View Full Version : Check out what the dung beetle's 'labor' union does and hopes no one notices lol

midnight rambler
15th November 2016, 04:58 PM
Those Communists are a very clever and creative bunch. Only a dyed-in-the-wool Communist would continue to support a *known* COMMUNIST 'labor' union.


midnight rambler
15th November 2016, 05:05 PM
Yeah, they were using the IBEW Local 98 'Union' hall for Killery's campaign -


midnight rambler
15th November 2016, 05:08 PM

Get a load of this, you will have to zoom out and then zoom back in to see the real deal via Google street view, what a hoot!

https://www.google.com/maps/@39.9632347,-75.1670197,3a,65y,-8.91h,103.92t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1svmY7ApoefUOV3cMHGX6kWw!6s%2F%2 Fgeo1.ggpht.com%2Fmaps%2Fphotothumb%2Ffd%2Fv1%3Fbp b%3DChAKDnNlYXJjaC5UQUNUSUxFEkAKEglH7B-SzcfGiRFRhcC3zIoQbhIKDaLm0RcVKW0y0xoSCV03SoLMx8aJE YHtgIXhwyoqKgoNoubRFxUpbTLTGgQIVhBW%26gl%3Dus!7i13 312!8i6656!6m1!1e1

15th November 2016, 05:17 PM
I see one chick?

midnight rambler
15th November 2016, 05:27 PM
I see one chick?

What are you looking at?? ???

7th trump
15th November 2016, 07:58 PM
Yeah, they were using the IBEW Local 98 'Union' hall for Killery's campaign -


Old news and what they did was illegal and they got busted. Someone already posted this a few months back.
Now this doesnt mean all the IBEW's out there are like this local.....only a fool who's baiting an argument based on deceit would pull a lie like that.

Not very honest are you asshole?

midnight rambler
15th November 2016, 08:02 PM
They only got busted 'cause they got caught. The fact remains that the IBEW, just another Communist front organization, has been in bed with the DNC FOREVER. Sleep with dogs and you're gonna get fleas.

What do you use for flea control Trumpstein?

15th November 2016, 08:35 PM
Not very honest are you asshole?

When are you going to renounce your membership in a Marxist organization?

15th November 2016, 11:54 PM
What are you looking at?? ???

Jesus! I have no idea but it was not this video... Something about way too many windows open at once I would guess.

7th trump
16th November 2016, 06:45 AM
When are you going to renounce your membership in a Marxist organization?

What Marxist organization?
The IBEW is more American than your communist ass.
Sets safety standards
Gave you overtime pay.
Gave you week ends
Gave you 40 hour work week
They even say the pledge of allegiance before all meetings. When was the last time you recited the pledge?

The list goes on and on..........

16th November 2016, 07:02 AM
What Marxist organization?
The IBEW is more American than your communist ass.
Sets safety standards
Gave you overtime pay.
Gave you week ends
Gave you 40 hour work week
They even say the pledge of allegiance before all meetings. When was the last time you recited the pledge?

The list goes on and on..........

The Pledge of Allegiance was written by a known Socialist. Francis Bellamy

It's not ironic in the least that a communist organization would have you pledge allegiance to the state. In Marxist ideology the state is supreme.

16th November 2016, 07:28 AM
They even say the pledge of allegiance before all meetings. When was the last time you recited the pledge?

Yeah, and they play the National Anthem before sporting events too. I'm against it. There's nothing patriotic about it.

Civic events.....have a blast......sporting, NO!

7th trump
16th November 2016, 07:40 AM
The Pledge of Allegiance was written by a known Socialist. Francis Bellamy

It's not ironic in the least that a communist organization would have you pledge allegiance to the state. In Marxist ideology the state is supreme.

How long have you been "full blown retard"?

Francis Bellamy was a Christian Socialist...not a jew Marxist socialist which you are portraying.
This guy had a belief that capitalism is based on "greed" (one of the 7 sins) which it isn't...its based on free trade and market. Sure some aren't intelligent enough to see the difference or understand "greed" can easily feed off of free markets and will get that confused together which I suspect you do based on your anti-American reply.

Gee maybe do some research before displaying your ignorance....just an idea is all!

7th trump
16th November 2016, 07:53 AM
Yeah, and they play the National Anthem before sporting events too. I'm against it. There's nothing patriotic about it.

Civic events.....have a blast......sporting, NO!

The anthem and pledge are two completely different things.
Why do you convolute these together and fubar the two?

16th November 2016, 08:10 AM
The anthem and pledge are two completely different things.
Why do you convolute these together and fubar the two?

No shit? I thought they were both attempts to at "group think". Us versus Them. Rah, Rah, take one for the team.

16th November 2016, 08:21 AM
How long have you been "full blown retard"?

Francis Bellamy was a Christian Socialist...not a jew Marxist socialist which you are portraying.
This guy had a belief that capitalism is based on "greed" (one of the 7 sins) which it isn't...its based on free trade and market. Sure some aren't intelligent enough to see the difference or understand "greed" can easily feed off of free markets and will get that confused together which I suspect you do based on your anti-American reply.

Gee maybe do some research before displaying your ignorance....just an idea is all!

Where exactly do you think socialism came from? Socialism is just Communism (lite).

It's not Anti-American to say I do not pledge allegiance to a state or it's flag which is a symbol which represents the state that is hell bent on robbing me of my wealth through taxation, my privacy through constant surveillance.

Maybe do some research before displaying your complete and utter lack of understanding on communism, unions, and socialism. :rolleyes:

16th November 2016, 12:06 PM
What Marxist organization?
The IBEW is more American than your communist ass.

The IBEW supported:

Hillary Clinton
Barack Obama
Bill Clinton

And with your monthly dues, SO DID YOU.

They even say the pledge of allegiance before all meetings. When was the last time you recited the pledge?

You pledge allegiance to the Jewish 50-star rag; I pledge allegiance to Jesus Christ.

16th November 2016, 12:10 PM
Francis Bellamy was a Christian Socialist...

Bellamy worshiped the State, which is why he did not include "under God" in his pledge:

"I pledge allegiance to my Flag and to[a] the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Eisenhower added "under God."

One can pledge allegiance to Jesus Christ or a worldly state, not both.

7th trump
16th November 2016, 12:16 PM
The IBEW supported:

Hillary Clinton
Barack Obama
Bill Clinton

And with your monthly dues, SO DID YOU.

You pledge allegiance to the Jewish 50-star rag; I pledge allegiance to Jesus Christ.

Endorsed AT ELECTION TIME is different than supported. The DNC could have picked any democrat it just happens to be Killery this time around. The endorsement money went to the campaign, not ISIS.
You are really making yourself look like a true idiot......stop and think what you are saying!!

Ohh so your saying Martha Washington, who made the flag was a jew?
And you're OK with the current Russian flag from a country that its populace believes Communism is good? And a country that aligns itself with all the other communist countries?
And you're going to continue to convince everyone here that Russia isn't communist any longer?
You're a special kind of stupid aren't you!

Heres whats funny about you twits.
I shown this thread and a couple of marines and a couple other servicemen. Two marines want to personally meet midnight so they can pound the life out of him for being a traitor. Another would like bleed you out.

Also shown this to a few other IBEW members and they laughed in disgust over your ignorance. One made a good point that you twits don't realize just about every major company out there the CEO's belong to an organization where they come together to support globalism. He laughed saying they don't realize they are probably supporting communism (trading with the enemy Act) and the NWO dollar wise than the IBEW.

7th trump
16th November 2016, 12:23 PM
Bellamy worshiped the State, which is why he did not include "under God" in his pledge:

"I pledge allegiance to my Flag and to[a] the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Eisenhower added "under God."

One can pledge allegiance to Jesus Christ or a worldly state, not both.

You have no proof he worshipped the state....just hear say bullshit from a retarded biased asshole, YOU!

You're adding the "state" because it says nothing about a "state".........he does say a "republic". And were you there at the time of the writing and know him personally to know why he left out "GOD"?

Probably not, so your douche bag of an opinion is just that!

Also your not pledging allegiance to God even if Eisenhower added "under God"...its says

I pledge allegiance to my Flag and to[a] the Republic

So if you are this disconnected to your argument then what else are you "THAT" disconnected from while ranting and raving how great you are?

You really are a disconnected asshole.

midnight rambler
16th November 2016, 12:31 PM
Endorsed is different than supported.

So you admit you proactively supported Killery with your Communist 'labor' union dues.

Or am I mistaken and you actually endorsed your Communist heroine...?

16th November 2016, 12:32 PM
The entertainment never ceases...

7th trump
16th November 2016, 12:41 PM
So you admit you proactively supported Killery with your Communist 'labor' union dues.

Or am I mistaken and you actually endorsed your Communist heroine...?

The IBEW endorsed the democratic nominee.
I voted Trump!
You drink pepsi....did you know you supported killery directly with your purchase of pepsi products and anything else pepsi owns?

7th trump
16th November 2016, 12:42 PM
The entertainment never ceases...

I know...your posts are highly entertaining...no educational value what so ever!

16th November 2016, 12:58 PM
I know...your posts are highly entertaining...no educational value what so ever!

Still missing your head, I see...

midnight rambler
16th November 2016, 01:09 PM
The IBEW endorsed the democratic nominee.
I voted Trump!
You drink pepsi....did you know you supported killery directly with your purchase of pepsi products and anything else pepsi owns?

FYI, I don't drink soda pop.

And you lie about so many other things, how can we believe you actually did vote for Trump when your money was on* your Communist heroine Killery?

*you have admitted this by saying you pay Communist 'labor' union dues to a Communist 'labor' union that sets up a HUGE Killery campaign HQ at the IBEW union hall and PROACTIVELY campaigns for Killery

16th November 2016, 01:28 PM
Heres whats funny about you twits.
I shown this thread and a couple of marines and a couple other servicemen. Two marines want to personally meet midnight so they can pound the life out of him for being a traitor. Another would like bleed you out.

Key word "Marines". Cue the Paul Simon..........."still crazy after all these years".

midnight rambler
16th November 2016, 01:42 PM
I shown this thread and a couple of marines and a couple other servicemen. Two marines want to personally meet midnight so they can pound the life out of him for being a traitor. Another would like bleed you out.

Key word "Marines". Cue the Paul Simon..........."still crazy after all these years".

Here's the funny parts of that: 1) the dung beetle is incapable of handling his own cyber-fights therefore he feels compelled to enlist his (imaginary?) 'friends' to 'help' him (safe space?) lol, and 2) associating with a clueless card-carrying Communist dung beetle says volumes about his 'friends'. lol

What a helpless and delicate little baby snowflake. lol

7th trump
16th November 2016, 01:57 PM
Here's the funny parts of that: 1) the dung beetle is incapable of handling his own cyber-fights therefore he feels compelled to enlist his (imaginary?) 'friends' to 'help' him (safe space?) lol, and 2) associating with a clueless card-carrying Communist dung beetle says volumes about his 'friends'. lol

What a helpless and delicate little baby snowflake. lol

When I sit at break and chuckle at your stupid remarks a few wanted to know what I was chuckling at. So I handed over my phone and they read what what you two twits have posted. It pissed the first guy off which struck the interests of a few more. Some were coworkers and some were UAW workers all of them excpet for two went into the service.
You wouldnt make it out alive asshole. They put you into the category of the liberal protesters...little whiny wimps that need a good ass kicking.

7th trump
16th November 2016, 02:00 PM
FYI, I don't drink soda pop.

And you lie about so many other things, how can we believe you actually did vote for Trump when your money was on* your Communist heroine Killery?

*you have admitted this by saying you pay Communist 'labor' union dues to a Communist 'labor' union that sets up a HUGE Killery campaign HQ at the IBEW union hall and PROACTIVELY campaigns for Killery

Admitted to what?
The fact I voted Trump?

Remember asshole it was you who didnt like trump. I was for him since the beginning. You called me all kinds of names for being in the Trump camp.......and I'm a union guy!

midnight rambler
16th November 2016, 02:03 PM
I'd suggest that you advise your associates that Texas is a right to work state and therefore they wouldn't have to compromise on their principles and demean themselves by joining a Communist 'labor' union to have gainful employment however we have enough foreigners migrating to Texas as it is and we really don't need more.

7th trump
16th November 2016, 02:03 PM
Still missing your head, I see...

Still another post having no educational, or for that matter, no value what so ever.
Just popping in causing trouble like the little cunt you always have been.......how many protests have you been to today?
I'm told Soro's pays you well.
I hear 35 an hour to protest....never made that much before have you Ximmy?

midnight rambler
16th November 2016, 02:07 PM
Hey dung beetle, aren't you cheating your employer by spending so much time viewing websites on your phone while on the clock?

Yep. Just like a worthless Communist 'labor' union member.

7th trump
16th November 2016, 02:09 PM
I'd suggest that you advise your associates that Texas is a right to work state and therefore they wouldn't have to compromise on their principles and demean themselves by joining a Communist 'labor' union to have gainful employment however we have enough foreigners migrating to Texas as it is and we really don't need more.

The IBEW isnt a labor union as you portray...its a skilled labor union. Meaning you have a valuable skill that is eagerly sought for. Nonunion skill doesnt cut it. The government wont hire them because they are unskilled....kind a like a porta potty guy....any ole illegal immigrant can suck shit out of a bucket.

I bet your a mexican and you hire mexicans illegally. Your intelligence is that of a third world education.

7th trump
16th November 2016, 02:13 PM
Hey dung beetle, aren't you cheating your employer by spending so much time viewing websites on your phone while on the clock?

Yep. Just like a worthless Communist 'labor' union member.

I'm quite efficient at what I do. Nobodys willing to do what I do....climb steel or terminate fiber optics. I know this whole plant like no other....17 years experience. I'm requested to stay where I'm at.

Not like your nonskill set of sucking turds from a bucket.

16th November 2016, 02:19 PM
7th...lighten up. You are by for the most abrasive poster on this forum. Furthermore, you continually hurl insults at others, all while claiming to be a Christian. Think about what other Christians think, when reading your posts. There's enough BS from the media against us, but you seem to do a good job of making Christians seem completely crazy all by yourself. It's almost like you are a .gov plant on this forum.

midnight rambler
16th November 2016, 02:32 PM
I'll have you know that turd polishing is an art form, one that pays handsomely to true artists such as myself.

Definitely distinct from rolling balls of shit around, which comes easily for a moronic clueless card-carrying Communist dung beetle such as yourself.


midnight rambler
16th November 2016, 02:39 PM
I'm quite efficient at what I do. Nobodys willing to do what I do....climb steel or terminate fiber optics. I know this whole plant like no other....17 years experience. I'm requested to stay where I'm at.

TRANSLATION: I see nothing wrong with cheating my employer.

Typical Communist 'labor union' member behavior. lol

7th trump
16th November 2016, 03:18 PM
7th...lighten up. You are by for the most abrasive poster on this forum. Furthermore, you continually hurl insults at others, all while claiming to be a Christian. Think about what other Christians think, when reading your posts. There's enough BS from the media against us, but you seem to do a good job of making Christians seem completely crazy all by yourself. It's almost like you are a .gov plant on this forum.

Fuck you asshole

16th November 2016, 03:23 PM
Whoo wheee !

Clusterfuck !


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Forum runner

midnight rambler
16th November 2016, 03:25 PM
7th...lighten up. You are by for the most abrasive poster on this forum. Furthermore, you continually hurl insults at others, all while claiming to be a Christian. Think about what other Christians think, when reading your posts. There's enough BS from the media against us, but you seem to do a good job of making Christians seem completely crazy all by yourself. It's almost like you are a .gov plant on this forum.

Fuck you asshole

Proof the dung beetle is not a Christian but in reality is a Satan worshiping Communist.

7th trump
16th November 2016, 03:40 PM
Proof the dung beetle is not a Christian but in reality is a Satan worshiping Communist.

You'll sadly find out just what real Christians are all about some day!
You wont be so arrogant in your ways when that day comes.

16th November 2016, 04:36 PM
Fuck you asshole

I'm not the best Christian, I am a sinner...but even I disapprove of this post. You should be ashamed of yourself, 7th.

16th November 2016, 04:43 PM
I'm not the best Christian, I am a sinner...but even I disapprove of this post. You should be ashamed of yourself, 7th.

But but Trump seven times removed "approved" of this message !



Sent from my Nexus 7 using Forum runner

16th November 2016, 05:11 PM
I'm not the best Christian, I am a sinner...but even I disapprove of this post. You should be ashamed of yourself, 7th.

You have to know how to answer 7th trump so that he is pleased...

When 7th trump says "Pluck you asphole" he envisions himself as a strong hero, fighting evil enemies...

Watch the viddies and you will see how 7th trump see's himself...




7th trump
16th November 2016, 05:29 PM
You have to know how to answer 7th trump so that he is pleased...

When 7th trump says "Pluck you asphole" he envisions himself as a strong hero, fighting evil enemies...

Watch the viddies and you will see how 7th trump see's himself...




Not ashamed of anything I do or say.
You got what was coming to you because you have no business getting involved between me and these two assholes.
I dont and never have jumped in on anyones conversation and told them to pipe down or tried to shaming anyone.

Any Christian worth his salt will not back away from arrogant assholes.
Love them alright....sometimes it takes a 2x4 to show them you love them.

16th November 2016, 05:34 PM
Not ashamed of anything I do or say.
You got what was coming to you because you have no business getting involved between me and these two assholes.
I dont and never have jumped in on anyones conversation and told them to pipe down or tried to shaming anyone.

Any Christian worth his salt will not back away from arrogant assholes.
Love them alright....sometimes it takes a 2x4 to show them you love them.

As a member of this forum group he has the privilege of replying to any post as he feels led... and you as well. Forum topics are not exclusive.

see pic, ximmy gives members the A-OK to reply to any thread posts.

17th November 2016, 12:38 AM
Fuck you asshole

Wow. Just wow. Pete (Hitch) is one of the most level-headed guys here at GSUS. And you react like that to his polite, wise words.

I don't believe in suppression of sane & sincere free expression. If you want to make a sane & sincere argument that is at great odds against mine, please do so. The Truth I adhere to can withstand it.

However, you've demonstrated that you are neither sane nor sincere. You should be permanently banned not for your difference of opinion (expression), but because you are no different than a spammer. Sincerity is an essential aspect of all communication, but especially so for online communication. You are either a deliberate shitposter, or, you have a bona fide multiple personality disorder, demonstrated by how you dissemble. What you (supposedly) believe is always a moving target. No sincerity, no authenticity.

17th November 2016, 10:20 AM
Wow. Just wow. Pete (Hitch) is one of the most level-headed guys here at GSUS. And you react like that to his polite, wise words.

I don't believe in suppression of sane & sincere free expression. If you want to make a sane & sincere argument that is at great odds against mine, please do so. The Truth I adhere to can withstand it.

However, you've demonstrated that you are neither sane nor sincere. You should be permanently banned not for your difference of opinion (expression), but because you are no different than a spammer. Sincerity is an essential aspect of all communication, but especially so for online communication. You are either a deliberate shitposter, or, you have a bona fide multiple personality disorder, demonstrated by how you dissemble. What you (supposedly) believe is always a moving target. No sincerity, no authenticity.

While I agree with what you say, in the real world he would be ostracized, but in the interwebs he is pretty harmless... "funny like a clown," thus the nose jokes and other jokes...

I take it as humorous. Its kind of fun to have him around and to kick around ... :) He exhibits the impotent rage of a school geek when pressed too far...

this is how I see 7th trump (if you call him funny)


http://www.quickmeme.com/img/6a/6a2b71136bcf88181344acb60b36b49df566bb2fc1866662cf 9b86435a5e66d4.jpg

17th November 2016, 10:37 AM
I'm a union guy!

Which is a synonym for Marxist.

7th trump
17th November 2016, 10:48 AM
Which is a synonym for Marxist.

There you go folks.....a look into the mind of a fool!

7th trump
17th November 2016, 10:49 AM
While I agree with what you say, in the real world he would be ostracized, but in the interwebs he is pretty harmless... "funny like a clown," thus the nose jokes and other jokes...

I take it as humorous. Its kind of fun to have him around and to kick around ... :) He exhibits the impotent rage of a school geek when pressed too far...

this is how I see 7th trump (if you call him funny)


http://www.quickmeme.com/img/6a/6a2b71136bcf88181344acb60b36b49df566bb2fc1866662cf 9b86435a5e66d4.jpg

Yet another useless post.

7th trump
17th November 2016, 10:52 AM
Wow. Just wow. Pete (Hitch) is one of the most level-headed guys here at GSUS. And you react like that to his polite, wise words.

I don't believe in suppression of sane & sincere free expression. If you want to make a sane & sincere argument that is at great odds against mine, please do so. The Truth I adhere to can withstand it.

However, you've demonstrated that you are neither sane nor sincere. You should be permanently banned not for your difference of opinion (expression), but because you are no different than a spammer. Sincerity is an essential aspect of all communication, but especially so for online communication. You are either a deliberate shitposter, or, you have a bona fide multiple personality disorder, demonstrated by how you dissemble. What you (supposedly) believe is always a moving target. No sincerity, no authenticity.

What does sanity and sincere have to do with someone stepping into a discussion and yapping his opinion?

Spammer huh? And yet you spam my threads like ximmy does and proclaims I should listen to you?
Definition of insane idiot if I ever read one.

Egotistical aren't ya!

7th trump
17th November 2016, 10:58 AM
So I do a search for synonym for Marxist

Heres what I got:



1.a supporter of the political and economic theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels:

"some of the workers are Marxists"


1.relating to or denoting the political and economic theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels:

"Marxist ideology"

Nothing about a union member.
Gee no wonder the fool doesn't like America...America is after all the Union states of America.
I guess George Washington was a Marxist before Carl Marx was ever born.

The IBEW doesn't support the ten planks of Marxism.
The Unions do not have anything political or economic theories of Marxism either.

Just a bunch workers getting together to fight for better wages and better working conditions that employers didn't care much about. A lot of people died do to employer neglect and under payment.
But you cant tell this to any idiot that's brainwashed.

17th November 2016, 11:40 AM
The IBEW doesn't support the ten planks of Marxism.
The Unions do not have anything political or economic theories of Marxism either.

The IBEW was chartered by the Marxist AFL under Communist Jew & Freemason (((Samuel Gompers))) in 1891.

The IBEW has actively supported the Marxist theory and application regarding labor ever since.

The IBEW has actively supported red & pinko candidates in every election since its founding.

And when you pay your dues each month, you, too, support Marxist labor theory.

7th trump
17th November 2016, 12:44 PM
The IBEW was chartered by the Marxist AFL under Communist Jew & Freemason (((Samuel Gompers))) in 1891.

The IBEW has actively supported the Marxist theory and application regarding labor ever since.

The IBEW has actively supported red & pinko candidates in every election since its founding.

And when you pay your dues each month, you, too, support Marxist labor theory.


Samuel Gompers[1] (January 27, 1850 – December 13, 1924) was an English-born, American labor union leader and a key figure in American labor history. Gompers founded the American Federation of Labor (AFL), and served as the organization's president from 1886 to 1894 and from 1895 until his death in 1924. He promoted harmony among the different craft unions that comprised the AFL, trying to minimize jurisdictional battles. He promoted thorough organization and collective bargaining to secure shorter hours and higher wages, the first essential steps, he believed, to emancipating labor. He also encouraged the AFL to take political action to "elect their friends" and "defeat their enemies". He mostly supported Democrats, but sometimes Republicans. He strongly opposed Socialists. During World War I, Gompers and the AFL openly supported the war effort, attempting to avert strikes and boost morale while raising wage rates and expanding membership.

Promoted the idea of collective bargaining....collective bargaining is not a jewish idea. The idea behind that is the more workers you have backing you the better the chances........this is not a plank of communism.

Gompers later recalled:

I remember asking Laurrell whether in his opinion I ought to keep in touch with the Socialist movement. He replied, 'Go to their meetings by all means, listen to what they have to say and understand them, but do not join the Party.' I never did, though it was my habit to attend their Saturday evening meetings. There were often good speakers present and the discussions were stimulating.

Time and again, under the lure of new ideas, I went to Laurrell with glowing enthusiasm. Laurrel would gently say, 'Study your union card, Sam, and if the idea doesn't square with that, it ain't true.' My trade union card came to be my standard in all new problems.[14]

Gompers complained that the socialist movement had been captured by Lassallean advocates of "political party action" rather than the "militant economic program of Marx".[15] He warned delegates to the 1900 annual convention that when men became enthusiastic about socialism, "they usually lost interest in their union".[16]

He knew all too well the evils of socialism which later became communism.
However, Gompers didn't form or found the IBEW union....so nice try asshole!

A sorry ass loser is all you are.
Crying and Crying and Crying...always bitching and complaining about something!....poor crimethink such a childish asshole. He has no friends!
Ohhh wait hes got a known soviet sympathizer...midnight ramble on and ximmy....the colored hair tramp!

17th November 2016, 01:04 PM
He knew all too well the evils of socialism which later became communism.
However, Gompers didn't form or found the IBEW union....so nice try asshole!

The IBEW was and is an integral part of the AFL-CIO. Gompers founded and was president of the AFL when it chartered the IBEW. These are facts.


"Gompers never gave up several basic ideas of Marxism, including the validity of class based on economic interest, and the influence of class upon the views and actions of everyone in society....Gompers...reached back to the early 1870’s and his initial exposure to Marxism to argue that all societies have a class structure based upon a person's economic situation."

The American Labor Movement was and is a product of Marxism and Marxist thought. You cannot evade this fact. And by supporting the IBEW with your money and words, you are supporting Marxism.

Additionally, the American Labor Movement was and is a product of Jews.

17th November 2016, 02:09 PM
and ximmy....the colored hair tramp!

7th, Do you secretly wear women's clothes?