View Full Version : They always tell you what they are going to do.

old steel
14th December 2016, 07:59 PM
before they do it.

China warns Trump ignoring one-China policy could hurt peace


BEIJING -- Any change in U.S. policy favouring formal recognition of Taiwan will "seriously" damage peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and undermine relations between Beijing and Washington, a Chinese government spokesman said Wednesday.


One Trump is POTUS they will crash the economy even though it's amazing too many people they have managed to keep

the system going up to now.


Then the USA and China will start WW3 over some incident involving Taiwan.

14th December 2016, 08:11 PM
All China has to do is pull the plug on investing in California and CA will crash hard.

14th December 2016, 08:14 PM
All China has to do is pull the plug on investing in California and CA will crash hard.

and frbny will use its agents to prop it right back up. see 0.5 percent loan from jpm to cali gov for proof

14th December 2016, 08:16 PM
to the op -- and they tell you just as many things that they don't do....how many wars with iran and russia have been pumped over several decades? what they say is perhaps the worst indicator to look at

old steel
14th December 2016, 08:31 PM

It's true, we are sheep.

14th December 2016, 09:32 PM
All China has to do is pull the plug on investing in California and CA will crash hard.

Bring it!!

old steel
14th December 2016, 10:32 PM
It is insane the amount of damage that has been done in the last eight years.

The Neoliberalist, globalist agenda has totally indoctrinated the left.

They are lost, gone forever.

However, in a real gunfight would they fight or flee?

Twisted Titan
15th December 2016, 03:27 AM
China is outclassed at a scale over 7 to one and im being generous.

You a dealing with a man that has been through MULTIPLE BANKRUPTCIES.

So he is not afraid to default if the deal is screwed.

We are their number one sales abd food hub.

The need to re read the art of war.

You only fight AFTER you have secured victory
If you cannot secure victory DO Not fight.

If Trump rebuilds the manfacturing base again .....china has no bargining chip....cause those T BILLS are bird cage liner

15th December 2016, 04:52 AM
The invader always comes promoting peace. The defender is the one who chooses war. If this were not the case the defender might just just as well roll over and accept the invaders peace offering.

Roll over too often and you develop a pattern of behavior that ends up with two societies:
1. Morlocks
2. Eloi