View Full Version : This is pretty bad... Birth Certificate Is A Fake

19th December 2016, 01:48 AM
am watching now, on foxnews.... this and trump's electoral college issues, we are in for civil unrest

WOW: Sheriff Joe Arpaio Releases New Information on President Obama's Birth Certificate
Birth Certificate Is A Fake


19th December 2016, 05:13 AM
It's clearly a fake and no surprise to me.
The question is, what will happen when Trump and the new crew gets in office and starts draining the swamp?
Some very big people don't want themselves being found out.

19th December 2016, 05:17 AM
Hahaha... Regurgitating the same shit from 8+ years ago, how despirate. They have nothing else to divide us so they bring this old stuff out, pathetic. I for one will be pleased to see Trumps team nuke these 'fake' news broadcasters.

19th December 2016, 05:17 AM
Obama needs to be arrested now along with every member of the DNC for treason against America. Of course this all comes 8 years and $10T too late

19th December 2016, 05:18 AM
Obama needs to be arrested now along with every member of the DNC for treason against America

How can I focus myself into your dream? Be a 'Dream Team'.

19th December 2016, 05:43 AM
It is not new information. It is just repackaged for the changing of the regime. There will be no justice with the Obama devil's brigade. The only hope left is that Trump will clean out the devils in Washington and actually allow justice to be pursued.

19th December 2016, 05:48 AM
this all comes 8 years and $10T too late
Ever heard of 'nunc pro tunc'? It means "now for then". When you are slow or deficient in responding to some legal process you can go back to the beginning and do now what you should have done then.

Ten trillions and eight years are really nothing. Your correction could be to reversing the last ice age if you so desire.

19th December 2016, 06:07 AM
I get the feeling this is more about us. GOING FORWARD - all government issued documents must be x,y and z.
No more faking your own death or birth, everyone needs a bar code or rfid chip implanted....etc, etc.
If we've had a President who's a fraud, then everything he did in office is invalid - yet no talk about reversing his actions or prosecuting him and everyone who conspired with him for this crime.

19th December 2016, 06:09 AM
I get the feeling this is more about us. GOING FORWARD - all government issued documents must be x,y and z.
No more faking your own death or birth, everyone needs a bar code or rfid chip implanted....etc, etc.
If we've had a President who's a fraud, then everything he did in office is invalid - yet no talk about reversing his actions or prosecuting him and everyone who conspired with him for this crime.

Just like the pedophiles that have been exposed. No repercussions, no action taken....no nothing. They continue to move forward raping and killing little children unimpeded. The country is a cesspool of evil and tyranny with ZERO accountability.

19th December 2016, 06:14 AM
amazing that this was on mainstream tv broadcast 5 days ago or so but still media'd rather spin the russians. LOL

19th December 2016, 06:19 AM
amazing that this was on mainstream tv broadcast 5 days ago or so but still media'd rather spin the russians. LOL

The media is on the same team as the politicians....we all know that. There are no 'good guys' in the media

19th December 2016, 06:20 AM
amazing that this was on mainstream tv broadcast 5 days ago or so but still media'd rather spin the russians. LOL

Or the Chinese snatching a water resistant drone. This was said to be an action to test Trump.

19th December 2016, 06:22 AM
Or the Chinese snatching a water resistant drone. This was said to be an action to test Trump.

They did give it right back.

19th December 2016, 06:22 AM
Or the Chinese snatching a water resistant drone. This was said to be an action to test Trump.

Trump told them to keep it. I'm sure they didn't expect that and hustled to say they were returning it before Trump got into office. I like the way Trump plays the game. He might turn out to be the anti Christ but I love his no nonsense style!

19th December 2016, 06:23 AM
Just like the pedophiles that have been exposed. No repercussions, no action taken....no nothing. They continue to move forward raping and killing little children unimpeded. The country is a cesspool of evil and tyranny with ZERO accountability.

Their time is numbered, which is why there is so much backlash. You can see it clearly everywhere you look.

19th December 2016, 06:26 AM
Their time is numbered, which is why there is so much backlash. You can see it clearly everywhere you look.

I see nothing! I see them still walking free among us. I see no action taken against them. THAT'S what I see my friend! I'm tired of hearing 'they'll get theirs'. The crime they have been accused of is unconscionable yet society still turns their backs on it because, well hey, it's not our business, right? Not really! Someone will take care of it, just wait and see.

Well, I've been waiting and nothing but drivel is what I see!

19th December 2016, 06:28 AM
They did give it right back.

They are reporting on media this morning that they have promised to give it back .... implying they haven't done it yet.

19th December 2016, 06:32 AM
I see no action taken against them.
You are the only one who can take action against your agents. The fact that you haven't done so yet underscores that you have agreed that all political actions to date are correct and proper (in your view).

Actions speak much louder than words. Either correct the record or continue to remain silent.

19th December 2016, 06:34 AM
I see nothing! I see them still walking free among us. I see no action taken against them. THAT'S what I see my friend! I'm tired of hearing 'they'll get theirs'. The crime they have been accused of is unconscionable yet society still turns their backs on it because, well hey, it's not our business, right? Not really! Someone will take care of it, just wait and see.

Well, I've been waiting and nothing but drivel is what I see!

Slow down, take an aspirin, get some sleep. You can't turn a ship on a dime and that is where we are right now. Anxiety will not help anything at this point. Let the boat turn now and things will get taken care of. Instant gratification can not happen with a country that has been beaten down 50+ years.

19th December 2016, 06:38 AM
You are the only one who can take action against your agents. The fact that you haven't done so yet underscores that you have agreed that all political actions to date are correct and proper (in your view).

Actions speak much louder than words. Either correct the record or continue to remain silent.

That all sounds very noble however; if that is true than everyone has agreed that all political actions to date are correct and proper since it continues unabated. A single man cannot correct the record alone, certainly you know that. My response is preparation sir, preparation for whatever happens. I'm a single man and have no alliances so I'm pretty much stuck with complaining and preparing. In the end nothing I say will make any difference.

19th December 2016, 06:57 AM
In the end nothing I say will make any difference.

That is your public school programming showing. The fact is entirely the opposite. You are the master of your own universe yet choose to accept someone elses definition of that universe.

Lets' start from the beginning:


Since you are responsible for your own universe it is shaped entirely by your will.

What is your will?

19th December 2016, 07:42 AM
That is your public school programming showing. The fact is entirely the opposite. You are the master of your own universe yet choose to accept someone elses definition of that universe.

Lets' start from the beginning:


Since you are responsible for your own universe it is shaped entirely by your will.

What is your will?

Let's use a little of your nunc pro tunc here.... and erase your faulty premise which is followed by your faulty conclusions. Before we can start with a clean slate let's review your existence. In the beginning bullshit from an anthrax-infected intergallactic bovinacious quadropod was excreted with great force from infinite pressure through the little vacuous spot you see in the mirror. It created such a mess in your bathroom that confusion ruled your universe.

19th December 2016, 07:51 AM
Let's use a little of your nunc pro tunc here.... and erase your faulty premise which is followed by your faulty conclusions. Before we can start with a clean slate let's review your existence. In the beginning bullshit from an anthrax-infected intergallactic bovinacious quadropod was excreted with great force from infinite pressure through the little vacuous spot you see in the mirror. It created such a mess in your bathroom that confusion ruled your universe.
That's a bit harsh when Palani just tried to help Joshua isn't it? Or is it Christmas spirit already? :|~

19th December 2016, 08:03 AM
That's a bit harsh when Palani just tried to help Joshua isn't it? Or is it Christmas spirit already? :|~

Helping by feeding him nonsense is like helping a drowning man by throwing him chains. Palani plays ruffles and flourishes and then marches out in his underwear. A bit disappointing.

midnight rambler
19th December 2016, 08:13 AM
That all sounds very noble however; if that is true than everyone has agreed that all political actions to date are correct and proper since it continues unabated. A single man cannot correct the record alone, certainly you know that. My response is preparation sir, preparation for whatever happens. I'm a single man and have no alliances so I'm pretty much stuck with complaining and preparing. In the end nothing I say will make any difference.

Silence is acceptance.

19th December 2016, 08:23 AM
Silence is acceptance.

Not necessarily...

I heard Joshua used to be a butcher!

Many things can be done silently!

19th December 2016, 11:11 AM
Let's use a little of your nunc pro tunc here.... and erase your faulty premise which is followed by your faulty conclusions. Before we can start with a clean slate let's review your existence. In the beginning bullshit from an anthrax-infected intergallactic bovinacious quadropod was excreted with great force from infinite pressure through the little vacuous spot you see in the mirror. It created such a mess in your bathroom that confusion ruled your universe.
If you are describing your own creation I can see why you haven't progressed much.

midnight rambler
19th December 2016, 11:29 AM
Actions speak louder than words...naturally...yet we hear nothing but silence Joshua*.

*whining does not count

Not necessarily...

I heard Joshua used to be a butcher!

Many things can be done silently!

19th December 2016, 01:29 PM
Silence is acceptance.
Acceptance my ass! I took the wife out today! :)

I don't even know what the fuck Palani was trying to say so I simply nodded my head (you didn't see that though, huh?)

19th December 2016, 01:51 PM
I don't even know what the fuck Palani was trying to say so I simply nodded my head

So all I have to do is write about things you don't understand and you will automatically agree with me?

19th December 2016, 07:06 PM
So all I have to do is write about things you don't understand and you will automatically agree with me?

You can write about all sorts of amazing things that will never be practical and never have real value in life. You will, however, feel vastly superior in your great accomplishment. Enjoy the thrill for the short time it lasts.

19th December 2016, 07:19 PM
You can write about all sorts of amazing things that will never be practical and never have real value in life.

Just a question but ... can you provide any evidence that you are living?

old steel
19th December 2016, 07:36 PM
They don't care what you know as they are so in your face these days, they know no one will do shit.

Yup, totally surrounded by millions of armchair internet warriors.

19th December 2016, 10:02 PM
Just a question but ... can you provide any evidence that you are living?

To a reasonable man, the proof is self-evident.

To a Pharisee like you, God Himself could not provide you enough "evidence."

20th December 2016, 03:49 AM
To a reasonable man, the proof is self-evident.
Humor me.

God Himself could not provide you enough "evidence."
While GOD provides life only you can provide evidence OF life.

What evidence can YOU provide?

20th December 2016, 06:22 AM
Humor me.

While GOD provides life only you can provide evidence OF life.

What evidence can YOU provide?
See? This is where good men (Not you Fred) start talking about stupid shit!

20th December 2016, 07:08 AM
While GOD provides life only you can provide evidence OF life.

What evidence can YOU provide?

Kids are evidence. DNA being passed on. Can't have kids if God didn't give you the gift of life.

20th December 2016, 07:31 AM
Kids are evidence.

I am not the final arbiter of what is or what is not life. Neither am I judge on what is evidence or what is not.

I merely asked a question.

20th December 2016, 07:31 AM
Palani likes to play with dryer dust working hard to knit webs of fantasy in which he can play.

One thing I have noticed about my fellow man in life is this: often the more intelligent, the perfectionists and the ideologues have very good thoughts and concepts. And there are dullards who slug along through life totally blind to the higher thoughts flying through the air around them. But it is the dullard who pounds out the construction of a new house, the fitting of a beautiful stone wall or the compiling of a strong block foundation. It is the dullard who makes practical things that all can use while the intellectual swims in his own high and mighty cloud of ephemeral thoughts which often never go beyond the six inches of vacuous space between his ears.

I am guilty of both sides and have no illusions about my status. I do not pretend to be anything great as the greatest I can achieve is nothing compared with my Creator and Father.

What kind of clown walks up to someone on the street and asks the stranger to prove he has life? As crimethink noted above, there is no proof for one whose world is trapped inside his thick skull.

20th December 2016, 08:13 AM
What kind of clown walks up to someone on the street and asks the stranger to prove he has life? As crimethink noted above, there is no proof for one whose world is trapped inside his thick skull.

Are you objecting to the question or to the fact that you lack the skill to answer it?

20th December 2016, 08:48 AM
Are you objecting to the question or to the fact that you lack the skill to answer it?

He did answer it, in a very straight forward manner. I understood him, at least. I think you might be lacking some comprehension skills, either that or the ability to pay attention. You have an answer in your head, and fail to be open minded to listen to other people's answers.

BTW, great answer, Spectrism. I agree 100%, and you said it a lot better than I ever could.

20th December 2016, 09:33 AM
He did answer it

Nonresponsive. It was a YES or NO question.

20th December 2016, 09:44 AM
Nonresponsive. It was a YES or NO question.
It is an idiotic question to begin with.

20th December 2016, 09:55 AM
It is an idiotic question to begin with.

There are no idiotic questions. Only idiotic responses.

20th December 2016, 10:07 AM
There are no idiotic questions. Only idiotic responses.

It is idiotic to ask question to those not living. Besides you clearly got a response that should answer your question.

20th December 2016, 10:16 AM
It is idiotic to ask question to those not living.

Yes- if it is an answer you are looking for. And, there is the definition of "living" to confirm. There are fleshly living people who are dead in spirit. In which case, the dead can bury the dead.

Sometimes a question makes a dead one think enough to realize he is lacking something. At other times a question is a good way to avoid answering an inappropriate question or confrontation. Palani uses questions largely for avoidance of being found out that he has no answers.

I love questions and have made my share of inappropriate questions. There are techniques and wisdom in phrasing questions just right with exceptional timing which make answers obvious. The best questions uncover truths hidden under human obfuscation. These can be emotionally wrenching or nurtured for easier acceptance.

20th December 2016, 11:07 AM
Palani uses questions largely for avoidance of being found out that he has no answers.
Perhaps not no answers but I frequently question whether I have the best answers.

The one asking questions controls the flow of information. If you have any doubts about this re-read the last several pages of this topic.

20th December 2016, 11:46 AM
Are you objecting to the question or to the fact that you lack the skill to answer it?

The "skill" you possess is the same "skill" the Pharisees used in their impotent attempts to trap Christ in their satanic legalism web.

20th December 2016, 12:44 PM
The "skill" you possess is the same "skill" the Pharisees used in their impotent attempts to trap Christ in their satanic legalism web.
Do you understand how idiotic your argument is? The "skill" I posses is the same as that possessed by Christ to thwart the impotent attempts of the Pharisees.

20th December 2016, 01:27 PM
Perhaps not no answers but I frequently question whether I have the best answers.

The one asking questions controls the flow of information. If you have any doubts about this re-read the last several pages of this topic.

Close. The one asking the questions does not control the flow of information as that is a communal thing. The questioner does control the object of the thoughts and influences the direction of perception.

20th December 2016, 01:52 PM
Are you objecting to the question or to the fact that you lack the skill to answer it?

The evidence is in the poop.

20th December 2016, 02:14 PM
Do you understand how idiotic your argument is? The "skill" I posses is the same as that possessed by Christ to thwart the impotent attempts of the Pharisees.

Wrong. You are a Pharisee.

Christ didn't say He was going to defeat the Pharisees with superior arguments. He said He could call upon thousands of angels - brute force - but didn't because His mission was to die at the hands of legalists like yourself. In the end, the Mystery Babylon System you embrace will be utterly destroyed. It's the only way to "cure" legalists and legalism.

20th December 2016, 02:37 PM
Just a question but ... can you provide any evidence that you are living?

What is your definition of living?

20th December 2016, 03:51 PM
Wrong. You are a Pharisee.
Laughable. But I suppose I could put that on the next questionaire that asks me my race or nationality. Thanks for the thought.

In the end, the Mystery Babylon System you embrace will be utterly destroyed. It's the only way to "cure" legalists and legalism. I suppose this will be when you start receiving your social welfare check. That'll sure show me fer shure.

20th December 2016, 03:58 PM
What is your definition of living?
My initial impulse is to say "no, what is a pronoun". But instead will give you a more honest answer:

Living is the absence of death as evidenced by the impossibility of locating a death certificate.

For example, several years ago after attempting to stop an S10 pickup with my face I found myself in a hospital and was diagnosed with life. Since then I have successfully proven to my own satisfaction that the hospital staff was not incompetent.

20th December 2016, 04:07 PM
My initial impulse is to say "no, what is a pronoun". But instead will give you a more honest answer:

Living is the absence of death as evidenced by the impossibility of locating a death certificate.

For example, several years ago after attempting to stop an S10 pickup with my face I found myself in a hospital and was diagnosed with life. Since then I have successfully proven to my own satisfaction that the hospital staff was not incompetent.

Thanks Palani, you actually answered a question. I was expecting you to not answer, and just ask another question...but, you gave a real answer this time.

20th December 2016, 04:15 PM
My initial impulse is to say "no, what is a pronoun". But instead will give you a more honest answer:

Living is the absence of death as evidenced by the impossibility of locating a death certificate.

For example, several years ago after attempting to stop an S10 pickup with my face I found myself in a hospital and was diagnosed with life. Since then I have successfully proven to my own satisfaction that the hospital staff was not incompetent.

I shall rephrase. Would you give your definition of living? Since you were more than accommodating with your answer, thank you for the response.

However, I have seen reports of those that might disagree. Granted, I do not know if a death certificate was issued for each.
List of premature obituaries - Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_premature_obituaries)

20th December 2016, 04:18 PM
your social welfare check.

"Social welfare"? That tells me you're not in the United States. Canada? Australia?

20th December 2016, 04:20 PM
Living is the absence of death as evidenced by the impossibility of locating a death certificate.

Only a Pharisee could offer such a "definition." Life is dependent upon "documentation."

Living is the continued function of natural body processes, especially a beating heart.

Of course, you will now come back with some Talmudic sophistry claiming "living" has some esoteric legalist "definition."

20th December 2016, 04:23 PM
I shall rephrase. Would you give your definition of living? Since you were more than accommodating with your answer, thank you for the response.

However, I have seen reports of those that might disagree. Granted, I do not know if a death certificate was issued for each.
List of premature obituaries - Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_premature_obituaries)

My Mom literally just went through having an "authority" declaring her deceased - it was a mistake due to some imbecile pushing the wrong button when they accurately declared my Dad deceased. Oh what fun of getting that fixed.

I had to remind her that her life is not determined by documents or databases. It really messed her up mentally. God gives - and takes away - life, and Him alone. Not governments, not corporations. If one of the latter kills you, He permitted it.

20th December 2016, 04:25 PM
Only a Pharisee could offer such a "definition." Life is dependent upon "documentation."

Living is the continued function of natural body processes, especially a beating heart.

Of course, you will now come back with some Talmudic sophistry claiming "living" has some esoteric legalist "definition."

Not quite, palani was just saying that a death certificate is evidence of not living.

You do bring up a good point. We are mixing realms, the certificate is Admiralty law not God's law.

20th December 2016, 04:28 PM
Living is the continued function of natural body processes, especially a beating heart.

To get technical....clinical death occurs when you stop breath and have no pulse, no beating heart. But, your mind still has oxygen. You are still "alive" in the fact that you are still thinking. Biological death occurs after clinical death, when your mind stops getting the oxygen it needs and starts to die.

We tend to think of living as our lives in the physical realm or plane, as we know it. Our physical bodies. But, we have souls. Our bodies are vessels here on earth, but our souls never die when we move on.

20th December 2016, 05:18 PM
Would you give your definition of living? Since you were more than accommodating with your answer, thank you for the response.

My definition? The ability to change. Dead things lose the ability to change.

Now since the state relies upon the certified statement of professionals to diagnose live birth and they rely upon statements of other professionals to determine death I expect the state would define life as the time span between these two events. But I am only guessing at this.

20th December 2016, 05:20 PM
"Social welfare"? That tells me you're not in the United States. Canada? Australia?
Actually I am not in the United States. Technically I would have to be signed up with social welfare to actually be IN the United States.

20th December 2016, 05:22 PM
Only a Pharisee could offer such a "definition."

Depends on the source of the definition doesn't it?

20th December 2016, 05:49 PM
My definition? The ability to change. Dead things lose the ability to change.

A rock in a river or petrified wood or a skeleton continue to change.

Not as smart as he claims to be...

20th December 2016, 05:50 PM
Actually I am not in the United States. Technically I would have to be signed up with social welfare to actually be IN the United States.

More sophistry. You are not in/on/within the United States, UNITED STATES, united States, or one of the States.

20th December 2016, 08:04 PM
A rock in a river or petrified wood or a skeleton continue to change.

Yet they don't KNOW they are changing do they?

20th December 2016, 08:05 PM
You are not in/on/within the United States, UNITED STATES, united States, or one of the States.
By Jove I believe you are actually getting the picture.

21st December 2016, 12:40 AM
By Jove I believe you are actually getting the picture.

Yes he certainly did...

More sophistry.

21st December 2016, 04:59 AM
Yes he certainly did...
Did Dorothy ever leave Kansas for the Land of Oz?
Did you ever watch the movie and believe she was in Oz simply because you saw her there (along with a Tinman, a cowardly Lion and a scruffy Scarecrow)?
Which corporate fiction do you live in?
How did you get there?
Did you ever actually see where you live? Or are you there because someone suggested that is where you are?
Did you sign some form of application in order to gain admittance to where you are?
Did you sign that form voluntarily without reading (and comprehending) what you were signing?

21st December 2016, 05:23 AM
Did Dorothy ever leave Kansas for the Land of Oz?
Did you ever watch the movie and believe she was in Oz simply because you saw her there (along with a Tinman, a cowardly Lion and a scruffy Scarecrow)?
Which corporate fiction do you live in?
How did you get there?
Did you ever actually see where you live? Or are you there because someone suggested that is where you are?
Did you sign some form of application in order to gain admittance to where you are?
Did you sign that form voluntarily without reading (and comprehending) what you were signing?
I think you are trapped in your own legalistic prison of delusions. You really are stuck in weighing the meaning of the words uttered exactly while completely ignoring the intention of the person telling them. How on earth do you expect there to be any meaningful conversation with someone like yourself? Good day axe shaft!

21st December 2016, 05:24 AM
Did Dorothy ever leave Kansas for the Land of Oz?
Did you ever watch the movie and believe she was in Oz simply because you saw her there (along with a Tinman, a cowardly Lion and a scruffy Scarecrow)?
Which corporate fiction do you live in?
How did you get there?
Did you ever actually see where you live? Or are you there because someone suggested that is where you are?
Did you sign some form of application in order to gain admittance to where you are?
Did you sign that form voluntarily without reading (and comprehending) what you were signing?
This thread is officially off the rails and has been totally hijacked with silliness and illusion.

That's fucking real alright!!!

21st December 2016, 05:34 AM
I think ...
All evidence suggests otherwise. Do you have any evidence that you think?

I know you respond 'cause after all I can pluck your strings all day and always get a response.

21st December 2016, 05:35 AM
... hijacked with silliness and illusion.

That's fucking real alright!!!

Reality is an illusion just more persistent.

This thread started with the concept that a birth certificate is a fake.

Can you not understand that ALL birth certificates are fake?

What you don't need is education. What you need is a CERTIFICATE that shows you are educated.

Do you need a BIRTH CERTIFICATE to show you are living? Or to show your rights in a fictional corporate government are greater than some UNDOCUMENTED ALIEN?

Does this make possession of a BIRTH CERTIFICATE a TITLE OF NOBILITY?

If asked for a birth certificate and you produce one does that place you in a better position than not having one at all?

21st December 2016, 05:57 AM
All evidence suggests otherwise. Do you have any evidence that you think?

I know you respond 'cause after all I can pluck your strings all day and always get a response.

Yes, you do like playing games don't you? :)

21st December 2016, 05:57 AM
Reality is an illusion just more persistent.

This thread started with the concept that a birth certificate is a fake.

Can you not understand that ALL birth certificates are fake?

What you don't need is education. What you need is a CERTIFICATE that shows you are educated.

Do you need a BIRTH CERTIFICATE to show you are living? Or to show your rights in a fictional corporate government are greater than some UNDOCUMENTED ALIEN?

Does this make possession of a BIRTH CERTIFICATE a TITLE OF NOBILITY?

If asked for a birth certificate and you produce one does that place you in a better position than not having one at all?

But the whole topic has been twisted and turned into one of ideology. Obama's birth certificate was forged, that's the topic. All birth certificates being 'fake' is another discussion and that's my point.

21st December 2016, 07:09 AM
Palani exhibits a broken mind, not unlike Hypertiger. He thinks he hides from the boogeyman under his cozy blanket, giggling in self-adulation. Quite a sad spectacle.

21st December 2016, 01:15 PM
Yes, you do like playing games don't you? :)
Just pluckin' away at those strings.

21st December 2016, 01:16 PM
But the whole topic has been twisted and turned into one of ideology. Obama's birth certificate was forged, that's the topic. All birth certificates being 'fake' is another discussion and that's my point.
All money is counterfeit too ... but as long as Treasury does it nobody cares.

It seems while all money is created equally, some money is more equal than other money.

I suppose the same might be said of BC's.

21st December 2016, 01:18 PM
Palani exhibits a broken mind.
I suppose in your world an awake mind is a broken mind.

Go back to sleep. I am used to talking to the dead (as well as the unconscious).

21st December 2016, 04:13 PM
Just pluckin' away at those strings.

A pity you don't have talent for music... :)

21st December 2016, 04:43 PM
palani is running amok because 7th trump is not here... They tend to keep each other in check.

amok: a psychic disturbance characterized by depression followed by a manic urge to murder.

21st December 2016, 04:50 PM
A pity you don't have talent for music... :)

Do you not know there are way too many musicians on earth?

21st December 2016, 04:53 PM
amok: a psychic disturbance characterized by depression followed by a manic urge to murder.
That is extremely didactic of you.

There are some of them [the Javanese] who ... go out into the streets, and kill as many persons as they meet. ... These are called Amuco. ["The Book of Duarte Barbosa: An Account of the Countries Bordering on the Indian Ocean and Their Inhabitants," c. 1516, English translation]

amuck (adv.)
17c., variant of amok; treated as a muck by Dryden, Byron, etc., and defended by Fowler, who considered amok didacticism.

didactic (adj.)
1650s, from French didactique, from Greek didaktikos "apt at teaching," from didaktos "taught," past participle of didaskein "teach," from PIE root *dens- "wisdom, to teach, learn." Related: Didactically; didacticism.

The word didactic is frequently used for those literary texts which are overloaded with informative or realistic matter and are marked by the omission of graceful and pleasing details. Didactic, therefore, becomes a derogatory term referring to the forms of literature that are ostentatiously dull and erudite. However, some literary texts are entertaining as well as didactic.

“Know then thyself, presume not God to scan
The proper study of Mankind is Man.
Placed on this isthmus of a middle state,
A Being darkly wise, and rudely great:
With too much knowledge for the Sceptic side,
With too much weakness for the Stoic’s pride,
He hangs between; in doubt to act, or rest;
In doubt to deem himself a God, or Beast;
In doubt his mind or body to prefer;
Born but to die, and reas’ning but to err;
Alike in ignorance, his reason such,
Whether he thinks too little, or too much;”

21st December 2016, 05:12 PM
Do you not know there are way too many musicians on earth?

I do and I totally agree! People would be much better able to focus and improve their lives if they weren't constantly disturbed by 'music'.

21st December 2016, 05:21 PM
palani is running amok because 7th trump is not here... They tend to keep each other in check.

amok: a psychic disturbance characterized by depression followed by a manic urge to murder.

Hmmm, yes you miss 7th Trump don't you, that's why you haven't been here much during his banishment? Don't worry about Palani I can handle him, he will not murder anyone here, outside of here I obviously can't know and why should I care?

21st December 2016, 05:24 PM
palani is running amok because 7th trump is not here... They tend to keep each other in check.

amok: a psychic disturbance characterized by depression followed by a manic urge to murder.

I hope you knocked on wood.

21st December 2016, 06:00 PM
“Know then thyself, presume not God to scan
The proper study of Mankind is Man.
Placed on this isthmus of a middle state,
A Being darkly wise, and rudely great:
With too much knowledge for the Sceptic side,
With too much weakness for the Stoic’s pride,
He hangs between; in doubt to act, or rest;
In doubt to deem himself a God, or Beast;
In doubt his mind or body to prefer;
Born but to die, and reas’ning but to err;
Alike in ignorance, his reason such,
Whether he thinks too little, or too much;”

In this I see your constant torment
Your unending circle, two sided ornament.
Hung about your neck and dangling down
Dragging heavy, painted proudly greasepaint clown.
Safe in reason, comforted in conflicting thoughts
Double-minded confusion, discarded unacceptable naughts.
Denying release from a burden unnecessary and severe
Dispensing its load on any who would hear.

21st December 2016, 06:07 PM
I can handle him
Are you volunteering to replace my sock puppet?

Be careful. People who occupy that office have been prone to being banished.

21st December 2016, 06:13 PM
In this I see your constant torment
Your unending circle, two sided ornament.
Hung about your neck and dangling down
Dragging heavy, painted proudly greasepaint clown.
Safe in reason, comforted in conflicting thoughts
Double-minded confusion, discarded unacceptable naughts.
Denying release from a burden unnecessary and severe
Dispensing its load on any who would hear.

“There was a Young Lady of Dorking,

Who bought a large bonnet for walking;

But its colour and size,

So bedazzled her eyes,

That she very soon went back to Dorking.”


“There was an old man from Peru

Who dreamt he was eating his shoe.

He awoke in a fright

In the middle of the night

And found it was perfectly true.”


A street-walking pro teenybopper

Once encountered a prurient copper,

And the price he suggested

Not to have her arrested

She described as both cheap and improper.

21st December 2016, 11:20 PM
Are you volunteering to replace my sock puppet?
How could I? I am not you... So you are also 7th Trump then? Fascinating! ;D

22nd December 2016, 03:56 AM
So you are also 7th Trump then?

Nope ... but I know how to pluck his strings too.

22nd December 2016, 04:05 AM
Nope ... but I know how to pluck his strings too.

https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTkzMDU0NTg3MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzU1MjU1Mg@@._ V1_UY1200_CR90,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg