View Full Version : congrats, you just got soaked for hundreds of millions

13th December 2016, 09:34 AM
why am I paying for this?


According to a Congressional press release provided to Atlanta Black Star, the bipartisan agreement, known as the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation (WIIN) Act will provide access to $100 million in funding to help repair Flint’s drinking water system; $20 million to activate $200 million in low-interest loans to enhance water infrastructure in communities in Michigan and across the country; and $50 million to address the health care needs of children affected by lead exposure.

Moreover, the WIIN Act would give the state of Michigan authority to forgive $20 million in past drinking water loans to Flint and would require that the EPA warn the public within 24 hours of increased lead levels in drinking water if a state fails to do so first.

13th December 2016, 11:08 AM
inflation is necessary part of fiat money banking.

Carl told me so.

13th December 2016, 11:14 AM
Clean up the water, dump in fluoride....


13th December 2016, 12:02 PM
inflation is necessary part of fiat money banking.

Carl told me so.

I told you no such thing. It is a necessary part of Wall Street and bankster debt based private credit expansion.

Wall Street needs inflation to cover debt servicing and rentier payments, and they bankster system needs it to cover debt destruction.

The fiat money is totally incidental to all of it.

13th December 2016, 12:15 PM
The fiat money is totally incidental to all of it.

In case anyone was wondering, Carl was born in Flint, Michigan... ;)

13th December 2016, 12:56 PM
In case anyone was wondering, Carl was born in Flint, Michigan... ;)

Michael Moore's brother? :D

13th December 2016, 01:01 PM
This begs the question, where in the world did all these Texan communists end up on this board?

I think I can name 3 just off the top of my head, is it The Lone Red Star State there ? :)

13th December 2016, 01:37 PM
This begs the question, where in the world did all these Texan communists end up on this board?

I think I can name 3 just off the top of my head, is it The Lone Red Star State there ? :)

the big cities are depraved -- Houston, Austin, san Antonio, dallas..

13th December 2016, 01:51 PM
Really, even Dallas? last time i went thru there was late 90s it was all hoot-n-swang then.

Houston looked too ugly to stop and explore, was like i wanted to find the exit door when entering.

13th December 2016, 04:37 PM
In case anyone was wondering, Carl was born in Flint, Michigan... ;)

What the fuck is that supposed to mean??

13th December 2016, 04:41 PM
What the fuck is that supposed to mean??

Means: Carl was born in Flint, Michigan

13th December 2016, 04:49 PM
What the fuck is that supposed to mean??

As a small child he was also caught eating lead paint chips underneath the picnic table too

Clam down, Carl just burp it'll be ok :)

13th December 2016, 05:04 PM
As a small child he was also caught eating lead paint chips underneath the picnic table too

Clam down, Carl just burp it'll be ok :)

Nope he is too young to have experinced the lead paint. Besides it is an aquired taste.

13th December 2016, 06:54 PM
Wait until the Dallas Police Pension Fund is bailed out.

13th December 2016, 07:58 PM
Wait until the Dallas Police Pension Fund is bailed out.

i have a thread on that too :)

and not just dallas...frbny will have to enter other keystrokes that bail and fluff nyc bonus pools

13th December 2016, 08:01 PM
This begs the question, where in the world did all these Texan communists end up on this board?

I think I can name 3 just off the top of my head, is it The Lone Red Star State there ? :)

Horn, why do you believe everyone who disagrees with (((capitalism))) is a (((communist)))? Is that what you were programmed to believe by (((Austrian economics))) and the cult of ((Mises))) and (((Rothbard))), the fathers of the (((libertarianism))) you sheepishly follow?

13th December 2016, 08:17 PM
Horn, why do you believe everyone who disagrees with (((capitalism))) is a (((communist)))? Is that what you were programmed to believe by (((Austrian economics))) and the cult of ((Mises))) and (((Rothbard))), the fathers of the (((libertarianism))) you sheepishly follow?

we were all hammered with the free trade meme. takes some longer than others to question the programming the globalists uploaded into them

if they would just crack a history book they could be healed. a little more than 100 years ago (pre skype total domination)....NO income tax on wages, income tax on capital gains ONLY, tariff funds large part of fed gov

skype took over and flipped the script -- wages get CRUSHED by income tax, capital gains get favored, tariffs all but poof. and the free trade dupes keep advocating for the very system that's led to what we are facing today - total domination by the nyc skype that are joined at the gogue with frbny

13th December 2016, 09:09 PM
There hasn't been a capitalist's free trade market since "skype's" monopolized it in WWI.

Its a stazi-national trade market powered by oil communes and fiat currency.

Totally communist, any capitalist we might know of these days is state immunized sheep following a beaten tread path, pre-created for them by those communals.

Is why cheka pays.