View Full Version : Trump has dinner with Goldman Suks President Gary Cohn

midnight rambler
29th November 2016, 04:26 PM

29th November 2016, 04:29 PM
Trump meets with the President of Goldman Sachs, rumored to be a contender for "Federal" Reserve Chairman:


Goldman Sachs goon (((Steven Mnuchin))) alleged to be Treasury Secretary pick (as also reported a couple weeks back):


29th November 2016, 04:30 PM
Great minds think alike:


You beat me by 3 minutes.

29th November 2016, 07:20 PM
It's good to meet the enemy right? That's what I would do if I could however if Trump installs these clowns all bets are off...

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. President Gary Cohn and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney were meeting Tuesday with Donald Trump as the president-elect and his team consider candidates to fill out key roles in the administration.

Cohn arrived at Trump Tower in Manhattan Tuesday afternoon for a meeting with Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence. Trump was then scheduled to go to dinner with Romney, the 2012 Republican presidential nominee who’s a contender for secretary of state. Another potential choice for the nation’s top diplomat, Tennessee Senator Bob Corker, met with Trump earlier in the day.

As he moves through the list of high-level administration jobs he has to fill, Trump on Tuesday announced he’ll nominate Georgia Representative Tom Price, a leading critic of Obamacare, to head the Department of Health and Human Services. A person familiar with the transition said he’s poised to pick former U.S. Labor Secretary Elaine Chao, the wife of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, to be transportation secretary.

Transition spokesman Sean Spicer didn’t give any hint of the agenda for Trump’s meeting with Cohn or whether he’s in line for an administration job. But a person familiar with transition planning said Trump and his aides are still discussing what role he might play, with potential jobs including posts at the Treasury Department or Office of Management and Budget. Cohn also may be considered for the Federal Reserve, said the person, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations.

A representative from Trump’s team called Cohn to come in for a meeting and the Goldman Sachs banker agreed to sit down with the president-elect, according to another person who had knowledge of the invitation. Cohn has known Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, for a while and the two men speak from time to time, the person said, asking for anonymity to discuss private talks.

Trump also met Tuesday with Rolls Royce North America Chief Executive Officer Marion Blakey, as well as Representatives Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, Michael McCaul of Texas, a contender for homeland security secretary, and Lou Barletta of Pennsylvania.

“We talked about secretary of labor and it’s something I’m considering,” Barletta told reporters as he left his meeting with Trump.
McCaul said he and Trump had “a very substantive and productive conversation” about national security issues.
Goldman Carrier

Cohn headed to his meeting with Trump shortly before 4 p.m. New York time. Cohn joined Goldman Sachs more than 25 years ago and rose through the ranks of the powerful fixed income, currency and commodities unit alongside Chief Executive Officer Lloyd Blankfein. He was named co-president and co-chief operating officer in 2006, taking over sole responsibility when Jon Winkelried left in 2009.

As president and COO, Cohn is a frequent guest at conferences and on television, commenting on the global economy, financial markets and the state of Wall Street. Goldman Sachs has come under repeated attack during the U.S. presidential campaign, and Trump aired an ad at the end of his run that showed Blankfein’s face as the candidate said that a corrupt global power machine was robbing the U.S.

Cohn, a registered Democrat, has been a prolific political donor. He contributed more than $275,000 to Democrats, including donations to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in their race for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008, according to Federal Election Commission records.

But he’s also donated more than $225,000 to Republicans, with most of the money coming in recent years. In 2015 he sent cash to Kelly Ayotte’s Senate campaign in New Hampshire and Tom Cotton’s in Arkansas. He donated to Marco Rubio’s campaign for the Republican presidential nomination but not Trump’s, records show.

After a campaign in which he decried the influence of big banks and international financial institutions, Trump has leaned heavily on Wall Street executives as he prepares to take office. Chief strategist Stephen Bannon, campaign finance chairman Steven Mnuchin, who is said to be a contender for Treasury secretary, and transition-team member Anthony Scaramucci are all Goldman Sachs alumni.

Trump’s dinner with Romney will be his second meeting with the former Massachusetts governor, who was harshly critical of Trump throughout the campaign. Along with Corker, Trump is said to be considering retired General and former CIA Director David Petraeus for the secretary of state job.

29th November 2016, 08:02 PM
If Clinton had won the election she wouldn't need to have dinner with any bankers. She's wearing their ankle bracelet so they can keep track of her.

old steel
29th November 2016, 08:11 PM
There you go...

29th November 2016, 08:15 PM
Whatever is going on is WAY the FUCK beyond what we can even guess. If anyone could guess what Trump thinks he would also be a bazillionaire.

So shadow pumping BS out your ass just don't count at this point.

29th November 2016, 08:18 PM
Whatever is going on is WAY the FUCK beyond what we can even guess. If anyone could guess what Trump thinks he would also be a bazillionaire.

So shadow pumping BS out your ass just don't count at this point.

Bitches gonna bitch and we have several of them here. They're gettin' old!

old steel
29th November 2016, 08:18 PM
I mean, where ever you are headed, there you will surely wind up.

29th November 2016, 08:37 PM
I mean, where ever you are headed, there you will surely wind up.

Mann, no clue but if this was a board game I would side with the winning team.

I don't trust anything but feel this Trump guy is playing the game well. I would trust him before any slimey lawyer in existance with any personal events. Even if I didn't know him personally. This is called blind trust and I teach against this in my immediate family and extended. This guy however is the best player in disguise or a plant. We will see.

old steel
29th November 2016, 08:54 PM
The winners are the elite, they always win, that's why they call them the elite.

midnight rambler
29th November 2016, 09:49 PM
The winners are the elite, they always win, that's why they call them the elite.

There is no elite, there are only those who are elitists.

old steel
29th November 2016, 10:33 PM
I can agree to that.

Still if we are to be rid of them we will have to do it.

No one is coming to save us.

Twisted Titan
30th November 2016, 03:32 AM
I fully agree no ""man"" can save us.

But i will tell you this.
I am enjoying trump on a level that i have NEVER imagined.
I watch him bitch slapp the media on a regular basis as they scream in frustration and horror as his base intensifies
I can poke fun at local snowflakes with abosulte impunity as i bring to light the record of success that DT has
I can shut down feminists and sjw with relative ease if they dare to engage in discussion

This is most fun i have had since i have been awake.
And im loving every minute of it .

30th November 2016, 03:59 AM
Did Trump appoint Steven Mnuchin as Treasury secretary, or did the 'money changers' appoint him to watch their money?

30th November 2016, 04:03 AM
I fully agree no ""man"" can save us.

But i will tell you this.
I am enjoying trump on a level that i have NEVER imagined.
I watch him bitch slapp the media on a regular basis as they scream in frustration and horror as his base intensifies
I can poke fun at local snowflakes with abosulte impunity as i bring to light the record of success that DT has
I can shut down feminists and sjw with relative ease if they dare to engage in discussion

This is most fun i have had since i have been awake.
And im loving every minute of it .

It's fun to tell liberals, they have lost everything!
The libs have lost the house, senate, supreme court and the presidency.
Years of hard work pushing their agenda is about to be wiped out.

30th November 2016, 04:38 AM
Whatever is going on is WAY the FUCK beyond what we can even guess. If anyone could guess what Trump thinks he would also be a bazillionaire.

So shadow pumping BS out your ass just don't count at this point.We should just believe what we're told or shut up. Whatever you do, don't look at the evidence and speculate.

Twisted Titan
30th November 2016, 05:23 AM
It's fun to tell liberals, they have lost everything!
The libs have lost the house, senate, supreme court and the presidency.
Years of hard work pushing their agenda is about to be wiped out.

And the mid terms are setting up to be a bloodbath.

Trump just announced he is completly divesting from his real estate empire by mid december so he can fully focus on america even though there is no legal requirment.

Trump is going bolt out the gate like a jack rabbit on uppers with a bolt of lightning shooting out his @$$ on january 21st

And he is still going to have time Troll and bitch slap snowflakes as his personal favorite pastime.

30th November 2016, 05:37 AM
And he is still going to have time Troll and bitch slap snowflakes as his personal favorite pastime.

I don't think this is his last play either.

30th November 2016, 07:46 AM
And the mid terms are setting up to be a bloodbath.

Trump just announced he is completly divesting from his real estate empire by mid december so he can fully focus on america even though there is no legal requirment.

Trump is going bolt out the gate like a jack rabbit on uppers with a bolt of lightning shooting out his @$$ on january 21st

And he is still going to have time Troll and bitch slap snowflakes as his personal favorite pastime.

His tweets keep him connected to the people and drive the Lib MSM nuts...win win! They will soon see that Trump doesn't take vacations and golf, like the last Fuck-off in Chief. Trump is on a mission to win!

30th November 2016, 11:33 AM
Did Trump appoint Steven Mnuchin as Treasury secretary, or did the 'money changers' appoint him to watch their money?

Yes, (((Steve Mnuchin))) has been named for commissar of Rothschild Holdings USA dba "United States Department of the Treasury."

30th November 2016, 11:36 AM
And the mid terms are setting up to be a bloodbath.

For the Republicans, yes.

Trump will continue to lose support as he exposes himself as part of the swamp, breaking promises left & right. If his stooge for DHHS tries to dismantle Medicare, you can expect the Democrats to regain both houses.

Trump is probably in play by (((them))) in order to force the pendulum back the other way, to an extreme.

30th November 2016, 11:37 AM
His tweets keep him connected to the people

Only mindless fuckwits use Twatter.

Trump is on a mission to win!

What the prize? Egomania?

30th November 2016, 11:39 AM
Only mindless fuckwits use Twatter.

It takes a mindless fuckwit to recognize other mindless fuckwits

30th November 2016, 11:40 AM
For the Republicans, yes.

Trump will continue to lose support as he exposes himself as part of the swamp, breaking promises left & right. If his stooge for DHHS tries to dismantle Medicare, you can expect the Democrats to regain both houses.

Trump is probably in play by (((them))) in order to force the pendulum back the other way, to an extreme.

Staying aligned with your progressive beliefs I see, rooting for the home team to come back....keep rooting!

30th November 2016, 11:59 AM
It takes a mindless fuckwit to recognize other mindless fuckwits

Well then, tell us: Is Trump one of yours or not?

30th November 2016, 12:01 PM
Staying aligned with your progressive beliefs I see, rooting for the home team to come back....keep rooting!

You are rooting for the (((banksters))) and other crooks; I'm rooting for the People. I always have.

You are too stupid to realize (((they))) USED you. Trump is but a tool - the antithesis - for the synthesis.

2018 will be a repeat of 1994...in reverse. If you think the Obama Congress was bad, just wait. You'll have veto-override majorities after a couple of years of Trump Making Banksters Great Again. Real Americans will lose yet again.

30th November 2016, 12:40 PM
You are rooting for the (((banksters))) and other crooks; I'm rooting for the People. I always have.

You are too stupid to realize (((they))) USED you. Trump is but a tool - the antithesis - for the synthesis.

2018 will be a repeat of 1994...in reverse. If you think the Obama Congress was bad, just wait. You'll have veto-override majorities after a couple of years of Trump Making Banksters Great Again. Real Americans will lose yet again.

Your alternative would be, oh great and powerful Oz??????????????

You're great with the criticism but completely devoid of answers...reminds me of Killery!

30th November 2016, 12:42 PM
Well then, tell us: Is Trump one of yours or not?

So are you asking me if he's my president? If so then I would say not until January 20th. He was duly elected and as an American, I accept that...just like I had to accept Oblowme as POTUS.

30th November 2016, 04:30 PM
Your alternative would be, oh great and powerful Oz??????????????

You're great with the criticism but completely devoid of answers...reminds me of Killery!

I have plenty of answers, none of which you like.

You just need a "strong man" to give your life meaning. Hence, your worship of Trump.

30th November 2016, 04:32 PM
So are you asking me if he's my president? If so then I would say not until January 20th. He was duly elected and as an American, I accept that...just like I had to accept Oblowme as POTUS.

No, I was asking you if Trump is indeed a mindless fuckwit who uses Twatter, since you said it requires being a mindless fuckwit to know one.

As for being President, he's just another Rothschild/Goldman Sachs stooge. If you want him as your God-King, so be it. He ain't shit to me.

30th November 2016, 04:49 PM
No, I was asking you if Trump is indeed a mindless fuckwit who uses Twatter, since you said it requires being a mindless fuckwit to know one.

As for being President, he's just another Rothschild/Goldman Sachs stooge. If you want him as your God-King, so be it. He ain't shit to me.

Mindless fuckwit was your term, not mine. Take responsibility for your drivel rather than try and put it back on me. I gave you my answer

1st December 2016, 11:35 AM
another bombshell


Trump said during his election campaign fakery that Goldman Sachs had total control of Hillary Clinton and had ‘robbed our working class’.

Rothschild man Wilbur Ross - leader of a notorious Wall Street secret society - is Trump pick for Commerce Secretary
30 November 2016 GMT

Inside Wall Street’s most secret society: The billionaire banker fraternity where cross-dressing new members make jokes about Hillary Clinton and drunkenly mock the financial crisis

Pay to Play: For $1 million and up, inaugural donors will get ‘candlelight dinner’ with Trump and other access
30 November 2016 GMT