of a man. He likes women. He should not apologize for that.

the only thing Trump needs to apologize for is abusing U.S. business laws, he wont though he is proud of that type of swagger.

Making "gold" by refining fellow human skulls is not christian.

14th October 2016, 10:35 AM
We have two choices, stay with the established politicians or try something different. Yeah, it takes guts and a large amount of trust in someone who is very different than what we're used to.

14th October 2016, 10:38 AM
the only thing Trump needs to apologize for is abusing U.S. business laws, he wont though he is proud of that type of swagger.

Making "gold" by refining fellow human skulls is not christian.

As a businessman he took advantage of the laws, I don't see where he 'abused' them. He's admitted that plenty of times. His point is he knows more about them than any politician (I firmly believe that) and he knows how to fix it (since he won't be needing them any longer as POTUS)

What's next? His 'pussy' comment? knock yourself out!

14th October 2016, 11:09 AM
If he was not abusing the law, why would he deny any bright young capitalist the same future permitted to him?

He is guilty of heinous crimes towards humanity either way, akin to spacejunk.

Both are criminal minds though less severe.

14th October 2016, 11:16 AM
Sorry for luring you in!

I fell asleep listening!

14th October 2016, 11:23 AM

Trump got previews of the wikileak dumps? :rolleyes:

14th October 2016, 11:36 AM
We must ask ourselves: does America deserve prosperity? Have we not sown what we are reaping?

Does America bless God?

Does America protect innocent lives, in particular, the lives of unborn children?

Does America honor righteous living and strong families?

Does America promote peace and goodness to all, as Christ would?

Is not Trump the worldly hope to give us what we think we deserve, despite our iniquities?

Is not Trump fighting against God's judgment of America, bringing tens of millions of Latinos who actually do love Him to this land?

Is not Trump the cheater's method to avoid doing what we must, if we wish to have God's favor once again?

For a CHILD IS BORN to us, and a son is given to us, and the government is upon his shoulder... (Isaiah 9:6)

Let every soul be subject to higher powers. For there is no power but from God: and those that are ordained of God. (Romans 13:1)

(an interpretive translation: Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.)

All legitimate governments are upon his shoulders, even pagan and otherwise non-Christian ones. Nations are judged by how they operate, and how they treat and protect their citizens. They are also judged on their acknowledgement and loyalty to Jesus Christ. Our 50 nation states are not completely lacking in that regards (varies by the State), but certainly could be improved.

I think Donald Trump can legitimately fall under this umbrella.

14th October 2016, 11:47 AM
everything works in reverse, what people associate with "security" is the way "enslavement" is produced by society (jesus' temptation in the desert is the best allegory ever)...

security is only validated by "self responsibility" and the "respect for creation".... all the rest comes down to taking more than what one puts in.

and meanwhile:


14th October 2016, 11:51 AM
everything works in reverse, what people associate with "security" is the way "enslavement" is produced by society (jesus' temptation in the desert is the best allegory ever)...

security is only validated by "self responsibility" and the "respect for creation".... all the rest comes down to taking more than what one puts is.

and meanwhile:


Money is a big religion. Power is bigger.

14th October 2016, 11:54 AM
one cannot achieve power without money... because money is what brings about fear and fear is the best tool of power. money is the instrument to achieve power

Money is a big religion. Power is bigger.

14th October 2016, 11:55 AM
one cannot achieve power without money... because money is what brings about fear and fear is the best tool of power. money is the instrument to achieve power

rock, scissor, paper.

14th October 2016, 12:06 PM
while also providing freedom.

nobody should be preying upon a commodity, rather admire for value from an arms length grasp.

THE LAW should not permit speculative type trading upon commodity.

14th October 2016, 12:14 PM
precisely why capitalism is doomed to remain predatory...

good remark, Horn, anybody grasping this is on her/his path to enlightenment. Life is a god given gift and nobody will never profit from it... unless one is the devil of course

THE LAW should not permit speculation upon commodity.

14th October 2016, 12:16 PM

Do you worship Horn? :)

14th October 2016, 12:26 PM
I'll just leave this right here


14th October 2016, 12:29 PM
I have set aside a special place in purgatory's basement for JQP. :)

14th October 2016, 12:41 PM
I have set aside a special place in purgatory's basement for JQP. :)

Didn't the pope shut down purgatory some years back?

14th October 2016, 12:45 PM
Didn't the pope shut down purgatory some years back?

That must've been a Round Pope, all the new ones are Flat...

14th October 2016, 12:50 PM
That must've been a Round Pope, all the new ones are Flat...

Oh sorry, my bad. They eliminated limbo after 800 years but kept purgatory (I though they were the same but I digress). So, where did all the unbaptized babies that were there go? I'm presuming heaven


14th October 2016, 01:29 PM
Oh sorry, my bad. They eliminated limbo after 800 years but kept purgatory (I though they were the same but I digress). So, where did all the unbaptized babies that were there go? I'm presuming heaven


huh, there is that magical number of 800 again, thats the same 800 mill oz. of gold demanded for every year...

14th October 2016, 01:39 PM
can Puerto Ricans vote?

14th October 2016, 01:41 PM
can Puerto Ricans vote?

can they afford the paper for ballots?

14th October 2016, 01:42 PM
can Puerto Ricans vote? Seeing they are citizans and all but not a state, yes they can..!

14th October 2016, 01:42 PM
can they afford the paper for ballots?

Gots rocks ?

14th October 2016, 01:44 PM
Gots rocks ?

Is that you dogman? In avatar?

14th October 2016, 01:47 PM
Is that you dogman? In avatar?


Tho more furry now !

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Forum runner

14th October 2016, 01:53 PM

Tho more furry now !

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Forum runner

Teddy bear hugs!

midnight rambler
14th October 2016, 01:59 PM
Seeing they are citizans and all but not a state, yes they can..!

Like the other territories they can vote in the primaries but not in the general election.

16th October 2016, 01:23 PM
nobody should be preying upon a commodity, rather admire for value from an arms length grasp.

THE LAW should not permit speculative type trading upon commodity.
You anti-Semite! What should the Jews do then? Just lay down and die? Not all of them are literary geniuses like (((Bob Dylan))).

9th November 2016, 08:27 PM
“We have created thousands of jobs for people that maybe wouldn’t have jobs.
I suspect that we’ve just created a certain amount of happiness in many houses where instead of going on a welfare line, people have now come home with a nice paycheck.
I think in a sense, maybe I was put on earth to help fulfill that function – and I think that’s an important function.”

Donald Trump 1980

9th November 2016, 09:23 PM
I said a prayer Wednesday night, asking God to show me if I am wrong, and if He wanted me to support (vote for) Trump as His instrument in this world.

I guess Neuro was the vehicle by which God gave me the answer.
Did you vote?

9th November 2016, 10:44 PM
Who knew?


9th November 2016, 11:32 PM
Who knew?


Many people, journalists and politicians, were speculating publicly about Osama Bin Ladens next terror move in the late 90's. Trump didn't say that aeroplanes would fly into WTC's. He said that the WTC bombing in 1993 would look like child's play. I think in '98 or '99 Clinton sent a dozen or so of Tomahawk missiles to Afghanistan allegedly trying to take Osama out.

Funny though one of the commenters said Obama instead of Osama.


10th November 2016, 12:23 AM
Many people, journalists and politicians, were speculating publicly about Osama Bin Ladens next terror move in the late 90's. Trump didn't say that aeroplanes would fly into WTC's. He said that the WTC bombing in 1993 would look like child's play. I think in '98 or '99 Clinton sent a dozen or so of Tomahawk missiles to Afghanistan allegedly trying to take Osama out.

Funny though one of the commenters said Obama instead of Osama.

yes, it wasn't in any movies that planes would crash, except one of the gibson glover movies I think.... and a card game. But for those buildings, not the Statue of Liberty/Isis to be regularly identified as a potential target. Not even the empire state which arguably was better known.

10th November 2016, 03:02 AM
Did you vote?

I did not. I still stand by my "if voting could change things, it would be illegal" stance. I de-registered years ago, and despite the purely emotional draw for me to re-register, I successfully resisted.

Nonetheless, I did "participate" in defeating Her Majesty. :)

10th November 2016, 04:02 AM
I did not. I still stand by my "if voting could change things, it would be illegal" stance. I de-registered years ago, and despite the purely emotional draw for me to re-register, I successfully resisted.

Nonetheless, I did "participate" in defeating Her Majesty. :)


>Implying voting doesn't matter

midnight rambler
10th November 2016, 05:50 AM
yes, it wasn't in any movies that planes would crash, except one of the gibson glover movies I think.... and a card game. But for those buildings, not the Statue of Liberty/Isis to be regularly identified as a potential target. Not even the empire state which arguably was better known.

"No one ever imagined airliners being used as missiles to bring down buildings." --Condolezza Rice

No one?? ???


Could imagine?? ???


10th November 2016, 05:58 AM
"No one ever imagined airliners being used as missiles to bring down buildings." --Condolezza Rice

No one?? ???

Could imagine?? ???

thats right, no one could have known except for all the people who might have known. ;)

21st November 2016, 06:36 PM


Some interesting things here.