View Full Version : David's Coin Roll Hunting Thread

17th October 2016, 11:43 AM
MY Finds: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5Mm7SaBcz7I5l64fGjMFyg

Subscribe if you enjoyed: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5Mm7SaBcz7I5l64fGjMFyg

17th October 2016, 11:45 AM

17th October 2016, 02:17 PM
What do I get for donating?

166 subscribers • 20,437 views
Joined Feb 17, 2012


Email me for questions or if you would like to donate at djdjdavvad2@gmail.com Thanks everyone for the support! Silversearcher/Silver Searcher/HalvesHunter

17th October 2016, 04:03 PM
What do I get for donating?

He offers us a valuable service with his informative viddies...

17th October 2016, 04:10 PM
He offers us a valuable service with his informative viddies...

4.5 years and 5 vids. I didn't watch any. Did he find a silver half? Are people still buying rolls searching for wilver?

17th October 2016, 04:53 PM
Guy gotta do what a guy gots to do..


17th October 2016, 05:04 PM
Guy gotta do what a guy gots to do..


Dogman, I would donate two bits to you. ;D

17th October 2016, 05:23 PM
Dogman, I would donate two bits to you. ;D

Can you get a coffiee for two bits anymore ?


17th October 2016, 05:41 PM
Can you get a coffiee for two bits anymore ?


Silver bits would do it.

17th October 2016, 05:57 PM
4.5 years and 5 vids. I didn't watch any. Did he find a silver half? Are people still buying rolls searching for wilver?

No joke - got a merc dime in circulation last weekend. I don't do roll hunting anymore, but every now and then you get lucky and just find one.

17th October 2016, 06:07 PM
No joke - got a merc dime in circulation last weekend. I don't do roll hunting anymore, but every now and then you get lucky and just find one.

It has been a long time since I have found some in circulation. Congrats on the score.

18th October 2016, 09:15 AM
My Finds, I got over 20 today!! : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCoH8XtolgM

Subscribe If You Enjoyed: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5Mm7SaBcz7I5l64fGjMFyg

18th October 2016, 09:31 AM
Fried/baked/lightly battered or just out of the can ?

Sliced or diced ?



18th October 2016, 10:53 AM
My Finds, I got over 20 today!! : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCoH8XtolgM

Subscribe If You Enjoyed: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5Mm7SaBcz7I5l64fGjMFyg

Is that you David, searching those half dollars...

18th October 2016, 11:11 AM
Is that you David, searching those half dollars...

It is I... Sidney Feldman.


19th October 2016, 01:10 AM
What do I get for donating?

What do you want?

19th October 2016, 01:11 AM
yes haha

19th October 2016, 01:31 AM
What do you want?

That Old son of a bitch is a sucker for world peace, if not he accepts wilver also.

19th October 2016, 07:29 AM
I recommend a camera with better focus up-close; I wasn't able to see the nice silver rims on your rolls because it wouldn't focus.

20 silver halves in one day though - that's like a free roll of silver!

19th October 2016, 07:29 AM
What do you want?

A shout out on your next video.

19th October 2016, 08:00 AM
yes haha

Way to go kid. Your parents brought you up right! They must be proud of you.

19th October 2016, 01:48 PM
My list: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3QRE_CP_U0

Subscribe if you like my videos! : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5Mm7SaBcz7I5l64fGjMFyg

19th October 2016, 02:00 PM

19th October 2016, 02:01 PM
Yo, david.

Keep to one thread. You are just spamming now.

19th October 2016, 02:05 PM
Yo, david.

Keep to one thread. You are just spamming now.

"now" lol

19th October 2016, 02:10 PM
"now" lol

I gave him two thread leeway.

19th October 2016, 02:22 PM
That Old son of a bitch is a sucker for world peace, if not he accepts wilver also.

wilver wules.

19th October 2016, 02:48 PM
I agree.

To David: no more linking to your videos until you have 50 posts.

19th October 2016, 02:53 PM
wilver wules.

Wule wittania wittania wules the world...

19th October 2016, 03:27 PM
I agree.

To David: no more linking to your videos until you have 50 posts.

... a few posts on the popular issues discussed is not unreasonable...
He needs to interact with us here

20th October 2016, 12:25 AM
David sounds like a "kid," so his intentions are probably honorable. I recommend giving him maximum leeway on posting, as he doesn't appear to have nefarious intentions (e.g., misleading people to a fraudulent PM site).

We should encourage young people to explore real money, and cheer them on in their interest in alternatives to the "digital currency" satanism that is sweeping the world. Even if their posting style seems "irritating" or similar.

20th October 2016, 11:17 AM
David sounds like a "kid," so his intentions are probably honorable. I recommend giving him maximum leeway on posting, as he doesn't appear to have nefarious intentions (e.g., misleading people to a fraudulent PM site).

We should encourage young people to explore real money, and cheer them on in their interest in alternatives to the "digital currency" satanism that is sweeping the world. Even if their posting style seems "irritating" or similar.Yes, which is why I'm being more lenient in my consideration of what is and isn't spam. Normally if a new member opens by posting nothing but ads or links, they are immediately banned. I agree with your analysis, but at the same time, I'd like to see more participation than just linking vids.

20th October 2016, 12:33 PM
Ill try to keep new posts to a minimum, its just how I like sharing my finds. These are my latest finds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHTpGvd_sRU

Check my channel out if you enjoyed: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5Mm7SaBcz7I5l64fGjMFyg
Thanks for watching!

20th October 2016, 01:40 PM
Ill try to keep new posts to a minimum, its just how I like sharing my finds. These are my latest finds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHTpGvd_sRU

Check my channel out if you enjoyed: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5Mm7SaBcz7I5l64fGjMFyg
Thanks for watching!Hey David, maybe you didn't see this: http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?92996-Ten-Most-Valuable-Walking-Liberty-Half-Dollars-30-000&p=862554&viewfull=1#post862554
As one of the moderators here, I'd like you to keep the video posting to a minimum until you're more established as a member here. Why not start or contribute to some of our other threads?

20th October 2016, 01:43 PM
Ill try to keep new posts to a minimum, its just how I like sharing my finds. These are my latest finds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHTpGvd_sRU

Check my channel out if you enjoyed: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5Mm7SaBcz7I5l64fGjMFyg
Thanks for watching!




20th October 2016, 09:11 PM
Hey David, maybe you didn't see this: http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?92996-Ten-Most-Valuable-Walking-Liberty-Half-Dollars-30-000&p=862554&viewfull=1#post862554
As one of the moderators here, I'd like you to keep the video posting to a minimum until you're more established as a member here. Why not start or contribute to some of our other threads?
He needs to have his anus bleached or sumthin...

21st October 2016, 10:32 AM
Todays finds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aW6rNQ6mwu8

I got a gold plated and some 90%, pretty good!

21st October 2016, 11:45 AM
Todays finds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aW6rNQ6mwu8

I got a gold plated and some 90%, pretty good!

Do you read what other people have to say in the threads you post in?

21st October 2016, 12:27 PM
When david runs out of kennedys his videos will turn into him scraping the silver out of old keyboards with an exacto knife...

21st October 2016, 01:13 PM
I don't know where he lives to get that much silver in coin rolls. I haven't been lucky at coin roll hunting for years.

21st October 2016, 01:21 PM
I don't know where he lives to get that much silver in coin rolls. I haven't been lucky at coin roll hunting for years.

Could be explained by you not doing it anymore as you hinted at in an earlier post in this thread... o)(~

21st October 2016, 01:41 PM
I don't know where he lives to get that much silver in coin rolls. I haven't been lucky at coin roll hunting for years.

It's easy when you preroll for your videos.

21st October 2016, 02:13 PM
Last time I coin roll hunted I went to a little locally owned bank up in some little mountain town and they had a cardboard box of hand wrapped rolls of halves, I took them all and they were all skunks. I quit after that.

22nd October 2016, 10:21 AM
yes i do, but I dont reply to every hate post. most people just want to insult, but this is just the way I like to share my finds

22nd October 2016, 10:22 AM
Do you read what other people have to say in the threads you post in?

this quote^

22nd October 2016, 10:23 AM
I like this guy named david. :)

22nd October 2016, 10:25 AM
Hey gold-silver forum. I just wanted to let you know thanks for the support. For those that didn't like it, I am posting these because I prefer showing finds in video form rather than picture form. This weeks results: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1Sa8bENlQs

22nd October 2016, 10:34 AM
Tick, Tick, Tick !


22nd October 2016, 10:43 AM
The one drawback with precious metals is that they are displace-able.

Don't forget to get a doppleganger...

22nd October 2016, 11:23 AM
Hey gold-silver forum. I just wanted to let you know thanks for the support.

Search Results:

Search evantubehd on Youtube - Nazem Tube (http://tube.nazem.se/ytdl/search.php?q=evantubehd&sp=EgYIBBABGAFIhALqAwA%253D)tube.nazem.se/ytdl/search.php?q=evantubehd&sp...

Duration: 2:08. SilverSearcher. 1 month ago468 views. Thanks For Watching! Subscribe for more content! Business email: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com.

silver coins - Trang - Tilly News (http://tillynews.com/tags/silver-coins)

tillynews.com/tags/silver-coins Subscribe for more content! Business email: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com.... Tags: Full Stack Video of 6,000+ ounces of Silver Part 4: Coins & Rounds Silver Slacker.

ver Coin Rol | ElaEgypt (http://www.elaegypt.com/ver+Coin+Rol)

www.elaegypt.com/ver+Coin+Rol (http://www.elaegypt.com/ver+Coin+Rol) Business: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com Next Video: .... Business Email: djdjdavvad@gmail.com Ohio Metal Detecting: https://www.youtube.com/user/stringfrenzy ...

NICKELBOOK | ElaEgypt (http://www.elaegypt.com/NICKELBOOK)

www.elaegypt.com/NICKELBOOK (http://www.elaegypt.com/NICKELBOOK) Thanks For Watching! Like, comment and subscribe! Business Email: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com NEXT:

Duration: 2:08. SilverSearcher. 3 weeks ago423 views. Thanks For Watching! Subscribe for more content! Business email: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com.

Search evantubehd on Youtube - Nazem Tube (http://tube.nazem.se/ytdl/search.php?q=evantubehd&sp=EgYIBBgBIAFI3AHqAwA%253D)

tube.nazem.se/ytdl/search.php?q=evantubehd&sp...Duration: 2:08. SilverSearcher. 3 weeks ago423 views. Thanks For Watching! Subscribe for more content! Business email: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com.

SilverHustlin13 Herunterladen - YuTube - Arah aliran (http://www.yutube.in.net/channel/UC2h1dL8IfNcc8vuKza-Ujow)

www.yutube.in.net/channel/UC2h1dL8IfNcc8vuKza-Ujow (http://www.yutube.in.net/channel/UC2h1dL8IfNcc8vuKza-Ujow) Oct 9, 2016 - PayPal payments: platastacker@gmail.com Hello to all PM Stackers and ... questions or if you would like to donate at djdjdavvad2@gmail.com

Silver Searcher: Found more Silver - Coin Roll Hunting for Silver e19 ... (http://mangkang.tk/2016/09/silver-searcher-found-more-silver-coin-roll-hunting-for-silver-e19.HxZ-eQk-qox.html)

mangkang.tk › EntertainmentSep 8, 2016 - (Funny Ver)By SilverSearcherLeave a comment, like and subscribe! Business: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com N ... Coin Roll Hunting - $60 in Halves!

Coin Roll Hunting: MAKE MILLIONS IN MINUTES!!! (Funny Ver ... (http://mangkang.tk/2016/09/coin-roll-hunting-make-millions-in-minutes-funny-ver.Gxj9JPmj5bh.html)

mangkang.tk › Howto & Style Sep 8, 2016 - Description: Leave a comment, like and subscribe! Business: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com. Next Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= ...

Coinstar by PES' - Zona Download Video Gratis - AlbumLagu.Info (http://albumlagu.info/getvideo?q=Coinstar-by-PES%27-&page=CA8QAA)

albumlagu.info/getvideo?q=Coinstar-by-PES'-&page=CA8QAA 2016 September 11. Thanks For Watching! Subscribe for more content! Business email: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com. Game Over by PES (Official HD Version)

How To Get FREE Silver Coins From Coinstar!!! - Free Olx | Sell ... (http://freeolx.com/watch/ZK2K9L9MxhM/how-to-get-free-silver-coins-from-coinstar.html)

Description: Published 3 days ago. Thanks For Watching! Subscribe for more content! Business email: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com. Facebook · Twitter · Pinterest

:rolleyes: MADFRANKS ?

With a shovel and pliers I find dental silver in any cemetery


22nd October 2016, 11:43 AM
I like this guy named david. :)

With a shovel and pliers dental silver is free at any cemetery

:rolleyes: you would (((horn)))

22nd October 2016, 12:12 PM
Dump the spammer.

22nd October 2016, 12:16 PM
Dump the spammer.

what about those posting Trump videos too?

22nd October 2016, 12:30 PM
what about those posting Trump videos too?

I don't believe the Trump vids are faked.

22nd October 2016, 01:26 PM
what about those posting Trump videos too?

Yeah, you should be banned for them!

22nd October 2016, 01:42 PM
I like this guy named david. :)

I doubt it... How much did you donate then?

23rd October 2016, 03:59 PM
I have made over 60 videos, and yes some people still do

23rd October 2016, 04:00 PM
Yes I do, but why would I reply to hate comments

23rd October 2016, 04:06 PM
Yes I do, but why would I reply to hate comments

So questions to you or actions, you consider "Hate" ?

Second time you have used hate in your answer to questions!

Tick, tick, tick !

Methinks your time here is limited, unless something changes !


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Forum runner

23rd October 2016, 05:00 PM
David and I have been chatting over PM, and we agreed that he can keep posting his videos to this thread, which I have created, merging his other three threads (4 threads total) into this one. David can post his video finds here without it being considered spam. I did however encourage him to contribute to threads elsewhere throughout this forum.

23rd October 2016, 05:56 PM
David can post his video finds here without it being considered spam.

Search Results:

Search evantubehd on Youtube - Nazem Tube (http://tube.nazem.se/ytdl/search.php?q=evantubehd&sp=EgYIBBABGAFIhALqAwA%253D)tube.nazem.se/ytdl/search.php?q=evantubehd&sp...

Duration: 2:08. SilverSearcher. 1 month ago468 views. Thanks For Watching! Subscribe for more content! Business email: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com.

silver coins - Trang - Tilly News (http://tillynews.com/tags/silver-coins)

tillynews.com/tags/silver-coins Subscribe for more content! Business email: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com.... Tags: Full Stack Video of 6,000+ ounces of Silver Part 4: Coins & Rounds Silver Slacker.

ver Coin Rol | ElaEgypt (http://www.elaegypt.com/ver+Coin+Rol)

www.elaegypt.com/ver+Coin+Rol (http://www.elaegypt.com/ver+Coin+Rol) Business: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com Next Video: .... Business Email: djdjdavvad@gmail.com Ohio Metal Detecting: https://www.youtube.com/user/stringfrenzy ...

NICKELBOOK | ElaEgypt (http://www.elaegypt.com/NICKELBOOK)

www.elaegypt.com/NICKELBOOK (http://www.elaegypt.com/NICKELBOOK) Thanks For Watching! Like, comment and subscribe! Business Email: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com NEXT:

Duration: 2:08. SilverSearcher. 3 weeks ago423 views. Thanks For Watching! Subscribe for more content! Business email: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com.

Search evantubehd on Youtube - Nazem Tube (http://tube.nazem.se/ytdl/search.php?q=evantubehd&sp=EgYIBBgBIAFI3AHqAwA%253D)

tube.nazem.se/ytdl/search.php?q=evantubehd&sp...Duration: 2:08. SilverSearcher. 3 weeks ago423 views. Thanks For Watching! Subscribe for more content! Business email: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com.

SilverHustlin13 Herunterladen - YuTube - Arah aliran (http://www.yutube.in.net/channel/UC2h1dL8IfNcc8vuKza-Ujow)

www.yutube.in.net/channel/UC2h1dL8IfNcc8vuKza-Ujow (http://www.yutube.in.net/channel/UC2h1dL8IfNcc8vuKza-Ujow) Oct 9, 2016 - PayPal payments: platastacker@gmail.com Hello to all PM Stackers and ... questions or if you would like to donate at djdjdavvad2@gmail.com

Silver Searcher: Found more Silver - Coin Roll Hunting for Silver e19 ... (http://mangkang.tk/2016/09/silver-searcher-found-more-silver-coin-roll-hunting-for-silver-e19.HxZ-eQk-qox.html)

mangkang.tk › EntertainmentSep 8, 2016 - (Funny Ver)By SilverSearcherLeave a comment, like and subscribe! Business: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com N ... Coin Roll Hunting - $60 in Halves!

Coin Roll Hunting: MAKE MILLIONS IN MINUTES!!! (Funny Ver ... (http://mangkang.tk/2016/09/coin-roll-hunting-make-millions-in-minutes-funny-ver.Gxj9JPmj5bh.html)

mangkang.tk › Howto & Style Sep 8, 2016 - Description: Leave a comment, like and subscribe! Business: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com. Next Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= ...

Coinstar by PES' - Zona Download Video Gratis - AlbumLagu.Info (http://albumlagu.info/getvideo?q=Coinstar-by-PES%27-&page=CA8QAA)

albumlagu.info/getvideo?q=Coinstar-by-PES'-&page=CA8QAA 2016 September 11. Thanks For Watching! Subscribe for more content! Business email: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com. Game Over by PES (Official HD Version)

How To Get FREE Silver Coins From Coinstar!!! - Free Olx | Sell ... (http://freeolx.com/watch/ZK2K9L9MxhM/how-to-get-free-silver-coins-from-coinstar.html)

Description: Published 3 days ago. Thanks For Watching! Subscribe for more content! Business email: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com. Facebook · Twitter · Pinterest


23rd October 2016, 05:58 PM
So questions to you or actions, you consider "Hate" ?

Second time you have used hate in your answer to questions!

Tick, tick, tick !

Methinks your time here is limited, unless something changes !


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Forum runner

good catch dog. hate obsessed = skype

23rd October 2016, 11:10 PM
... a few posts on the popular issues discussed is not unreasonable...
He needs to interact with us here

You want my imput?

23rd October 2016, 11:11 PM
Search Results:

Search evantubehd on Youtube - Nazem Tube (http://tube.nazem.se/ytdl/search.php?q=evantubehd&sp=EgYIBBABGAFIhALqAwA%253D)tube.nazem.se/ytdl/search.php?q=evantubehd&sp...

Duration: 2:08. SilverSearcher. 1 month ago468 views. Thanks For Watching! Subscribe for more content! Business email: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com.

silver coins - Trang - Tilly News (http://tillynews.com/tags/silver-coins)

tillynews.com/tags/silver-coins Subscribe for more content! Business email: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com.... Tags: Full Stack Video of 6,000+ ounces of Silver Part 4: Coins & Rounds Silver Slacker.

ver Coin Rol | ElaEgypt (http://www.elaegypt.com/ver+Coin+Rol)

www.elaegypt.com/ver+Coin+Rol (http://www.elaegypt.com/ver+Coin+Rol) Business: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com Next Video: .... Business Email: djdjdavvad@gmail.com Ohio Metal Detecting: https://www.youtube.com/user/stringfrenzy ...

NICKELBOOK | ElaEgypt (http://www.elaegypt.com/NICKELBOOK)

www.elaegypt.com/NICKELBOOK (http://www.elaegypt.com/NICKELBOOK) Thanks For Watching! Like, comment and subscribe! Business Email: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com NEXT:

Duration: 2:08. SilverSearcher. 3 weeks ago423 views. Thanks For Watching! Subscribe for more content! Business email: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com.

Search evantubehd on Youtube - Nazem Tube (http://tube.nazem.se/ytdl/search.php?q=evantubehd&sp=EgYIBBgBIAFI3AHqAwA%253D)

tube.nazem.se/ytdl/search.php?q=evantubehd&sp...Duration: 2:08. SilverSearcher. 3 weeks ago423 views. Thanks For Watching! Subscribe for more content! Business email: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com.

SilverHustlin13 Herunterladen - YuTube - Arah aliran (http://www.yutube.in.net/channel/UC2h1dL8IfNcc8vuKza-Ujow)

www.yutube.in.net/channel/UC2h1dL8IfNcc8vuKza-Ujow (http://www.yutube.in.net/channel/UC2h1dL8IfNcc8vuKza-Ujow) Oct 9, 2016 - PayPal payments: platastacker@gmail.com Hello to all PM Stackers and ... questions or if you would like to donate at djdjdavvad2@gmail.com

Silver Searcher: Found more Silver - Coin Roll Hunting for Silver e19 ... (http://mangkang.tk/2016/09/silver-searcher-found-more-silver-coin-roll-hunting-for-silver-e19.HxZ-eQk-qox.html)

mangkang.tk › EntertainmentSep 8, 2016 - (Funny Ver)By SilverSearcherLeave a comment, like and subscribe! Business: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com N ... Coin Roll Hunting - $60 in Halves!

Coin Roll Hunting: MAKE MILLIONS IN MINUTES!!! (Funny Ver ... (http://mangkang.tk/2016/09/coin-roll-hunting-make-millions-in-minutes-funny-ver.Gxj9JPmj5bh.html)

mangkang.tk › Howto & Style Sep 8, 2016 - Description: Leave a comment, like and subscribe! Business: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com. Next Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= ...

Coinstar by PES' - Zona Download Video Gratis - AlbumLagu.Info (http://albumlagu.info/getvideo?q=Coinstar-by-PES%27-&page=CA8QAA)

albumlagu.info/getvideo?q=Coinstar-by-PES'-&page=CA8QAA 2016 September 11. Thanks For Watching! Subscribe for more content! Business email: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com. Game Over by PES (Official HD Version)

How To Get FREE Silver Coins From Coinstar!!! - Free Olx | Sell ... (http://freeolx.com/watch/ZK2K9L9MxhM/how-to-get-free-silver-coins-from-coinstar.html)

Description: Published 3 days ago. Thanks For Watching! Subscribe for more content! Business email: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com. Facebook · Twitter · Pinterest


You realize those websites ARE spam websites that STOLE my video right??? You arent doing yourself any favors

23rd October 2016, 11:12 PM
good catch dog. hate obsessed = skype

nah thats not hate, its when people are nagging on my and personally insulting me as a person. Which they did. Read the posts

23rd October 2016, 11:13 PM
With a shovel and pliers dental silver is free at any cemetery

:rolleyes: you would (((horn)))

That is funny though haha

23rd October 2016, 11:15 PM
So questions to you or actions, you consider "Hate" ?

Second time you have used hate in your answer to questions!

Tick, tick, tick !

Methinks your time here is limited, unless something changes !


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Forum runner

I dont care about it, its just that its damned if you do damned if you dont when I respond. Then i get more negative feedback. I dont know if that makes sense but I hope you can see where Im coming from

23rd October 2016, 11:18 PM
You realize those websites ARE spam websites that STOLE my video right???

:) It appears YOU yourself posted those " Thanks For Watching! Subscribe for more content! Business email: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com. " comments and your email address at all these other forum websites:

Search Results:

Search evantubehd on Youtube - Nazem Tube (http://tube.nazem.se/ytdl/search.php?q=evantubehd&sp=EgYIBBABGAFIhALqAwA%253D)tube.nazem.se/ytdl/search.php?q=evantubehd&sp...

Duration: 2:08. SilverSearcher. 1 month ago468 views. Thanks For Watching! Subscribe for more content! Business email: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com.

silver coins - Trang - Tilly News (http://tillynews.com/tags/silver-coins)

tillynews.com/tags/silver-coins Subscribe for more content! Business email: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com.... Tags: Full Stack Video of 6,000+ ounces of Silver Part 4: Coins & Rounds Silver Slacker.

ver Coin Rol | ElaEgypt (http://www.elaegypt.com/ver+Coin+Rol)

www.elaegypt.com/ver+Coin+Rol (http://www.elaegypt.com/ver+Coin+Rol) Business: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com Next Video: .... Business Email: djdjdavvad@gmail.com Ohio Metal Detecting: https://www.youtube.com/user/stringfrenzy ...

NICKELBOOK | ElaEgypt (http://www.elaegypt.com/NICKELBOOK)

www.elaegypt.com/NICKELBOOK (http://www.elaegypt.com/NICKELBOOK) Thanks For Watching! Like, comment and subscribe! Business Email: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com NEXT:

Duration: 2:08. SilverSearcher. 3 weeks ago423 views. Thanks For Watching! Subscribe for more content! Business email: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com.

Search evantubehd on Youtube - Nazem Tube (http://tube.nazem.se/ytdl/search.php?q=evantubehd&sp=EgYIBBgBIAFI3AHqAwA%253D)

tube.nazem.se/ytdl/search.php?q=evantubehd&sp...Duration: 2:08. SilverSearcher. 3 weeks ago423 views. Thanks For Watching! Subscribe for more content! Business email: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com.

SilverHustlin13 Herunterladen - YuTube - Arah aliran (http://www.yutube.in.net/channel/UC2h1dL8IfNcc8vuKza-Ujow)

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Silver Searcher: Found more Silver - Coin Roll Hunting for Silver e19 ... (http://mangkang.tk/2016/09/silver-searcher-found-more-silver-coin-roll-hunting-for-silver-e19.HxZ-eQk-qox.html)

mangkang.tk › EntertainmentSep 8, 2016 - (Funny Ver)By SilverSearcherLeave a comment, like and subscribe! Business: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com N ... Coin Roll Hunting - $60 in Halves!

Coin Roll Hunting: MAKE MILLIONS IN MINUTES!!! (Funny Ver ... (http://mangkang.tk/2016/09/coin-roll-hunting-make-millions-in-minutes-funny-ver.Gxj9JPmj5bh.html)

mangkang.tk › Howto & Style Sep 8, 2016 - Description: Leave a comment, like and subscribe! Business: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com. Next Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= ...

Coinstar by PES' - Zona Download Video Gratis - AlbumLagu.Info (http://albumlagu.info/getvideo?q=Coinstar-by-PES%27-&page=CA8QAA)

albumlagu.info/getvideo?q=Coinstar-by-PES'-&page=CA8QAA 2016 September 11. Thanks For Watching! Subscribe for more content! Business email: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com. Game Over by PES (Official HD Version)

How To Get FREE Silver Coins From Coinstar!!! - Free Olx | Sell ... (http://freeolx.com/watch/ZK2K9L9MxhM/how-to-get-free-silver-coins-from-coinstar.html)

Description: Published 3 days ago. Thanks For Watching! Subscribe for more content! Business email: djdjdavvad2@gmail.com. Facebook · Twitter · Pinterest

23rd October 2016, 11:19 PM
He needs to have his anus bleached or sumthin...

Whats wrong with you, you might need to be checked out

24th October 2016, 09:08 AM
Whats wrong with you, you might need to be checked out



This forum is "different"... ;D

24th October 2016, 09:19 AM
The COIN ROLL HUNTING Dream!!! ToNs oF SiLvEr!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAGX9hI35aM
I would say the drive was worth it...:)

24th October 2016, 10:39 AM
You want my imput?

I've got no problem with David. Keep posting your finds.

24th October 2016, 11:28 AM
I can't be the only one suspicious of these finds. I've been on these forums for over 10 years now (GIM back in '06), and there were lots of coin roll hunters always sharing their finds. Average was 2 or 3 per box, with plenty of skunks. Nobody I've ever known has been this lucky with coin roll hunting. I call shenanigans.

24th October 2016, 11:33 AM
I can't be the only one suspicious of these finds. I've been on these forums for over 10 years now (GIM back in '06), and there were lots of coin roll hunters always sharing their finds. Average was 2 or 3 per box, with plenty of skunks. Nobody I've ever known has been this lucky with coin roll hunting. I call shenanigans.

What is his motivation? What is he promoting?

24th October 2016, 11:34 AM
I can't be the only one suspicious of these finds. I've been on these forums for over 10 years now (GIM back in '06), and there were lots of coin roll hunters always sharing their finds. Average was 2 or 3 per box, with plenty of skunks. Nobody I've ever known has been this lucky with coin roll hunting. I call shenanigans.

Remember this dufus...
Massive Silver Find in Cincinnati Home: 19,400 One Troy Ounce Silver Bars

24th October 2016, 02:39 PM
I can't be the only one suspicious of these finds. I've been on these forums for over 10 years now (GIM back in '06), and there were lots of coin roll hunters always sharing their finds. Average was 2 or 3 per box, with plenty of skunks. Nobody I've ever known has been this lucky with coin roll hunting. I call shenanigans.

Thats what I average on a normal box (excluding boxes with none), but these videos I post the scores in which i get more than average

24th October 2016, 02:39 PM
What is his motivation? What is he promoting?


24th October 2016, 11:22 PM
What is his motivation? What is he promoting?

Corrupting the youth! Them all sitting in darkness rolling coins, only skunks left. His Internet persona name "david" suggests he is the little goodhearted jewish guy, fighting the big evil giant, Goliath.

What could be possibly more pointless than sitting zombified at Goliath Zuckerbergs Facebook mindlessly droning out Likes? It would be to sit and search through coin rolls of halfs to find 40% wilver! Coin roll hunting stopped a decade ago because all the wilver was found and picked out already. You have a larger chance to find silver if you randomly starts digging holes in the ground (key words: -Barbeque -pit -Oregon).

24th October 2016, 11:32 PM
Corrupting the youth! Them all sitting in darkness rolling coins, only skunks left. His Internet persona name "david" suggests he is the little goodhearted jewish guy, fighting the big evil giant, Goliath.

What could be possibly more pointless than sitting zombified at Goliath Zuckerbergs Facebook mindlessly droning out Likes? It would be to sit and search through coin rolls of halfs to find 40% wilver! Coin roll hunting stopped a decade ago because all the wilver was found and picked out already. You have a larger chance to find silver if you randomly starts digging holes in the ground (key words: -Barbeque -pit -Oregon).

This is my favorite roast-like post yet
If you dont believe, then come and try it with me

25th October 2016, 12:05 AM
This is my favorite roast-like post yet
If you dont believe, then come and try it with me


25th October 2016, 06:33 AM
His Internet persona name "david" suggests he is the little goodhearted jewish guy, fighting the big evil giant, Goliath.

Or..his name could just be David.

Welcome to the forum David. Don't let the roasters get to you. :)

25th October 2016, 07:32 AM
Or..his name could just be David.

Welcome to the forum David. Don't let the roasters get to you. :)

I was afraid of you the first two years...

25th October 2016, 09:51 AM
This weeks led to finding $250 worth of halves: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADMO56ml6P8

25th October 2016, 10:06 AM
And the Lord put aside his huge Silver Cigar and granted the young junk silverman named david a single thread as audience alongside the European Silver Atheist who already had plenty... :)

25th October 2016, 10:20 AM
And the Lord put aside his huge Silver Cigar and granted the young junk silverman named david a single thread as audience alongside the European Silver Atheist who already had plenty... :)

Don't evoke the name of JQP in vain...

25th October 2016, 10:24 AM
This thread reminds me of this:


26th October 2016, 09:22 AM
COin roll hunting 2000$ in a day, driving around hustlin halves, found silver: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbRQHYGc-YM

26th October 2016, 09:34 AM
Instead of transfering each roll into your hand, David.

Might I suggest you just dump them all on the street for some dramatic effect?

26th October 2016, 10:38 AM
king david of silverstan....not a good audience for this kind of thing. grumpy old skeptics sniff out 12 out of every 10 frauds

26th October 2016, 12:11 PM
king david of silverstan....not a good audience for this kind of thing. grumpy old skeptics sniff out 12 out of every 10 frauds

12 out of every 10 frauds! LMAO...

26th October 2016, 12:16 PM
king david of silverstan....not a good audience for this kind of thing. grumpy old skeptics sniff out 12 out of every 10 frauds

The kind of corruption and fraud we are witnessing from this election, why would anyone trust anything anymore?

26th October 2016, 12:29 PM
The kind of corruption and fraud we are witnessing from this election, why would anyone trust anything anymore?

Now don't you be going flat-earth on us too.


26th October 2016, 12:39 PM
Now don't you be going flat-earth on us too.


EE_ went scorched Earth anarchist a year ago, just has not realized yet.

26th October 2016, 12:52 PM
EE_ went scorched Earth anarchist a year ago, just has not realized yet.

Everything is fine here, yep, everything...


26th October 2016, 01:21 PM
Not really following David's finds but are his profit numbers increasing with each find... "I spent $2000.00, got back $4000.00"

26th October 2016, 01:24 PM
Not really following David's finds but are his profit numbers increasing with each find... "I spent $2000.00, got back $4000.00"

I'm a tad skeptical myself.

26th October 2016, 01:35 PM
Not really following David's finds but are his profit numbers increasing with each find... "I spent $2000.00, got back $4000.00"

Salting (confidence trick) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salting_(confidence_trick))

David "salts" those coin tubes before filming himself "discovering" all the silver-content coins that nobody else noticed in the past twenty years.

" I Make $250 A Week At 16...Donate and you can be rich too goys "

Thanks For Your Generous Donations! I am saving to buy better filming gear so you can better see what Im up to. Just wanted to shoutout the great people who give even $1
Business: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADMO56ml6P8)djdjdavvad@gmail.com

...David can post his video finds here without it being considered spam....


26th October 2016, 01:38 PM
Not really following David's finds but are his profit numbers increasing with each find... "I spent $2000.00, got back $4000.00"

Ximmy, don't doubt; David is legit. After all, what is his motivation? And what is he promoting? ;)

26th October 2016, 01:46 PM
Ximmy, don't doubt; David is legit. After all, what is his motivation? And what is he promoting? ;)

He's still got me... I just looked at a couple of his viddys, he knows the correct terminology of a serious collector and how to spot coins using the correct checks... also he found a silver spoon at a yard sale. I don't doubt that find. Interesting kid.

26th October 2016, 01:52 PM
He's still got me... I just looked at a couple of his viddys, he knows the correct terminology of a serious collector and how to spot coins using the correct checks... also he found a silver spoon at a yard sale. I don't doubt that find. Interesting kid.

i did not take it that as he found 2k in silver, i took it as he spent 2k on kennedys and found a silver spoon at a yard sale that he paid for with kennedys.

All in all, i have no idea what David is doing, but he seems purposeful about whatever it is...

I think he should stay away from spending money on gas and driving, unless he starts to throw his kennedys out on the streetz then and only then would it be worth the show price..

26th October 2016, 08:09 PM
king david of silverstan....not a good audience for this kind of thing. grumpy old skeptics sniff out 12 out of every 10 frauds

So what are you scepticising?

26th October 2016, 08:11 PM
Not really following David's finds but are his profit numbers increasing with each find... "I spent $2000.00, got back $4000.00"

I don't know what that means. Like you think Im saying I get $2000 profit?

26th October 2016, 08:13 PM
i did not take it that as he found 2k in silver, i took it as he spent 2k on kennedys and found a silver spoon at a yard sale that he paid for with kennedys.

All in all, i have no idea what David is doing, but he seems purposeful about whatever it is...

I think he should stay away from spending money on gas and driving, unless he starts to throw his kennedys out on the streetz then and only then would it be worth the show price..

I bought the spoon with a dollar bill, if thats what your asking.

27th October 2016, 06:29 AM
So what are you scepticising?

bad money chased out the good. roll hunting has played out.

27th October 2016, 07:07 AM
Guys, quit picking on David. This thread is a perfect example of why we have such low membership on this forum. The worst is assumed by any new guy, and it's like a pack of dogs pouncing on an injured rabbit.

27th October 2016, 07:37 AM
Guys, quit picking on David. This thread is a perfect example of why we have such low membership on this forum. The worst is assumed by any new guy, and it's like a pack of dogs pouncing on an injured rabbit.

Gotta give Hitch this one.

27th October 2016, 09:02 AM
Old Silver Cache - Franklins and walkers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45KHTsIkN4c

27th October 2016, 01:55 PM
I bought the spoon with a dollar bill, if thats what your asking.

still I like this guy named David...

27th October 2016, 02:17 PM
still I like this guy named David...

Yep, watched a couple of his videos and I'm proud of the lad for being so into his hobby. He's going to be very successful!

27th October 2016, 03:52 PM
Yep, watched a couple of his videos and I'm proud of the lad for being so into his hobby. He's going to be very successful!

Thank you, successful in what way?

27th October 2016, 04:02 PM
Thank you, successful in what way?

You do research. You take the time to learn the details. With that knowledge you're then patient enough to acquire and forage through hundreds of rolls of coins; knowing all it takes is some work to reach the value you now know how to find among those rolls of coins.

Those are ingredients for success at any level and you got that all figured out at a younger age than most IMHO

27th October 2016, 08:46 PM
One of the best compliments I have recieved, thank you my friend

28th October 2016, 01:25 AM
I will be doing a live coin roll hunt today (october 28th) at 830 pm pacific standard time on this channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5Mm7SaBcz7I5l64fGjMFyg Feel free to stop by and say hello!

5th November 2016, 01:55 PM

5th November 2016, 03:30 PM
Nice video David, I enjoyed watching it. I'm particularly impressed with how quickly you can unroll and re-roll those coins during your search.