View Full Version : minn football negroes protest punishment for gang rapists

16th December 2016, 07:11 PM

Gophers players boycott football after suspensions; Holiday Bowl in jeopardy

Team willing to boycott bowl game to protest suspensions

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University of Minnesota president Eric Kaler said the decision to indefinitely suspend 10 members of the school's football team for their alleged roles in a reported gang rape on Sept. 2

16th December 2016, 10:37 PM
Dr. William L. Pierce predicted that this highly defective society would eventually legalize rape. Of White women.

This is the first phase towards that.

The "feminists" will be troubled by this situation: support women and be "racists," or support the Niggers and be misogynists.

17th December 2016, 01:33 AM
They were at a party.

She now says 2 men were consensual, but none of the others were (at least 4 more). One of the players took video.
One of the administrators that watched the video stated publicly, that it looked consensual to them.

Not one rape charge has been filed. The university suspended players only on "school code" violations.

Basically, the gal had second thoughts after it was played for the world to see. Didn't want the family thinking she was that kind of whore.

Twisted Titan
17th December 2016, 04:01 AM
It kinda works out this way ...when they see they are the on redtube

17th December 2016, 07:24 AM
They were at a party.

She now says 2 men were consensual, but none of the others were (at least 4 more). One of the players took video.
One of the administrators that watched the video stated publicly, that it looked consensual to them.

Not one rape charge has been filed. The university suspended players only on "school code" violations.

Basically, the gal had second thoughts after it was played for the world to see. Didn't want the family thinking she was that kind of whore.

except that the suspensions are based on new evidence that wasn't part of original investigation


University of Minnesota president Eric Kaler said the decision to indefinitely suspend 10 members of the school's football team for their alleged roles in a reported gang rape on Sept. 2 was based on the university's "values," even though the players were never criminally charged and a district attorney declined to pursue the case because of lack of physical evidence.

One of the attorneys representing the woman who made the allegations told ESPN on Friday that newly discovered evidence led the university to indefinitely suspend 10 players from the team on Tuesday.

The woman's attorney, Linda Miller, executive director of Civil Society, a nonprofit legal aid group in Minneapolis, said a previously released Minneapolis Police Department incident report did not include all the information that was available to university Title IX investigators. She said electronic evidence was discovered after the criminal investigation was concluded in September.

Miller wouldn't say whether the new electronic evidence was video, text messages or something else, nor would she say what it revealed.

"It obviously was enough to convince the president of the university and the other people involved that this was a very serious case in the Title IX hearing," Miller said, declining to provide further details.

17th December 2016, 07:55 AM
except that the suspensions are based on new evidence that wasn't part of original investigation


University of Minnesota president Eric Kaler said the decision to indefinitely suspend 10 members of the school's football team for their alleged roles in a reported gang rape on Sept. 2 was based on the university's "values," even though the players were never criminally charged and a district attorney declined to pursue the case because of lack of physical evidence.

One of the attorneys representing the woman who made the allegations told ESPN on Friday that newly discovered evidence led the university to indefinitely suspend 10 players from the team on Tuesday.

The woman's attorney, Linda Miller, executive director of Civil Society, a nonprofit legal aid group in Minneapolis, said a previously released Minneapolis Police Department incident report did not include all the information that was available to university Title IX investigators. She said electronic evidence was discovered after the criminal investigation was concluded in September.

Miller wouldn't say whether the new electronic evidence was video, text messages or something else, nor would she say what it revealed.

"It obviously was enough to convince the president of the university and the other people involved that this was a very serious case in the Title IX hearing," Miller said, declining to provide further details.

Russians did it?

17th December 2016, 08:13 AM
Russians did it?

seems to be the case! looks to me like the skool and poleese tried to cover this up...but the woman's lawsuit forced out the hidden evidence...which made the skool mgmt do something to try and save their own asses

17th December 2016, 08:14 AM
Check the reddit page for the UofM. https://www.reddit.com/r/GopherSports/

She is a slore. They suspended guys just because they were there and not involved in the train. "Student Conduct"

Ten Gopher Football Players Suspended Indefinitely (http://www.startribune.com/ten-gophers-football-players-indefinitely-suspended/406406736/)

[–]mostdope92 (https://www.reddit.com/user/mostdope92) 1 point 2 days ago*
Because the University's office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action is taking this in as a human rights violation. Even though the students were found of no wrong doing they somehow are still able to be pursued(or more accurately harassed) by the EOAA and even add more students to the fiasco. It's really odd, especially with the timing of this. What irks me even more is that apparently Claeys backs the decision whole heartedly. He should not be supporting this or at least not openly, its basically crucifying students and his athletes for again, being found of no wrong doing.
Edit: forgot about the orginal case, from what I remember a female student who is on staff for the football team accused multiple players(I believe it was originally 4 or 5 of them) of having sex with her while filming it. The video was then leaked on social media after a players phone was stolen. Once the case started the alleged victim had stories that didn't add up, the information she gave was deemed inconsistent and unreliable and the representatives for the athletes provided a compelling case including proof of the phone being stolen as well as proving that while the video shouldn't have been leaked, the athletes did no wrong as the act was consensual.

permalink (https://www.reddit.com/r/GopherSports/comments/5i85tz/ten_gopher_football_players_suspended_indefinitely/db7m6mq/)
parent (https://www.reddit.com/r/GopherSports/comments/5i85tz/ten_gopher_football_players_suspended_indefinitely/#db6uoac)

[–]Longstory84 (https://www.reddit.com/user/Longstory84) 5 points 1 day ago
I think you've got your Gopher Sports sex scandals mixed up. The stolen phone gang bang was the basketball team last year. This one there was no stolen phone. The accused players actually had a video and showed it to police to "prove" that it was consensual. It's part of the reason the Hennepin County prosecutor never filed charges (more came out today in the Strib story).
Regardless, when it comes to Title 9 investigations and the EOAA office, they're going by the University Code of Conduct policy. When you sign up to attend a school, as a regular student or a student athlete, you pretty much are at the mercy of their extra judicial interpretation of events. It's not a "standard of proof" like you have with the US legal system.
I agree that it doesn't seem fair, especially to the players who may have just been at the place vs acting on anything. This is probably a case of these players being hung out to dry as an example and they're likely paying for the sins of Teague, those basketball players, other football players and the recent fraternity rape/sex scandals. Right or wrong, the school needs to get a handle on the type of crap that the athletes think they're allowed to do. Perhaps recognizing that being party to a questionably consensual gang bang is bad not only for University Athletics PR, but for their own reputations as well.

permalink (https://www.reddit.com/r/GopherSports/comments/5i85tz/ten_gopher_football_players_suspended_indefinitely/db8gjai/)
parent (https://www.reddit.com/r/GopherSports/comments/5i85tz/ten_gopher_football_players_suspended_indefinitely/#db7m6mq)

17th December 2016, 08:31 AM
Minnesota Football Team Ends Boycott Over Suspensions, Will Play Bowl Game (http://deadspin.com/minnesota-football-team-ends-boycott-over-suspensions-1790225879)

Two days after Minnesota football players announced they would boycott all football activities—including their upcoming bowl game—to protest the school’s suspension of 10 players (http://deadspin.com/report-minnesota-football-players-plan-to-boycott-bowl-1790167029#_ga=1.121319822.709367617.1475182060), they have declared their boycott over (https://twitter.com/DanielHouseNFL/status/810152033026248704).

The decision to backtrack comes hours after the release of an 80-page university report detailing the investigation that led to the player suspensions. The report (http://kstp.com/kstpImages/repository/cs/files/U%20of%20M%20EOAA%20redacted5.pdf) includes a graphic description of an alleged sexual assault involving a female student and multiple football players, as well as one underage football recruit. According to the report, there are multiple videos of the sexual activity.

Hennepin County prosecutors declined to press charges (a police report is available here (http://kstp.com/kstpImages/repository/cs/files/U%20of%20M%20MPD%20report%20redacted%203.pdf)), saying there was insufficient admissible evidence (http://www.twincities.com/2016/10/03/suspended-gophers-not-charged-sexual-assault-investigation/). In a separate investigation by the university, however, 10 players received some form of suspension and five of those suspended were recommended for expulsion.

This morning, wide receiver Drew Wolitarsky delivered a statement (https://twitter.com/DanielHouseNFL/status/810152033026248704) on behalf of the team, saying they would not be boycotting to protest the suspensions and would play in the Holiday Bowl as scheduled. After a meeting on Friday night with university president Eric Kaler and athletic director Mark Coyle, the team has instead agreed to a separate set of requests, including that the suspended players be given fair hearings in their appeals.

The players suspended indefinitely and recommended for expulsion are defensive backs Ray Buford, KiAnte Hardin and Dior Johnston; running back Carlton Djam; and defensive lineman Tamarion Johnson. The players suspended for one year are defensive back Antoine Winfield, Jr., running back Kobe McCrary, and quarterbacks Mark Williams and Seth Green. One player, defensive back Antonio Shenault, is being considered for probation.

17th December 2016, 08:33 AM
Check the reddit page for the UofM. https://www.reddit.com/r/GopherSports/

She is a slore. They suspended guys just because they were there and not involved in the train. "Student Conduct"

Ten Gopher Football Players Suspended Indefinitely (http://www.startribune.com/ten-gophers-football-players-indefinitely-suspended/406406736/)

seems they violated a written code of conduct for student athletes at minn (ya think?!)


After Djam, others followed. She told police she saw a line of men waiting to take turns.

“I was removing myself from my mind and my body to help myself from the pain and experience going on,” she testified.

She estimated there were at least a dozen men. “I was shoving people off of me,” she testified. “They kept ignoring my pleas for help. Anything I said they laughed. They tried to cheer people on.”

About an hour and a half later, she said, she was allowed to leave. She called her sister, who told her to go to the hospital immediately, where she was given a rape exam, while her mother made a report to Minneapolis police. The next day, an officer sat down with the student, who described her version of what happened.

18th December 2016, 05:43 AM
Whenever knee grows gather nothing good ever comes of it