View Full Version : This is Freakin' New Age Stupid!

25th October 2016, 11:04 AM
The Law of Mentalism is the first immutable law of Light, from the Mind originates everything.

Why are they so bend on shaping masses' perceptions do you think? How does it come that the pre-existing Law was already known 2000+ years ago?

and there are 6 other laws, 7 total.

We Create Our Reality

Published on Aug 1, 2014

Frederick Travis, PhD, director of the Center for Brain, Consciousness and Cognition, explains that the concept "We create our reality" is more than a philosophical statement. It is a physical reality driven by neural plasticity—every experience changes the brain. Therefore, choose transcendental experiences and higher states of consciousness naturally unfold.


Twisted Titan
25th October 2016, 02:10 PM

25th October 2016, 02:10 PM
......... ...........

25th October 2016, 02:16 PM

Twisted Titan
25th October 2016, 02:25 PM
No i got something to say...i just dont want to loose this thread.

I have been doing some serious investigating in new age technologies and i want cross reference a few things before i open my piehole.

25th October 2016, 02:32 PM

I almost spit up my cocktail you bastid!!!

25th October 2016, 02:32 PM
No i got something to say...i just dont want to loose this thread.

I have been doing some serious investigating in new age technologies and i want cross reference a few things before i open my piehole.

I jest! :)

25th October 2016, 03:26 PM
I love how Shami finds the perfect memes and gifs that accurately reflect how much of us feel after seeing something like this! :D

25th October 2016, 03:52 PM
Nuh-uh... let me explain...

When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars


25th October 2016, 04:10 PM
always interesting to see both sides of the fence rejecting the thought of it, but opposites are alike somehow. On the believer side, mans higher powers are rejected (God/Nature is above man) and on the atheistic side: man is above Nature (meaning above God).

Merging of science and metaphysics is unavoidable and which requires Nature/God and Man to be the same level of coordination and understanding.

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” – Nikola Tesla

25th October 2016, 07:23 PM
new age/humanism = skypeism

the focus and worship is themselves

Twisted Titan
26th October 2016, 06:50 AM
new age/humanism = skypeism

the focus and worship is themselves


26th October 2016, 10:40 AM
sure, science is not entitled to prove metaphysics correct. But metaphysics (paranormal such as the burning bush or Christ's ascension) is all over the bible. So when metaphysics is proven correct, we have the believers and the atheists rejecting the information, for different reasons.

The problem is that we can't beat the NWO working on a metaphysic level. Thats is why things have gotten worse by the days/centuries. NWO wins because one side of the fence is motivated by the fear of God, fundamentalism, and the other by ridiculing God, Darwin is supreme... what gives: DIVIDE AND CONQUER.

God has left countless of clues for us to decipher his intents, we cannot know God's mind but can how it functions, by pattern recognition found in mathematics. There can be numbers all over religious texts, but please do not try to understand what they mean ??? And if you do, you are worshiping evil? This is absolutely paradoxical.

I really dont see where humanism lies when saying that mind control shapes perceptions. And if so about mind control shaping reality, then the same holds true about the opposite.

But of course, the bible is all wrong when saying that God is LOVE, that creation is a act of LOVE. And that trashing creation one way or another is "against' God, such as thinking that subhumans do exist and that they deserve to be exploited. Case proven that such a perception shapes reality as we ALL are enslaved today because of this very perception. There are more slaves than at any other time in history.

Humanism is a concept willing to enforce GOOD to commit EVIL.

and this is not what I am talking about.

There is a real problem with new age and which is that it teaches people to stay in their "feel good yoga bubble, ignore the negative and it will go away", new age rejects reality thus creates a right brain imbalance, which is characterized by extreme naivete.... but it also works the same way for all other blind beliefs in dogmas.

We are in this mega mess because most people do not grasp "Reality" with a capital R and that Consciousness (Mind) and Metaphysics (immutable laws) , with a capital C and M, drive everything.

26th October 2016, 11:21 AM
meanwhile evil takes it to another level... absolute control of the DNA (life) is the real battle between good and evil.


“The key idea for the space fence is about surveillance beyond comprehension, all the way down to the DNA.” ~Elana Freeland

October 25, 2016
Space Fence Program Takes the War on Consciousness to the Heavens

Hidden Intent
Truthful information, not marketing propaganda, is as always difficult to come by when examining military industrial projects, however to some, the space fence is more than a complex system to keep us safe in space, and technology of this nature and power represents an extreme escalation in the war on the individual and the war on consciousness.

Elana Freeland, investigative journalist and author of Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth, is publishing a new book in 2017 entitled, The Space Fence, which combines her knowledge of covert technologies and the frequency war on planet earth with specific information related to the space fence project. Her analysis leads to the conclusion that this project is part of a web of technologies being put into place to monitor, surveil and influence humans on a mass and on an individual scale, with the intention of creating a high-frequency prison of sorts, which will affect human behavior and consciousness in a way that benefits the aims of the world’s ruling elite.

The space fence is precisely the type of technology needed to bring human consciousness under full control in a new kind of government, the technocracy. According to journalist Jon Rappoport, this is the realization of the dark vision for humanity as described by Aldous Huxley in Brave New World. Rappoport remarks:

“Every time I read Brave New World I see complacent animals grazing in pastures. That’s the picture. Human animals at peace in the fields. Nothing to care about. Nothing to think about. Just bend and chew. Don’t worry, be happy.

Brave New World reveals a landscape in which people would be unable to turn around and throw off what has been done to them. They would not consider it. They would have no basis for comparison. They would have no cultural memory.

They are living in a universal super-welfare state. Their needs are satisfied—especially the central need: pleasure. It isn’t gained or worked for. It’s given. It’s a fact as basic as rain and sun. It’s there. It’s the shortest distance between the present moment and the next moment.” ~Jon Rappoport..........
