View Full Version : Trump: Stop Saying ‘Happy Holidays’ And Start Saying ‘Merry Christmas’

1st December 2016, 02:34 PM
About Time! Donald Trump Wants You To Stop Saying ‘Happy Holidays’ And Start Saying ‘Merry Christmas’
by IWB (http://investmentwatchblog.com/author/admin-2/) · December 1, 2016

The president-elect — who once said his favorite book was the Bible — repeatedly insisted that if he was elected, people would be saying “Merry Christmas” instead of the politically correct “happy holidays.”
“The word Christmas,” Trump said on the campaign trail last September at the Values Voter Summit. “I love Christmas. I love Christmas. You go to stores, you don’t see the word Christmas. It says happy holidays all over. I say, ‘Where’s Christmas?’ I tell my wife, ‘Don’t go to those stores.’”
“I want to see Christmas. I want to see Christmas.’”


Published on Sep 25, 2015
Se9 24 -- Billionaire GOP hopeful Donald Trump addressed the annual Values Voter Summit today in Washington. The candidate, who’s had some recent struggles explaining his faith, brought his childhood Bible for all to see. "I believe in God," he said. "I believe in the Bible. I’m Christian. I love people." He lashed out against political correctness, asking the audience, “Remember the expression 'Merry Christmas?' You don't see it. You're going to see it if I'm elected."

1st December 2016, 02:37 PM
Merry Christmas Ximmy!

1st December 2016, 02:48 PM
Merry Christmas to everyone here....yeah, even you Crimethink, you condescending, insulting, close-minded bastid!!

1st December 2016, 06:01 PM

Twisted Titan
1st December 2016, 06:10 PM
Fill me up another flagon of liberal tears danny boy

And make it quick.

Everytime DT opens his mouth and the sjw shreik is like christmas to me.

1st December 2016, 10:36 PM
Merry Christmas to everyone here....yeah, even you Crimethink, you condescending, insulting, close-minded bastid!!

Forgive me, since the Truth has confined my mind to within it. :)

2nd December 2016, 04:43 AM
Merry Xmas Christimmy!

Corrected for PC!

2nd December 2016, 05:11 AM
Kerry Mistmas!

I hope it isn't a tradition that previously failed presidential candidates end up being Secretary of State then we can expect another round of Killary!