View Full Version : The True Colors of Cannabis Legalization

10th December 2016, 01:09 PM
so and what now ??? there will not be any legalization of anything as long as the system remains centralized.


The Big Business of Making a Cannabis Surveillance State
Written by Daniel Oberhaus
December 5, 2016 // 09:00 AM EST

Walk into any licensed cannabis grow op in Colorado and one of the first things you’ll notice are the barcodes.

Every plant has a brightly colored tag—blue for recreational and yellow for medicinal—zip-tied to its stalk or planted in its soil, and each tag bears a bar code and a Radio Frequency ID (RFID) chip. Look up from the plants and you’ll notice the security cameras silently monitoring every inch of the floor 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Employees will likely be wearing badges that allow a computer program to track their movement from room to room. Perhaps you’ll run into an inspector from the state’s Marijuana Enforcement Division, who show up unannounced to verify the amount of flower produced by the grow op matches with what the state has recorded in their real-time inventory systems.

Welcome to the cannabis surveillance state, a multi-million dollar industry that is responsible for turning America’s favorite black market flower into one of the most highly regulated commodities on the market today.

The reasoning behind implementing these cannabis surveillance systems is pretty straight forward. Since cannabis is still illegal on a federal level, the burden is on the states that have legalized weed to prove that legalization has not aided black market activity. If a state knows where all of its cannabis is at any given time, then it can keep the DEA off its back by demonstrating that there is a cannabis “closed-loop,” meaning that no pot is crossing state borders.

Read more: Smoke Cloud: Encrypting the Internet of Weed

In 2011, Colorado became the first state to pass a law mandating cannabis surveillance and two years later this law went into effect with the launch of the Marijuana Enforcement Tracking Reporting and Compliance (METRC). METRC is a government-facing compliance system owned by the software company Franwell that allows the Colorado Marijuana Enforcement Division to track millions of cannabis plants as they move through the production process. Although METRC was created specifically to meet Colorado’s compliance needs, it is now used by four state governments (Colorado, Alaska, Maryland, and Oregon) to track medicinal and recreational cannabis..................

“Microsoft is in the government business already,” said Dinenberg. “At the end of the day they're servicing their government clients, but they weren't able to service them with a track and trace marijuana product. We were the lucky ones who were brought in.”.........


11th December 2016, 05:47 AM
legalization enthuiasts make me think of trump enthusiasts

11th December 2016, 06:43 AM
Pot should not be regulated at all. It's a weed that grows in the wild and has a much different effect on people who use it that alcohol , which is perfectly legal. They tried to make alcohol illegal once and that didn't work out so well. Weed is even safer than alcohol in many ways yet its treated like rat poison.

People are amazingly stupid!

12th December 2016, 03:45 AM
Pot should not be regulated at all. It's a weed that grows in the wild and has a much different effect on people who use it that alcohol , which is perfectly legal. They tried to make alcohol illegal once and that didn't work out so well. Weed is even safer than alcohol in many ways yet its treated like rat poison.

People are amazingly stupid!

Rat poison is currently sold as blood thinning medication (Warfarin) for heart patients. I don't know if it has much of regulation when sold as rat poison...

12th December 2016, 05:48 AM
Rat poison is currently sold as blood thinning medication (Warfarin) for heart patients. I don't know if it has much of regulation when sold as rat poison...

Warfarin is a part of the ecological plant, this is how they patenet it, just part but not the whole thing.

18th January 2017, 07:24 AM
WOW... ((they)) are not wasting time, wait for monsanto to take completely over


Cannabis To Boost U.S. Economy By $44 Billion Within Next Three Years
18 January 2017 GMT
‘New data estimates that by 2020, the U.S. cannabis industry will pump up to $44 billion annually into the country’s economy.

In case you missed it, cannabis was the real winner of the 2016 U.S. Presidential election when eight states legalized the recreational use of the herb. With demand for cannabis increasing – especially since components of the plant have been found to be quite medicinal – the U.S. economy is expected to receive a substantial boost.

In fact, data shared by Marijuana Business Daily projects that by 2020 (that’s just three years away), the U.S. cannabis industry will pump up to $44 billion annually into the country’s economy. That is, if current business and legalization trends continue.’

18th January 2017, 07:46 AM
Pot should not be regulated at all. It's a weed that grows in the wild and has a much different effect on people who use it that alcohol , which is perfectly legal. They tried to make alcohol illegal once and that didn't work out so well. Weed is even safer than alcohol in many ways yet its treated like rat poison.

People are amazingly stupid!The big Pharma and medical establsihments, in cahoots with FDA, are crooked and corrupt to the core. They are only interested in control and extracting more tribute from the people. They don't give a damn about your health or well being. The greed motive has totally corrupted modern medicine and so-called "healers." I have lost any and all respect for doctors in general and the sundry government and private entities that protect and preserve the corrupt status quo. If there is a hell, all of these bastards will be going there soon. They will all die prematurely of the various modern diseases that they are promoting in order to profit off of your misery. Its poetic and divine justice being delivered. Doctors are highly educated and utterly ignorance pirates and shakedown artists.

18th January 2017, 08:24 AM
The big Pharma and medical establsihments, in cahoots with FDA, are crooked and corrupt to the core. They are only interested in control and extracting more tribute from the people. They don't give a damn about your health or well being. The greed motive has totally corrupted modern medicine and so-called "healers." I have lost any and all respect for doctors in general and the sundry government and private entities that protect and preserve the corrupt status quo. If there is a hell, all of these bastards will be going there soon. They will all die prematurely of the various modern diseases that they are promoting in order to profit off of your misery. Its poetic and divine justice being delivered. Doctors are highly educated and utterly ignorance pirates and shakedown artists.

Some years back I read 'Murder by Injection' by Eustice Mullins. The AMA is Crime Inc. It is indeed organized crime. Organized murder for profit.

18th January 2017, 09:10 AM
soon they will do the same with cocaine and heroin, govs are taking over the cartels legally

the meth biz is already in their hands and prescribed to 10s of 100's of kids

18th January 2017, 10:11 AM
The big Pharma and medical establsihments, in cahoots with FDA, are crooked and corrupt to the core. They are only interested in control and extracting more tribute from the people. They don't give a damn about your health or well being. The greed motive has totally corrupted modern medicine and so-called "healers." I have lost any and all respect for doctors in general and the sundry government and private entities that protect and preserve the corrupt status quo. If there is a hell, all of these bastards will be going there soon. They will all die prematurely of the various modern diseases that they are promoting in order to profit off of your misery. Its poetic and divine justice being delivered. Doctors are highly educated and utterly ignorance pirates and shakedown artists.

How is work nowadays?

18th January 2017, 11:46 AM
How is work nowadays?It's very busy and going very well. And I'm seeing more and more cancers in younger and younger people. A constant reminder of how modern medicine has failed the public.

18th January 2017, 11:59 AM
It's very busy and going very well. And I'm seeing more and more cancers in younger and younger people. A constant reminder of how modern medicine has failed the public.

Lousy food, poor eating habits and inactivity are also to blame. The internet and technology is allowing people to sit on their asses a lot more.

18th January 2017, 12:31 PM
Legalizing a plant for profit, oh the irony.

18th January 2017, 12:48 PM
Lousy food, poor eating habits and inactivity are also to blame. The internet and technology is allowing people to sit on their asses a lot more.True. But doctors know nothing about and have contempt for any solution nutritional. And I've heard many a lardass say "well my doctor hasn't said anything so my diet must be okay." Doctors won't mention your obesity and horrific diet of dead processed foods, but are quick to take a vaccine and a prescription drug. It's inexcusable bad bad medicine.

18th January 2017, 01:05 PM
True. But doctors know nothing about and have contempt for any solution nutritional. And I've heard many a lardass say "well my doctor hasn't said anything so my diet must be okay." Doctors won't mention your obesity and horrific diet of dead processed foods, but are quick to take a vaccine and a prescription drug. It's inexcusable bad bad medicine.

I watched a documentary on one of those oddball channels not long ago about medical reefer.......to cut to the chase......one MD that they interviewed stated that the duration of nutritional training received was 1 hour in med school. Comments?

18th January 2017, 07:01 PM
I watched a documentary on one of those oddball channels not long ago about medical reefer.......to cut to the chase......one MD that they interviewed stated that the duration of nutritional training received was 1 hour in med school. Comments?Yes, that's typical. I got one hour in med school and is basic vitamins A, B, C, D and here's how much you need and "don't worry, you're patients get all the nutrition they need from normal diet." In other words, worthless. I started studying nutrition on my own while a junior in college. A friend showed me Adelle Davis' books and they changed my life permanently. My father was dying of terminal congestive heart failure at age 59. I applied Ms. Davis' recommendations and he made an amazing turnaround. In a year, when he should have been dead or chair-bound, he was active, catching up with family and looking ten years younger. I saw by my own hand and the hand of the almighty creator what nutrition can do to reverse, cure and prevent all manner of diseases. Doctors who do not know about or how to use natural micronutrients to heal their patients are guilty of criminal incompetence.

29th January 2017, 04:46 AM
death cult not lacking ideas AGAIN

Big Pharma’s synthetic cannabis pills are killing people … yet authentic marijuana is still criminalized
29 January 2017 GMT

‘Leave it to Big Pharma to find a way to turn a natural, effective, plant-based healing substance into something patentable and deadly.

That’s right; the guys in the pharmaceutical labs are so desperate to develop a drug that delivers the same therapeutic benefits as cannabis – under their own exclusive money-making patent, of course – that they don’t mind if a few people die along the way.

That’s what happened last year in France, when a clinical trial involving a synthesized laboratory drug designed to stimulate the body’s endocannabinoid receptor system left six people hospitalized, one of whom was later declared brain-dead.’

From True Activist:

“[W]hen government-connected industries wish to shut out their competition, which in this case is a plant, they lean on the state’s ability to stifle competition through claiming a right to the intellectual property behind a particular set of ingredients – otherwise known as a patent.

“Since no one can patent a wild plant, pharmaceutical industries turn to their labs and chemistry to recreate nature.”

But to reproduce the wide-ranging and nearly-miraculous therapeutic properties of cannabis in a laboratory is no simple task. The effects of cannabis on the human body are very complex, and there are many active compounds contained within the plant.

Scientists have only recently discovered what is called the endogenous cannabinoid system (ECS), and it’s the key to how and why cannabis works so well to alleviate pain and even cure many illnesses.

From Reset.me:

“Cannabis medications work so efficiently because of the endocannabinoid (EC) system, present in all humans and many animals as well. This system consists of a series of receptors that are configured only to accept cannabinoids, especially tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD).” (RELATED: See more news about cannabidiol at CBDs.news)

The way this system works is just beginning to be understood, and the death and hospitalizations that occurred as one drug company rushed to test its own lab-based synthetic ECS stimulant is a testament to the fact that we simply don’t understand the endogenous cannabinoid system well enough yet to begin subjecting humans to experimental drugs designed to affect it.

What we do know, however, is that the “whole” cannabis plant delivers all of the therapeutic benefits, without any dangerous side effects


28th February 2017, 08:41 AM
a couple "Random Rants of Ryan" vlogs bemoaning the Trump/Sessions hostility to... NSFW (cussy cussy! :o)

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/gq0rJ235r7Q/hqdefault.jpg?custom=true&w=336&h=188&stc=true&jpg444=true&jpgq=90&sp=68&sigh=qK2EYM9jt9wrXqUWubbFBaBuqbQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gq0rJ235r7Q)
Trump SELLS OUT to Private Prison Industry. FAILS on Marijuana- Executive Orders (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gq0rJ235r7Q)

1 day ago

(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=th5-zSaiw40) 4:52

9 minutes ago

^ weird contradiction; so much hope wrt DT & anti-vax; then he's gonna be anti-natural-remedies at the same time?!

(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEyujw7yWzo) 9:46
ROBERT KENNEDY JR.- "TRUMP CAN BE THE GREATEST PRESIDENT IN HISTORY" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEyujw7yWzo)

3 days ago

28th February 2017, 09:24 AM
It is disappointing to me that neither Trump or Sessions seem to have any regard for states rights. Same old game fro the last 150 years.

28th February 2017, 02:50 PM
It is disappointing to me that neither Trump or Sessions seem to have any regard for states rights. Same old game fro the last 150 years.

States rights?! How about the Ninth Amendment - individual rights? The Ninth Amendment secures the right to cultivate and consume plants. Especially those cultivated and consumed by the authors of the Founding Documents.

28th February 2017, 03:18 PM
States rights?! How about the Ninth Amendment - individual rights? The Ninth Amendment secures the right to cultivate and consume plants. Especially those cultivated and consumed by the authors of the Founding Documents.

Actually both the Ninth and Tenth Amendments. Just like the prior administrations they will use DC municipal law, their administrative courts and some screwy UN treaties to bypass the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

28th February 2017, 03:20 PM
Mamboni = a Doctor I can trust

Alex Drone
3rd March 2017, 08:23 AM
True. But doctors know nothing about and have contempt for any solution nutritional. And I've heard many a lardass say "well my doctor hasn't said anything so my diet must be okay." Doctors won't mention your obesity and horrific diet of dead processed foods, but are quick to take a vaccine and a prescription drug. It's inexcusable bad bad medicine.
I don't go to doctors either. Only an emergency would make me go. A lot of doctors I've met truly want to help you, but due to their schooling and training just don't do what's right for you.

3rd March 2017, 08:40 AM
I don't go to doctors either. Only an emergency would make me go. A lot of doctors I've met truly want to help you, but due to their schooling and training just don't do what's right for you.

The same with me. I have been to the doctor for stiches when I severed an artery or to have a piece of steel removed from my eye. The only other visits were for mandatory CDL (Commercial Driver License) physicals. But I have been blessed with good health too.

I do think before the pharmaceutical industry controlled the medical schools we had well educated doctors.

3rd March 2017, 09:54 AM
The same with me. I have been to the doctor for stiches when I severed an artery or to have a piece of steel removed from my eye. The only other visits were for mandatory CDL (Commercial Driver License) physicals. But I have been blessed with good health too.

I do think before the pharmaceutical industry controlled the medical schools we had well educated doctors.

Murder By Injection by Eustice Mullins is a book that investigates the history of medicine in the US. It is now and has been since the implementation of the AMA, an organized crime syndicate. You're absolutely right, the docs are very good at setting bones, doing stitches and otherwise stabilizing injured patients. I eschew their toxic medicines. I wish I could get hold of some trustworthy CBD oil, but how does one know what they are getting?

22nd June 2017, 10:50 AM
step 1: make ppl believe that money can buy freedom and benefit society
step 2: let them invest and do the job
step 3: the sharks come out of the shadows and undermine market players

Monsanto and Bayer are Maneuvering to Take Over the Cannabis Industry

It has been rumored for years that Monsanto plans to take over the cannabis industry with genetic engineering just as they’ve taken over the corn and soy industries. Although they have always denied having any intentions to do so, at this point it is unlikely that anybody really believes them. In contrast, many in the cannabis sphere are prepared to resist any kind of GMO takeover of marijuana by Monsanto or any of their cohorts.

Evidence is mounting, though, which points strongly to the notion that Monsanto does indeed plan to take control of the cannabis plant, and it doesn’t look good for medical users, or anyone planning on getting into the industry.

You may remember hearing back in September that Bayer, the largest pharmaceutical company in the world, made a deal to buy out Monsanto for $66 billion. Although Monsanto was voted the most evil company in the world in 2013 and its reputation has continued to fall since, Bayer still went ahead with the buyout.’..............................

Bayer and Monsanto Trade Industry Secrets On Producing GMO Marijuana

It is logical that Bayer, being the parent company, would work together with Monsanto in order to share secrets which would advance mutual business. Many people in the cannabis industry have been warning about this, including Michael Straumietis, founder and owner of Advanced Nutrients.

“Monsanto and Bayer share information about genetically modifying crops,” Straumietis notes. “Bayer partners with GW Pharmaceuticals, which grows its own proprietary marijuana genetics. It’s logical to conclude that Monsanto and Bayer want to create GMO marijuana.” – Michael Straumietis


It is possible that Bayer and Monsanto could create a monopoly on marijuana seeds in the same way that they have created a monopoly on corn and soy. Through immense corporate power and the enforcement of international patent law, these corporations could place themselves in a position of total control over cannabis as a medicine as well as for recreational use by using the same model as they do with the food crops they control.

But not all hope is lost. There is still a chance to fight back against the Bayer-Monsanto monopoly by boycotting genetically engineered products, Miracle-Gro and other Scotts brand products, Bayer pharmaceuticals, and companies that do business with any of these. You could even store seeds if you live in an area where it is legal and grow your own, while supporting hydroponics and nutrient companies that don’t do business with these corporate behemoths................


6th July 2017, 03:19 PM
yeah and assuming that people will keep paying for it and that there will be a war on "private gardens"

‘It’s been less than four years since the first legal recreational sales in the United States took place in Colorado, but since then, the U.S. marijuana industry has been creating jobs at rapid pace, and there are now more people employed in the pot industry than in a number of common professions.

That’s according to a new report from Marijuana Business Daily’s Marijuana Business Factbook 2017, which pegged the size of the pot labor force at somewhere between 165,000 and 230,000 full- and part-time workers.

That’s compared to 169,000 massage therapists, 185,000 bakers, and 201,000 dental hygienists. And pot industry workers are on a path to shortly exceed the number of telemarketers (238,000) and pharmacists (297,000).’

Read more: Legal Marijuana Is a Big-Time Job Creation Engine

11th January 2018, 12:17 PM
synthetic THC is coming...

'Here is a tragic joke: Why is synthetic THC deemed safe but natural marijuana is considered dangerous? Punchline: Because the government said so.

It would be funny, if this new nightmare scenario weren’t true and if the “war on drugs” didn’t result in the death and imprisonment of innocent people. Or, the denial of medical rights to people in severe pain. Or the assurance that those dependent on deadly opioids stay that way.

Last week we reported that the Federal Government just ended its leniency toward states’ rights for medical marijuana. Attorney General Jeff Sessions overturned a previous memo that granted federal leniency toward states’ marijuana rights. The statement last Thursday said, “today’s memo on federal marijuana enforcement simply directs all U.S. Attorneys to use previously established prosecutorial principles that provide them all the necessary tools to disrupt criminal organizations, tackle the growing drug crisis, and thwart violent crime across our country.”

He is, in effect, releasing the federal attack hounds. But it gets worse – while Sessions is rabid with his policy toward the marijuana plant, his DEA has just granted a Pharma fentanyl maker a partial monopoly over the sale of synthetic TCH – made to mimic cannabis exactly.'

Read more: Sessions Goes After 'Dangerous' Marijuana, Grants Opioid Maker Rights To Synthetic THC

11th January 2018, 01:01 PM
synthetic THC is coming...

'Here is a tragic joke: Why is synthetic THC deemed safe but natural marijuana is considered dangerous? Punchline: Because the government said so.

It would be funny, if this new nightmare scenario weren’t true and if the “war on drugs” didn’t result in the death and imprisonment of innocent people. Or, the denial of medical rights to people in severe pain. Or the assurance that those dependent on deadly opioids stay that way.

Last week we reported that the Federal Government just ended its leniency toward states’ rights for medical marijuana. Attorney General Jeff Sessions overturned a previous memo that granted federal leniency toward states’ marijuana rights. The statement last Thursday said, “today’s memo on federal marijuana enforcement simply directs all U.S. Attorneys to use previously established prosecutorial principles that provide them all the necessary tools to disrupt criminal organizations, tackle the growing drug crisis, and thwart violent crime across our country.”

He is, in effect, releasing the federal attack hounds. But it gets worse – while Sessions is rabid with his policy toward the marijuana plant, his DEA has just granted a Pharma fentanyl maker a partial monopoly over the sale of synthetic TCH – made to mimic cannabis exactly.'

Read more: Sessions Goes After 'Dangerous' Marijuana, Grants Opioid Maker Rights To Synthetic THC

The reason why the natural plant will remain federally illegal but the synthetic copy will be allowed is simple. One will make Big Pharma rich, and the other will not.

11th January 2018, 05:18 PM
The reason why the natural plant will remain federally illegal but the synthetic copy will be allowed is simple. One will make Big Pharma rich, and the other will not.

Same reason the contrived "opioid crisis" campaign is going on. Get rid of the cheap opiates, and replace them with outrageously priced patented "pain relievers."

11th January 2018, 05:22 PM
Same reason the contrived "opioid crisis" campaign is going on. Get rid of the cheap opiates, and replace them with outrageously priced patented "pain relievers."

11th January 2018, 05:41 PM

You realize that's a load of shit, right? Opiates are very cheap, Hydrocodone and Oxycodone being the typical generics. There is no "epidemic." The piece you refer to aims to paint brand-name Oxycontin as the "gateway drug" for the phony "opioid crisis." Yes, the Jews that own the "intellectual property" for Oyxcontin made plenty, largely from well-funded recreational users such as Rush Limbaugh. But they are not "behind" the (invented) "crisis."

The alleged "opioid crisis" uses the endemic Heroin (and now Chinese Fentanyl) addicts and conflates them with a tiny percentage of people who are actually addicted to Hydrocodone or Oxycodone. Presto, another "Drug War."

11th January 2018, 06:47 PM
... this whole cannabis situation gives the opportunity to observe the mechanisms of strategic dualism

no leader is here to free us from anything

12th January 2018, 05:15 PM
You realize that's a load of shit, right? Opiates are very cheap, Hydrocodone and Oxycodone being the typical generics. There is no "epidemic." The piece you refer to aims to paint brand-name Oxycontin as the "gateway drug" for the phony "opioid crisis." Yes, the Jews that own the "intellectual property" for Oyxcontin made plenty, largely from well-funded recreational users such as Rush Limbaugh. But they are not "behind" the (invented) "crisis."

The alleged "opioid crisis" uses the endemic Heroin (and now Chinese Fentanyl) addicts and conflates them with a tiny percentage of people who are actually addicted to Hydrocodone or Oxycodone. Presto, another "Drug War."
You realize YOUR FULL OF SHIT. Sackler is the name. Do your own due diligence

12th January 2018, 05:31 PM
You realize YOUR FULL OF SHIT. Sackler is the name. Do your own due diligence Thank you bro, he is so full his eyes should be turning brown..lmfao

But what can one expect from a payed civil servant, or one payed by local govs.


12th January 2018, 09:54 PM
You realize YOUR FULL OF SHIT. Sackler is the name. Do your own due diligence

He has a vision but it is tainted.

12th January 2018, 10:19 PM
You realize YOUR FULL OF SHIT. Sackler is the name. Do your own due diligence

You are utterly wrong. I've done my own due diligence. Apparently you have not done yours.

READ what I said, before responding again.

12th January 2018, 10:20 PM
Thank you bro, he is so full his eyes should be turning brown..lmfao

But what can one expect from a payed civil servant, or one payed by local govs.


You realize you just endorsed JD's "anti-Semitic conspiracy theory," right? LOL

12th January 2018, 10:24 PM
anti-Semitic conspiracy theory

Now that looks like an interesting read all by itself!

12th January 2018, 10:29 PM
Now that looks like an interesting read all by itself!

On it's own, JD's referenced story about the owners of brand name Oxycontin is interesting and a valuable lesson. However, within the context of the faux "opioid crisis," it's meaningless.

I found it quite amusing Chuckie praised JD's comment without realizing the implications of it. He was just giddy he could attack me with it and he didn't think it through. Or, he's hit the bottle again tonight.

12th January 2018, 10:34 PM
He was just giddy he could attack me with it and he didn't think it through. Or, he's hit the bottle again tonight.

Probably both lol. I'll have to check this just to check it soon as I have time.

11th April 2018, 02:08 PM
I didnt bother to read because this is so DEJA-VU, right???? as long as there is money one cannot prevent people from colluding

California farmers sue to stop a corporate cannabis takeover
Mom and pop grows were promised a head start on the recreational market, but it’s not quite panning out that way.

JAN 31, 2018



11th April 2018, 08:13 PM
Got State?

17th April 2018, 02:43 AM
the evidence that money is the tool for enslavement... that is right, it is all about money for that very reason... profit seeking is against health and life because "collusion of interests" cannot be prevented... we are just fighting wind mills

Canadian Government Terrified About What Cannabis Will Do To Their Pal Big Pharma?


17th April 2018, 01:43 PM
You too often forget, singular. that these overexhaustive worries and concerns wouldn't even exist if money were real.

30th April 2018, 04:12 AM
legalization for the top... that is... just follow the money... there is no such a thing as "responsible capitalism"... only work on paper

UK could legalise cannabis in next five years say tycoons hoping to make a fortune out of a booming British pot industry
Britain could legalise cannabis in the next five years, say experts in the industry
Investors are already setting their sights on the UK as a potential new market
Leading companies of the industry held a conference in Mayfair on Thursday

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5671389/UK-legalise-cannabis-five-years-say-tycoons.html#ixzz5E9YSdvv4
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

30th April 2018, 04:14 AM
Horn, value is entire subjective (mind over matter is a natural law) and there lies the success of fiat money because booms can be "fabricated" much quicker

a money-free world rests on this very understanding... mind... the law of mentalism. The medium of exchange is secondary. Materialism wants to bypass the mind and follow the money instead.

You too often forget, singular. that these overexhaustive worries and concerns wouldn't even exist if money were real.

30th April 2018, 08:21 AM
Horn, value is entire subjective (mind over matter is a natural law) and there lies the success of fiat money because booms can be "fabricated" much quicker

a money-free world rests on this very understanding... mind... the law of mentalism. The medium of exchange is secondary. Materialism wants to bypass the mind and follow the money instead.

We all live in a money free world,

The (conjured by you as somehow negative) "materialism" that you believe you're witnessing is a result of that. And also Not materialism in any strict sense. Materialism in the strict sense should be welcomed for our Noosphere.

If your world were money minded, henceforth It would not be Your notionally "negatively materialistic" world.

Fiat money by Natural Law guarantees little and lesser values (as such inconsequential) thus its value is Not "entirely subjective".

Your "entirely subjective" byline is plagiarized from the Ares and Franks (corporatists in fiat and unnatural law) at any regards, so you're pooing only on yourself with its application.

If some non-materialistic "free the world of money" CULT that you frequent is based upon any of the above, they only seek to deepen an already gaping wound that is our money free world, a reverse to Chinese type slave camps and blackdog eating.

30th April 2018, 08:53 AM
Ps. don't even pull your "scarcity-n-world full of wonders" tactic next, for I am master of IT by all and any means :)


Silver found on Moon and you thought it was made of cheese


4th October 2018, 05:25 PM
that is how it goes...
DEA Grants Pharmaceutical Company Monopoly on Medical CBD


4th October 2018, 10:44 PM
that is how it goes...
DEA Grants Pharmaceutical Company Monopoly on Medical CBD


Holy smoke profiteering! They deserve it since they have been the sole promoter of medical marijuana for decades. NOT!

4th October 2018, 11:07 PM
We all live in a money free world,

But Amazon raised their minimum wage to $15 in the U.S.

so that now any of its competitors are rolled into a joint and smoked for christmas.

Nobody in that business will work for a different Grinch.

Amazon over Matter