View Full Version : /pol/ack counts votes in Texas

25th October 2016, 09:24 PM

Answering questions about voting machines and related election stuff such as how certain groups are tending to vote ( some people want us to help them vote and we get to see everything )

>inb4 high level insider.
Worked for the campaign on a state level. Major city tho

Are you seeing a lot of full republican ticket options changing to Clinton?
Nope. Seeing a lot of people voting for trump and boycotting other republicans.
I myself voted libertarian for congress

what is the general consesus of voters you have seen so far?
Well I don't really know because political button and signs are not to be shown at the booth.
Of 15 people I helped voting, 12 voted Trump. 2 Clinton and 1 green.
Surprisingly, all the minorities I assisted voted for Trump.
But again, it's Texas. Even our hispanics tend to vote Republican

are you in heavy spic territory or a suburb?

About 76% white, 20% hispanic and 10% dindu

Who do you think will win Texas?

Trump. Whoever says TX is a swing state is delusional. Even politico says Trump is ahead 27 points

What has turnout been like? It was pretty busy when I voted on Monday.

We had about 4k people voting in these two days. 2k voted at our polling place. Don't really know because it's my first election where I work but I heard is above average

Feels good to be a texan. Californians need to get out of this state.

The fucking machines are rigged aren't they?
It was about time. I was expecting this question to be first desu.

Voting machines are zeroed at the beginning of early voting. They are NOT connected to the internet. They're honestly safer than I thought.
The way you could rig it using these is by registering non citizens.
That has nothing to do with the machines. It's all about the honesty of the county clerks and local officials checking SSNs before registering you.

Don't know anything about the DHS administered machines in 16 states.
I personally believe voter fraud could occur, but I doubt mass rigging is likely

Have you ever met Trump in person?

If so was he nice?
One time. About two minutes of conversation. Great guy. Strong handshake. Pic related

>still using the (((electronic voting machine)))

Sure, it says Trump in the screen but it could record your vote as Clinton internally and there's literally nothing you could do about it.
Highly unlikely in my opinion. If it does the (((switcheroo))) is before casting your ballot, which you should review before casting regardless



There was nobody more skeptical than me about machines at early voting training. I still make it clear to people they can request a paper ballot if they want

2 things pissed me off:

>paper ballot, please
>sorry anon, not during early voting. Come back Nov. 8 for paper

>okay, fine
>vote on machine cuz don't want to be in line 8 hrs that day
>done. Can I get a receipt?
>sorry anon, we can't do that

>drive home and hope my Trump vote doesn't turn into a Hillary vote
The only receipt you get from voting is the 4digit password password paper
to access the machine

Why do you hate honest, hard working Mexicans so much?
Not me. Most pacos I know are based

Everytime I vote i see idiots making up their mind at the booth based on how many D vs R stickers they see. Guard your jimmies with your life OP

You dont understand. Im not talking about stickers or t shirt. I'm talking about normies making me fill their ballots for em. And again, Texas is going red regardless. If I lived in CO or PA I wouldn't give my two cents about this

25th October 2016, 09:27 PM


man, read this and pls make Trump know:
it's a leak, Karl Rove and his globalist bros will try to do it again. You need to be very smart, this is not fake. If you can't read now, save then read.

Saved. I can email it to people higher than me. Just keep something in mind.
The reason the main Trump campaign has around 70 people is because Trump has always surrounded himself with smart, capable and reliable people. I will email it, but I'm sure they already know. Also sure they got a solution. If trump had no chance, he wouldn't be in it. I can promise you that

25th October 2016, 09:27 PM

can you guys work extra hard to make sure the dems dont cheat? like get as many volunteers as you can to monitor polling stations and lookout for vans/buses/groups of people traveling together. maybe post a pic of them or give a description to a website where your other bros at other stations can be on the lookout to make sure they arent double voting.

also have someone gather up all the obituaries information to make sure dead people arnet voting

This is what I was talking about. In the end, it's all about reliability and honesty of local county workers. In my county we got solid honest people. I wouldn't be surprised to find corruption in counties hosting big cities

just because they are not connected to the net doesn't mean they cannot switch votes etc.

They run on a code that makes the ballot inaccessible after the ballot has been casted. If that happens, it happens right before it's casted and you can review it. Lauren Southern even posted a video about it.
Always review your ballot and report and switching to the election officials. If they refuse to fix the issue they can be persecuted on a federal level. And local county officials ain't gonna go for that.
Trump made the public very aware of corruption and rigging. People are being extremely careful from what I know

thanks, I can't know 100% if it is true, but it makes to much sense to be fake. If Trump talk to the right people he maybe can stop Rove from doing it again. Those machines are hard to hack, but somehow those fuckers found a way.
Another consideration I feel making is during the primaries, republican and democratic ballots are made by the DNC. I had no doubt bernie would lose because of that. Imo it would be really difficult "pulling a Bernie "in thr general

25th October 2016, 09:39 PM

>doubt mass rigging
Boom. Outed yourself CTR shill!

Dude, I've been on the Trump Train since day 1.
I even met the guy ffs.
If you knew how this works in the detail you'd agree with me mass rigging would be very difficult. It would all come down to registering on local levels and it would be too noticeable

If the data is encrypted on the machine, its just a matter of getting the key off the machine.

In any case, how can I volunteer for Trump. I've got a few days off this week and next week.

The machines are shut down and locked after every day of work and results are given after the general with a generated password given by each county.
We have lists of registered voters and we count and report the votes on each machine at the end of the day.
Go to your local Republican Party and they'll hook you up

This is not really true, unless it was written to a read-only hard drive. Which is not possible in all aspects.

Anyone who has access to the code for the machines can do whatever they want with it.

We can't access the machines after the day is over. We get trialed by the fed govt if we do. There are about 6 people working at each polling location. The password to access the machines is given by the county clerk in the morning before the day starts

you need to push the black vote. that could literally decide the election. you should be encouraging all your higher ups to work hard on that

also remind them to remind the public about his gettysburg address and solid outline of plan for the first 100 days in office

structure needs to be stressed. he has to look like he has a plan. everybody knows hillary is a corrupt criminal, the undecideds will be more influenced by a structured plan

Black people tend to vote democrat but I had 2 yelling Trump2016 and Hillary for Prison in the parking lot. Helped another one who voted Trump

Very important work. How is security?
It all depends on the county. Prett good in ours.
>>If you knew how this works in the detail you'd agree with me mass rigging would be very difficult. It would all come down to registering on local levels and it would be too noticeable

Agreed. That's why I'm saying the "correct hands" could only be people working on a local level who, unless they have high profile connections, wouldn't take the risk to commit a federal crime.at least not in small counties. But again, this is only my opinion