View Full Version : Surprise! BREXIT vote overruled by "High Court"

3rd November 2016, 07:28 AM

The High Court has ruled that the Government does not have power to trigger Article 50 without parliamentary approval and a vote from MPs.

Campaigners have won their battle over Theresa May's decision to use the royal prerogative in her Brexit strategy to start the process of leaving the European Union.

The government have said they will appeal the decision in the Supreme Court. A spokesperson confirmed: "We will appeal this judgment."


Nigel Farage has warned fellow politicians that any attempt to block or delay Britain's exit from the European Union will be met with untold anger from the public.

In a statement released after the historic High Court ruling on Article 50 the interim Ukip leader said he fears a Brexit "betrayal" is on the horizon.

The judges ruled that the government doesn't have the power to trigger two-year exit process Article 50 without a vote by MPs.

Farage campaigned vigorously for Brexit and declared the June 23 referendum Britain's "independence day" after the shock result was confirmed.

3rd November 2016, 08:10 AM
The outcome of the parlament vote is obviously not representative of the will of the people, but who cares, no people live in United Kingdom, they are all British subjects of her royal majesty the queen!