View Full Version : H.R 4919 Okayed by Congress

16th December 2016, 06:04 AM
easily passed under the rug

meanwhile we keep fighting among ourselves, that is exactly what they want. Good job!
House Passes Bill Allowing Government to Microchip Citizens with “Mental Disabilities”

Posted on December 13, 2016

Though the bill only targets those with conditions such as Alzheimers and autism, critics say the bill's passage will open a “pandora's box” of invasive government surveillance

Read More: http://www.trueactivist.com/house-passes-bill-allowing-government-to-microchip-citizens-with-mental-disabilities/

melissa @ trusthstream media
Published on Dec 13, 2016

No, you haven't entered the Twilight Zone. This actually just happened. And the language is so vague, we don't know what type of tracking tech will be employed or how far this program will end up going if it gets in full swing... Orwellian doesn't even begin to describe it.


16th December 2016, 06:51 AM
(2) VOLUNTARY PARTICIPATION.—Nothing in this Act may be construed to require that a parent or guardian use a tracking device to monitor the location of a child or adult under that parent or guardian’s supervision if the parent or guardian does not believe that the use of such device is necessary or in the interest of the child or adult under supervision.

16th December 2016, 06:59 AM
(2) VOLUNTARY PARTICIPATION.—Nothing in this Act may be construed to require that a parent or guardian use a tracking device to monitor the location of a child or adult under that parent or guardian’s supervision if the parent or guardian does not believe that the use of such device is necessary or in the interest of the child or adult under supervision.

Just like Income Taxes, and Social Security, Medicaid, medicare etc are all technically "voluntary"... :rolleyes:

Voluntary turns into compulsory in a short matter of time when it deals with matters of the state.

The camel has it's nose in the tent.

16th December 2016, 07:41 AM
I think I might build an EMP generator and start up a side business on craigslist, zapping these microchips.


16th December 2016, 07:50 AM
I think I might build an EMP generator and start up a side business on craigslist, zapping these microchips.


Can't go wrong with a Flux Compression Generator


The downside of that is that the wearer will most likely suffer a burn as the RFID chip gets fried.

16th December 2016, 08:11 AM
Ouch !

16th December 2016, 09:42 AM
It's coming and there is NO WAY to stop it!
The warning for this is over 1900 years old and is available to any one for free.
You may not believe it, accept it or want it but it's coming no matter how hard you try to make it NOT happen!!

Just make sure you have GOD'S BOOK (the King James Bible) to check it and not one of the satanic Roman Catholic PERVERSIONS which REMOVE the word IN and replace it with the word ON to HIDE THIS TRUTH!!

Revelation 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
Revelation 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

16th December 2016, 10:18 AM
It's coming and there is NO WAY to stop it!
The warning for this is over 1900 years old and is available to any one for free.
You may not believe it, accept it or want it but it's coming no matter how hard you try to make it NOT happen!!

Just make sure you have GOD'S BOOK (the King James Bible) to check it and not one of the satanic Roman Catholic PERVERSIONS which REMOVE the word IN and replace it with the word ON to HIDE THIS TRUTH!!

Revelation 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
Revelation 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Given current events this actually seems plausible. I'm inclined to think it was written by someone who was aware of what would happen because he/she was there. Time travel is not out of the realm of possibility given the sheer amount of progress we've made in the last 20 years alone with technology.

16th December 2016, 10:27 AM
House Passes Bill Allowing Government to Microchip Citizens with “Mental Disabilities”

Already addressed, here:


16th December 2016, 10:30 AM
(2) VOLUNTARY PARTICIPATION.—Nothing in this Act may be construed to require that a parent or guardian use a tracking device to monitor the location of a child or adult under that parent or guardian’s supervision if the parent or guardian does not believe that the use of such device is necessary or in the interest of the child or adult under supervision.

It's "voluntary" until it's not.

"Clearly, a 'responsible' parent would 'voluntarily' implant their child, and, only an 'irresponsible' parent would refuse, justifying 'protective custody' [aka kidnapping] of the child."

First, it's "vulnerable" people. And then criminals. And then there will be financial incentives (take the chip for a $500 gift card). And then it will be "by law."

And then it will be the Mark of the Beast revealed.

16th December 2016, 10:32 AM
I think I might build an EMP generator and start up a side business on craigslist, zapping these microchips.


That will work until it is required for the chip to actually function "in order to buy or sell," including buying food, getting emergency medical care, being allowed to travel, and so on. "Non-working" chip? Too bad, so sad, apply for a replacement...current processing time is 14-18 days.

16th December 2016, 10:35 AM
It's coming and there is NO WAY to stop it!
The warning for this is over 1900 years old and is available to any one for free.
You may not believe it, accept it or want it but it's coming no matter how hard you try to make it NOT happen!!

Just make sure you have GOD'S BOOK (the King James Bible) to check it and not one of the satanic Roman Catholic PERVERSIONS which REMOVE the word IN and replace it with the word ON to HIDE THIS TRUTH!!

Revelation 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
Revelation 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Also be sure to recognize the satanic symbol that embodies 6-6-6, the Star of Remphan:


Anyone who bears this Star is of the Devil.

16th December 2016, 10:37 AM
Given current events this actually seems plausible. I'm inclined to think it was written by someone who was aware of what would happen because he/she was there. Time travel is not out of the realm of possibility given the sheer amount of progress we've made in the last 20 years alone with technology.

You'd rather believe in "time travel" than the original explanation of a vision given to St. John. Pathetic.

Joshua says:

The Bible = "stupid"

Talmudvision = "smart"

16th December 2016, 11:28 AM
You'd rather believe in "time travel" than the original explanation of a vision given to St. John. Pathetic.

Joshua says:

The Bible = "stupid"

Talmudvision = "smart"

I thought you put me on ignore Fred. You just can't seem to put me down, can you? :)

16th December 2016, 11:31 AM
That will work until it is required for the chip to actually function "in order to buy or sell," including buying food, getting emergency medical care, being allowed to travel, and so on. "Non-working" chip? Too bad, so sad, apply for a replacement...current processing time is 14-18 days.

My credit card is right here:


16th December 2016, 11:54 AM
for US Citizens. Why are you a US Citizen?

16th December 2016, 11:55 AM
I thought you put me on ignore Fred. You just can't seem to put me down, can you? :)

I don't stay logged in, so your posts show until I do log in. And when I see you demonstrate your idiocy, I will still call you on it.

16th December 2016, 11:58 AM
for US Citizens. Why are you a US Citizen?

You go ahead and try that BS when the chip is "required to buy and sell."

16th December 2016, 03:24 PM
You go ahead and try that BS when the chip is "required to buy and sell."

I'm not sure it will get to that point. Maybe after the next couple of generations get brainwashed into it by the media.

To install a chip into someone, is a medical procedure. It's invasive. It requires consent from the individual. They might be able to force that upon felons, like forcing a DUI person to take a blood test, but not normally without consent from an alert and mentally healthy individual. It is within our right to deny medical treatment. The healthcare system recognizes that, and there is laws in place medical health care providers must follow.

16th December 2016, 04:07 PM
I'm not sure it will get to that point. Maybe after the next couple of generations get brainwashed into it by the media.

I believe St. John's Revelation is factual.

Universal "marking" will be mandatory this century, and likely within one to two generations at most. A catastrophic event will likely proceed it, as well. Something that drills into the minds of the masses that "safety" is unreachable without total submission to government. Perhaps nuclear terrorism. Perhaps "alien invasion" (fake, of course). Perhaps something else.

To install a chip into someone, is a medical procedure. It's invasive. It requires consent from the individual. They might be able to force that upon felons, like forcing a DUI person to take a blood test, but not normally without consent from an alert and mentally healthy individual. It is within our right to deny medical treatment. The healthcare system recognizes that, and there is laws in place medical health care providers must follow.

"Laws" are words on paper, changeable with a pen or printer. Read the words on the Bill of Rights - the alleged "Law of the Land" - and consider how most of that is irrelevant now.

Taking the Mark will always be "voluntary," of course - Yahweh Almighty will never allow someone to have it forced on them, because taking it is guaranteed damnation. But don't think for a second that the "voluntary" aspect won't be under great pressure, pressure most will be unwilling to bear.

Taking the Mark will be "voluntary" like, as Ares noted, paying Federal taxes:


Paying taxes are, indeed, "voluntary," because you can alternatively choose having your property, your freedom, or even your life, taken at gunpoint.

16th December 2016, 08:02 PM
You go ahead and try that BS when the chip is "required to buy and sell."

Thanks bookie sock puppet #4.

16th December 2016, 10:34 PM
Thanks bookie sock puppet #4.

Sorry, "redemption" faggot. I'm not Book. Definitely not.

Why don't you post a video of you being stopped by the cops, and tell them they have "no jurisdiction" over you?

17th December 2016, 12:18 PM
Sorry, "redemption" faggot. I'm not Book. Definitely not.

Why don't you post a video of you being stopped by the cops, and tell them they have "no jurisdiction" over you?

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's bookie.

17th December 2016, 01:23 PM
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's bookie.

If it acts like faggot, smells like a faggot, it's Bigjon.

Do you have an intense sexual desire for Book, or, do you have AIDS-related dementia?

17th December 2016, 06:21 PM
If it acts like faggot, smells like a faggot, it's Bigjon.

Do you have an intense sexual desire for Book, or, do you have AIDS-related dementia?

You always seem to be in the middle of the pissing contests here Fred. It's more than a coincidence!

17th December 2016, 07:08 PM
You always seem to be in the middle of the pissing contests here Fred. It's more than a coincidence!

The Enemy doesn't fire at unarmed planes. If you are receiving flak, you are over the target.

18th December 2016, 05:36 AM
The Enemy doesn't fire at unarmed planes. If you are receiving flak, you are over the target.
Meh, that's bullshit. You can be condescending, confrontational, stubborn, irrational, insulting and the jews are in your head big time and it drives you crazy. Other than that, I don't see why anyone would disagree with anything you say!

18th December 2016, 09:01 AM
getting very bad out there

FB is blocking the OP video, melissa explains


21st December 2016, 11:47 AM
getting very bad out there

FB is blocking the OP video, melissa explains


I could actually watch that video in the OP, so either the censorship is only for US or the censorship has been reversed. Doesn't matter, the fact that it was is really a sign of the times. They are taking control of the internet, and our lives. No doubt!