View Full Version : Women are Marrying Themselves

18th November 2016, 03:51 PM

https://s18.postimg.org/ae2j152ll/1479512258237.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/d85oel4rp/)

https://s18.postimg.org/o90tjlx0p/1479512286309.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/q0tseigdh/)

https://s18.postimg.org/7mj9aj42x/1479512305521.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/cxy5v8q5h/)

https://s18.postimg.org/4tq1qi3qh/1479512327205.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/hxvm36vs5/)

https://s18.postimg.org/4i8ldqnah/1479512378364.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/xkmvgk9k5/)

https://s18.postimg.org/w6v8l9aax/1479512396632.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/rkz4cworp/)



18th November 2016, 03:57 PM

18th November 2016, 04:19 PM
Great, this way they can visit themselves when they're in the hospital, and they're eligible for their own tax deductions and other benefits they've earned.

18th November 2016, 04:36 PM
Great, this way they can visit themselves when they're in the hospital, and they're eligible for their own tax deductions and other benefits they've earned.

They're so self centered and self absorbed that they don't even realize what narcissistic parasites that they are and they feel "empowered" to "marry" themselves. :rolleyes:

18th November 2016, 04:57 PM
http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/10/26/article-2053831-06C469EF000005DC-211_468x286.jpg http://www.massbayguides.com/Pix/4%20guys%20fishing%20%20.jpg


https://2.bp.blogspot.com/_ckPAMeEclZ8/TSzmouiKsqI/AAAAAAAAAGY/5u4wBEB6sBA/w1200-h630-p-nu/men+3.jpg http://www.pacificchurch.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/men-bbq-300x248.jpg

18th November 2016, 05:58 PM
Delude (http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/delude) DELUDE, verb transitive
1. To deceive; to impose on; to lead from truth or into error; to mislead the mind or judgement; to beguile. Cheat is generally applied to deception in bargains; delude to deception in opinion. An artful man deludes his followers. We are often deluded by false appearances.
2. To frustrate or disappoint.

18th November 2016, 06:45 PM
http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/10/26/article-2053831-06C469EF000005DC-211_468x286.jpg http://www.massbayguides.com/Pix/4%20guys%20fishing%20%20.jpg


https://2.bp.blogspot.com/_ckPAMeEclZ8/TSzmouiKsqI/AAAAAAAAAGY/5u4wBEB6sBA/w1200-h630-p-nu/men+3.jpg http://www.pacificchurch.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/men-bbq-300x248.jpg

You always slam dunk it book!\uu\

18th November 2016, 06:51 PM
So, if she actually meets a guy she likes, she obviously can't date him now. That would be cheating.

18th November 2016, 08:45 PM
What a fucked up society.

Good men are withdrawing from women because of feminism and a biased legal system, and in return women are now marrying themselves.

midnight rambler
18th November 2016, 08:52 PM
They've apparently (correctly) concluded: "What man would have me?"

Twisted Titan
18th November 2016, 09:01 PM
It couldn't happen to a better set of women.

I wish "them" a long life elspecially when they see other couples

18th November 2016, 09:30 PM
They got the company they deserved.

18th November 2016, 09:38 PM
It couldn't happen to a better set of women.

I wish "them" a long life elspecially when they see other couples

Right now, I can fish. Drink beer, BBQ what I want, and I don't pay a cent to anyone who complains about that. I live a simple life. I'd like to keep it that way.

As men we have to take some of the responsibility. Men are just backing out. I'm guilty too. It's a bad deal for us, and unless it gets to a point where folks say "hey, Men's rights matter!" It's not going to change.

Twisted Titan
18th November 2016, 09:43 PM
I would have loved to been a fly on the wall in the mind of that dad that gave his daughter away to fricken NO ONE.

I also would have loved to be in the limo with the 10 brides maids.

That conversation must have been Golden

19th November 2016, 04:52 AM
So, if she actually meets a guy she likes, she obviously can't date him now. That would be cheating.

Or she will just be another slut.

19th November 2016, 05:30 AM
They've apparently (correctly) concluded: "What man would have me?"

Yes... sort of. I heard them saying: I would never marry the kind of man who would marry someone like me.

19th November 2016, 06:22 AM
Cant wait to see the headlines when she divorces herself. I wonder if she tries to sue herself for alimony too.

19th November 2016, 07:41 AM
So, if she actually meets a guy she likes, she obviously can't date him now. That would be cheating.

More like a Three way !

She, herself and him !


Not sure how, me, myself and I can be worked into it...


19th November 2016, 09:03 AM
I would have loved to been a fly on the wall in the mind of that dad that gave his daughter away to fricken NO ONE.


Astonishing that feminists still demand their father pay for an expensive "Wedding".

They already "gave it away" while shacking up with various men or women without their fathers blessing.

Patriarchy is mocked by all feminists until they need a chump to pay for their "Wedding".

FEMINIST: Give me away at the Wedding father.
FATHER: Fuck you feminist. You gave it away since high school...haha

23rd November 2016, 08:13 AM
Female monkeys use wile to rally troops

https://www.yahoo.com/sy/uu/api/res/1.2/Uj6_oNij2n7aO9bEs3pVLw--/YXBwaWQ9eXRhY2h5b24-/https://media.zenfs.com/creatr-images/GLB/2016-10-05/04fa4660-8b0f-11e6-8636-cbc0321bcf4b_AFP-logo.jpeg (http://www.afp.com/)

AFP (http://www.afp.com/)November 23, 2016

A female vervet monkey eats in South Africa (AFP Photo/Juan Mabromata)

Paris (AFP) - Female vervet monkeys manipulate males into fighting battles by lavishing attention on brave soldiers while giving noncombatants the cold shoulder, researchers said Wednesday.

As in humans, it turns out, social incentives can be just as big a driver for male monkeys to go to war as the resources they stand to gain from fighting, whether it be territory or food.

"Ours is the first study to demonstrate that any non-human species use manipulative tactics, such as punishment or rewards, to promote participation in intergroup fights," study co-author Jean Arseneau, a primate specialist of the University of Zurich, told AFP.

Arseneau and a team studied four vervet monkey groups at a game reserve in South Africa for two years.
They observed that after a skirmish with a rival gang, usually over food, females would groom males that had fought hardest, while snapping at those that abstained.

When the next battle came along, both those singled out for attention and those aggressively shunned would participate more vigorously in combat, the researchers reported in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

"Thus, females appear to use grooming as a reward for participation and aggression as punishment for defection", said Arseneau.

Vervet monkeys live in mixed-gender groups and both sexes take part in frequent battles with rival troupes. Only a handful fight each time.

Males are larger than females and have longer canine teeth, making their presence valuable on the front lines.

Success in battle ensures control over territory and food sources -- a key concern for females, who take care of the young.

But why would males risk involvement in a potentially high-stakes battle just for a bit of female attention?
It's all about sex, the researchers believe.

"Receiving punishment" for not taking part in battles "could damage the... male's social relationship(s)" with females in the group, the researchers wrote.

On the other hand, being rewarded could "potentially signal to other female group members that the... male is a valuable social partner", likely boosting "male mating success".

In group animals, such as humans, a delicate balance must be maintained between participating in hunting or defence, which can be risky, and free-riding, which is less hazardous but can lead to social rejection.
The riskiest group activity of all is warfare, and few animals other than humans and monkeys engage in it.

23rd November 2016, 11:32 AM
The feminist movement have no only exploited the cucks, it's also teaching the remaining men to take a good hard look at potential relationships and, in some cases, find alternatives to female companionship. I wish I was 40 years younger, I'd be ordering something safe, quiet and accommodating to spend those cold Winter nights by the fire with:


23rd November 2016, 11:42 AM
The feminist movement have no only exploited the cucks, it's also teaching the remaining men to take a good hard look at potential relationships and, in some cases, find alternatives to female companionship. I wish I was 40 years younger, I'd be ordering something safe, quiet and accommodating to spend those cold Winter nights by the fire with:

You do realize she's 3D, right?


23rd November 2016, 03:15 PM
I would hope so....Karlie is on sale for $2309!

Beats the crap out of the living breathing screaming ones

1st March 2017, 04:26 AM
Is there cake? I need to know if there's cake.

2nd March 2017, 03:09 AM
Is there cake? I need to know if there's cake.

Do you plan on getting married to yourself? If so bake your own fucking cake! It probably stinks... That's the reason why you get married to yourself too. Because there is nothing lovable about you! Go fuck yourself!

Habo Wes
16th November 2017, 11:12 PM
Beyond the graveyards, our eyes lie on the horizon, where winds carry on. Be Yourself。


17th November 2017, 12:10 AM
Beyond the graveyards, our eyes lie on the horizon, where winds carry on. Be Yourself。


17th November 2017, 12:39 AM
Beyond the graveyards, our eyes lie on the horizon, where winds carry on. Be Yourself。


A couple of those can fit in my front room window.

17th November 2017, 05:17 AM
Come on Neuro, why else do you go to a wedding reception if not for the cake?
Sad and pathetic as these women are , they serve as valuable examples for the next generation of women. Young women get to see this and say " Wow! Aunt Petunia is the CEO of a major company and lives in a mansion but she never had children and lives alone with 20 cats. She drinks herself to sleep every night. Do I really want to be like Aunt Petunia?" Remember that a bad example is just as instructive as a good example.

17th November 2017, 06:24 AM
Come on Neuro, why else do you go to a wedding reception if not for the cake?
Sad and pathetic as these women are , they serve as valuable examples for the next generation of women. Young women get to see this and say " Wow! Aunt Petunia is the CEO of a major company and lives in a mansion but she never had children and lives alone with 20 cats. She drinks herself to sleep every night. Do I really want to be like Aunt Petunia?" Remember that a bad example is just as instructive as a good example.
I think bad examples are even better than the good ones. Looking back at what I wrote, I can't remember why all the vitriol I spilled on you... I am sure it was tongue in cheek though, albeit a bit over the top. I was probably stoned when posting.

17th November 2017, 06:31 AM
I hate when I do that :)
I think bad examples are even better than the good ones. Looking back at what I wrote, I can't remember why all the vitriol I spilled on you... I am sure it was tongue in cheek though, albeit a bit over the top. I was probably stoned when posting.

17th November 2017, 07:31 AM
On one of the talk shows I listen to on the radio earlier this week, they were discussing some case out in Britain where a lady who had "married herself" found a man and is now dating/sleeping with this man, and so naturally the question is, is she cheating on herself?

17th November 2017, 07:35 AM
On one of the talk shows I listen to on the radio earlier this week, they were discussing some case out in Britain where a lady who had "married herself" found a man and is now dating/sleeping with this man, and so naturally the question is, is she cheating on herself?

Probably! Should the both of them be able to get married to the man?

17th November 2017, 08:09 AM
Probably! Should the both of them be able to get married to the man?

That would be polygamy. See, this is where it gets complicated. She could convert to becoming a fundamentalist mormon, where polygamy is allowed.

17th November 2017, 12:48 PM
That would be polygamy. See, this is where it gets complicated. She could convert to becoming a fundamentalist mormon, where polygamy is allowed.

Polygamy and child marriage is also allowed, even encouraged, in Sweden if you are a fundamentalist Muslim.

17th November 2017, 01:44 PM
What happens if they want a divorce.

17th November 2017, 01:52 PM
What happens if they want a divorce.

If you can marry yourself, I guess you can just divorce yourself too then. I wonder if her friends and family chastise her for cheating on herself and having an affair with someone who is not herself.

17th November 2017, 02:11 PM
Senators: Why is Air Force punishing colonel over his religious views on marriage?

By Todd Starnes (http://www.foxnews.com/person/s/todd-starnes.html)| Fox News (http://www.foxnews.com/)

Bride and groom walking down the aisle. (iStock)

A group of prominent U.S. senators is coming to the defense of a highly decorated Air Force colonel who could be booted out of the military over his religious views on same-sex marriage. (https://www.toddstarnes.com/column/senators-why-is-air-force-punishing-colonel-for-his-religious-views-on-marriage)
Col. Leland Bohannon, an experienced combat pilot, was suspended from command and orders were handed down recommending he not be promoted after he refused to publicly affirm the same-sex spouse of a retiring subordinate.
Click here for a free subscription to Todd’s newsletter: a must-read for Conservatives! (http://toddstarnes.us4.list-manage1.com/subscribe?u=e0507c4c1980fd9357fa63803&id=92d26c77ee)

Bohannon, who was on the verge of being promoted to a one-star general, was punished after the subordinate filed a formal Equal Opportunity complaint which was later substantiated by investigators.
“His career is likely over and he will likely have to retire as a colonel instead of as a general,” First Liberty Institute attorney Michael Berry said on the “Todd Starnes Show.”
First Liberty Institute, one of the nation’s most prominent religious liberty law firms, is representing the distinguished military officer.
“The military is no longer a place of diversity and inclusion if you are a person who holds to a traditional belief in marriage,” Berry said.
At least eight Republican U.S. senators – including Sens. Roy Blunt of Missouri, James Inhofe of Oklahoma, John Kennedy of Louisiana, James Lankford of Oklahoma, Mike Lee of Utah, Marco Rubio of Florida, Roger Wicker of Mississippi and Ted Cruz of Texas – wrote a letter to Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson urging her to intervene and save the colonel’s career.
“Col. Bohannon has suffered severely on account of the EO investigator’s mishandling of his religious liberty rights,” the senators wrote. “The Air Force owes it to him to see that justice is restored, along with his good name.”
Last May, the colonel declined to sign a certificate of spouse appreciation for a retiring master sergeant’s same-sex spouse. Instead, he asked a higher ranking military leader to sign the customary document.
“Col. Bohannon recognized the moral and legal dilemma this situation presented, and to his credit, sought to carve out a solution that would affirm the contribution made by the retiring officer’s same-sex partner while at the same time allowing the colonel to abide by his religious convictions,” the senators wrote.
However, the retiring service member took offense and subsequently filed a discrimination complaint. The EO investigator determined the colonel had indeed discriminated and went on to say that “even had the accommodation been granted, Col. Bohannon would nonetheless be guilty of unlawful discrimination.”
The senators said the EO’s decision raises disturbing questions.
“The Air Force’s refusal to accept this compromise and its refusal to grant an accommodation – when doing so would cause no discernable harm – raises the question as to which circumstances, if any, would move the U.S. Air Force to defend the free exercise rights of its soldiers,” they wrote.
The senators are calling for the Air Force to reverse the EO’s decision and remove any unfavorable notes from the colonel’s service record.


Stop Making Cents
17th November 2017, 07:47 PM
Imagine the shame and disappointment their poor parents must feel.

17th November 2017, 10:03 PM
Imagine the shame and disappointment their poor parents must feel.

Best way to marry is under a tree and anyone can marry you, it is before God ,so creates a special bond in the couples marriage.

Instead we get married in a church to the government., via the marriage license.

A marriage is between two at least so these people are probably bi polar,,,,,,haha

18th November 2017, 05:15 AM
This is proof that women can't hear. We've been telling women for decades to go fuck themselves but they heard something different!

15th January 2018, 12:56 AM
I will choose a sex doll to accompany me;)

How many times can I thank you before you get deleted?