View Full Version : Paul Joseph Watson Cucks For Jew Establishment Against Alt-Right

22nd November 2016, 03:09 PM

PJW gets all his info from /pol/. He is a kike bitch who just rips everything from /pol/, gets all the info, all the videos from us and simply uploads it on his channel.

He was never on our side, just trying to make a quick buck, and now that you've been mocking him for weeks he goes full SJW denouncing all the EBIL racist nazis.

>Richard Spencer is now a controller opposition neo-nazi and we're all stupid morons who rant about kikes, and kikes are dindu nuffins.
This is insane.

Funny how ''controlled opposition'' like Richard Spencer who advocates for White Nationalism gets booted from Twitter and disowned by the media, while ''not-controlled opposition'' kike like PJW gets to keep his Twitter, gets no attacks by the media and now turns to stop a White Nationalist movement that he perceives to have grown out of control.



22nd November 2016, 03:17 PM

22nd November 2016, 03:56 PM
>Conservatards have been losing for centuries
>Guiz centrism will save us

22nd November 2016, 04:38 PM

23rd November 2016, 04:37 AM

23rd November 2016, 04:52 AM

PJW gets all his info from /pol/. He is a kike bitch who just rips everything from /pol/, gets all the info, all the videos from us and simply uploads it on his channel.

He was never on our side, just trying to make a quick buck, and now that you've been mocking him for weeks he goes full SJW denouncing all the EBIL racist nazis.

>Richard Spencer is now a controller opposition neo-nazi and we're all stupid morons who rant about kikes, and kikes are dindu nuffins.
This is insane.

Funny how ''controlled opposition'' like Richard Spencer who advocates for White Nationalism gets booted from Twitter and disowned by the media, while ''not-controlled opposition'' kike like PJW gets to keep his Twitter, gets no attacks by the media and now turns to stop a White Nationalist movement that he perceives to have grown out of control.


What to expect? He works with (((Alex "the Kike" Jones))). Funny thing though, continue to publicly disawow the alt-right in main stream media, and more and more people will get their eyes opened to the possibility.

Judas is coming out of the closet to deliver on his 30 sheckels of silver from the Pharisees! Who is it being disawowed? Those who point out who are the synagogue of Satan...

23rd November 2016, 09:18 AM
The "alt-right" is just more controlled "opposition" managed by the self-chosen Master Race. Some of the people involved want to pretend it is really an "alternative," but that is just delusion.

It's like no one has read 1984...

The Kosher Psychodrome "adjusts" meaning and perception as necessary...before, the "alt-right" was one thing, and now it's "another."

23rd November 2016, 09:21 AM
The "alt-right" is just more controlled "opposition"

No it's not.

It's a very real movement. It's the only movement the Jews are genuinely afraid of.

If you were in 1930's Germany you'd say Hitler was a "J00z agent" too.

The Jews are not infallible. They've lost many times before. Our time is due.


23rd November 2016, 09:29 AM
No it's not.

It's a very real movement. It's the only movement the Jews are genuinely afraid of.

The Jews are not infallible.


Yes, the Jews, masters of perversion, are afraid of a bunch of defectives & degenerates who you openly admit fap to cartoons, and adhere to a variety of other defective & degenerate interests and "lifestyles." Afraid of you? LOL - nah, you're some of their best customers. They love you!

23rd November 2016, 09:41 AM
Crimethink, Shamie-Amourae does have a good point. You are somewhat defeatist. Nothing can ever be overcome, and the ever powerful jews control everything and cannot be beat. I understand you weave a theological perspective into this, and I do agree with the amillenialist view of the Apocalypse (indicating that satan operates through man and his demons currently and uses various establishments, organizations, venues, etc. to destroy Christianity), but I still do not take a defeatist perspective. We cannot stop the overall trend, but we can make a difference locally and even potentially globally.

What would make the alt-right more powerful is if they came to UNDERSTAND the Christian view (and especially in the light of the amillenial interpretation of the Apocalypse), rather than relegate it to a fairy tale and ignore it in preference to eugenics and evolutionary interpretations of reality (not to mention occultic interpretations). I do not think I could deny that the alt-right was a significant factor in the last election.

23rd November 2016, 10:07 AM
What would make the alt-right more powerful is if they came to UNDERSTAND the Christian view (and especially in the light of the amillenial interpretation of the Apocalypse), rather than relegate it to a fairy tale and ignore it in preference to eugenics and evolutionary interpretations of reality (not to mention occultic interpretations). I do not think I could deny that the alt-right was a significant factor in the last election.

There are large segments that are pro-Christian. It's a larger tent than you think.

There's a forum for Christian anons here:

There's several pro-Christian memes too like...
Deus Vult (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?93110-Understanding-Memes-Deus-Vult)
Christ-Chan (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?93692-Understanding-Memes-Christ-Chan)





23rd November 2016, 10:28 AM
Would you characterize the Christian grouping as also white supremacist? Is there a non-white supremacist, but rather anti-white defamation grouping (Christian or otherwise)?

23rd November 2016, 10:44 AM
Would you characterize the Christian grouping as also white supremacist? Is there a non-white supremacist, but rather anti-white defamation grouping (Christian or otherwise)?
Do you believe White people have a right to exist? Do you believe White people should have a home?

If you answered yes to both, you're a "White supremacist".

ProTip: Jews are the superior race since they own everything. White Supremacist is a made up Jewish term to project the negative connotation of Jewish domination onto White people. There's literally no such thing as "White Supremacy".


By the way, the Left and Media already will call you a White supremacist since you're White, Christian, male, and straight.

The Media/Establishment attacks Christianity primarily since it is a White-man's religion. If Whites were mostly Muslims, and Arabs were mostly Christian, then they'd be attacking Islam.

You cannot avoid race in this world any longer. Being against racism is impossible for White people since you will always be labeled as a racist as long as you have White skin and are breathing. Whiteness is like the origin sin that Puritan culture instilled in people, but you can never atone for it.

Being anti-racist will not save you or Christianity. It's the end of both. It's one of the primary reasons for the decline in Christianity.


As long as you're White, you're a racist. Deal with it.


23rd November 2016, 12:20 PM




23rd November 2016, 12:31 PM

23rd November 2016, 01:41 PM
Do you believe White people have a right to exist? Do you believe White people should have a home?

If you answered yes to both, you're a "White supremacist".

You could be an anti white-defamationist.

23rd November 2016, 02:00 PM
You could be an anti white-defamationist.

Everyone on the right is always so quick to throw each other under the bus to make themselves look better to the left, who will hate them no matter what anyway.

If there's one thing the left does right, it's that their coalition never attacks itself, at least not in public. You never see Obama going up and formally disavowing every time a BLM nigger chimps out. You never see any of the liberal kikes shouting about how antifa marxists waving communist flags are making them look bad. No, they just ignore their extremists and all work in a coordinated fashion to push their agenda.

23rd November 2016, 02:21 PM

I'm going to explain this to you cucks one more time.

Donald Trump showed us how to do it. You stake out the most extreme position possible, then you sit back while all the faggots and cucks go crazy and lose their minds. Step two you come back after things die down a little and repeat and repeat you're original position. You do that till you have a majority on your side.

The only limit to how extreme you can be is the time frame. Lucky for us we aren't operating within the constrains of an election and therefore can be fullon 1488 and still win in the end. All it takes is strength of purpose. Now all the cucks and faggots can sit down and STFU.

23rd November 2016, 02:33 PM
Everyone on the right is always so quick to throw each other under the bus to make themselves look better to the left, who will hate them no matter what anyway.

If there's one thing the left does right, it's that their coalition never attacks itself, at least not in public. You never see Obama going up and formally disavowing every time a BLM nigger chimps out. You never see any of the liberal kikes shouting about how antifa marxists waving communist flags are making them look bad. No, they just ignore their extremists and all work in a coordinated fashion to push their agenda.

I think the main difference between left and right is that most leftist ideologies are devoid of morality, while the right is about... what is RIGHT, and of course re that you can have lots of different discussions, cause no-one actually agrees on what is right all the time. Another difference is that leftist ideologies tends to be collectivist while right is individualistic. Right wingers are only united under strong leaders. Leftists subordinate themselves under the collective and probably spend an extraordinary time trying to figure out what others think!

23rd November 2016, 04:38 PM
I created a super long /pol/ thread:

23rd November 2016, 08:00 PM
Crimethink, Shamie-Amourae does have a good point. You are somewhat defeatist. Nothing can ever be overcome, and the ever powerful jews control everything and cannot be beat. I understand you weave a theological perspective into this, and I do agree with the amillenialist view of the Apocalypse (indicating that satan operates through man and his demons currently and uses various establishments, organizations, venues, etc. to destroy Christianity), but I still do not take a defeatist perspective. We cannot stop the overall trend, but we can make a difference locally and even potentially globally.

What would make the alt-right more powerful is if they came to UNDERSTAND the Christian view (and especially in the light of the amillenial interpretation of the Apocalypse), rather than relegate it to a fairy tale and ignore it in preference to eugenics and evolutionary interpretations of reality (not to mention occultic interpretations). I do not think I could deny that the alt-right was a significant factor in the last election.

Of course, I do not agree with labeling my outlook as "Defeatist." I identify as a Realist.

Of course the Jews are not invincible. But the Jews are not the problem. The Goyim, and specifically, the Adamic Race itself, are the problem. We allowed them to achieve what they have, and we are not willing to do what is necessary to truly challenge and overcome them. A race that can achieve anything humans are capable of have surrendered themselves to materialism and the master materialists, the Jews.

Our kind can't even give up Talmudvision, let alone do the much more difficult things like raise children properly. We are at least as degenerate as the lows of the Roman Empire.

Of course we make a difference in the lives of our families, friends, and even community, but only to a point. We retard further degeneration, but are powerless to stop the tsunamis of degeneration washing over our civilization.

The only hope that we have would be for the mass of Americans (and Whites worldwide) to fall to their knees and beg Yahweh for the forgiveness we do not deserve for the grotesque crimes we have committed against Him and our fellow men - and, especially children (most of them unborn). Yet most natural members of Western Civilization think Christ is some Hippie faggot, or a hoax altogether. The power that drove the souls of Martel and Jan III Sobieski...and Hitler...is lacking in our civilization, because of us, not willing to accept His blessings, because we (not you or I, but in general) deny His very existence.

23rd November 2016, 08:04 PM
There are large segments that are pro-Christian. It's a larger tent than you think.

There's a forum for Christian anons here:

There's several pro-Christian memes too like...
Deus Vult (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?93110-Understanding-Memes-Deus-Vult)
Christ-Chan (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?93692-Understanding-Memes-Christ-Chan)





I'd have to know a lot more about these "Christian" boards to make a decision.

I'm concerned that Christianity for these people is just a brand name. Smacking of this:


23rd November 2016, 08:08 PM
Would you characterize the Christian grouping as also white supremacist? Is there a non-white supremacist, but rather anti-white defamation grouping (Christian or otherwise)?

Shami already said it, and it's true: any pride in / defense of / even mere identification as a member of the White race is now "White supremacy" within the Kosher Psychodrome, including the "academic" elements that help empower it.

23rd November 2016, 08:11 PM
You could be an anti white-defamationist.

The best stance is to laugh when accused of "racism," and simply explain/emphasize that you believe in White separatism. Which means White self-determination and White self-development without interference from interracists and other races in general.

You cannot win the Slur War with the Jewsmedia and their stooges, so don't try weasel words like "Anti-Defamation." Just say what you mean and stand by it, like George Lincoln Rockwell (and others).

23rd November 2016, 08:25 PM
I created a super long /pol/ thread:

So, I gather Paul Ramsey is now anathema?

23rd November 2016, 09:42 PM

23rd November 2016, 10:17 PM
A movement that has been flushed down the pooper apparently, as if anyone had some reasonable goals within it.

I think that's why the "liberal" were flushed down the pooper here recently, there were no more reasonable goals set.

They were focused on the Not's Not the Do's

24th November 2016, 01:22 AM
...The only hope that we have would be for the mass of Americans (and Whites worldwide) to fall to their knees and beg Yahweh for the forgiveness we do not deserve for the grotesque crimes we have committed against Him and our fellow men - and, especially children (most of them unborn)...

I agree with you on this completely. Everything we have been going though could not even be counted as reasonable punishment for this sin.

24th November 2016, 01:55 AM
So, I gather Paul Ramsey is now anathema?

Well there Alt-Kike/Alt-Lite people are trying to distance themselves now they realize they are the minority voices in the Alt-Right. They are doing more damage than the media is doing. The way you beat this enemy is to not care, and keep moving forward. The second you try to appease the Jews, they have you, and they will only increase their demands "Disavow this and that".

RamZPaul said Trump wouldn't win the Primaries he was wrong. RamZPaul said Trump wouldn't win the Presidency, he was wrong. Now RamZPaul is saying the Alt-Right is dead since a couple Jews and a gook porn actress did a Roman Salute. I think he's wrong. My only concern is the people falling back to their Jewish programming to cuck to their enemies any time we are under attack. No matter what false flags will be done against any and all right-wing causes. It's part of the game. If you can't handle that, then get a Rei body pillow.

This may turn out as a good thing in the long run since we are purging cucks, or Alt-RINOs and some people are calling them. Whatever. We are going forward and will continue winning. Spergs are the new Jews. Jews have won up until this point since they never quit/gave up. Spergs are like this too, we don't give up or quit. We keep pushing, and that's the primary reason we win. You will only lose when you give up.

I know you're a chronic defeatist, so you're probably rubbing your hands together, hoping the Alt-Right collapses so the White race can finally be genocided, because Jesus or whatever. The segment of desiring defeat and cucking was built into Christianity by the Jews to make it a slave religion for them to manipulate/loot from us goyim.

24th November 2016, 02:10 AM
I agree with you on this completely. Everything we have been going though could not even be counted as reasonable punishment for this sin.
I think it's more simple than that. Basically modern civilization/cities have divorced us from realities we took for granted.

This is why you see people out in the country more Christian/right-wing, versus the cities.

Modern civilization has softened us all up.


People who subcome to this literally turn into adult children. This is why they give coloring books and playdoh to Hillary supporters post Trump victory.


The anti-Trump riots you see are children realizing they aren't going to get their playdoh and coloring books for 4-8 years, so they are throwing a temper tantrum. This has nothing to do with religion, it has to do solely with being divorced from reality due to urbanization. Under the same scenario, Islam would collapse too.

24th November 2016, 02:16 AM
I wonder how many of the Alt-RINOs will support the View now. They are on the same side.


24th November 2016, 02:20 AM
I think the main difference between left and right is that most leftist ideologies are devoid of morality, while the right is about... what is RIGHT, and of course re that you can have lots of different discussions, cause no-one actually agrees on what is right all the time. Another difference is that leftist ideologies tends to be collectivist while right is individualistic. Right wingers are only united under strong leaders. Leftists subordinate themselves under the collective and probably spend an extraordinary time trying to figure out what others think!
In other words we lose all the time since we play by the rules that the Left doesn't adhere too.

Sounds like a retarded strategy doomed for failure.

If you bring a knife to a gun fight you aren't a noble person for getting killed for being principled.

How about we bring a gun to a gun fight? Stop being pussies. Trying to appeal to the Left and getting their approval has will never worked.

Suddenly regressing back to your Jew programming to cuck for your enemies won't make them hate you any less. They still will call you "racist", "NAZI", and still will want to kill you. You won't push the overton window to the Right by conceding ground. You just have to keep hammering these guys over and over again with the full autistic rage inside of you.

24th November 2016, 02:43 AM
Published on Aug 7, 2015
Donald Trump is a stooge for Hillary Clinton. He's a plant. He's a ringer to sink the chances of Republican candidates who actually have a chance of defeating Hillary.


http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Cx7VNhMW8AASOyN-618x986.jpg (http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Cx7VNhMW8AASOyN.jpg)
(http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Cx7VNhKXcAAeFaV.jpg) http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Cx7VNhKWIAAAOqy-618x1099.jpg (http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Cx7VNhKWIAAAOqy.jpg)
http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Cx7VNhMWIAAn1ao-618x901.jpg (http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Cx7VNhMWIAAn1ao.jpg)