View Full Version : Feminists are looking someone to blame for Trump

9th November 2016, 10:10 AM
>Fellow white women, I’m done with you.

>After all this talk of allyship, you didn’t show up to the polls to push back against the openly racist, xenophobic, misogynistic now-President-elect Donald Trump.

>The exit polls from the Nov. 8 election show that 53 percent of white women voted for Donald Trump, compared to only 43 percent for Hillary Clinton. It appears many white women are not moved by Trump’s sexism, and instead would rather applaud the candidate for his lack of political correctness.

>After all the supposed progress we’ve made, painstakingly trying to change a white feminist movement into an intersectional one (and for that we have only the hard work of women of color to thank), white women didn’t show up to fight back against a man whose rhetoric and policies directly attack women of color, immigrant women, Muslim women, LGBTQ women and more.


>So I am ashamed. I am ashamed of my country. I am ashamed of white people. But more than anyone else, I am ashamed of white women. Is this who we really are? Clearly ? and it is who we have always been.

Why does her last name echo?


White men have been blamed for all the evils of the world by SJWs. Now it appears that maybe white women will be next.

Maybe feminism is about to collapse under its own weight. There will be some segregation, but not by whites, but by these feminists because they will start to blame all the bad things on white women. Eventually white women will most likely flee.

>Women are finally realizing women are retarded.

9th November 2016, 10:13 AM

Feminists are after blood. I think they have found their prey. This cult is about to cannibalize itself.

>White women sold out their fellow women, their country, and themselves last night. Most white women don’t want to be part of an intersectional feminist sisterhood. Most white women just want to be one of the guys. And we will all suffer for it.

9th November 2016, 10:17 AM
>Feminists decrying females voting in their own perceived interests

>Oppression Olympics

>Muh White Female Trump Voters when I have a pic of Black Female Trump Voters below my headline

>Muh ¡(((fellow)))! White women -t. ¡(((ruiz-grossman)))!

>Muh need to look at politics over gender, never mind HRC's corruption, though, we need the first female President

>Muh we want to tear down authority and hierarchies, but to do so everyone needs to follow our standards and demands

How many contradictory narratives can they hold at once?
Their capacity for cognitive dissonance is astounding.

9th November 2016, 10:27 AM
Women like strong men with a conviction. He didn't give up he didn't give in. That is why he won. Despite everyone in position (of power/influence) being against him.

9th November 2016, 10:37 AM
White women will soon be wearing this t-shirt:



9th November 2016, 11:00 AM
All political movement based upon lies, delusions and duplicitous self-interest eventually turn onto themselves and implode. These idiots are completely lost and may never figure this out.

9th November 2016, 11:34 AM

9th November 2016, 11:38 AM
Of course, when blacks and hispanics vote as a block for the Dem that's not racist. But when whites vote with a simple majority it's obvious racism! /sarc

9th November 2016, 11:39 AM

White people are finally getting it. They know they are under attack and it's time to get organized!

9th November 2016, 11:42 AM
White people are finally getting it. They know they are under attack and it's time to get organized!Yes it's called self preservation, fighting for one's survival when attacked. Of course, any act of self-defense committed by a white is automatically a racist gesture. /sarc

9th November 2016, 11:44 AM
Yes it's called self preservation, fighting for one's survival when attacked. Of course, any act of self-defense committed by a white is automatically a racist gesture. /sarc

Not any more.....that whole thing is vaporizing before our eyes

9th November 2016, 12:15 PM
Yes it's called self preservation, fighting for one's survival when attacked. Of course, any act of self-defense committed by a white is automatically a racist gesture. /sarc

STFU you damn racist!!!!


9th November 2016, 12:26 PM

Pull the Jews, mixed-breed "Whites" and "White Hispanics" (sic) and the numbers go higher for Trump.

9th November 2016, 03:06 PM
Sounds like those people are being sexist bigots and they need to check their sexual privilege. Time to attack these liberal swine with their own tactics. The reality that their intimidation works better on them than on us will send them into a panic.

9th November 2016, 05:22 PM
White people are finally getting it. They know they are under attack and it's time to get organized!

