View Full Version : Drain the Swamp!

9th November 2016, 01:56 AM
I know everyones still in a celebratory mood, realistically though I couldn't give a flying fuck about the platitudes and intelectual reach arounds, there is just ONE thing I want to know...

When is Trump going to thoroughly investigate the Bitch, her cohorts and all the other scumbags from Obongo through to Bush and all the way back to Billy. When is he going to start drainging the swamp. I want the dirt on 9/11 while we're at it.

Too much, too soon?

I don't give a fuck about the economy, what like they are going to repudiate 18 trillions dollars in debt, yea right, not going to happen...AND I don't give a fuck about the immigrants (this will fix itself in good time if the swamp is drained). What I give a fuck about is sending the criminal class to prison PERMANETLY and utterly annihalating the globalists wet dreams.

Anything else is just BULLSHIT


9th November 2016, 02:07 AM
http://www.crystalinks.com/aboriginals.jpg http://warnet.ws/img5/291/pod/67.jpg

9th November 2016, 02:21 AM

9th November 2016, 02:24 AM
No matter what happens, its going to be one hell of a ride.

9th November 2016, 02:25 AM
The Alt-Right will only grow and fight this shit. Spergs are the new Jews.

9th November 2016, 02:31 AM
The Alt-Right will only grow and fight this shit. Spergs are the new Jews.

I genuinely hope you're right.

9th November 2016, 07:01 PM

Lock up their money and stupid fixes itself...

Thats something I hadn't considered. Maybe, better than locking them up, is confiscating everything they have. Take everything they have, and freeze every asset they have overseas. Put them in the POORHOUSE. That would be WORSE than prison. That would force them to go and find real jobs, and produce something of value to live on. No more parasite lifestyle. That in exchange for no prison time. I'd go for that.

Nail on the head.

As part of the 'lets all pull together' strategy overtly going for the Clintons would be highly divisive so will not happen, even tho' its well justified.

Much better to go for an impersonal legal entity, their Foundation. If done properly and I have no doubt it would be with much legal bullshit cover, no-one will be able to object to it. In this way it should be possible to strip the wealth and reputation out of the Clinton dynasty and their hangers on.

Fortunately there is more than one way to skin these evil cats.

lock her up nyse floor traders boo shout during hillary concession speech (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-11-09/lock-her-nyse-floor-traders-boo-shout-during-hillary-concession-speech)