View Full Version : Trump says the Clinton's can keep the $250 million they got selling out our country

22nd November 2016, 05:33 AM
They've been through enough?


22nd November 2016, 05:43 AM
They've been through enough?


He could be saying that to CYA until the electoral college has a chance to vote.... The other possibility is that the DOJ is independent of the administration with regards to how it handles justice, and this gives Trump plausible deniability later, while the DOJ/FBI pursue charges against her.

The media is attempting to shape it as Trump going after Hillary (a political opponent) when looking at from a microscope, it looks bad and reminiscent of political opponents going after each other after the votes have been cast and sets a dangerous precedent. But with Trump on camera saying he isn't going to do it, that doesn't mean an independent DOJ / FBI have to abide by it either.

22nd November 2016, 05:50 AM
He had better be playing good cop / bad cop. It will be the DOJ and future FBI and a special prosecutor who go after the Clintons. If they don't, I will bombard them with demands to carry out campaign promises. Right now, it is not a good thing for him to talk about or tip them off about. Let them relax and think they are free. They still need to flush out the traitor Obama.

Half Sense
22nd November 2016, 06:26 AM
What's with the 3 obviously fake flags behind Joe "I know nothing about that dead intern" Scarborough?

22nd November 2016, 06:26 AM
It's really quite pathetic that people continue to defend him. Have you never been screwed by a car salesman? Because that's what Trump is: a salesman. He sealed the deal, telling you whatever it is you wanted to hear, and you shook hands. And now you think you can force him to abide by it? LOL

This is why millions of us couldn't bring ourselves to vote for him...our intuition told us this was coming.

"If Donald Trump can help her heal, then perhaps that's a good thing."

-- Kellyanne Conway


22nd November 2016, 07:33 AM
It's really quite pathetic that people continue to defend him. Have you never been screwed by a car salesman? Because that's what Trump is: a salesman. He sealed the deal, telling you whatever it is you wanted to hear, and you shook hands. And now you think you can force him to abide by it? LOL

This is why millions of us couldn't bring ourselves to vote for him...our intuition told us this was coming.

"If Donald Trump can help her heal, then perhaps that's a good thing."

-- Kellyanne Conway


So sorry you didn't get your bride Hillary Clinton. Maybe you can contact her directly and offer your services and regrets that we are stuck with Trump instead of her.

Oh, I know what you will say- you hate Clinton ferociously. But here you are pridefully claiming that you were so superior and pious compared with us lowlife sinners, that you cannot be blamed for voting for Trump. And you mention another candidate that would have been better but was not known by even 5% of the population. You are like the guy mocking a man for digging out a large rock in a field using hand tools and claiming that you could have done his week of work in an hour with your backhoe.... alas... your backhoe is in another state and unavailable. You know what you are good for Fred?


22nd November 2016, 08:13 AM
So sorry you didn't get your bride Hillary Clinton. Maybe you can contact her directly and offer your services and regrets that we are stuck with Trump instead of her.

Oh, I know what you will say- you hate Clinton ferociously. But here you are pridefully claiming that you were so superior and pious compared with us lowlife sinners, that you cannot be blamed for voting for Trump. And you mention another candidate that would have been better but was not known by even 5% of the population. You are like the guy mocking a man for digging out a large rock in a field using hand tools and claiming that you could have done his week of work in an hour with your backhoe.... alas... your backhoe is in another state and unavailable. You know what you are good for Fred?


Spectrism says he is his "father's anointed." Anointed with "boiling hot excrement." I guess that would make him a shit head.

Your Zionist boy is exposing himself each day, and you will lash out like the little man you are - at me.

Mencken was right, and you are an example of why: "Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard."

22nd November 2016, 08:24 AM
Spectrism says he is his "father's anointed." Anointed with "boiling hot excrement." I guess that would make him a shit head.

Your Zionist boy is exposing himself each day, and you will lash out like the little man you are - at me.

Mencken was right, and you are an example of why: "Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard."

We shall see. I don't need to lash out at you. I only take a look at your positions. You pretty much destroy yourself.

22nd November 2016, 08:26 AM
It's really quite pathetic that people continue to defend him. Have you never been screwed by a car salesman? Because that's what Trump is: a salesman. He sealed the deal, telling you whatever it is you wanted to hear, and you shook hands. And now you think you can force him to abide by it? LOL

This is why millions of us couldn't bring ourselves to vote for him...our intuition told us this was coming.

"If Donald Trump can help her heal, then perhaps that's a good thing."

-- Kellyanne Conway


It's really pathetic, and unrealistic to assume he is going to say or do anything when the electors haven't even voted. They are the ones who elect a candidate and he's already got Hillary's people attempting a first in our nation's history to strip him of his election win.

Haven't you noticed how level headed he's been since the win? How about no "Trump saying something stupid again and causing a controversy.."

After he is sworn into office and he doesn't deliver on his campaign promises I'll be right there with you. Until then I'm just sitting back and enjoying the show. You might as well too, you've got front row seats in the insane asylum. Might as well watch the crazies and get a chuckle.

22nd November 2016, 08:50 AM
You cant simply wash a salesman with Presidential inauguration and watch him come clean, Ares.

Trump will always be a salesman first and foremost, the jews have him planned to resell the new "U.S. national plan" to the rest of the world.

Centrally D.C. scrutinized ofcourse

22nd November 2016, 09:11 AM
Centrally D.C. scrutinized of course

D.C. which in its vast cast of characters is your choice ?



Twisted Titan
22nd November 2016, 11:33 AM
If trump got a cap popped in his ass tomorrow the rhetoric will be he was moving to fare to fast and the wrong people with much to lose snuffed him

But now he is being cautious the charges of flip flopping abound.

Can this man do anything right?

22nd November 2016, 12:33 PM
If trump got a cap popped in his ass tomorrow the rhetoric will be he was moving to fare to fast and the wrong people with much to lose snuffed him

But now he is being cautious the charges of flip flopping abound.

Can this man do anything right?

Maybe he is competing with Romney on being the chief flip-flopper.

22nd November 2016, 12:53 PM
Maybe he is competing with Romney on being the chief flip-flopper.

Romeny who?

22nd November 2016, 12:57 PM
Think before it is over there will be a bunch of his promises he made to get elected, he will turn his back on. And shouts of joy will turn into moans of anguish and anger from his base.

Greatest show on earth !



Twisted Titan
22nd November 2016, 01:31 PM
Im just scracthing my head because im at a loss

If you demonize Trump, you are in effect wishing for hillary

If voted third party or write in it was a exsersice in futility

And for those who said i chose neither, others would have still made the choice cause wish all you might there has never been a vacate white house

So of all the real world secnarios Trump was the best option.

Unless someone can enlighten me on a option i missed.

22nd November 2016, 01:40 PM
Im just scracthing my head because im at a loss

If you demonize Trump, you are in effect wishing for hillary

If voted third party or write in it was a exsersice in futility

And for those who said i chose neither, others would have still made the choice cause wish all you might there has never been a vacate white house

So of all the real world scenario Trump was the best option.

Unless someone can enlighten me on a option i missed. Well there is always Seppuku, tho that is kinda harsh ! ;D

I wrestled with the same problem because I did not like ether one, so in the end I just opted out for my own moral reasons.

Finding the peanut gallery is not so bad, and the popcorn is hot and fresh !

22nd November 2016, 01:45 PM
Im just scracthing my head because im at a loss

If you demonize Trump, you are in effect wishing for hillary

If voted third party or write in it was a exsersice in futility

And for those who said i chose neither, others would have still made the choice cause wish all you might there has never been a vacate white house

So of all the real world secnarios Trump was the best option.

Unless someone can enlighten me on a option i missed.

This is exactly how I feel as well. In fact, living in CA, even voting for Trump was an exercise in futility. There was no chance he was going to win CA. The best option for our country, I think, is still Ron Paul. So, I did a write in vote for Ron, even though he wasn't running. That being said I'm glad Trump won. In the real world, he is the best option for the country.

22nd November 2016, 01:54 PM
Crimethink, You should petition the site moderators to prohibit mentioning the name of Donald Trump, or face a permanent ban.

22nd November 2016, 01:58 PM
Crimethink, You should petition the site moderators to prohibit mentioning the name of Donald Trump, or face a permanent ban.

He is our live stream of CNN.

22nd November 2016, 03:05 PM
D.C. which in its vast cast of characters is your choice ?



Trump stole The Green Lantern from Jimmy Carter

22nd November 2016, 04:23 PM
Bill Mitchell ‏@mitchellvii 8h8 hours ago

How can Obama now pardon Hillary claiming a "witch hunt" when Trump said he wanted her to heal? This was a pardon blocker.


22nd November 2016, 05:08 PM
Jeff Sessions opinion is far more important than Trump's on this issue.

Trump is just doing his typical Art of the Deal play which nobody has understood yet (after 18 months...)

His MO has always been:
1) you be nice to me and I'll be nice to you
2) standing by his people. Loyalty.

If Jeff Sessions goes after the Clintons, Trump will back him 100%. If the FBI goes after the Clintons, Trump will also back them 100%. As long as his appointees want to do it, it will happen. Trump won't get involved, its not his fight.

22nd November 2016, 07:34 PM
You cant simply wash a salesman with Presidential inauguration and watch him come clean, Ares.

Trump will always be a salesman first and foremost, the jews have him planned to resell the new "U.S. national plan" to the rest of the world.

Centrally D.C. scrutinized ofcourse

Looks like it's time for you and CT to find a new country. Believe, or leave! You DO have a choice you know!

22nd November 2016, 08:36 PM
Looks like it's time for you and CT to find a new country. Believe, or leave! You DO have a choice you know!

My steps were clearly outlined in these pages to make America Great again, alas nobody elected me due to retreat to a pre civil war Constitution and leaving automobiles behind for horse drawn buses / cable cars.

Though I do believe it could be done.

22nd November 2016, 08:56 PM
Looks like it's time for you and CT to find a new country. Believe, or leave! You DO have a choice you know!

I don't answer to Donald Trump. He didn't put me here. I answer to Him.

Besides, soon enough, you'll need some of us who didn't swill the Kool-Aid.

22nd November 2016, 10:14 PM
Trump is playing everyone: Of course he’s going to prosecute Hillary Clinton… he’s just posturing to prevent an Obama pardon (http://investmentwatchblog.com/trump-is-playing-everyone-of-course-hes-going-to-prosecute-hillary-clinton-hes-just-posturing-to-prevent-an-obama-pardon/)
...Donald Trump is a master strategist. What he’s doing with this signaling is practicing the Art of War, where you feign weakness when you have strength. The best way to prosecute Hillary Clinton is to make sure that President Barack Obama doesn’t pardon her in advance. And yes, Obama can pardon Hillary Clinton in advance, issuing a blanket pardon for crimes that she hasn’t even been charged with...

22nd November 2016, 10:23 PM
Trump is playing everyone: Of course he’s going to prosecute Hillary Clinton… he’s just posturing to prevent an Obama pardon (http://investmentwatchblog.com/trump-is-playing-everyone-of-course-hes-going-to-prosecute-hillary-clinton-hes-just-posturing-to-prevent-an-obama-pardon/)
...Donald Trump is a master strategist. What he’s doing with this signaling is practicing the Art of War, where you feign weakness when you have strength. The best way to prosecute Hillary Clinton is to make sure that President Barack Obama doesn’t pardon her in advance. And yes, Obama can pardon Hillary Clinton in advance, issuing a blanket pardon for crimes that she hasn’t even been charged with...

I wonder if he can pardon her for crimes she haven't committed yet? Thought crimes...

22nd November 2016, 10:25 PM
Donald Trump (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/donald-trump/) said Tuesday he thinks there is “some” connection between human activity and climate change. It was a puzzling half-turn by the president-elect, who has called climate change a “hoax” numerous times (http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/jun/03/hillary-clinton/yes-donald-trump-did-call-climate-change-chinese-h/), and in 2012 said it was invented by the Chinese (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/265895292191248385).


If it were a strategy it should be nuanced somehow from issue to issue, playing a weak hand all the time just makes you weaker, imo

in politicking


22nd November 2016, 11:15 PM
Trump is playing everyone: Of course he’s going to prosecute Hillary Clinton… he’s just posturing to prevent an Obama pardon (http://investmentwatchblog.com/trump-is-playing-everyone-of-course-hes-going-to-prosecute-hillary-clinton-hes-just-posturing-to-prevent-an-obama-pardon/)
...Donald Trump is a master strategist. What he’s doing with this signaling is practicing the Art of War, where you feign weakness when you have strength. The best way to prosecute Hillary Clinton is to make sure that President Barack Obama doesn’t pardon her in advance. And yes, Obama can pardon Hillary Clinton in advance, issuing a blanket pardon for crimes that she hasn’t even been charged with...


June 3, 2017: President Trump reaffirms he will not prosecute the Clinton Crime Family.

June 4, 2017: Trump cultists praise his comments, saying that "the President will make his 'real decision' next year."

Trump lying now (as opposed to Trump lying with "You'd be in Jail!") makes no difference as to whether the Obamanation will pardon her. She does not need be charged with anything - Nixon was never charged - to be pardoned.

22nd November 2016, 11:21 PM

If it were a strategy it should be nuanced somehow from issue to issue, playing a weak hand all the time just makes you weaker, imo

in politicking


I suppose he can use it as an argument to tax Chinese imports more, it would placate the carbon hoax environmentalists. Further it would support his plan to make US energy independent. Cutting consumption would be necessary to achieve the goal earlier...

23rd November 2016, 07:00 AM
This thread is an example that Trump has never studied contract law and is not well versed in negotiation (offer and acceptance).


23rd November 2016, 07:43 AM
I suppose he can use it as an argument to tax Chinese imports more, it would placate the carbon hoax environmentalists. Further it would support his plan to make US energy independent. Cutting consumption would be necessary to achieve the goal earlier...

The entire global warming debate fails in a liberal perspective, it is a conservative one to begin with. How the environmentalist types ended up on the wrong side of the ball idk?

Fahk! if these issues are to be used as halfway bargaining chips and moved on in part, i want no part of the next great amerika.

23rd November 2016, 09:02 AM
Im just scracthing my head because im at a loss

If you demonize Trump, you are in effect wishing for hillary

If voted third party or write in it was a exsersice in futility

And for those who said i chose neither, others would have still made the choice cause wish all you might there has never been a vacate white house

So of all the real world secnarios Trump was the best option.

Unless someone can enlighten me on a option i missed.

Let me explain it for you:

Her Majesty was so distasteful for so many that they were willing to discard common sense discernment and replace it with blind faith in a celebrity created by the Jewsmedia (complete with fake "outrage" about his "controversial" positions).

The facts were pushed aside: a billionaire realtor & Talmudvision celebrity from Jew York City who has a family loaded with Jews who made his billions in cooperation with countless Jews over decades and was "well-respected" by the Kosher System he claims to be against, is going to betray all that for little people like us?

Now I can see why so many believe in the Holocaust™. The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it. "It just 'has to be' true...I'd be embarrassed if it wasn't."

And that is the bottom line: people are embarrassed they have been had...again.

23rd November 2016, 09:08 AM
Crimethink, You should petition the site moderators to prohibit mentioning the name of Donald Trump, or face a permanent ban.

Are you in your monthly cycle? Because you are quite irrational.

23rd November 2016, 09:09 AM
He is our live stream of CNN.

I'm sure you watch CNN all the time. Considering just how fucked up your mind is.

23rd November 2016, 11:21 AM
Black Friday Special!!!


Twisted Titan
23rd November 2016, 01:04 PM
Let me explain it for you:

Her Majesty was so distasteful for so many that they were willing to discard common sense discernment and replace it with blind faith in a celebrity created by the Jewsmedia (complete with fake "outrage" about his "controversial" positions).

The facts were pushed aside: a billionaire realtor & Talmudvision celebrity from Jew York City who has a family loaded with Jews who made his billions in cooperation with countless Jews over decades and was "well-respected" by the Kosher System he claims to be against, is going to betray all that for little people like us?

Now I can see why so many believe in the Holocaust™. The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it. "It just 'has to be' true...I'd be embarrassed if it wasn't."

And that is the bottom line: people are embarrassed they have been had...again.

Trump isnt my messiah

But you can not tell me with a straight face .....it would have some how more palatable under clintooon.

Russia actually wishes to normalize relations with us again
Where before there was the real possibilty of full scale war breaking out( of which Russia probally would have won)

If trump does nothing elese for the next 4 years the fact that my kids dont have to grow up in the shadow of a mushroom cloud is peace enough for me.

Just saying

23rd November 2016, 02:49 PM
Trump’s Haley Appointment Would Elevate His Ally McMaster In South Carolina

President-elect of the United States Donald Trump’s appointment of South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley to United Nations ambassador would elevate a key loyalist to a top position in the deep red state’s government, which could help Trump complete his takeover of the Republican Party nationally.

South Carolina’s Lt. Gov. Henry McMaster, a top Trump ally from the beginning of the presidential contests, will become the state’s governor. That means McMaster, according to the local news outlets, will assume the role of governor when Haley vacates the position. He’d be frontrunner for reelection to the governor’s mansion afterwards, putting a Trump loyalist atop the state government in perhaps one of if not the most important states in the union for Trump.

McMaster’s elevation could box out people such as Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) or Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) from seeking the governor’s mansion, making him an incumbent governor when he would run for reelection in 2018, and solidifies Trump’s control of the Republican Party infrastructure in a state that saw a deeply divided primary earlier this year. Both Gowdy and Scott campaigned alongside Haley for Sen. Marco Rubio (R-SC), a bitter Trump rival, in a battle that was particularly nasty.

.@nikkihaley to UN also a gift to 1 of earliest electeds to endorse Trump: @henrymcmaster at last becomes gov, can run as incumbent in '18

— Jonathan Martin (@jmartNYT) November 23, 2016

Trump’s move to bring Haley up to the United Nations as ambassador will likely somewhat suture those deep wounds from the primaries—which saw Haley remain a critic, and eventually reluctant supporter, of the president-elect through his landslide victory over Democrat Hillary Clinton on Nov. 8—as well.

With a series of appointments like firebrands Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) to the Attorney General post and retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn—the former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) under President Obama—as his National Security Adviser, Trump has offset some establishment concerns with appointments like Haley at the United Nations and Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-KS) as CIA director.

Trump seems to be aiming for a mixture of loyalists who come from his populist nationalist background along with establishmentarians he can use to unify the Republican Party and the country after a divisive campaign. He’s also reaching out to top Democrats by speaking kindly about people like incoming Senate Minority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and meeting with others like Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI).

The Trump administration is shaping up in a way that seemingly dispatches the conventional Washington wisdom of traditional political coalitions and remakes the inner workings of the government in his image.

Trump is also working on rebuilding the Republican Party in a way that more fits his image, rather than the image of ideological rivals like Rubio or House Speaker Paul Ryan. The way the Trump team sees it, sources say, is that the Rubios and Ryans of the world had their chance to win and failed. Ryan was on the ticket four years ago alongside former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and couldn’t deliver Wisconsin to the Republican Party. Trump could deliver Wisconsin, and did, building on Romney’s pickup of North Carolina from the Democrats previously along with other key battleground states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida and Michigan.

The Trump coalition, the future of the GOP, will likely aim to elevate people like McMaster and other true populist nationalist Trump backers while downplaying others like Rubio, Ryan, and others from the losing wing of the GOP. Putting Haley in the government, where her loyalty to the Trump administration agenda will be critical especially in a place like the United Nations, means that team Trump is cleared for takeoff in South Carolina.

Other rumored moves around the administration may have similar multi-faceted impacts—unity of the party and country while allowing Trump running room to remake the party in his image—including the potential appointment of Romney to the Secretary of State position.

Trump is reportedly considering either Romney or former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani to serve as the nation’s top diplomat. Either would come with a variety of advantages and disadvantages, and particularly a Romney selection would be fraught with risk since Romney is independent and strong enough that he may be able to undercut much of Trump’s agenda on the world stage.

But making the move could unify the GOP even more, and hand Trump a level of control over the party he’s not yet had to this day by bringing another of his most ardent critics into the inner circle of allies. Giuliani, on the other hand, would serve as more of a Trump loyalist on the world stage, as the tough-talking New Yorker would likely rarely cross ways with the president-elect’s lofty foreign policy goals.


23rd November 2016, 02:52 PM
Black Friday Special!!!


I think they are done speaking! At least that is a good thing!

23rd November 2016, 07:15 PM
Trump isnt my messiah

But you can not tell me with a straight face .....it would have some how more palatable under clintooon.

Russia actually wishes to normalize relations with us again
Where before there was the real possibilty of full scale war breaking out( of which Russia probally would have won)

If trump does nothing elese for the next 4 years the fact that my kids dont have to grow up in the shadow of a mushroom cloud is peace enough for me.

Just saying

I hope he pursues a path of peace with Russia. But I'm not confident his stated stance won't change, considering warmongers may be infiltrating the shaping-up administration.

old steel
23rd November 2016, 08:35 PM

Try again.

Now can someone explain this to me?


Hillary Clinton – Net Worth: $38 Billion

Hilary’s political career may have experienced its setbacks due to her recent defeat to Donald Trump in the 2016 elections, but this powerful woman continues to be one of the most influential people in the world politics.

Hilary Clinton’s future after her defeat may not be certain, but her net worth at $38 billion looks pretty solid and real.

Looking at her latest Public Financial Disclosure Reports, the Clinton's combined net worth is totaled over 111 billion dollars. Although this presidential candidate does not own any business or any real estate, the Clinton's main source of income is through paid speeches and using their names as assets.


Total Clinton net worth 111 billion dollars?


24th November 2016, 07:32 AM

Try again.

Now can someone explain this to me?


Hillary Clinton – Net Worth: $38 Billion

Hilary’s political career may have experienced its setbacks due to her recent defeat to Donald Trump in the 2016 elections, but this powerful woman continues to be one of the most influential people in the world politics.

Hilary Clinton’s future after her defeat may not be certain, but her net worth at $38 billion looks pretty solid and real.

Looking at her latest Public Financial Disclosure Reports, the Clinton's combined net worth is totaled over 111 billion dollars. Although this presidential candidate does not own any business or any real estate, the Clinton's main source of income is through paid speeches and using their names as assets.


Total Clinton net worth 111 billion dollars?


It said $38 million. Not billion

24th November 2016, 07:42 AM
When you get into those kind of numbers, for us peons who cares where the dam decimal points fall.

This peon feels lucky to have chrome plated water faucet's and indoor plumbing !


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Forum runner

24th November 2016, 08:10 AM
This peon feels lucky to have chrome plated water faucet's and indoor plumbing !

Most peons in your condition would simply appreciate a working YAESU or ICOM.

24th November 2016, 08:22 AM
Most peons in your condition would simply appreciate a working YAESU or ICOM.
Never did icom, but kenwood and yaesu rule here plus one 3-400z henry !



24th November 2016, 08:51 AM
and there is more

Donald Trump is the authentic industrialist type man Ayn Rand wrote about??? Didnt he say that he would end the common core dictatorship???

Trump to Accept Inauguration Funds From Corporations and Big Donors
24 November 2016 GMT

Donald Trump Announces Pro-Common Core Betsy DeVos as Education Secretary

24th November 2016, 11:11 AM
Donald Trump Announces Pro-Common Core Betsy DeVos as Education Secretary

Education by Amway™. :)

Betsy DeVos is Erik Prince's sister, and the wife of the son of Amway's founder.

I am a huge fan of charter schools (and vouchers - and home schooling), but "common core" can be stuck right up the rears of the "Ed-Jew-Cation" so-called experts.

Each state and community should decide educational standards - and, in the case of charter schools, parents collectively, as well, or, in the case of homeschooling, parents in general. My kids went to a Waldorf-based charter school, and their ability to function well in important things now is in large part due to that. If there is "inequality," so be it (not everyone can be an astronaut).

midnight rambler
24th November 2016, 11:18 AM
and there is more

Donald Trump is the authentic industrialist type man Ayn Rand wrote about??? Didnt he say that he would end the common core dictatorship???

Trump to Accept Inauguration Funds From Corporations and Big Donors
24 November 2016 GMT

Donald Trump Announces Pro-Common Core Betsy DeVos as Education Secretary

Education by Amway™. :)

Betsy DeVos is Eric Prince's sister, and the wife of the son of Amway's founder.

WTH not?? Trump Inc. is already hawking super cheesy 'collectible' (lol) Christmas tree ornaments 'trimmed with genuine 24 kt. gold' to the rubes for the bargain price of only $149.00.

24th November 2016, 07:38 PM
WTH not?? Trump Inc. is already hawking super cheesy 'collectible' (lol) Christmas tree ornaments 'trimmed with genuine 24 kt. gold' to the rubes for the bargain price of only $149.00.

I ordered mine today, I'll be pissed if it gets here late!

25th November 2016, 12:50 AM
I ordered mine today, I'll be pissed if it gets here late!

But you'll forgive him... You know how busy he is!

25th November 2016, 01:01 AM
But you'll forgive him... You know how busy he is!

LoL. Like he even has a clue about this venture.