View Full Version : Still Do Not See Any Nazi?

16th October 2016, 12:01 PM
so please allow me to state the following: if one's stance is the counter-reaction to LIE or endorses a lie to validate one's stance, then the latter doesnt hold any water at all, is completely bunk or empty.

Only Truth stands by itself. All lies on this planet validate one another... so what is left is nothing because they all void one another: singularity, or back to square one... the One.

Still Do Not See Any Nazi? Ukrainian Neo-Nazi 'Nationalists' Stage Massive March In Kiev
16 October 2016 GMT


On Friday, several thousand Ukrainian ultranationalists descended onto the streets of Kiev to mark Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) day, dedicated to the 74th anniversary of the founding of the WWII-era Nazi collaborationist organization.

Ukrainian media reported that up to 5,000 radicals from organizations including the Azov Regiment, the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), Right Sector and the Svoboda Party gathered to celebrate the holiday, which coincides with the Day of Ukrainian Cossacks and Defender of Ukraine Day, the latter holiday invented in 2014 to replace the ‘Defender of the Fatherland Day’, celebrated in most post-Soviet countries on February 23.

The nationalists walked through the streets, holding torches and flares, throwing smoke bombs, chanting nationalist slogans, beating drums and holding the flags of ultranationalist and neo-fascist organizations.’



16th October 2016, 12:33 PM
no wonder skype are so busy destroying ukr's right to self determination

16th October 2016, 01:47 PM
But they say Putin is Hitler. So here you have a bunch of perfect Nazi's refusing at the point of a gun to pledge allegiance to Hitler, because he is Russian?

Well Dear Ukrainian Nazi's, Adolf Hitler was Germanic-Austrian. He had far less in common with you folks, than Vlad Putin does. Ukraine is not even a real country. It has almost always been a part of Russia. If you had any brains you would get behind Vlad. But you are not even real Nazi's. You are Zionazi's, bought and payed for by the nigger in the White House, taking the orders from Israeli lobby. You will just be a parenthesis in history just like 'Ukraine', a region of Russia, with a Russian dialect made into a "language"...

16th October 2016, 03:03 PM
no wonder skype are so busy destroying ukr's right to self determination

The Skypes want Ukraine and southern Russia so they can reestablish their Kingdom of Khazaria. They want a third fortress, since "Israel" is not defensible, and they have a chance of losing America.

16th October 2016, 03:08 PM
But they say Putin is Hitler. So here you have a bunch of perfect Nazi's refusing at the point of a gun to pledge allegiance to Hitler, because he is Russian?

Well Dear Ukrainian Nazi's, Adolf Hitler was Germanic-Austrian. He had far less in common with you folks, than Vlad Putin does. Ukraine is not even a real country. It has almost always been a part of Russia. If you had any brains you would get behind Vlad. But you are not even real Nazi's. You are Zionazi's, bought and payed for by the nigger in the White House, taking the orders from Israeli lobby. You will just be a parenthesis in history just like 'Ukraine', a region of Russia, with a Russian dialect made into a "language"...

My grandmother was from Ukraine ("Little Russia"). I consider Great Russians (those in Russia proper) to be brothers of mine. Like you say, "Ukraine" is not really a country. It is akin to Bavaria within Germany and Texas within America. Ukrainians speak a dialect of Russian, and their culture is shared with Russians and Belorussians with regional variation. And, as you know, Russia was founded in Kiev.

Only the degenerate Ukrainians want to ally with the degenerate "West." Ironically, they include the extreme "patriotic" (so-called "neo-Nazi") Ukrainians who insist on seeing Ukraine as a nation-state instead of a state/province of the three Russias. Only a nut wants to be part of the EUSSR and the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization. Without Soros, et. al., funding it, their numbers would be minimal, too.

7th trump
16th October 2016, 07:18 PM
My grandmother was from Ukraine ("Little Russia"). I consider Great Russians (those in Russia proper) to be brothers of mine. Like you say, "Ukraine" is not really a country. It is akin to Bavaria within Germany and Texas within America. Ukrainians speak a dialect of Russian, and their culture is shared with Russians and Belorussians with regional variation. And, as you know, Russia was founded in Kiev.

Only the degenerate Ukrainians want to ally with the degenerate "West." Ironically, they include the extreme "patriotic" (so-called "neo-Nazi") Ukrainians who insist on seeing Ukraine as a nation-state instead of a state/province of the three Russias. Only a nut wants to be part of the EUSSR and the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization. Without Soros, et. al., funding it, their numbers would be minimal, too.

Was wondering why you defend communism.

You and Midnight are both russians....that hate the freedoms of America.

16th October 2016, 10:28 PM
Was wondering why you defend communism.

You and Midnight are both russians....that hate the freedoms of America.

Fuck off, Mystery Babylon cocksucker.

My grandmother and her family were victims of Jewish Communism. Your American President, Franklin Delano Rosenfeld, "recognized" Stalin's regime while his Jewish commissars were starving Ukrainians to death. Your American Jewsmedia, the Jew York Times, flat-out denied the genocide was going on.

Your deserve a bat in the face for accusing me of "defending communism." The Communist nest is in your dear America's real capital, Jew York City.

The "freedoms of America":




THAT is what your America has forced upon the world.

16th October 2016, 10:53 PM
Was wondering why you defend communism.

You and Midnight are both russians....that hate the freedoms of America.

Ethnicity=Ideology? That's why I am almost a communist, in your brainless model of the world, because Sweden is geographically close to Russia?

You really are a moron extraordinaire in a league by yourself, second to none!

17th October 2016, 12:59 PM
Was wondering why you defend communism.

You and Midnight are both russians....that hate the freedoms of America.

You mad bro?

17th October 2016, 01:51 PM
I wonder if 7th trump is a negro... he has major uncontrolled anger like a negro, and he is perpetually angry, like the American negro who is perpetually angry because his skin is not white... He tries to marry blond girls but his skin is still black, and if they have kids he leaves because his sprog kid is black and not blond.


7th trump
17th October 2016, 03:07 PM
Fuck off, Mystery Babylon cocksucker.

My grandmother and her family were victims of Jewish Communism. Your American President, Franklin Delano Rosenfeld, "recognized" Stalin's regime while his Jewish commissars were starving Ukrainians to death. Your American Jewsmedia, the Jew York Times, flat-out denied the genocide was going on.

Your deserve a bat in the face for accusing me of "defending communism." The Communist nest is in your dear America's real capital, Jew York City.

The "freedoms of America":




THAT is what your America has forced upon the world.

Fuck you liar...you've been defending communism and defending that traitor fuck midnight and his anti American rhetoric bullshit.
Dont like me or being here asshole then leave and go back to russia and Putin if they are so freaken great.

By the way asshole the marxism you're defending brought this country the gays, abortion and race mixing and much more because they ahd to conquer from within because russia is a shit hole that cant ever beat America.

7th trump
17th October 2016, 03:11 PM
Ethnicity=Ideology? That's why I am almost a communist, in your brainless model of the world, because Sweden is geographically close to Russia?

You really are a moron extraordinaire in a league by yourself, second to none!

Dont you have a muslim wife to tend to?

7th trump
17th October 2016, 03:12 PM
I wonder if 7th trump is a negro... he has major uncontrolled anger like a negro, and he is perpetually angry, like the American negro who is perpetually angry because his skin is not white... He tries to marry blond girls but his skin is still black, and if they have kids he leaves because his sprog kid is black and not blond.

Nope not black.
However, I beleive you are a lesbo or just another cunt that cant get a man.

17th October 2016, 05:30 PM
Dont like me or being here asshole then leave and go back to russia and Putin if they are so freaken great.

I've never been to Russia, Kosher cocksucker.

By the way asshole the marxism you're defending brought this country the gays, abortion and race mixing and much more because they ahd to conquer from within because russia is a shit hole that cant ever beat America.

The Jewish banks in your dear "American" Jew York Shitty are how Marxism was able to dominate the world.

I so look forward to the mushroom clouds over Jew York Shitty and the District of Corruption.

Embrace your "government" of "President" Obama and Uncle Shmuel. You know you want to!

But beware of God's righteous judgement on your Satanic idol, Amaruca.

17th October 2016, 05:31 PM
In the face of this fact, is there not some justification for the opinion that the United States owe their very existence to the Jews? And if this be so, how much more can it be asserted that Jewish influence made the United States just what they are—that is, American? For what we call Americanism is nothing else, if we may say so, than the Jewish spirit distilled.

Werner Sombart

17th October 2016, 05:59 PM
Pretty sure all Nazi are bought and paid for, well those that are old/wise enough to know how silly they all look lined up like lemmings in brown shirts.

Goy = Nazi in hebrew.

17th October 2016, 06:04 PM

Pretty sure all Nazi are bought and paid for, well those that are old/wise enough to know how silly they all look lined up like lemmings in brown shirts.

Thank you for sharing (((Horn))).

17th October 2016, 06:23 PM
Thank you for sharing (((Horn))).

There goes jewboo again,

Rallying around his Bill of Right Freedoms that distinguishes him from other members of the global goy nazi network - GGNN :)

7th trump
17th October 2016, 06:55 PM
I've never been to Russia, Kosher cocksucker.

The Jewish banks in your dear "American" Jew York Shitty are how Marxism was able to dominate the world.

I so look forward to the mushroom clouds over Jew York Shitty and the District of Corruption.

Embrace your "government" of "President" Obama and Uncle Shmuel. You know you want to!

But beware of God's righteous judgement on your Satanic idol, Amaruca.

Banks cant do it alone.

What you dont seem to understand because you have a marxist slong in your mouth is that America is the "wilderness" and also "the land with out walls" (read that bible dickhead).
Everything will have a judgment, but for some reason you have this idiotic idea that because a few bad people have infiltrated the government (your beloved jews) that all of America is going to get a bad judgement. With that being said you are saying God isnt a just God, but an evil God.
And on the flip side of this your beloved russia (who your prop up as a great one) will not get any judgement because even though Putin (ex KGB, who helped with this inflitration of America, and the world, to impliment filth to destroy it) has some how made russia blessed?
Funny I never read anywhere where Putin has outlawed Communism, but yet the fool is allied with China and every other communist country in the world.
God makes you into the idiot you are....for you shall know them for the fruits they bare.......Hmmm Putin loves him some communist allies.

You really think I'm dumb enough to believe your silly worthless shit?
Jokes on you asshole....the Bible doesnt lie!

17th October 2016, 07:29 PM
There goes jewboo again,

Rallying around his Bill of Right Freedoms that distinguishes him from other members of the global goy nazi network - GGNN


Your Costa Rica Synagogue get soggy during the recent storms (((Horn))) ?


17th October 2016, 07:40 PM
Jewboo vs horn..

Reminds me of a old marred couple.. The dam thing is they have known each other as long as some married foke..

We all see the problems, but may differ with the solutions desired, most will not float in today's society.. But what the hell , it is fun to tear at our brothers throats..


Tho will admit horn is into the twilight zone mostly, but understandable, I just wish I had access to the shit he is smoking..

Peace bro's


The nation is under a political storm watch..



17th October 2016, 09:10 PM

Your Costa Rica Synagogue get soggy during the recent storms (((Horn))) ?

Not as rich as the Washington DC synagogue, but the comradery is great and so is the weed.

18th October 2016, 01:41 AM
Jokes on you asshole....the Bible doesnt lie!

No, it doesn't. But you do.

7th trump
18th October 2016, 04:14 AM
No, it doesn't. But you do.

Dont be a schmuck shlong sucker. Dont just accuse me of lying like a professional jew kike...show everyone here where I have lied?

18th October 2016, 12:22 PM
Dogman's masonic Nazi brethren wouldn't permit him to partake individualistically of any goods....

Certainly Not without his Dogman papers...

18th October 2016, 12:23 PM
This thread really delivers!

18th October 2016, 12:36 PM
Jewboo vs horn..

Reminds me of a old marred couple.. The dam thing is they have known each other as long as some married foke..

We all see the problems, but may differ with the solutions desired, most will not float in today's society.. But what the hell , it is fun to tear at our brothers throats..


Tho will admit horn is into the twilight zone mostly, but understandable, I just wish I had access to the shit he is smoking..

Peace bro's


The nation is under a political storm watch..



When i first joined [book] jewboo and horn were going at it every day.

I actually thought they were friends trying to get under each others nerves just for kicks and giggles.

Back then they both had cool nerves and their retorts were fabulous, witty, cold and without feeling.

Now as they age you can tell they actually do get under each others nerves... Funny.

18th October 2016, 12:47 PM
When i first joined [book] jewboo and horn were going at it every day.

I actually thought they were friends trying to get under each others nerves just for kicks and giggles.

Back then they both had cool nerves and their retorts were fabulous, witty, cold and without feeling.

Now as they age you can tell they actually do get under each others nerves... Funny.

Horn has that long-term effect on people... :)

18th October 2016, 01:03 PM
When i first joined [book]...


:) Ximmy was once fun too...way back when she was still in her 20s.

18th October 2016, 01:06 PM

:) Ximmy was once fun too...way back when she was still in her 20s.

LOL... the good ol days...

18th October 2016, 01:19 PM
if neuro was still a mod, I would close this thread.

no, seriously this thread has turned into junk. It was an occasion for some to explain themselves and debate the external coercion behind any extremist movements. And of course, I meant in the OP that without this coercion, extreme right/left wouldnt have never existed.

18th October 2016, 01:25 PM
if neuro was still a mod, I would close this thread.

no, seriously this thread has turned into junk. It was an occasion for some to explain themselves and debate the external coercion behind any extremist movements. And of course, I meant in the OP that without this coercion, extreme right/left wouldnt have never existed.

Stay mellow, 70% of the threads here derail... sometimes they get back on track...

here, have a snickers...

18th October 2016, 01:33 PM
if neuro was still a mod, I would close this thread. no, seriously this thread has turned into junk. It was an occasion for some to explain themselves....



Oh. Tutsi Zionist Goldissima started this thread about "Nazis" and it didn't go her way.


18th October 2016, 01:36 PM
if neuro was still a mod, I would close this thread.

no, seriously this thread has turned into junk. It was an occasion for some to explain themselves and debate the external coercion behind any extremist movements. And of course, I meant in the OP that without this coercion, extreme right/left wouldnt have never existed.

Of course, you can't stand views opposing your own, that's why you feel the need to censor discussions.

It is very interesting though, your statement if I was still a moderator, you would have closed down this thread, but not now, because you would know that I would re-open the thread. It looks like you are just an attention-seeking whore.

18th October 2016, 01:43 PM
if neuro was still a mod, I would close this thread.


He puts the lotion on Nazi skin...

18th October 2016, 01:47 PM
He puts the lotion on Nazi skin...

"It" puts the lotion on...

18th October 2016, 03:01 PM
if neuro was still a mod, I would close this thread. no, seriously this thread has turned into junk.



18th October 2016, 03:34 PM
Jokes on you asshole....the Bible doesnt lie!

It was written and has always been controlled by man...

18th October 2016, 04:36 PM
first you dont address my 2 cents in the OP. That the so called far right/left need the zionists to exist, and otherwise.

then you dont understand my tongue in the cheek, that I was teasing you

have you noticed that I have been posting much less for a few months now? But sure even people who dont post much but are **out of the box** get much more noticeable. Sorry.

I miss IOWNme a lot these days. Never interacted much with him but he could for sure shake some threes

Of course, you can't stand views opposing your own, that's why you feel the need to censor discussions.

It is very interesting though, your statement if I was still a moderator, you would have closed down this thread, but not now, because you would know that I would re-open the thread. It looks like you are just an attention-seeking whore.

18th October 2016, 04:44 PM
you have become so predictable book, but hey, guess what? you are an attaching troll.

big hug to you

Oh. Tutsi Zionist Goldissima started this thread about "Nazis" and it didn't go her way.


18th October 2016, 04:59 PM
big hug to you

only after you make me dat sammich.


18th October 2016, 10:33 PM
first you dont address my 2 cents in the OP. That the so called far right/left need the zionists to exist, and otherwise

First of all, you didn't make that point in the OP. I made it in post #3, and you failed to address it, so this is a total inversion of truth.

Why are you lying, forked tongue in cheeks wicked witch?

18th October 2016, 10:36 PM
only after you make me dat sammich.


From Goldie with Love...

19th October 2016, 07:43 AM
There appears to be an impression here that your overlord and jewish Nazi directors are taking you towards some goal.

When in reality they have perfected the art of making you run in circles and eat your own shit sandwich.

19th October 2016, 12:29 PM
sorry my statement in the OP is serious, sorry you didnt get it. Your post #3 is just a rant while the image in the OP clearly gives an idea as WHO is behind the surge of the so-called far right.

First of all, you didn't make that point in the OP. I made it in post #3, and you failed to address it, so this is a total inversion of truth.

Why are you lying, forked tongue in cheeks wicked witch?

19th October 2016, 03:17 PM
sorry I statement in the OP is serious, sorry you didnt get it. Your post #3 is just a rant while the image in the OP clearly gives an idea as WHO is behind the surge of the so-called far right.

My original written post was a "rant" which actually brought up Zionist control of the "nationalists" of Ukraine, while your pasted op post said nothing of what you propose, but somehow you read into the image of it some Zionist control of right wing groups in Ukraine...

Twisting and distortion of truth is your obvious memorandum. You are even trying to rewrite history, that is obvious for anyone with a pair of eyes to see.

You really have no intellectual honesty! Blatant lying.

19th October 2016, 05:52 PM
the best enemy money can buy, ever heard of it.

sure and anybody seeing this is a liar, a sorcerer/witch, etc.

have fun

My original written post was a "rant" which actually brought up Zionist control of the "nationalists" of Ukraine, while your pasted op post said nothing of what you propose, but somehow you read into the image of it some Zionist control of right wing groups in Ukraine...

Twisting and distortion of truth is your obvious memorandum. You are even trying to rewrite history, that is obvious for anyone with a pair of eyes to see.

You really have no intellectual honesty! Blatant lying.

19th October 2016, 09:06 PM
so please allow me to state the following: if one's stance is the counter-reaction to LIE or endorses a lie to validate one's stance, then the latter doesnt hold any water at all, is completely bunk or empty.

Only Truth stands by itself. All lies on this planet validate one another... so what is left is nothing because they all void one another: singularity, or back to square one... the One.

Still Do Not See Any Nazi? Ukrainian Neo-Nazi 'Nationalists' Stage Massive March In Kiev
16 October 2016 GMT


On Friday, several thousand Ukrainian ultranationalists descended onto the streets of Kiev to mark Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) day, dedicated to the 74th anniversary of the founding of the WWII-era Nazi collaborationist organization.

Ukrainian media reported that up to 5,000 radicals from organizations including the Azov Regiment, the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), Right Sector and the Svoboda Party gathered to celebrate the holiday, which coincides with the Day of Ukrainian Cossacks and Defender of Ukraine Day, the latter holiday invented in 2014 to replace the ‘Defender of the Fatherland Day’, celebrated in most post-Soviet countries on February 23.

The nationalists walked through the streets, holding torches and flares, throwing smoke bombs, chanting nationalist slogans, beating drums and holding the flags of ultranationalist and neo-fascist organizations.’


Goldie where do you see the Zionists in this op post of yours mentioned even implicitly? You just make up shit?

19th October 2016, 10:12 PM
But they say Putin is Hitler. So here you have a bunch of perfect Nazi's refusing at the point of a gun to pledge allegiance to Hitler, because he is Russian?

Well Dear Ukrainian Nazi's, Adolf Hitler was Germanic-Austrian. He had far less in common with you folks, than Vlad Putin does. Ukraine is not even a real country. It has almost always been a part of Russia. If you had any brains you would get behind Vlad. But you are not even real Nazi's. You are Zionazi's, bought and payed for by the nigger in the White House, taking the orders from Israeli lobby. You will just be a parenthesis in history just like 'Ukraine', a region of Russia, with a Russian dialect made into a "language"...

Twist and Turn!

first you dont address my 2 cents in the OP. That the so called far right/left need the zionists to exist, and otherwise

First of all, you didn't make that point in the OP. I made it in post #3, and you failed to address it, so this is a total inversion of truth.

Lying two-faced cuntkike!