View Full Version : UC Irvine Professors Modify Curriculum For Avowed "White Supremacist President"

19th November 2016, 10:52 AM
UC Irvine Professors Modify Curriculum To Prepare Students For "Life Under An Avowed White Supremacist President"

For over a week now we have all sat grinding our teeth as we read story after story of our precious, millennial, snowflake children melting down at universities around the country over Trump's victory. Some took to the street to protest and destroy private property while others were just so distraught that they convinced professors to postpone tests or simply cancel classes altogether so they could stay in bed all day.
Well, some professors at the University of California Irvine have decided to be a bit more proactive in addressing the psychological needs of their distressed students who are all apparently finding it very difficult to exist in Trump's new America. Specifically, professors of the university's composition department have a decided to craft a whole new syllabus that will "help prepare our students for life under an avowed white supremacist presidential administration.”

>While dissatisfaction with the results is not entirely surprising, what is more concerning is that instructors are discussing means of changing course content because of Trump’s win. On Wednesday, instructors from the university’s composition department met to discuss ways to shift course curricula to help prepare students for life under Trump. In an email sent earlier this week and shared with InsideSources, a course administrator asked graduate teaching assistants for the writing courses to gather for a meeting “wherein we could discuss ways to use the various composition curricula to help prepare our students for life under an avowed white supremacist presidential administration.”

>To help start discussion, the administrator proposed “presenting the following ‘Trump Syllabus’ at the meeting, and we can go from there.” (The Trump syllabus is a mock syllabus of books and readings assembled by historians N. D. B. Connolly and Keisha N. Blain as an example of a course that would “address the critical subjects of racism, sexism, and xenophobia on which Trump has built his candidacy.“) By discussing “ways to teach the rhetorical triangle politically,” the department hoped to coordinate ways in which instructors teaching different sections could inspire their students “to think critically about racism and public speech.”

That "blood coming out of her…wherever" quote never gets old. Of course, this new syllabus comes in response to protests organized by UC Irvine's frail students and a "group cry meet and greet" in which students were encouraged to "bring all their Bernie shirts."

>After the results came in, students at Irvine, like their compatriots at campuses across the country, responded emotionally. On the night of the election, some 300 started a Dump Trump protest march ending with an open mic and speakers. Another group sponsored a “group cry meet and greet” at the school’s Langson Library, asking people to invite their friends and to “Bring all your bernie shirts ;( (sic).” That event was later disrupted by unrelated reports of fire and moved outside.

When will the madness end?



Twisted Titan
19th November 2016, 11:04 AM
Im litterally getting drunk on the tears of The snowflakes

They really cant wrap their head around the fact Their feelings,emotions and opinions dont count for jack shit.

19th November 2016, 04:08 PM
"White Supremacist"?!

What does that make me?

What does that make Adolf?!


midnight rambler
19th November 2016, 04:49 PM
Know how to tell if you're a white supremacist, at least according to the PC crowd?

If you're white and you aren't ashamed of being white.

19th November 2016, 04:59 PM
Most of the leading "White Supremacists" are Crypto Jews. I don't think Trumpstein is an exception.