View Full Version : Student Threatened With Expulsion After Recording Professor’s Anti-Trump Tirade

9th December 2016, 01:15 PM

9th December 2016, 01:21 PM

The human sexuality teacher — Olga Perez Stable Cox — called Trump’s election “an act of terrorism.”

“Our nation is divided. We have been assaulted. It is an act of terrorism,” she told the students.

She added, “One of the most frightening things for me, and most people in my life, is that the people who are committing the assault are among us.”

That was part of the teacher’s rant about Trump.

One student was so offended by the speech, he recorded it with his cellphone.

She also criticized Trump’s cabinet picks, advisers and the vice president-elect.

“A white supremacist and a vice president that is one of the most anti-gay humans in this country,” she said.

“At this point it’s not even education anymore, its indoctrination,” said Josh Recalde-Martinez, a member of the school’s Young Republicans Club.

midnight rambler
9th December 2016, 02:14 PM
“One of the most frightening things for me, and most people in my life, is that the people who are committing the assault are among us.”

In a word, delusional.


9th December 2016, 02:20 PM
Thursday night, the professor’s union posted a warning on its page. It condemned the student who recorded the video saying, “This is an illegal recording without the permission of the instructor. The student will be identified and may be facing legal action.”
“They wanted it to be known so that maybe we would get scared and take down the video. But to the union I want to say we are not gonna be doing that,” said Recalde-Martinez.
“The unions are acting like thugs, like bullies themselves,” said attorney Shawn Steel.
The attorney is also the Republican National Committeeman from California. He volunteered to represent the Young Republicans.
He said the student who shot the video is afraid he may be suspended or expelled with only a week left in the semester.
“Every student knows it. If you stand up to your professor, 90 percent of the time the professor’s going to punish you,” said Steel.

9th December 2016, 02:29 PM
As far as I see, in arena such as a school or other learning establishment, notes and or recordings would be encouraged.

That is if they were actually teaching something...

9th December 2016, 03:28 PM
UC Davis prof teaching students about weaponized PC, NWO (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?77328-UC-Davis-prof-teaching-students-about-weaponized-PC-NWO)

He's in some kind of hot water with admin now; forget the details, "administrative leave" maybe? Paradoxically to this thread's story, Dr. Hamamoto has complained of students who "snitch him out" when his teachings veer off the PC/JWO reservation.

Here's one interview he did in '14, 2 hrs

Prof. Darrell Hamamoto Interview - ““UC” is for “Undercover Cop”” - #209


9th December 2016, 06:28 PM
one of the nyc.media.shitholes ran a piece on this tonight...probably fox. good to see it on one of the fake news channels

9th December 2016, 06:51 PM

That "teacher" in the OP story needs to be loaded in a boxcar with all the millions of "undocumented" and shipped South. Hopefully Trump, when he picked that retired Marine General to run Homeland Security, has this in mind. Be nice if they immediately station our National Guard all along the border as they build The Wall.

This better happen on Day One