View Full Version : This is why it is good to have some precious metals available

24th November 2016, 01:34 PM
If dotgov tries to suspend the use of gold or silver for transactional purposes, we can raise our fists high and flash the unitary symbol of dissatisfaction. If they suspend the use of banknotes, no one will accept them and they become worthless:

Indian Currency Crashes To Record Low As Cash Exchange Of Old Notes Suspended (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-11-24/india-panics-rupee-crashes-record-low-modi-cuts-banknote-exchange-6-weeks-early)

Twisted Titan
24th November 2016, 01:47 PM
Im actually surprised this is even aa problem in india

The family wealth is kept in gold necklaces of the wives for GENERATIONS.

They are the most gold aware people on planet earth.

24th November 2016, 02:34 PM
Im actually surprised this is even aa problem in india

The family wealth is kept in gold necklaces of the wives for GENERATIONS.

They are the most gold aware people on planet earth.

I think most people there are angry rather than desperate. That culture of gold appreciation keeps millions from being desperate.

midnight rambler
24th November 2016, 03:32 PM
Mmm...precious metals...


24th November 2016, 07:04 PM
Here Indians buy for CASH 2-3 million dollar gas stations and in turn buy smaller stations that they let their kids and relitives care for.

So how do I understand this indian curreny problem? Non existant.

Local station when the gas pipeline was jacked up... we bought gas from local and sell at a 16K loss overnight just to be open.

16K overnight loss and they still jew you and a fucking nickel. Make way too much money just stepping in to an indian plan.