View Full Version : CIA leaks "secret" report claming Russian hacking on election. Trump shits on them.

10th December 2016, 02:19 AM
This man has huge balls. He just basically took a big dump on the entire CIA.

Also, the CIA is pissed that the military will be running the government: Flynn (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_G._Flynn), Mattis (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Mattis), and John Kelly (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_F._Kelly_%28Marine%29).


10th December 2016, 09:25 AM

The state of Georgia on Thursday accused the U.S. Homeland Security Department of apparently trying to hack its election systems
In a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, Georgia Secretary of State Brian P. Kemp said a computer traced back to the federal agency in Washington tried unsuccessfully to penetrate the state office's firewall one week after the presidential election. The letter speculated that what it described as "a large unblocked scan event" might have been a security test.

It sought details, including whether the agency did in fact conduct the unauthorized scan, who authorized it and whether other states might have been similarly probed. Kemp cited the federal law against knowingly accessing a computer without authorization or exceeding authorized access, which is a felony.
"At no time has my office agreed to or permitted DHS to conduct penetration testing or security scans of our network," Kemp wrote. "Moreover, your department has not contacted my office since this unsuccessful incident to alert us of any security event that would require testing or scanning of our network."
Kemp said this was "especially odd and concerning" given that he is a member of the U.S. Election Infrastructure Cybersecurity Working Group run by the federal agency.

Homeland Security spokesman Scott McConnell said the department got Kemp's letter and is "looking into the matter."
"DHS takes the trust of our public and private sector partners seriously, and we will respond to Secretary Kemp directly," McConnell said.
Forty-eight states accepted offers by the Homeland Security Department to scan their networks ahead of the presidential elections. The scans looked for vulnerabilities that hackers could exploit by hackers. The U.S. also described how states could patch their networks to make it more difficult to penetrate them

Georgia was among two states that did not accept the department's offer. It said it had contracted with an outside agency and already implemented protective measures.
"They offered to provide these services, we declined it and then we determine they attempted to hack our system," said David Dove, chief of staff and legal counsel for Kemp's office.
Dove said the state was alerted at the time the attack occurred.
Georgia's system holds personal information on more than 6.5 million residents, more than 800,000 corporate entities and more than 500,000 licensed or registered professionals. The office registers voters, tracks annual corporate filings, grants professional licenses and oversees the state's securities market.

U.S. officials stepped up outreach to the states in the months prior to the November election after hackers targeted elections-related systems in more than 20 states. The FBI warned state officials of the need to improve their election security after hackers attempted to hack systems in Illinois and Arizona.
The attempted hacks involved efforts to mine data from their voter registration systems. In Arizona a hacker tried to probe voter registration data, but never infiltrated the system, while in Illinois hackers got into the system, but didn't manipulate any data.

© Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


10th December 2016, 09:31 AM
The CIA is trying to take Trump outThe CIA has made false allegations that Russia was involved in influencing the U.S. election via information handouts to Wikileaks despite having absolutely no evidence to go on. Julian assange, before being (most likely) taken out made it clear that the Russians were not the source of the leaks.And so what about the source? Why is the CIA focusing on how the information got out, rather than the information itself? They can't prove it wrong, which means Pizzagate and a whole lot of other tasty stuff is BANG ON. The CIA should be moving to get rid of Hillary and the DNC, NOT TRUMP and the fact that they are pursuing only the leaks themselves rather than what they contained legitimizes ALL OF IT at the same time it proves the CIA is politically motivated trash.
Trump had a perfect comeback to the accusations that Russia helped him win. When asked about this Trump proved he was not one of the establishment by saying:
"These are the same people who said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction".
The press is totally freaked out over Trump saying that, because not only does Trump's willingness to state that cold hard reality prove the CIA is a trash agency, it, in the same swipe blows away the MSM which lied the entire time and knew it. And every truther out there, who saw through the MSM lies KNOWS IT. And every foreign intelligence agency out there KNOWS IT. Yet up until now, the CIA and MSM have been skating along without being held accountable in any way for fronting that lie. If there is anything Trump could have done to prove he is one of us, that was it. No neocon would have ever said that, no Hillary supporter would have ever said that, no establishment head would have ever said that, yet it is an obvious truth, spoken in the alt media for almost a decade now.
Expect an escalation of events now because by saying that, Trump just told the most evil people on earth exactly what game he's going to play. One could only guess at what will happen next.
Don't forget: Russia hacked the voting machines too!DEAR SCAMMING MEDIA: RUSSIA HELPED TRUMP STEAL THE ELECTION SO MUCH THAT DURING THE RECOUNT THEY HAD TO CANCEL MICHIGAN BECAUSE IT BECAME OBVIOUS HILLARY RIGGED IT BY 600 PERCENT IN HER FAVOR IN MANY DISTRICTS, AND NOW WISCONSIN IS FINDING TONS OF BOGUS HILLARY VOTES AND SHE'S GOING DOWN.DEAR MSM: Don't insult Russia that badly, to accuse them of being such bad hacks that Hillary got inflated by 600 percent rather than Trump is beyond the pale, For the love of God, have more class than that. I'd say their feelings would be hurt if your credibility was not so far into the ditch.PEOPLE, HERE IS THE MEME: Russia hacked the election so well that Hillary's votes got counted SIX TIMES.http://www.jimstone.is/russianhackers.jpg

10th December 2016, 10:24 AM
huh, that Georgia incident may have some explanation as to why Georgia sat there longer than anyone else on November 11th, when a clear margin percentage were in Trump's column?

Twisted Titan
10th December 2016, 11:59 AM
If anything i repeat ANYTHING happens to DT

All of these political hacks will have to go into hiding because it will literally be open season with no bag limit

10th December 2016, 12:48 PM
If anything i repeat ANYTHING happens to DT

All of these political hacks will have to go into hiding because it will literally be open season with no bag limit

Especially with a cabinet full or ex military. Trump is creating quite a strong team in regards.

Twisted Titan
10th December 2016, 03:19 PM
Snowflakes are just tearing up property while sjw host cry inns and fiddle with playdoh

They will be left slackjacked when the other side starts taking up positions in trees and pikers start dissapering without a trace

Its just THAT bad right now.

10th December 2016, 03:28 PM
Jewish opposition is designed to give Trump credibility, as in the banker coup ruse of 1932.

-- Renegade Jew Henry Makow


10th December 2016, 05:21 PM
Jewish opposition is designed to give Trump credibility, as in the banker coup ruse of 1932.

-- Renegade Jew Henry Makow


Fucking retarded... If Trump said Fuck Israel and Fuck Jews you think he would be in the winning position? He is still fighting big time, campaining if you will. Fuck, typing to you is useless. Fred go live in your reality and leave the rest of us in ours. There are multiple realities at the same time and you are in something from either years ago or in a dream/nightmare. I hope you find your way out man.

10th December 2016, 05:43 PM
Fucking retarded... If Trump said Fuck Israel and Fuck Jews you think he would be in the winning position? He is still fighting big time, campaining if you will. Fuck, typing to you is useless. Fred go live in your reality and leave the rest of us in ours. There are multiple realities at the same time and you are in something from either years ago or in a dream/nightmare. I hope you find youe way out man.

I will keep posting the Truth, until you finally get a clue.

10th December 2016, 05:46 PM
I will keep posting the Truth, until you finally get a clue.

Okay I should get kosher with you... Fuck that. Live that on your own.

10th December 2016, 06:01 PM
Okay I should get kosher with you... Fuck that. Live that on your own.

Your boy Trump is Kosher. Embrace the Chutzpah!

10th December 2016, 06:29 PM
Your boy Trump is Kosher. Embrace the Chutzpah!
It's the joooos, it's da jooooos!

midnight rambler
10th December 2016, 06:44 PM
It's the joooos, it's da jooooos!

Of course you know that's right.

10th December 2016, 06:55 PM
Of course you know that's right.

What? that trump is controlled by the jews? Nope, not convinced....not yet anyway!

10th December 2016, 08:02 PM
What? that trump is controlled by the jews? Nope, not convinced....not yet anyway!

Run along, little boy, the sandbox is over there. This forum is for adults.

11th December 2016, 05:02 AM
HuffPo has gone total nutcase.

Russia Stole The Presidency. The Electoral College Can Take It Back.



11th December 2016, 05:48 AM
Run along, little boy, the sandbox is over there. This forum is for adults.

If this forum were just for adults they would have banned your ass a long time ago Fred.

Twisted Titan
11th December 2016, 06:18 AM
HuffPo has gone total nutcase.



Wow.......reading those comments are absolutely frigtheing

The majority of these poor souls are beyond hope.

Frederick Abrams Los Angeles, California

My vote in California, the 6th most powerful economy in the world, meant absolutely nothing because the election was decided by mostly rural people living in states with far smaller populations and so the minority vote is the winner and this somehow makes more sense?

Nra Saun Walden University

Frederick Abrams makes NO SENSE whatsoever and guess what Fred? The Trump supporters know it makes no sense. They can't all be stupid as a box of rocks. They're pretending. There must be some other issue why they're supporting him so because Trumps crap makes Clinton's email debacle look like she was writing love letters Bill. Lol

11th December 2016, 06:23 AM
Wow.......reading those comments are absolutely frigtheing

The majority of these poor souls are beyond hope.

Frederick Abrams Los Angeles, California

My vote in California, the 6th most powerful economy in the world, meant absolutely nothing because the election was decided by mostly rural people living in states with far smaller populations and so the minority vote is the winner and this somehow makes more sense?

Nra Saun Walden University

Frederick Abrams makes NO SENSE whatsoever and guess what Fred? The Trump supporters know it makes no sense. They can't all be stupid as a box of rocks. They're pretending. There must be some other issue why they're supporting him so because Trumps crap makes Clinton's email debacle look like she was writing love letters Bill. Lol

Shows exactly how divided America is today. We think things are great now that someone other than an establishment politician won the election. Be very sure that this is far from over and if the moonbats do what I believe they're going to do the country is in serious trouble...this will not end well, if it even ends

Twisted Titan
11th December 2016, 06:49 AM
Thats why i am of the opinion that this is our LAST CHANCE at peaceful resolution of dissagreements. One may not like it but it does provide a remedy: wait 4 years and try again.

If something other then what the expected happens...

Thats when the guns and knives come out and its really hard to get people to put them back where they were before and you cant blame them because civil means where thwarted so you only have violent ones left.

If Trump gets snookered ,we are all gonna get nasty christmas presents this year.

11th December 2016, 06:51 AM
Thats why i am of the opinion that this is our LAST CHANCE at peaceful resolution of dissagreements. One may not like it but it does provide a remedy: wait 4 years and try again.

If something other then what the expected happens...

Thats when the guns and knives come out and its really hard to get people to put them back where they were before and you cant blame them because civil means where thwarted so you only have violent ones left.

If Trump gets snookered ,we are all gonna get nasty christmas presents this year.

Yup, so many people today think we're immune to civil violence and civil war. Nothing could be further from the truth. Human's are still the animals we were thousands of years ago....the only difference is we all have smartphones today!

11th December 2016, 07:01 AM
HuffPo has gone total nutcase.



By now you have probably heard about a group called the Hamilton Electors (http://www.hamiltonelectors.com/), which is devoted to just this: convincing the Electoral College to rally behind another Republican. Their initial choice (a good one) was John Kasich; he has, unfortunately, announced that he will not accept the office. Other names have been mooted: Mitt Romney, Colin Powell, John McCain. Might I suggest Jeb Bush? A man who speaks Spanish fluently (http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/08/how-well-does-jeb-bush-habla-espanol/432456/), and is married to a Mexican-American? He might be a good choice, strategically, should the Republican Party hope to have any future beyond this administration, now that they have effectively alienated the entire Latino demographic.

Lol... Jeb Bush...because he's married to a Mexican. Viva La Raza.

I'm surprised Dick Cheney wasn't added to the list.

Anything to keep the Cold War hot.

12th December 2016, 04:54 PM
This twit makes HuffPo look sane.

Head of HeatSt, Louise Mensch, Calls For Obama to Conduct Air Strikes Against Russia
