View Full Version : What's this? Who'd Don Jr. meet with in October??

midnight rambler
25th November 2016, 08:06 PM
He hasn't even been sworn in yet and he's already starting to take on a foul odor.


26th November 2016, 06:26 AM
Think some were attempting to curry favor and being played by Trump at the same time? This guy is nuts.

Russian Collaborator: Trump, Jr. Met With Russians To Discuss Syrian 'Solution' In October (http://crooksandliars.com/2016/11/russian-collaborator-trump-jr-met-russians)

Shall we take a walk down memory lane and recall history? Does anyone remember Nixon meddling in foreign affairs by killing peace talks in Vietnam?

Or how Reagan probably struck a deal with Iran before he won against Jimmy Carter to delay release of the hostages?

It's a uniquely Republican thing, this notion of meddling in foreign affairs with no official role to play, solely for the purpose of undermining foreign policy in hot spots around the world. And of course it's Russia. This time, Donald "Uday" Trump, Jr. is the guy who went to France to have a "discussion" with Russian businessmen (aka oligarchs), diplomats and officials about a "Syrian solution."

The Wall Street Journal just dropped this bomb (http://www.wsj.com/articles/donald-trump-jr-held-talks-on-syria-with-russia-supporters-1479920753):
Donald Trump’s eldest son, emerging as a potential envoy for the president-elect, held private discussions with diplomats, businessmen and politicians in Paris last month that focused in part on finding a way to cooperate with Russia to end the war in Syria (http://www.wsj.com/articles/syrian-government-refuses-un-truce-terms-for-aleppo-1479669927), according to people who took part in the meetings.

Thirty people, including Donald Trump Jr., attended the Oct. 11 event at the Ritz Paris, which was hosted by a French think tank. The founder of the think tank, Fabien Baussart,and his wife, Randa Kassis, have worked closely with Russia to try to end the conflict.

Ms. Kassis, who was born in Syria, is a leader of a Syrian opposition group endorsed by the Kremlin. The group wants a political transition in Syria—but in cooperation with President Bashar al-Assad, Moscow’s close ally (http://www.wsj.com/articles/vladimir-putin-says-russia-could-redeploy-to-syria-in-hours-1458215620).

It's crystal-clear that the Russians meddled in our elections with their DNC hack and subsequent leak to Wikileaks of mundane campaign emails to distract the press from actual real news, like a stealth trip out of the country by Uday Trump.
Look at how Sputnik, Russia's state mouthpiece to the USA, reacted (https://sputniknews.com/politics/201611111047345693-trump-us-russia-syria/) to Trump's victory on Election Night:
The victory of Donald Trump in the US presidential elections will have a positive impact on cooperation between Moscow and Washington on Syria, Randa Kassis, the chair from the Syrian opposition Movement of the Pluralistic Society, told Sputnik on Friday.

It's crystal-clear that the Russians meddled in our elections with their DNC hack and subsequent leak to Wikileaks of mundane campaign emails to distract the press from actual real news, like a stealth trip out of the country by Uday Trump.

Look at how Sputnik, Russia's state mouthpiece to the USA, reacted (https://sputniknews.com/politics/201611111047345693-trump-us-russia-syria/) to Trump's victory on Election Night:

The DNC hack wasn' the ruskies.

The lies flowed out of the Trump camp, courtesy of Hope Hicks (http://www.wsj.com/articles/interfax-reports-russia-had-contact-with-trump-team-during-campaign-1478791392), but now we know better.

Meddling in foreign policy by sending Junior Trump to talk about Syria with Russia after the Obama administration terminated talks with them? That's not just subversion. It's something more. Something darker. Something almost predictable, given past history.

Did Russia scuttle talks with Secretary of State John Kerry because they were speaking to Trump, while assisting him in his election bid? It seems so.

Just as Nixon did in 1968 (http://www.commondreams.org/views/2014/08/12/george-will-confirms-nixons-vietnam-treason).

Just as Reagan likely did in 1980 (http://www.history.com/topics/iran-hostage-crisis).

None dare call it treason. Or do we?

26th November 2016, 06:28 AM

26th November 2016, 09:48 AM
He hasn't even been sworn in yet and he's already starting to take on a foul odor.


The odor was already there, but masked by the scent of Eau de Hopium.

"Kassis stressed that the discussion mentioned how a new constitution should be 'secular' and make all citizens equal regardless of their origins or religion."

In other words, make Syria into yet another Jew-friendly, degenerate state without national identity.

Both the (((New York banksters))) and Trump support this.

26th November 2016, 10:44 AM
Seriously, who gives a rat's ass, it's Syria, throw a half-assed fix on it and ship all the "refugees" back there. And as an extra bonus, we'll even throw in the Somalis. Fukem.

26th November 2016, 02:20 PM
Seriously, who gives a rat's ass, it's Syria, throw a half-assed fix on it and ship all the "refugees" back there. And as an extra bonus, we'll even throw in the Somalis. Fukem.

America reaps what it sows.

"Who gives a rat's ass" if the (((banksters))) have fucked over yet another ancient land? After all, almost all lands are now under the control of Mystery Babylon. What's another one? :rolleyes:

There was no "refugee" problem until America and "the West" wrecked that country.

26th November 2016, 04:45 PM
America reaps what it sows.

"Who gives a rat's ass" if the (((banksters))) have fucked over yet another ancient land? After all, almost all lands are now under the control of Mystery Babylon. What's another one? :rolleyes:

There was no "refugee" problem until America and "the West" wrecked that country.

Geez dude, Trump isn't even in office yet, why are you blaming him???

Why are you being such a negative ass? Chear the fuck up, we're headed in the right direction and we will get there.

26th November 2016, 07:49 PM
Geez dude, Trump isn't even in office yet, why are you blaming him???

I apologize for your inability to read. Donnie Jr. acting as agent for his daddy. Similar shit happened back in 1980 "before Reagan-Bush were even in office yet."

Why are you being such a negative ass? Chear the fuck up, we're headed in the right direction and we will get there.

How about you man up, dump the man-crush cultic obsession, and accept that Trump is not who and what he claims to be?

26th November 2016, 08:04 PM
I apologize for your inability to read. Donnie Jr. acting as agent for his daddy. Similar shit happened back in 1980 "before Reagan-Bush were even in office yet."

How about you man up, dump the man-crush cultic obsession, and accept that Trump is not who and what he claims to be?

I can read just fine, and I also consider the sources.

But that's all right, you go right ahead and play the leftist's little hysterical bitch attack dog.

Maybe they'll toss you a bone....

26th November 2016, 10:31 PM
I can read just fine, and I also consider the sources.

But that's all right, you go right ahead and play the leftist's little hysterical bitch attack dog.

Maybe they'll toss you a bone....

I am very sorry that you are only able to "think" within the Kosher Psychodrome's binary fantasy world of "Trump OR Clinton," "Right OR Left." Unable to fathom there are other choices, other alternatives than "choosing" approved candidate A or approved candidate B.

You "chose" Jew York City candidate Trump over Jew York City candidate Clinton. Wow, how profound. :rolleyes:

26th November 2016, 10:50 PM
The current global game appears to be to create an equal among other countries out of the U.S.

Not that it weren't already slowly doing that with Obaman neglect and repulsion, now in turn it will be an about face with Trump on most items that strips her allies away.

Does anyone expect any grace or thoughtful diplomacy from the new admin to work its way out of its past "progress"