View Full Version : nyc.dc skype crying out in pain over trump ad

7th November 2016, 10:49 AM
if you haven't seen the ad, go see it. good stuff -


Donald Trump's closing campaign ad paints a distinct picture of the way he sees America and the world: powerful men and women in suits, media magnates, financiers and politicians like Hillary Clinton, conspiring to concentrate power in their own hands.

"The only thing that can stop this corrupt machine is you," Trump's voice says near the end of the ad. "The only force strong enough to save our country is us."

But Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., suggested on CNN's "State of the Union" that Trump's "Argument for America" ad plays on an insidious chord that has been a rallying point for politicians for decades: anti-Semitism.

Franken joined a chorus of people who have criticized the ad's undertones since it was released on Friday.

The Anti-Defamation League, a nongovernmental organization that seeks to fight anti-Semitism, also seized on the ad, saying it conjured "painful stereotypes and baseless conspiracy theories."

Trump released the two-minute ad on Friday. It focuses heavily on what he calls the political and economic machine of the world, and the people he suggests operate it. "People that don't have your good interest in mind," the ad says.

Among those people, judging from the grainy images flashed in the ad, are prominent American Jews: Janet Yellen, the chair of the Federal Reserve, business magnate George Soros and Lloyd Blankfein, the CEO and chairman of Goldman Sachs.

"It's a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities," the ad says as it shows an image of Blankfein speaking at a Clinton Foundation event.

Franken, who is Jewish, said on "State of the Union" that the ad speaks "to a certain part of (Trump's) alt-right base."

"When I saw the ad I thought that this was something of a German Shepherd whistle, a dog whistle, to a certain group in the United States," Franken told Jake Tapper. "I'm Jewish, so maybe I'm sensitive to it. It had an Elders of Zion feeling to it, an international banking conspiracy to it and then a number of Jews" are pictured.

"It's an appeal to some of the worst elements of our country. Some who are not sensitive to that may not see that, but that's the conclusion I draw."
Nickelodeon's 'Pick the President' almost always predicts the winner. This year, kids chose …
Nickelodeon's 'Pick the President' almost always predicts the winner. This year, kids chose …

The text Franken alludes to - "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" - is a document, later shown to be fabricated, that describes a Jewish plan for global domination, according to the U.S. Holocaust Museum. Originally written in Russian, the protocols purport to be the minutes of a late-19th-century meeting where Jewish leaders talked about controlling the media and global economies and fostering religious conflict.

Henry Ford funded printing of 500,000 copies that were distributed throughout the United States. As Adolf Hitler rose to power, schoolchildren in Nazi Germany were required to study the text, even after it was shown to be fraudulent.

On Sunday, Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, called on Trump's campaign to be more responsible with its messages.

"Whether intentional or not, the images and rhetoric in this ad touch on subjects that anti-Semites have used for ages," Greenblatt said in a statement tweeted by the organization. "This needs to stop . ... It's a time when all candidates need to be especially responsible and bid for votes by offering sincere ideas and policy proposals."

Franken's comments aren't the first time Trump has been called anti-Semitic this campaign season.

In July, Trump repeatedly defended himself for retweeting an image describing Clinton as "crooked" and the "most corrupt candidate ever" that included a red Star of David shape slapped onto a bed of $100 bills. The image, widely condemned as anti-Semitic, had its roots in the online white supremacist movement, but Trump dismissed it as "just a star."

Last week, Trump's campaign manager disavowed a supporter as "deplorable" for chanting "Jew-S-A!" at an earlier rally, according to The Washington Post.

The man's "conduct is completely unacceptable and does not reflect our campaign or our candidate. Wow," Kellyanne Conway said during an interview on CNN's "State of the Union." "That man's conduct was deplorable. And had I been there, I would have asked security to remove him immediately."

The Washington Post

7th November 2016, 10:52 AM
ha ha!


Minnesota Sen. Al Franken on Sunday called a new advertisement for Donald Trump’s campaign “something of a German shepherd whistle” designed to appeal to his supporters in the so-called alt-right.

The TV spot warns of the influence of “those who control the levers of power in Washington” and “global special interests,” and it raised eyebrows among observers who said it contains anti-Semitic overtones. As CNN’s Jake Tapper noted to Franken on Sunday morning on “State of the Union,” commentators have pointed out that it targets three public figures who are Jewish — billionaire George Soros, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen and Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein.

Franken, a Democrat and Hillary Clinton supporter, said his reaction to the ad was: “This was something of a German shepherd whistle, a dog whistle, to sort of the, a certain group in the United States” and said it speaks to “a certain part” of Trump’s base in the alt-right.

“I’m Jewish, so maybe I’m sensitive to it, but it clearly had sort of [an] ‘Elders of Zion’ kind of feel to it,” Franken said. “International banking plot or conspiracy, rather, and then a number of Jews.”

The Anti-Defamation League also condemned the Trump ad for dangerously flirting with anti-Jewish imagery.

"Whether intentional or not, the images and rhetoric in the ad touch on subjects that anti-semites have used for ages," wrote Jonathan Greenblatt, the organization's CEO.

"This needs to stop," he added. "In the final days before the elections, tensions are extremely high. It's a time when all candidates need to be especially responsible and bid for votes by offering sincere ideas and policy proposals, not by conjuring painful stereotypes and baseless conspiracy theories."

The alt-right, generally defined as white nationalists and other fringe right-wing groups, has been attracted to the Republican nominee in part for his hard-line message on immigration.

7th November 2016, 10:54 AM
ha ha!


Minnesota Sen. Al Franken on Sunday called a new advertisement for Donald Trump’s campaign “something of a German shepherd whistle” designed to appeal to his supporters in the so-called alt-right.

The TV spot warns of the influence of “those who control the levers of power in Washington” and “global special interests,” and it raised eyebrows among observers who said it contains anti-Semitic overtones. As CNN’s Jake Tapper noted to Franken on Sunday morning on “State of the Union,” commentators have pointed out that it targets three public figures who are Jewish — billionaire George Soros, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen and Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein.

Franken, a Democrat and Hillary Clinton supporter, said his reaction to the ad was: “This was something of a German shepherd whistle, a dog whistle, to sort of the, a certain group in the United States” and said it speaks to “a certain part” of Trump’s base in the alt-right.

“I’m Jewish, so maybe I’m sensitive to it, but it clearly had sort of [an] ‘Elders of Zion’ kind of feel to it,” Franken said. “International banking plot or conspiracy, rather, and then a number of Jews.”

The Anti-Defamation League also condemned the Trump ad for dangerously flirting with anti-Jewish imagery.

"Whether intentional or not, the images and rhetoric in the ad touch on subjects that anti-semites have used for ages," wrote Jonathan Greenblatt, the organization's CEO.

"This needs to stop," he added. "In the final days before the elections, tensions are extremely high. It's a time when all candidates need to be especially responsible and bid for votes by offering sincere ideas and policy proposals, not by conjuring painful stereotypes and baseless conspiracy theories."

The alt-right, generally defined as white nationalists and other fringe right-wing groups, has been attracted to the Republican nominee in part for his hard-line message on immigration.
"This needs to stop," he added. "In the final days before the elections, tensions are extremely high. It's a time when all candidates need to be especially responsible and bid for votes by offering sincere ideas and policy proposals, not by conjuring painful stereotypes and baseless conspiracy theories."

So Trump offended a few kikes....big deal! The message is the message and it is being heard!! Censorship ain't gonna work this time!

7th November 2016, 10:57 AM
Nickelodeon's 'Pick the President' almost always predicts the winner. This year, kids chose …

Who? Who did they pick??

7th November 2016, 10:59 AM
Relax Mr. Comedian, Trump has already selected an internationalist (((bankster))) for his Treasury Secretary.

7th November 2016, 10:59 AM
That says alot coming from a complete idiot.


Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DIETlxquzY

7th November 2016, 11:09 AM
think this is the adocaust


7th November 2016, 11:14 AM
think this is the adocaust


I didn't see anything even remotely "Anti-Semantic" in that advertisement.. Guilty conscience??

7th November 2016, 11:17 AM
^ that be it. Pictures of kikes is what is anti sementic.

7th November 2016, 11:21 AM
^ that be it. Pictures of kikes is what is anti sementic.

Fuck'em. Let them cry!

7th November 2016, 12:10 PM
Pay no attention to the haters. The louder they cry and bitch and complain the closer we are to winning. Its called fear. Fear of getting a real job once the swamp is drained.
By tomorrow morning they should be pulling out fake vids of Trump raping Chelsea Clinton in the ass while throwing babies against the wall and eating aborted fetuses.

7th November 2016, 08:54 PM
John Titor...paging John Titor

8th November 2016, 12:26 AM
^ that be it. Pictures of kikes is what is anti sementic.

I am also anti-cementic. I prefer getting plastered!

I doubt it, but Trump should realize his whiny Jews are not his friends at all and cut the ties, or keep them at a very short leash immediately after winning the election.

I guess I am prone to daydreaming...

Good Morning America! How ya feelin today? Don Trump/Kill Clint or Jill Stein?

8th November 2016, 12:27 AM
I didn't see anything even remotely "Anti-Semantic" in that advertisement.. Guilty conscience??

Jews don't do conscience... Only con-science!