View Full Version : Oakland Ghost Ship Rave Fire

3rd December 2016, 02:51 PM
The place was full of Hillary supporters


Pics of the club here, a real fire trap! http://www.oaklandghostship.com/

3rd December 2016, 03:17 PM
Goes to show you that drugs ARE good!

Was there a fire or what?

midnight rambler
3rd December 2016, 03:23 PM
The word is that they had a 'makeshift staircase' going to the 2nd floor, a staircase fabricated out of pallets and wood scraps so narrow that it allowed only one-way single file passage. Apparently having any means of escaping a fire from where all that fuel for a fire was stored on the 2nd floor was NOT a consideration.

"A fire?!?!?? We're careful, won't be any fires here!"

3rd December 2016, 03:49 PM
Goes to show you that drugs ARE good!

Was there a fire or what?

Apparently, the place burned down last night and 9 people are reported dead.


3rd December 2016, 04:38 PM

3rd December 2016, 05:14 PM
I hadn't been to Oakland in fourty-some years. There weren't many White folks there back then. What's it like now?

3rd December 2016, 05:18 PM
I hadn't been to Oakland in fourty-some years. There weren't many White folks there back then. What's it like now?

Tents, homeless everywhere. Been stuck driving through it lately, and it even makes me nervous. Literally, tent cities everywhere. I tell folks just stay out of Oakland if you can. Don't even think about being out there at night.

3rd December 2016, 05:34 PM
Apparently, the place burned down last night and 9 people are reported dead.


Were you there?

3rd December 2016, 05:52 PM
Were you there?

No, I wasn't dickhead. You need to get some hobbies, you are turning into a troll on this forum.

3rd December 2016, 05:54 PM
No, I wasn't dickhead. You need to get some hobbies, you are turning into a troll on this forum.

You probably set it on fire Pete. C'mon fess up mr honesty.

3rd December 2016, 06:21 PM
I hadn't been to Oakland in fourty-some years. There weren't many White folks there back then. What's it like now?

My grandfather was a Prof. @ Berkeley and refereed Cal football games. It was mostly White and Wonderful while I was growing up there but it has rapidly changed since my childhood. I visit the area often (fambly) and while driving there from North Tahoe, you know you're getting close to Berkeley/Oakland because all of the drivers magically become black, rude, and inconsiderate! As a kid, I remember driving through a part of Oakland and we heard 8 gunshots in about 10 minutes!

3rd December 2016, 07:23 PM
The place was full of Hillary supporters

Actually, more likely:

1) most of them don't believe in the nefarious charade of "elections";

2) and the minority that do would support Sanders, not Her Majesty.

The people who inhabited this death trap appear to be mostly biologically-White, Hare Krishna types or similar.

3rd December 2016, 07:30 PM
The word is that they had a 'makeshift staircase' going to the 2nd floor, a staircase fabricated out of pallets and wood scraps so narrow that it allowed only one-way single file passage. Apparently having any means of escaping a fire from where all that fuel for a fire was stored on the 2nd floor was NOT a consideration.

"A fire?!?!?? We're careful, won't be any fires here!"


They worshiped Shiva, and Shiva delivered. Notice the Swastika, too.


3rd December 2016, 07:32 PM
I hadn't been to Oakland in fourty-some years. There weren't many White folks there back then. What's it like now?

The San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge is the longest in the world: it connects Fairytown to Africa.

Most of Oakland: don't walk alone, and, if you're not Black, don't be in town at night.

3rd December 2016, 07:45 PM
I've attended raves/after/early parties in the Bay Area (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Francisco_Bay_Area) for decades. Not everybody who attends is a progressive libshit Hillary supporter. Many of them are just artists, extremely focused on their art, without the slightest knowledge of politics. We hippy flip (https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=hippy%20flipping), listen to music, and dance for hours. Big whoop. It's 2017(!), not Ren McCormack (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Footloose_(1984_film))! It's okay to appreciate, celebrate, and enjoy your short life every once in a while.


For the most part, these parties are safe, but every once in a while some really crazy shit happens. My ex and I were on this boat party (http://electrocelt.com/index.php?caseid=view&id=21)* when two guys got into an argument on the aft/stern middle deck. Under the dark of night, one guy pushed the other guy overboard into the Bay and nobody even knew about it. We didn't hear about his death until weeks later. I tried to find an article source, but I couldn't find anything. I think the guy actually got away with it.


* Surprisingly, we're not in the picture. We danced all night in front of the turntables. Actually got to shake Sasha's hand. Ex got a picture with him.


old steel
4th December 2016, 11:15 AM

They worshiped Shiva, and Shiva delivered. Notice the Swastika, too.


The Swastika was used at least 5,000 years before Adolf Hitler designed the Nazi flag. The word swastika comes from the Sanskrit svastika, which means “good fortune” or “well-being." The motif (a hooked cross) appears to have first been used in Neolithic Eurasia, perhaps representing the movement of the sun through the sky.

4th December 2016, 11:41 AM
Now says 24 dead.

midnight rambler
4th December 2016, 01:09 PM
They were infatuated with skulls, now they got some real ones.

4th December 2016, 01:57 PM
30 and climbing...

5th December 2016, 12:10 AM
The Swastika was used at least 5,000 years before Adolf Hitler designed the Nazi flag.

What is a "Nazi flag"? Oh, you meant the flag of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP), and later, the national banner of Germany.

"Nazi" is an epithet applied by Jews and Commies. Equal to Kike.

The word swastika comes from the Sanskrit svastika, which means “good fortune” or “well-being." The motif (a hooked cross) appears to have first been used in Neolithic Eurasia, perhaps representing the movement of the sun through the sky.

The Hakenkreuz (Hooked Cross) is a very ancient symbol of the Aryan race, seen in all parts of the world where they or their ancestors have been, back millennia. Yes, it is most well-known as the Swastika; Sanskrit was the language of the Aryans of India. One finds the Swastika all across Europe and most of Asia, as well as in North America (where Aryan predecessors carried it; their descendants became North American Indians). Ironically, it is also found in Hebrew (not Jew) controlled ancient Israel.

Christians have also used it over the centuries as a symbol of Christ and His victory.

5th December 2016, 12:19 AM
I've attended raves/after/early parties in the Bay Area (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Francisco_Bay_Area) for decades. Not everybody who attends is a progressive libshit Hillary supporter. Many of them are just artists, extremely focused on their art, without the slightest knowledge of politics.

When I initially heard about the story, I assumed Niggers doing their "thang." But then I saw the before photos, and realized it was a much different situation. Misled but mostly benign folks living a life of expressive partying and emotional (maybe chemical) ecstasy. Folks, under different circumstances, that could be beneficial neighbors. My wife liked to hang out occasionally years ago at a Krishna gathering in Carmichael (Sacramento suburb), and this reminded me a lot of it. Lost spiritually, but kind-hearted and, indeed, apolitical types. I don't wish them the misery and tragedy, but the "carefree" lifestyle had consequences.

Twisted Titan
5th December 2016, 01:29 PM
They were infatuated with skulls, now they got some real ones.

Noticed that skull too and the fire spewing out behind it and said something similar to myself.

I remember when i was young and was apart of the curious and rebel lifestyle

I really am sorry that grace ran out for these kids.

Life is over before it began

6th December 2016, 04:22 PM
36 dead now, and could go up. Here's a very good article on places like Ghost Ship, warehouses uncoded that people squat and live in. This is because of the high prices for rent in the SF Bay Area. In SF, for example, a small closet sized apartment runs you $2400 a month. So, all these 'underground' communities spring up, mostly young folks as already mentioned, who are seeking to find themselves and need a place to stay, for cheap. So, they band together, and find a way to survive.

It's very sad. People will do what they can to find shelter though...and communities that come together to help each other happens. Even if we don't believe in their beliefs.

Good article to read, if you want to know what's happening in our cities.


6th December 2016, 04:50 PM
36 dead now, and could go up. Here's a very good article on places like Ghost Ship, warehouses uncoded that people squat and live in. This is because of the high prices for rent in the SF Bay Area. In SF, for example, a small closet sized apartment runs you $2400 a month. So, all these 'underground' communities spring up, mostly young folks as already mentioned, who are seeking to find themselves and need a place to stay, for cheap. So, they band together, and find a way to survive.

It's very sad. People will do what they can to find shelter though...and communities that come together to help each other happens. Even if we don't believe in their beliefs.

Good article to read, if you want to know what's happening in our cities.


Must be nice to afford 2400 bux for a closet apartment. Leads me to believe you guys are so overpaid it is sick. Can't wait till CA falls into the sea. Pete your lucky to have a boat to float away from the nonsence.

6th December 2016, 05:05 PM
Must be nice to afford 2400 bux for a closet apartment. Leads me to believe you guys are so overpaid it is sick. Can't wait till CA falls into the sea. Pete your lucky to have a boat to float away from the nonsence.

All the shitties are like that. The Jews and fellow travelers that own the real estate rape people, because a minority of hipsters can afford it with their jobs at Joogle and crApple. A "closet size" apartment sometimes has four people living in it, splitting the rent, doing real work to afford it.

6th December 2016, 05:34 PM
All the shitties are like that. The Jews and fellow travelers that own the real estate rape people, because a minority of hipsters can afford it with their jobs at Joogle and crApple. A "closet size" apartment sometimes has four people living in it, splitting the rent, doing real work to afford it.

Yeah, the guy who has that apartment is a coworker. We are blue collar. Before his girlfriend got a job, he had to pay that rent himself. He was working 60 plus hours a week and didn't have a car. Once his girlfriend got her job, it made life a bit easier.

Don't even mention "hipsters" to me. Anyone who calls himself a hipster is the fakest mf'er on the planet, and should not be trusted.

6th December 2016, 05:42 PM
Must be nice to afford 2400 bux for a closet apartment. Leads me to believe you guys are so overpaid it is sick. Can't wait till CA falls into the sea. Hitch your lucky to have a boat to float away from the nonsence.

Changed that for you. I like to think friends call me by my first name.

The rents and home prices are a problem here. It's going to collapse. I make a "middle class" wage, and thankfully I like boats...lol, because that's how I can live. I'd live that way anyway, but, no way I could buy a home where I work. That's for damn sure.

And...you have people just trying to get by, who burn up in warehouses here too. Something needs to change.

6th December 2016, 05:56 PM
Changed that for you. I like to think friends call me by my first name.

The rents and home prices are a problem here. It's going to collapse. I make a "middle class" wage, and thankfully I like boats...lol, because that's how I can live. I'd live that way anyway, but, no way I could buy a home where I work. That's for damn sure.

And...you have people just trying to get by, who burn up in warehouses here too. Something needs to change.

My wife's Dad lived on a boat at Oakley (up the Delta from you) and loved it. But then he moved out of the country. We all met him on that boat in 1999 (25 years after she had last seen him).

6th December 2016, 06:32 PM
EXCLUSIVE: Filth, chaos, weird religious symbols, feral animals and orgies - inside Oakland warehouse of horrors before deadly blaze as tenant tells of previous fires

Exclusive DailyMail.com photographs show the squalor and chaos inside the Oakland warehouse before Friday night fire which left 36 dead
Tenant in building disclosed images and lengthy written complaint in which she detailed life inside the Ghost Ship 'collective' - including more revelations about its organizer, Derick Ion Almena
Shelley Mack told how he was a control freak who told her off for what she watched on television while she lived there in late 2014 and early 2015
He let his three children roam free in the cluttered space which was covered with loose wires and where narrow corridors were blocked with junk
Centerpiece of his 'art' was collection of Hindu mystical imagery - but he ignored basics of the building code and she complained that it was a 'fire hazard'
By Ryan Parry In Oakland, California For Dailymail.com
PUBLISHED: 12:26 EST, 6 December 2016 | UPDATED: 15:45 EST, 6 December 2016

Shocking video and images have emerged from inside the doomed Oakland warehouse depicting a squalid 'hell-hole' not fit to live in - as a tenant told how cats urinated everywhere and it was the venue for an orgy.

The footage and photos, obtained exclusively by DailyMail.com, shows the living quarters of some of the residents of the building known as the Oakland Ghost Ship.

While photos on the art collective's website show an eclectic and creative space for artists and musicians, the reality of life behind the scenes in this dilapidated building is horrific.

Dark and dingy rooms don't look fit for humans, with exposed electrical wires and panels, venting pipes and piles of junk and old clothes everywhere.

Tenant Shelley Mack, who disclosed the pictures to DailyMail.com also revealed that there were three fires while she lived there - in late 2014 and early 2015 - caused by faulty electrics.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4006300/Filth-chaos-weird-religious-symbols-Pictures-appalling-conditions-inside-Oakland-warehouse-36-died.html#ixzz4S7DhZCB2

6th December 2016, 09:05 PM
EXCLUSIVE: Filth, chaos, weird religious symbols, feral animals and orgies - inside Oakland warehouse of horrors before deadly blaze as tenant tells of previous fires

Exclusive DailyMail.com photographs show the squalor and chaos inside the Oakland warehouse before Friday night fire which left 36 dead
Tenant in building disclosed images and lengthy written complaint in which she detailed life inside the Ghost Ship 'collective' - including more revelations about its organizer, Derick Ion Almena
Shelley Mack told how he was a control freak who told her off for what she watched on television while she lived there in late 2014 and early 2015
He let his three children roam free in the cluttered space which was covered with loose wires and where narrow corridors were blocked with junk
Centerpiece of his 'art' was collection of Hindu mystical imagery - but he ignored basics of the building code and she complained that it was a 'fire hazard'
By Ryan Parry In Oakland, California For Dailymail.com
PUBLISHED: 12:26 EST, 6 December 2016 | UPDATED: 15:45 EST, 6 December 2016

Shocking video and images have emerged from inside the doomed Oakland warehouse depicting a squalid 'hell-hole' not fit to live in - as a tenant told how cats urinated everywhere and it was the venue for an orgy.

The footage and photos, obtained exclusively by DailyMail.com, shows the living quarters of some of the residents of the building known as the Oakland Ghost Ship.

While photos on the art collective's website show an eclectic and creative space for artists and musicians, the reality of life behind the scenes in this dilapidated building is horrific.

Dark and dingy rooms don't look fit for humans, with exposed electrical wires and panels, venting pipes and piles of junk and old clothes everywhere.

Tenant Shelley Mack, who disclosed the pictures to DailyMail.com also revealed that there were three fires while she lived there - in late 2014 and early 2015 - caused by faulty electrics.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4006300/Filth-chaos-weird-religious-symbols-Pictures-appalling-conditions-inside-Oakland-warehouse-36-died.html#ixzz4S7DhZCB2

Not surprising. The residents appear to have had great affinity for Indian culture, which, after all, involves shitting in the street.

The mulatto who owns it needs to face involuntary manslaughter for his slumlord actions. "A criminal investigation is now under way."

It's one thing to live in filth, and quite another to allow an obvious fire trap.

6th December 2016, 09:09 PM
Not surprising. The residents appear to have had great affinity for Indian culture, which, after all, involves shitting in the street.

The mulatto who owns it needs to face involuntary manslaughter for his slumlord actions.


6th December 2016, 09:13 PM


5th September 2019, 03:56 PM
A man was acquitted of manslaughter Thursday and a jury deadlocked for a second suspect in the trial over the fire at the Ghost Ship warehouse in Oakland, California, which killed 36 people in December 2016.

Max Harris, 29, was found not guilty of involuntary manslaughter after an emotional three-month trial. He faced 39 years in prison.

Jurors could not reach a verdict for Derick Almena, 49, a property manager and leaseholder in the building, on the same charge.

"Jurors are hopelessly deadlocked. I must declare a mistrial," Alameda County Superior Court Judge Trina Thompson said.