View Full Version : tx tries to stop baby organ harvesting, nyc.dc judge blocks them

16th December 2016, 09:15 AM
skype want the baby organ harvesting to continue, use federal judge to fight tx law


AUSTIN, Texas — A federal judge on Thursday blocked until at least next month hotly debated Texas rules mandating burial or cremation of fetal remains that were set to go into effect within days.

The ruling by Austin-based U.S. District Judge Sam Sparks begins the latest legal battle for a state whose tough anti-abortion laws were largely struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court this summer.

The Center for Reproductive Rights and other national advocacy groups sued to prevent Texas from requiring hospitals and clinics to bury or cremate fetal remains from abortions or miscarriages rather than disposing of them in a sanitary landfill, as they often currently do with such remains and other biological medical waste. The rules had been set to take effect Monday.

The lawsuit argues that the rules serve no medical purpose and are meant to shame women who seek abortions and make it harder for doctors to provide them.

Sparks granted a temporary restraining order blocking the rules, then scheduled two days of testimony for early next month. He expects to rule by Jan. 6 on whether they will be allowed to stand going forward.

Earlier legal challenges blocked similar measures in Louisiana and in Indiana, where they were signed into law by Gov. Mike Pence, now Donald Trump's vice president-elect.

""We look forward to demonstrating that these regulations are unwise, unjustified and unconstitutional, and should be permanently struck down," David Brown, senior staff attorney with the Center for Reproductive Rights, who represented the plaintiffs in Thursday's hearing, said in a statement.

The rules brought more than 35,000 public comments when they were proposed earlier this year. The state health department wrote that it "believes the methods allowed by the rules will protect the public by preventing the spread of disease while also preserving the dignity of the unborn in a manner consistent with Texas laws."

The rules were proposed to the health commission at the behest of Republican Gov. Greg Abbott in July, just days after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down anti-abortion laws that would have left Texas with 10 abortion clinics, down from more than 40 in 2012.

They require fetal remains, regardless of the state of gestation, to be treated like those of a deceased person by having them buried or cremated. Cremated remains would still have to be buried or scattered.

Republican state lawmakers also have pre-filed bills that would codify similar rules into Texas law. The Texas Legislature convenes Jan. 10.

Remains are currently most often disposed of in sanitary landfills, and that cost is included in the price of getting an abortion or otherwise undergoing treatment for a terminated pregnancy.

Critics say cremation, and especially burial, would cost more and force women to have to cover the additional expenses, while funeral home operators also have worried about the added costs interment and cremation. The Texas Catholic Conference, however, has announced that it is readying plans to allow free burial for fetal remains at Catholic cemeteries.

16th December 2016, 09:17 AM
Abortion is murder....don't we already have a law for that??

16th December 2016, 10:09 AM
The "judge" is unwanted tissue. Take him to Planned Barrenhood.

16th December 2016, 11:19 AM
The lawsuit argues that the rules... are meant to shame women who seek abortions

Because it's a shameful act. Any woman ought to be rightfully ashamed if she kills her child in the womb.

16th December 2016, 11:26 AM
Because it's a shameful act. Any woman ought to be rightfully ashamed if she kills her child in the womb.

Agreed but I'd go a step further.


...but that's just me....I'm more old school

16th December 2016, 11:52 AM
Because it's a shameful act. Any woman ought to be rightfully ashamed if she kills her child in the womb.

I consider most women to be victims of abortion. Most are given a "life-sentence" after abortion, once they realize what they did. Not as bad as being murdered, but an enduring punishment nonetheless.

Some, however, enjoy abortion, and are infanticidal maniacs who need to be "dealt" with.

Twisted Titan
16th December 2016, 04:27 PM
I consider most women to be victims of abortion. Most are given a "life-sentence" after abortion, once they realize what they did. Not as bad as being murdered, but an enduring punishment nonetheless.


I strongly concur with this.

My wife had several misscarriages

And every so often my mind wanders on them.

I actually have the blessed hope i will see them some day

I cant imagine the torment i would feel if i went opposite way.

16th December 2016, 04:48 PM
I strongly concur with this.

My wife had several misscarriages

And every so often my mind wanders on them.

I actually have the blessed hope i will see them some day

I cant imagine the torment i would feel if i went opposite way.

Full disclosure: I have a personal interest in "life beginning at conception," because, if true, I have a sibling I didn't know, and I'd love to know in the next life. (my Mom had a tubal pregnancy, requiring an hysterectomy)

Norma McCorvey, the "Roe" of Roe v. Wade, came to realize - while working in an infanticide clinic - unborn babies were not "merely (unwanted) tissue," but looked just like tiny human beings. Because of that, she became a Christian and dedicated her life reversing the abomination that bears her pseudonym.

"I was sitting in O.R.'s offices when I noticed a fetal development poster. The progression was so obvious, the eyes were so sweet. It hurt my heart, just looking at them. I ran outside and finally, it dawned on me. 'Norma', I said to myself, 'They're right'. I had worked with pregnant women for years. I had been through three pregnancies and deliveries myself. I should have known. Yet something in that poster made me lose my breath. I kept seeing the picture of that tiny, 10-week-old embryo, and I said to myself, that's a baby! It's as if blinders just fell off my eyes and I suddenly understood the truth — that's a baby!

"I felt crushed under the truth of this realization. I had to face up to the awful reality. Abortion wasn't about 'products of conception'. It wasn't about 'missed periods'. It was about children being killed in their mother's wombs. All those years I was wrong. Signing that affidavit, I was wrong. Working in an abortion clinic, I was wrong. No more of this first trimester, second trimester, third trimester stuff. Abortion — at any point — was wrong. It was so clear. Painfully clear."

-- Norma McCorvey

16th December 2016, 06:28 PM
Full disclosure: I have a personal interest in "life beginning at conception," because, if true, I have a sibling I didn't know, and I'd love to know in the next life. (my Mom had a tubal pregnancy, requiring an hysterectomy)

Norma McCorvey, the "Roe" of Roe v. Wade, came to realize - while working in an infanticide clinic - unborn babies were not "merely (unwanted) tissue," but looked just like tiny human beings. Because of that, she became a Christian and dedicated her life reversing the abomination that bears her pseudonym.

"I was sitting in O.R.'s offices when I noticed a fetal development poster. The progression was so obvious, the eyes were so sweet. It hurt my heart, just looking at them. I ran outside and finally, it dawned on me. 'Norma', I said to myself, 'They're right'. I had worked with pregnant women for years. I had been through three pregnancies and deliveries myself. I should have known. Yet something in that poster made me lose my breath. I kept seeing the picture of that tiny, 10-week-old embryo, and I said to myself, that's a baby! It's as if blinders just fell off my eyes and I suddenly understood the truth — that's a baby!

"I felt crushed under the truth of this realization. I had to face up to the awful reality. Abortion wasn't about 'products of conception'. It wasn't about 'missed periods'. It was about children being killed in their mother's wombs. All those years I was wrong. Signing that affidavit, I was wrong. Working in an abortion clinic, I was wrong. No more of this first trimester, second trimester, third trimester stuff. Abortion — at any point — was wrong. It was so clear. Painfully clear."

-- Norma McCorvey
I believe life starts at the level where a heartbeat is detected. Without a heart, a human cannot live.