View Full Version : Farage Says Trump Victory ‘Bigger than Brexit

9th November 2016, 05:35 AM

Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWFpL4gWaME

Trump’s victory in the presidential race is “bigger than Brexit”, Nigel Farage has said.

Watching the results coming in at the U.S. Embassy, the interim leader of the UK Independence Party told press that 2016 was shaping up to be “the year of two great political revolutions.

“I thought Brexit was big but, boy, this looks like it’s going to be even bigger,” he added.

Farage proclaimed Trump’s win as a victory for “the little people, it’s the ordinary people [who are] rising up against an establishment that has done them down very badly over the course of the last couple of decades.”

And he said he was unsurprised by the result as “the political class is reviled across much of the West.

“The polling industry’s bankrupt, and the press just hasn’t woken up to what’s going on in the world,” he said.

Speaking to The Telegraph in the early hours of this morning, Farage said the result was good news for Britain, who would now have a friend in the White House.

“This is a massive result as far as Britain is concerned with having a friend in the White House, [who] admires our culture, feels his mother’s Scottish roots very deeply and wants to put us at the front of the queue for trade deals.”

On the question of whether Trump would have to be persuaded to back NATO, Farage said: “We can build a very important bridge with NATO. He is asking very important questions about why some members aren’t pulling their weight.”

Arguing that Britain should not be “afraid” of Mr. Trump, he added: ” Do you know what? We just rejected a hawk, a neo-con in favour of someone who wants to talk to Mr Putin, who wants jaw-jaw not war-war. This guy is not a military hawk.

“It’s good news for all of us in the Western World who believe in nation-state democracy.”

As British politicians lined up to express their disgust and dismay at the result – Labour MP Mike Gapes said the result was “much worse” than Brexit, while Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson said it was “not the result [she] wanted” – Farage countered that the political establishment in Britain made a “huge mistake” by failing to take Trump seriously.

“I think we are seeing a sea-change in politics and not before time in my view,” he said, adding: “I was in London tonight but I shall be in America later in the week.”

A spokesman for UKIP donor Arron Banks said he and Farage will be on the first flight to Washington DC today.

Meanwhile, in a statement, Prime Minister Theresa May has congratulated Trump on his election, after what she described as a “hard fought campaign”.

She continued: “Britain and the United States have an enduring and special relationship based on the values of freedom, democracy and enterprise.

“We are, and will remain, strong and close partners on trade, security and defence.

“I look forward to working with President-elect Donald Trump, building on these ties to ensure the security and prosperity of our nations in the years ahead.”


9th November 2016, 05:44 AM
This was the death-blow to the Clinton Crime Family. Her machine is now crumbling with broken axles grinding once-powerful gears- all soon to be rusted in their exposure to the elements.

9th November 2016, 05:45 AM
Someone posted this on 4Chan... Awesome


9th November 2016, 08:46 AM
Trump so owes Assange a pardon...

9th November 2016, 08:49 AM
26 m

Martin Armstrong "The Elite Will Do Whatever It Takes To Prevent The UK Leaving The EU.!"


9th November 2016, 11:23 AM
While we could immerse ourselves in alt-media pundits pontificating 24/7 re the election outcome through at least this week & still not hear it all-- here's a couple dinjoo-wise brits, 1 hr

The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show (205) Paul English – Trump Wins!
Andrew Carrington Hitchcock November 9, 2016 The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show (205) Paul English – Trump Wins!2016-11-09T17:58:14+00:00 ANDREW CARRINGTON HITCHCOCK SHOW No Comment


On today’s show which was recorded and broadcast live, I was joined by Paul English, the station manager of Euro Folk Radio, to discuss Donald Trump’s stunning victory in the U.S. Presidential Election.

We discussed many aspects of what Trump’s victory means for America’s future, including parallels between the American people electing Donald Trump and the British people voting to leave the European Union.

Click Here To Listen To The Show

9th November 2016, 12:17 PM
Trump so owes Assange a pardon...

Yes- that is one of the first things I would do.... and include Snowden while giving him a medal- even if I have to create a new class of Presidential Commendation award.

9th November 2016, 02:53 PM
Yes- that is one of the first things I would do.... and include Snowden while giving him a medal- even if I have to create a new class of Presidential Commendation award.

. But that aside full paprdons are in order.
They will be killed if they ever return to the USi

9th November 2016, 05:32 PM
The ball never rolls the way you think it does. media are likely lying when they say to be surprised by trump's victory. Demonization of a candidate has always a double meaning and is an very old tactic

You all want power, and we all are going to suffer now even more

George Carlin, Larken Rose & James Corbett: Don't Complain If You Vote


‘Wait a minute. I thought Trump was the guy who would mend fences with Russia. If you can believe Camp Hillary, Trump is best buds with Vladimir Putin. He’s a sucker for Russian aggression. Mike Pence put all of that to rest during his “debate” with Tim Kaine … Pence sounds a lot like the neocons and the humanitarian interventionists. “The United States of America needs to begin to exercise strong leadership to protect the vulnerable citizens in over 100,000 children in Aleppo.”’

About Aleppo and Syria, I truly do believe that what America ought to do is immediately establish Safe Zones so that families with children can move out of those areas, work with our Arab partners real-time, right now to make that happen. The provocations by Russia need to be met by American strength. If Russia continues to be involved in this barbaric attack on civilians in Aleppo, the US needs to be prepared to strike military targets of the Assad regime, to prevent them from this humanitarian crisis taking place in Aleppo.

There is a broad range of other things we ought to do as well. We should deploy a missile defense shield to the Czech Republic and Poland, which had Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama pulled back on…

I understand why you want to change the subject and let me be clear on this Russians thing. What we are dealing with is — there is an old proverb that says the Russian bear never dies, but hibernates. This foreign policy from Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama has awakened a Russian aggression that first appeared a few years ago with their move into Georgia and Crimea and into the wider Middle East. All we do now is full of our arms and say, “We are not having talks anymore.” We need to marshal the resources of our allies in the region and end the immediate — we need to act and act now to get people out of harm’s way…

The safe zones would have to be, as the senator said, there is a framework that has been recognized by the international community, but the United States needs to be prepared to work with others in the region to create a route for safe passage, and to protect people in those areas, including with a no-fly zone.

For those who believe Trump will end the wars, it’s time for a reality check.

Trump and Hillary are on the same page.


The RealClearPolitics average from May 6-June 5 had Sanders at 49.7% to Trump’s 39.3%, a 10.4-point cushion.

In that same time frame, Trump was polling close to Clinton and was even ahead in multiple polls.’

Read more: Would Bernie Sanders have defeated Donald Trump?

9th November 2016, 05:41 PM
‘Wait a minute. I thought Trump was the guy who would mend fences with Russia. If you can believe Camp Hillary, Trump is best buds with Vladimir Putin. He’s a sucker for Russian aggression. Mike Pence put all of that to rest during his “debate” with Tim Kaine … Pence sounds a lot like the neocons and the humanitarian interventionists. “The United States of America needs to begin to exercise strong leadership to protect the vulnerable citizens in over 100,000 children in Aleppo.”’


"He and I haven't spoken, and he and I disagree," Trump said in response to a question about whether he backs the possible use of military force against the Assad regime in Syria as staked out by Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, with whom he shares the ticket, at the vice presidential debate Tuesday.


Just like all the other "journalist" out there. Full of shit and don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.

9th November 2016, 06:34 PM
I recommend corbett report vid,, ares... the mechanisms of power are always skewed

9th November 2016, 06:46 PM
I recommend corbett report vid,, ares... the mechanisms of power are always skewed

I recommend not buying into the bullshit that is peddled by "journalist" and see the mandate that was just given to DJT and the Republicans. They know they are being watched and expect Trumps platform to be followed or risk the wrath of not returning to the tax payer funded gravy train.