View Full Version : testS are raysist: black teachers lag all others

31st October 2016, 01:27 PM
so the old tests were raysis....now this new one is too. thankfully our friends in nyc.dc have decided that merit doesnt matter in hiring teachers. race is most important factor -- and they've decided we must hire more dumb negro teachers - damn the scores and lack of knowledge/ability


On a classroom-based test for new teachers, black teachers score lower

A new report shows gap on the edTPA and researchers want to find out why

“We’re going to launch an investigation to get behind these test scores,” he said. He said the lower average for black teachers may have “to do with the nature of preparation and support” in different programs, adding, “We have a responsibility to look into it deeply.”

The teaching field has been working to address disparities in the number of teachers of color compared to students of color. Research suggests students can perform better when they’re exposed to teachers of their own background; black teachers tend to have higher expectations for black students, for instance.

As Hechinger has reported, the tests “cost more money, take more time, and require the teacher aspirants to do more work — all of which could deter low-income and minority teacher candidates who were already faring worse, on average, on the less rigorous state-administered certification tests.” (Pecheone has argued against using the edTPA as a requirement to entry into the profession, unless it’s one of multiple measures rating whether teachers are ready.)

Others argue that keeping expectations lower for incoming teachers as a way to aid diversity efforts is a mistake.

“We run the risk of assuming that children of color will suddenly be able to perform if they see a teacher who looks like them. That’s just not the case,” said Kate Walsh, president of the National Council on Teacher Quality. Race matters, but most important, she said, is that teachers be effective.

Concern over diversity is also why the U.S. Education Department declined to use the GPA of incoming teaching recruits as a way to judge teaching programs when it released new accountability rules last week. Department officials said they didn’t want to adversely affect programs that target black and Hispanic teachers, and would focus on program outcomes instead.