View Full Version : Top Obama adviser suggests Hillary Clinton SKIP final debate

16th October 2016, 11:56 AM

David Axelrod, one of President Barack Obama's top strategists, floated the idea that maybe Hillary Clinton should skip the final presidential debate.

'Drug testing?!? You have to wonder if @HillaryClinton will/should reconsider next debate, given the depths to which this has sunk,' the political operative who helped Obama get to the White House twice tweeted Saturday.

Axelrod was referring to comments Clinton's Republican rival Donald Trump made on the campaign trail earlier that day.


After Trump's first case of the sniffles, former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, a medical doctor, suggested the billionaire was on drugs.

'Notice Trump sniffing all the time. Coke user?' Dean, a supporter of Clinton's, tweeted.

After the second debate 'Star Wars' actress (((Carrie Fisher))) made the same allegation.

'I'm an expert & ABSOLUTELY,' Fisher replied when a fan tweeted at her to ask if Trump was on coke.

16th October 2016, 03:22 PM
I'm an expert & ABSOLUTELY,' Fisher replied when a fan tweeted at her to ask if Trump was on coke.
Sounds like Fisher is on cocain actually...

16th October 2016, 03:30 PM
Sounds like Fisher is on cocain actually...

Very few Skype "celebrities" in Holowood don't use cocaine or something similar.
