View Full Version : Glasses Fooling Facial Recognition Into Thinking You’re Someone Else

3rd November 2016, 09:43 AM
funny but still anybody wearing these will get noticed.


These Glasses Fool Facial Recognition Into Thinking You’re Someone Else
3 November 2016 GMT

‘The glasses, recently described in this paper and featured on the excellent blog Prosthetic Knowledge, contain patterns on the front of the frames that obscure the identity of the wearer to facial recognition algorithms. For example, one of the researchers who developed the glasses, a white male, passed for actress Milla Jovovich. His colleague, a South-Asian female, successfully impersonated a Middle Eastern male.

The glasses were developed to mislead facial recognition programs that use neural networks (a form of advanced machine learning that mimics the human brain), said researcher and co-creator Mahmood Sharif. The specs had a 90 percent success rate in fooling the facial recognition software Face++, which is used for detection, tracking, and analysis, such as noting a person’s age, gender, or identity.’





3rd November 2016, 09:59 AM
So as long as you don't mind looking like a freak in public, problem solved!

3rd November 2016, 10:51 AM
These work too...


3rd November 2016, 01:08 PM
So as long as you don't mind looking like a freak in public, problem solved!

Yes. Unfortunately, "getting noticed" by real eyes is as bad as being tracked by the regime's StasiNet.

14th November 2016, 04:14 AM
more seriously...

HALF Of Americans’ Photos Are Now Stored In Facial Recognition Databases
14 November 2016 GMT Big Brother

‘According to a new report by Georgetown Law’s Center on Privacy and Technology, half of Americans now have photos of themselves stored in facial recognition databases. The vast majority of these citizens are not suspects in crimes, nor do they have criminal records.

The report indicated that over 117 million adults are stored in facial recognition databases, and any of their photos can be used at any time in a “virtual lineup,” where they can be picked out by law enforcement as potential suspects.’

14th November 2016, 04:28 AM
These work too...


So true !

Those glasses work well for deer in New Zealand and maybe in Australia !




Half Sense
14th November 2016, 06:43 AM
Thick tortoise shell frames may do the same thing.