View Full Version : Trump 'Thank You' Tour - Hillary/Kaine 'I'm sorry we lost tour'

2nd December 2016, 04:21 PM
While Trump Kicks off “VICTORY TOUR,” Clinton-Kaine Plan “LOSERS TOUR”

You can’t even make this up. Why on earth does Hillary think it’s a good idea to copy Trump’s “Victory Tour” with a tour of her own? These events are only fun when the WINNER is leading the rally.

Hillary’s rallies were very boring and lowly attended even when she was an active candidate for President. We can only imagine how bad they will be in the form of a “Losers Tour.”

Perhaps they will have therapists on site, stuffed animals, crayons and lots of Kleenex tissues on site…and a crying contest perhaps? SHEESH.

From WashingtonExaminer

Sen. Tim Kaine, Hillary Clinton’s former running mate, said Thursday that he and Clinton would soon appear for a series of “thank you events” in the “next couple of weeks” to show their appreciation for supporters.

“Hillary is a very resilient person. I mean, she has dealt with an awful lot in her life,” Kaine said during an appearance on Fox 5, a local Washington-area channel.

“And she’s got a philosophical perspective that, OK, if you’ve been given a lot of opportunities… you also have to accept the tough things,” he said.

His “thank you” tour could coincide with a similar string of events President-elect Trump will host this month in states that delivered him the presidency. On Thursday, he will kick off the tour with a rally in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Kaine argued the Clinton campaign was obligated to participate in a controversial multi-state recount effort spearheaded by Green Party nominee Jill Stein. Clinton has taken criticism for joining the recount despite bashing Trump during the presidential race for hinting he might not accept the results of the election.


2nd December 2016, 05:47 PM
Perhaps they think Soros will save the day?

I see no other angle.

2nd December 2016, 07:02 PM
I thought the bitch was on her deathbed! Why must I always find myself lied to??

3rd December 2016, 12:49 AM
I thought the bitch was on her deathbed! Why must I always find myself lied to??

This painting "The dying dandy" is from 1918, he/it looks like pretty much of the cultural elite running arts all over the world nowadays, you know the ones that were holocausted in the 1940's. I must conclude they are experts in faking dying. Hillary will look younger when she is 150, thriving on spirit cooking babies.

3rd December 2016, 04:59 AM
I thought the bitch was on her deathbed! Why must I always find myself lied to??

On the good side I dont think Don is going to make her any part of his cabinet.

Twisted Titan
3rd December 2016, 08:19 AM
It will NEVER happen

Between her failing health,bruised psychotic ego and owing millions to really,really bad people.

The beast will stay in her den for as long as possible