26th October 2016, 02:25 PM
Tendies Stories are green text stories ( featuring a twenty-something man who lives at his mother’s home and constantly demands “tendies” (chicken tenders) in exchange for “good boy points” he has earned by doing chores and taking care of himself. The stories are often accompanied by images of Smug Pepe (
In October 2014, posters in the /r9k/ (robot 9000) board on 4chan ( began submitting green text stories featuring an autistic, overweight son who terrorizes his parents into getting him specific foods and frequently complains about ‘normies’ ( (shown below).[1] (
On January 19th, 2015, an /r9k/[7] ( user submitted a thread asking for posts “putting normies in their place,” to which several users replied with various stories about an adult man who lives with his parents and earns “good boy points” by doing household chores and practicing good hygiene. Other stories contained mentions of the son referring to chicken tenders as “tendies.”
Tendies Stories are green text stories ( featuring a twenty-something man who lives at his mother’s home and constantly demands “tendies” (chicken tenders) in exchange for “good boy points” he has earned by doing chores and taking care of himself. The stories are often accompanied by images of Smug Pepe (
In October 2014, posters in the /r9k/ (robot 9000) board on 4chan ( began submitting green text stories featuring an autistic, overweight son who terrorizes his parents into getting him specific foods and frequently complains about ‘normies’ ( (shown below).[1] (
On January 19th, 2015, an /r9k/[7] ( user submitted a thread asking for posts “putting normies in their place,” to which several users replied with various stories about an adult man who lives with his parents and earns “good boy points” by doing household chores and practicing good hygiene. Other stories contained mentions of the son referring to chicken tenders as “tendies.”