View Full Version : The Guardian: 'Alt-right’ online poison nearly turned me into a racist

28th November 2016, 09:08 AM
>This, I think, is where YouTube’s “suggested videos” can lead you down a rabbit hole. I unlocked the Pandora’s box of “It’s not racist to criticize Islam!” content.

>About a week before the US election, I heard one of these YouTubers use the phrase "red-pilled"– a term from the film The Matrix – in reference to people being awakened to the truth about the world and SJWs. Suddenly I thought: “This is exactly like a cult. What am I doing? I’m turning into an arsehole.”

>I unsubscribed and unfollowed from everything, and told myself outright: “You’re becoming a racist. What you’re doing is turning you into a terrible, hateful person.” Until that moment I hadn’t even realized that “alt-right” was what I was becoming; I just thought I was a more open-minded person for tolerating these views.

>It would take every swearword under the sun to describe how I now feel about tolerating such content and gradually accepting it as truth. I’ve spent every day since feeling shameful for being so blind and so easily coerced.



28th November 2016, 11:00 AM
Hmm, this may be easier than we all thought!

I forget though, that most people are much more susceptible to propaganda than I like to think we are. I suppose it shouldn't be surprising to see how easily it works on the masses.

28th November 2016, 11:19 AM
we're suppose to be racists... the person was almost deprogrammed... too bad.

28th November 2016, 12:31 PM
When you're born, your biology instinctively tells you to stick with your own kind, those similar to you. "Birds of a feather, flock together." No, the "alt-right" poison isn't turning you into a "racist". The real poison already turned you into a clueless anti-racist and now you're simply being presented with reality. THE ALT-RIGHT IS TRYING TO CURE YOU OF YOUR IDIOTIC DISEASE. There's nothing poisonous or "racist" about preferring your own kind. It's healthy, sane, and biologically beneficial.

30th November 2016, 04:57 AM

LOL, this is the first link that comes up when you Google "racism+Trotsky". http://histomatist.blogspot.se/2013/07/debunking-fascist-myths-94-leon-trotsky.html?m=1

"debunking fascist myths". However everything he says confirms that Leon Trotsky, actually did invent the word to stifle opposition. :)