View Full Version : Civil war 2016/2017...?

midnight rambler
18th December 2016, 11:04 AM

18th December 2016, 11:44 AM
If you're not ready yet it may already be too late. Guns, ammo, food, water, metals and cash are the basics. If you're a city dweller be diligent and be prepared to leave in a moment's notice. When this happens it will happen faster than you can imagine!

midnight rambler
18th December 2016, 11:46 AM
be prepared to leave in a moment's notice.

What? And become a refugee? No thanks.

18th December 2016, 11:56 AM
What? And become a refugee? No thanks.
Well, it's going to be tough in the cities. No where to go and surrounded by progressive fucks hiding behind National Guard tanks and MRAPs. AT least in the country you'll have some time.

old steel
18th December 2016, 11:58 AM
What? And become a refugee? No thanks.

Yup, standing my ground too.

Mind you i'm not in a major city if i was i would have relocated a long time ago, it's too late now. imo

midnight rambler
18th December 2016, 12:17 PM
surrounded by progressive fucks

Not necessarily in Texas. We have guns. Remember the Alamo. You want it? Come and take it. It's gonna cost ya.

Something you Yankees may be unfamiliar with -


18th December 2016, 01:34 PM
Hope I will be in the Caribbean before a blow out


18th December 2016, 04:11 PM
If you're a city dweller be diligent and be prepared to leave in a moment's notice. When this happens it will happen faster than you can imagine!

Proof you're an amateur...or a child.

If the SHTF and you reside in a city, you do not attempt to leave. You shelter in place. Attempting to leave is certain death for 99% who attempt it. You will be caught among the desperate masses trying to do the same lethal endeavor, vulnerable to predators and those who will do anything to "make it out alive," including rob you or kill you.

The time to leave the cities was years ago, but even at this late time, you can still do it. But once "it" happens, you stay put and do your best not to get noticed.

18th December 2016, 04:29 PM

The US military, both officer corps and enlisted, will, in the majority, NOT support the American people against the Federal regime and its rulers in the MIC.


Because anyone who defends the Bill of Rights and opposes the Federal regime will simply be labeled as a "terrorist."

The majority of US forces will do as they are told, due to brainwashing and their rewards. They will terminate these "terrorists" with "extreme prejudice." Boobus Americanus will swallow what they're told just as have with 9/11 and the faux Osama bin Laden "neutralization" in 2011.

The idea that Americans en masse still risk themselves for noble ideals is purely delusional. Most Americans won't even pull the plug on the Talmudvision, continuing to pay > $75/month for that sewage, even though most have at least an inkling of how malevolent the "programming" is.

Most Americans also are unable to identify the Enemy. They believe "the enemy" is Muslims, "liberals," "socialists," or some other nonsense. They not only cannot identify the self-chosen Master Race as the primary enemy, but they actually believe "the Jewish people" are "good" and "beneficial" or even "the untouchable apple of god's eye." It's much easier to spew about "dirty Muslims" or "socialists" like Obama (who rammed through a "healthcare" plan written by and for insurance corporations - malevolent capitalism).

18th December 2016, 05:06 PM
Proof you're an amateur...or a child.

If the SHTF and you reside in a city, you do not attempt to leave. You shelter in place. Attempting to leave is certain death for 99% who attempt it. You will be caught among the desperate masses trying to do the same lethal endeavor, vulnerable to predators and those who will do anything to "make it out alive," including rob you or kill you.

The time to leave the cities was years ago, but even at this late time, you can still do it. But once "it" happens, you stay put and do your best not to get noticed.

Hey whatever you people need to do to stay alive. Truth be told, listen to Fred....he's all seeing and all knowing...ask him, he'll tell ya'

18th December 2016, 05:18 PM
The US military, both officer corps and enlisted, will, in the majority, NOT support the American people against the Federal regime and its rulers in the MIC.


Because anyone who defends the Bill of Rights and opposes the Federal regime will simply be labeled as a "terrorist."

The majority of US forces will do as they are told, due to brainwashing and their rewards. They will terminate these "terrorists" with "extreme prejudice." Boobus Americanus will swallow what they're told just as have with 9/11 and the faux Osama bin Laden "neutralization" in 2011.

The idea that Americans en masse still risk themselves for noble ideals is purely delusional. Most Americans won't even pull the plug on the Talmudvision, continuing to pay > $75/month for that sewage, even though most have at least an inkling of how malevolent the "programming" is.

Most Americans also are unable to identify the Enemy. They believe "the enemy" is Muslims, "liberals," "socialists," or some other nonsense. They not only cannot identify the self-chosen Master Race as the primary enemy, but they actually believe "the Jewish people" are "good" and "beneficial" or even "the untouchable apple of god's eye." It's much easier to spew about "dirty Muslims" or "socialists" like Obama (who rammed through a "healthcare" plan written by and for insurance corporations - malevolent capitalism).

Thus the majority of Trumps cabinet pics. The good people in charge of the military have been shuffled off for years in order for liberal replacements to be set in charge. Especially in the last 20 years, the commited to the constitution types have been gone a long time. Fred I really don't think your stupid but whatever you drink or smoke it seems to cloud your attention to detail. Clintons first thing in office was to allow gays into the military. I would not feel comfortable with this at all if I was in there. You might like it but I dont. Not sure how Trumps gay Boy Scout leader cabinet thing works but I am sure he has some angle on it. Perhaps to appease the fags and shut them down. No clue but the man has not done anything against the US population as of yet. Other than that feel free to float your balogno

18th December 2016, 05:19 PM
Hey whatever you people need to do to stay alive. Truth be told, listen to Fred....he's all seeing and all knowing...ask him, he'll tell ya'

Fuck that! Directing you to death.

18th December 2016, 06:00 PM
location is secondary, if your destiny is to survive the odds, that is all what matters

midnight rambler
18th December 2016, 07:06 PM
location is secondary, if you destiny is to survive the odds, that is all what matters

In any WROL or SHTF scenario the primary determining factor is one's attitude NOT one's circumstances or the things one has accumulated as a prepper.

19th December 2016, 02:22 AM
building up nicely ???
‘On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “All In,” filmmaker Michael Moore argued that President-Elect Donald Trump “has no right” to enter the White House.

Moore called for “protesting, obstructing, disrupting, civil disobedience.”

He added, “I mean, the man has no right to enter that house. There are too many questions about the — whatever collusion was going on. I mean, they admitted that they were in touch with the Russians during the campaign. They have said that. So, we would need to know as Americans what the hell was going on there, and he does not have a mandate. He does not have a mandate.”’

Read more: Michael Moore: Trump ‘Has No Right To Enter’ White House


19th December 2016, 02:44 AM
In any WROL or SHTF scenario the primary determining factor is one's attitude NOT one's circumstances or the things one has accumulated as a prepper.

I absolutely believe that too. I think it may even be a detriment in many cases to have prepped much. You may not want to leave your preps behind when necessary, or someone else may kill you for them. Being mentally prepared in terms of being flexible re your options is no. 1 IMO!

19th December 2016, 08:43 AM
Moore called for “protesting, obstructing, disrupting, civil disobedience.”

Fred calls for pepper spraying, Tasing, batoning, dog biting.

midnight rambler
19th December 2016, 11:31 AM
Fred calls for pepper spraying, Tasing, batoning, dog biting.

Sticky foam too! ESPECIALLY sticky foam!


midnight rambler
19th December 2016, 11:32 AM
In any WROL or SHTF scenario the primary determining factor is one's attitude NOT one's circumstances or the things one has accumulated as a prepper.

#1 rule of survival: Be in harmony with one's environment, be it the concrete jungle or the triple canopy jungle.

19th December 2016, 06:03 PM
right, divide and conquer springs from dualism is inherently evil, yet why do people fall into the trap over and over. The upside, if any, is to teach us that the "point of balance" is always the best position to avoid the sharp swings of the pendulum.




Published on Nov 30, 2016
The Health Ranger reveals why a massive market crash is coming, and why Donald J. Trump will be the last President to reside over a 50-state USA.
