View Full Version : Analysis of Genesis 22:18

1st November 2016, 12:20 PM
Genesis 22:18:

18 And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice.

What does that mean, that all the nations of the earth will be blessed? Most people think this means spiritual blessing and give it no more thought than that, and while that may also be true, I think it's actual tangible blessings to the world in the form of technology and inventions. I read through this list of inventions (http://www.garynorth.com/Inventions.pdf) from the 19th century onward which changed the world, and almost without exception, they are all inventions from White men. To me, these are the blessings of Genesis 22:18 which have been exported to the majority of the world. The world as a whole today lives a more comfortable and higher standard of living, thanks to White men. What would the world be like without these inventions, and without the White men who made them? Thoughts?


1st November 2016, 12:32 PM
George Washington Carver invented peanut butter.

2nd November 2016, 12:18 AM
George Washington Carver invented peanut butter.

No, he didn't.
