View Full Version : Russia Shmussia: Pot Smoking Teenagers Hack CIA Director

24th October 2016, 10:32 AM

24th October 2016, 10:52 AM
RUSSIAN HACKERS? PODESTA’S PASSWORD WAS SIMPLY ‘P@SSW0RD’ (http://www.infowars.com/russian-hackers-podestas-password-was-simply-pssw0rd/)

24th October 2016, 12:25 PM
The other side of the story. Written 4 days ago, before we found out Podesta's password was "p@ssw0rd" and that pot smoking teenagers hacked the CIA director!

How Hackers Broke Into John Podesta and Colin Powell’s Gmail Accounts (http://motherboard.vice.com/read/how-hackers-broke-into-john-podesta-and-colin-powells-gmail-accounts)

None of this new data constitutes a smoking gun that can clearly frame Russia as the culprit behind the almost unprecedented hacking campaign that has hit the DNC and several other targets somewhat connected to the US presidential election.

Almost two weeks ago, the US government took the rare step of publicly pointing the finger (http://dhs.gov/node/23199) at the Russian government, accusing it of directing the recent string of hacks and data breaches. The intelligence community declined to explain how they reached their conclusion, and it’s fair to assume they have data no one else can see.This newly uncovered data paints an even clearer picture for the public, showing a credible link between the several leaking outlets chosen by the hackers, and, once again, pointing toward Fancy Bear, a notorious hacking group that’s widely believed to be connected with the Russian government. While there are still naysayers, including presidential candidate and former reality TV star Donald Trump, for many, the debate over who hacked the DNC, and who’s behind all this hacking, is pretty much closed.

“We are approaching the point in this case where there are only two reasons for why people say there’s no good evidence,” Rid told me. “The first reason is because they don’t understand the evidence—because the don’t have the necessary technical knowledge. The second reason is they don’t want to understand the evidence.”

24th October 2016, 12:50 PM

24th October 2016, 12:55 PM

This guy annoys me but the information is good. I'm still waiting for the undeniable proof implicating Clinton for breaking the law. That seems to be elusive

midnight rambler
24th October 2016, 01:30 PM
RUSSIAN HACKERS? PODESTA’S PASSWORD WAS SIMPLY ‘P@SSW0RD’ (http://www.infowars.com/russian-hackers-podestas-password-was-simply-pssw0rd/)

I cannot wait to see the results of Podesta ('he is broken' in Chinese lol) being such an imbecile with his p@ssw0rd, 'cause you just know Killery is going to ream his ass for fucking everything up for her. lol

24th October 2016, 01:55 PM
This guy annoys me but the information is good. I'm still waiting for the undeniable proof implicating Clinton for breaking the law. That seems to be elusive

There will be no undeniable proof unless she is prosecuted and sitting in jail. Short of that in Clinton's America, it was just normal business.

24th October 2016, 02:20 PM
There will be no undeniable proof unless he is prosecuted and sitting in jail. Short of that in Clinton's America, it was just normal business.

Agreed! If there is dirt which can effectively blow up the DNC and/or Clinton personally we won't see it until the last days before the election. Any sooner and that gives the MSM and the tyrants the time to spin things back onto the rails (for them) before the election.

Stay tuned, we live in exciting times my friends!

25th October 2016, 11:12 PM
“We are approaching the point in this case where there are only two reasons for why people say there’s no good evidence,” Rid told me. “The first reason is because they don’t understand the evidence—because the don’t have the necessary technical knowledge. The second reason is they don’t want to understand the evidence.”[/I]
Translation: Trust us, we don't need to provide evidence for our allegations against the government of Russia. The few with critical thinking skills, who doubt what we say, are fools.