View Full Version : WTF? President Obama campaigns for Hillary Clinton with less than a week before Elect

2nd November 2016, 12:52 PM
I thought he was distancing himself?

Fox News (https://www.facebook.com/FoxNews/?hc_ref=PAGES_TIMELINE) is live now — at University of North Carolina (https://www.facebook.com/pages/University-of-North-Carolina/106168666082126?hc_ref=PAGES_TIMELINE).

6 mins · Chapel Hill, NC (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Chapel-Hill-North-Carolina/104057349631401) ·

President Obama (https://www.facebook.com/potus/) campaigns for Hillary Clinton (https://www.facebook.com/hillaryclinton/) with less than a week before Election Day.

2nd November 2016, 12:54 PM
I thought he was distancing himself?

Fox News (https://www.facebook.com/FoxNews/?hc_ref=PAGES_TIMELINE) is live now — at University of North Carolina (https://www.facebook.com/pages/University-of-North-Carolina/106168666082126?hc_ref=PAGES_TIMELINE).

6 mins · Chapel Hill, NC (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Chapel-Hill-North-Carolina/104057349631401) ·

President Obama (https://www.facebook.com/potus/) campaigns for Hillary Clinton (https://www.facebook.com/hillaryclinton/) with less than a week before Election Day.

Must be a change of plans. The whole shit show is very fluid right now. We're living in and witnessing history playing out in front of our eyes.

2nd November 2016, 12:55 PM
I want to hear about this new plan... Wonder whats going to be coming out next.

The feed isn't on obamas FB page, only on FOX with 11k watching.

2nd November 2016, 12:57 PM
I want to hear about this new plan... Wonder whats going to be coming out next.

pedoparty gets all of them...trump too

2nd November 2016, 12:59 PM
His masters told him to get out there... He has no choice... Yez-Mazzer!

2nd November 2016, 01:01 PM
They're putting the whole pot of chips on this hand. They have to. If they lose they are all going to prison or spending the rest of their lives in exile and wanted.

2nd November 2016, 01:08 PM
They're putting the whole pot of chips on this hand. They have to. If they lose they are all going to prison or spending the rest of their lives in exile and wanted.
The Genie is already out of the bottle. I wouldn't give a nickel for their chances of escape now

2nd November 2016, 01:10 PM
Damage control strategy...

2nd November 2016, 01:44 PM
The Genie is already out of the bottle. I wouldn't give a nickel for their chances of escape now

Why not? They just come with another Trump victim. This one is rape.

2nd November 2016, 01:45 PM
Why not? They just come with another Trump victim. This one is rape.


2nd November 2016, 02:07 PM
Why not? They just come with another Trump victim. This one is rape.

Bah! If any of this were true it would have surfaced long ago. Smokescreens all of them!

2nd November 2016, 02:08 PM
The attorney is Gloria Allred's daughter. Live @ 3:00 pm PST

WATCH LIVE: Woman accusing Trump of horrific child rape to come forward publicly today (http://www.rawstory.com/2016/11/woman-accusing-trump-of-horrific-child-rape-to-come-forward-publicly-today/)

Attorney Lisa Bloom announced today that the woman in question, who up until now has only been referred to as “Jane Doe,” will break her silence by speaking out at Bloom’s law firm in Woodland Hills, California at 6 p.m. ET/3 p.m. PT.
The alleged assault took place in 1994, when the victim was only 13 years old.

2nd November 2016, 02:31 PM
She must be paid a lot, free attorney too! Don't matter anyways, Trump is teflon man. Listening to the clinton hype on this live video, nothing about Trump.

The attorney is Gloria Allred's daughter. Live @ 3:00 pm PST


We’ve heard a lot about horrific allegations of child rape (http://www.rawstory.com/2016/11/witness-trump-also-raped-12-year-old-and-used-her-disappearance-to-threaten-another-victi) against Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, and now it looks like his accuser in this case is finally coming forward.

Attorney Lisa Bloom announced today that the woman in question, who up until now has only been referred to as “Jane Doe,” will break her silence by speaking out at Bloom’s law firm in Woodland Hills, California at 6 p.m. ET/3 p.m. PT.

The alleged assault took place in 1994, when the victim was only 13 years old.

Watch live video below at 6 p.m. ET/3 p.m. PT.

2nd November 2016, 03:09 PM
Can't stand this shit, all pro clit and neg Trump. CNN... wow this is fukt.

Edit: It's all hype, there is no "rape victim" or any coverage about that. Another BS story.

2nd November 2016, 03:22 PM
Despite who wins we all lose !

Washington has been in gridlock for many years now!

Whoever gets elected will inherit that gridlock , plus the equivalent of a thermal nuclear bomb as a party flavor!

Anyone that is expecting any dramatic change will experience something like making love to a hot woman and she falls asleep while you are in mid stroke !

How many ways can the word frustration can be expressed or said?

Gotta popcorn ?


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Forum runner

2nd November 2016, 03:31 PM
Despite who wins we all lose !

Washington has been in gridlock for many years now!

Whoever gets elected will inherit that gridlock , plus the equivalent of a thermal nuclear bomb as a party flavor!

Anyone that is expecting any dramatic change will experience something like making love to a hot woman and she falls asleep while you are in mid stroke !

How many ways can the word frustration can be expressed or said?

Gotta popcorn ?


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Forum runner

Did you watch this? http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?93218-Holy-shit-WTF-is-THIS

2nd November 2016, 03:39 PM
Despite who wins we all lose !

Washington has been in gridlock for many years now!

Whoever gets elected will inherit that gridlock , plus the equivalent of a thermal nuclear bomb as a party flavor!

Anyone that is expecting any dramatic change will experience something like making love to a hot woman and she falls asleep while you are in mid stroke !

How many ways can the word frustration can be expressed or said?

Gotta popcorn ?


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Forum runner

If Trump gets elected, we will know 6 months from election night if it was a joke on us. I live in IL. We had a billionaire run and win for governor. He has been stymied at every turn by the machine (political and press).

2nd November 2016, 03:41 PM
Did you watch this? http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?93218-Holy-shit-WTF-is-THISNo need to, it is written in stone for they that have a molecule or so that can be called a brain cell, and only if one posses two brain cells that they can rub them together and form a thought, could see this coming....

Twisted Titan
2nd November 2016, 05:40 PM
If Trump gets elected, we will know 6 months from election night if it was a joke on us. I live in IL. We had a billionaire run and win for governor. He has been stymied at every turn by the machine (political and press).

I can honestly say Trump will get shit done because for the first time in memory incumbents on both sides will be scared shitless.

Trump will target races and start snapping backs like toothpicks.

2nd November 2016, 05:51 PM
I can honestly say Trump will get shit done because for the first time in memory incumbents on both sides will be scared shitless.

Trump will target races and start snapping backs like toothpicks.

Good way to run a democracy, with fear beyond what we have now, and the majority would let it pass!

Ain't going to happen

Good thing about Trump is he is exposing all of our warts and pimples to the light!

Which is a good thing!

Any members here from Oklahoma ?

The guy that killed those two cops seems to be a kindred soul in feelings here!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Forum runner

2nd November 2016, 05:57 PM
Reading some posts here are so useless I forgot how useless the commenters were.

2nd November 2016, 06:01 PM
So Rumors surface that Bill and Hillary are pedophiles and now Hillary comes up with Trumps child rape victim?

The one thing I have noticed is that everything Hillary says about Trump might as well be Trump saying it about her. Thats where the truth lies. Everything she is guilty of she accuses Trump of doing.

I dont put much stock in rumors from either side but if Hillary is pulling this shit out then she is trying to deflect something else that she fears. Maybe those rumors of pedo island are true.

2nd November 2016, 06:03 PM
Reading some posts here are so useless I forgot how useless the commenters were.

Thank you, !!

Been waiting for a chance to use this ! Tho I admit there are one or two that this would fit better here..

"“your mother is the bacterium in the putrid cyst of an infected anal gland,”"


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Forum runner

2nd November 2016, 06:05 PM
Good way to run a democracy, with fear beyond what we have now, and the majority would let it pass!

Ain't going to happen

Good thing about Trump is he is exposing all of our warts and pimples to the light!

Which is a good thing!

Any members here from Oklahoma ?

The guy that killed those two cops seems to be a kindred soul in feelings here!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Forum runner

Fear is part of democracy. You should be afraid to face the repercussions of tyranny and corruption. Once those repercussions have been restored and these tyrants pay the price we will be in a position to make this country great again.

2nd November 2016, 06:09 PM
So Rumors surface that Bill and Hillary are pedophiles and now Hillary comes up with Trumps child rape victim?

The one thing I have noticed is that everything Hillary says about Trump might as well be Trump saying it about her. Thats where the truth lies. Everything she is guilty of she accuses Trump of doing.

I dont put much stock in rumors from either side but if Hillary is pulling this shit out then she is trying to deflect something else that she fears. Maybe those rumors of pedo island are true.

I believe this 100% true. They can't break this out before the election or it will invalidate the election. Not sure what the plan is but Trump is teflon and his team are phenominal at taking care of this BS. John Kennedy was right there but slacked because he let his team sucked and was infiltrated so they tested MKultra and Jackie blew his fucking head off. I don't think we will seee Milania blow Dons head off.

Edit: During my first divorce I learned a bit, everything they throw at you, you reverse it and throw it back. It was all bullshit about her but redirected at me to defend. I think this is what is going on with the Trump thing now.

2nd November 2016, 06:10 PM
Hillarys entire campaign is fear based. If you vote for trump blah blah blah ad infinium.

2nd November 2016, 06:10 PM
If Trump gets elected, we will know 6 months from election night if it was a joke on us. I live in IL. We had a billionaire run and win for governor. He has been stymied at every turn by the machine (political and press).

If I were Trump and couldn't get anything passed, I'd schedule a major presidential address asking all Americans to march on Washington and demand action.

3rd November 2016, 08:28 AM
ELECTION Outcome Pre-Determined—Cabal Agenda Being Executed in Real Time, Trump in Ultimate Pressure Cooker

November 8th Election = BREXIT

There Is Now Only One Outcome For The 2016 Presidential Election

The Millennium Report
TMR Editor’s Note:
In light of recent developments concerning Hillary Clinton, particularly the re-opened Emailgate investigation and her faltering campaign, it is now clear that a Trump victory is being stealthily engineered by the ruling elites.

TPTB know that if Hillary Clinton was permitted to steal this election, all hell would break loose. The cowards who make up the World Shadow Government will always act in the interest of maintaining order so that they are NEVER under threat of any kind; hence, they always proceed in the direction of exerting maximum control—24/7. The wealthy elites will ALWAYS act so as to avoid real chaos and unpredictability. In fact they are the ultimate control freaks. As follows:

“Remember, there is one thing — more than anything else — which the WSG fears.
That is uncontrolled chaos. They know—> that real mayhem in the streets will not treat them well. Therefore, spontaneous social pandemonium is their greatest worry.
Unpredictable political paroxysms strike fear into their hearts. Uncontrollable financial volatility will only serve to shatter their control matrix.”
(Source: The BIGGEST Coverup in USA History (http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=2257))

With this understanding it ought to be VERY easy to comprehend the necessity of TPTB ensuring a Donald Trump victory. Because there is now so much raw anger and fury across America, the elites know in their bones that a French Revolution-style rebellion is literally right around the corner in the wake a Clinton stolen election. With the Internet acting as a repository of vast amounts of criminal evidence, each crime family can be indicted with the single keystroke, and hunted down for trial and life imprisonment. Truly, the Second American Revolution has begun no matter what the eventuality.

Only a Trump victory will permit the implementation of their covert NWO agenda which is becoming more necessary by the day. The NWO cabal knows that the Global Economic and Financial System is completely unsustainable and must undergo a worldwide controlled demolition. Not only is Trump a bankruptcy expert, he is a natural wrecking ball as the electorate has witnessed in real time. He has the experience to take the whole bloody System down right into its own footprint (Sound familiar?!)

TRUMP: The NWO Cabal’s Nuclear Option—To Declare A US, Inc. Bankruptcy (http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=37500)
BREXIT was quite instructive

There is no other event since the controlled demolitions of 9/11 that so perfectly telegraphs the future like BREXIT. The whole world expected that the City of London controllers had ensured a BREMAIN victory. Instead, BREXIT saw an extremely surprising victory which actually fits perfectly into the NWO long game.

That long game calls for a total collapse of the existing clandestine GE&FS so that it can be replaced by a new and improved GE&FS that is completely out in the open. Such an eventuality can only occur with the controlled demolition of the existing structures that are literally teetering on the quicksand of (i) debt, (ii) derivatives, (iii) deflation and the (iv)Dollar.

The ‘FOUR HORSEMEN’ Herald the Death Knell of Predatory Capitalism (http://cosmicconvergence.org/?p=1987)
If nothing else, BREXIT has served as a stark omen of the global economic and financial future. In essence, the European Union was sacrificed so that an even larger totalitarian superstate could be fabricated under the rubric of a One World Government.

BREXIT was quite deliberately cloaked with much suspense and controversy to divert the people’s attention — which it did famously — from the real agenda that was being surreptitiously executed. And it really worked like a charm for the globalists as now seen from numerous developments in both the UK and European Union.


4th November 2016, 06:38 PM
2.5 Minute Chimpout on Obama


midnight rambler
4th November 2016, 06:49 PM
Note that he handles it just like any negro would. lol

2.5 Minute Chimpout on Obama
