View Full Version : $8.3 billion Later.... U.S. kids rank 31st out of 35 developed nations in math

19th December 2016, 06:43 AM
idocracy is not an irrefutable evidence, mathematically proven

Another Brick In The Wall – Modern Education And The System Of Deception
19 December 2016 GMT

December 18, 2016
Planned Ignorance: U.S. Kids Rank 31st of 35 Developed Nations in Math
No matter how much money we use to grease the wheels of the U.S. system of education, (at least $8.3 billion for Common Core to date) we’ve failed our children. A new U.S. Department of Education study reveals that U.S. children rank 31st out of 35 developed nations in math. They didn’t fare much better in science, or reading literacy either.
U.S. education test scores have become embarrassingly bad. The latest results from the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) are in, and the United States scored below average, as usual. American 15-year-olds performed worse in science this year than they did in 2012 (the last time the test was given), had stagnant scores in reading, and came in 31st place in math out of the 35 industrialized nations that took the test.

The Washington Post’s Valerie Strauss summed up the problems nicely:

There are many reasons children aren’t learning anything during the long hours they spend in government schools. Sometimes, their teachers don’t show up to work because they’re out on the teachers union picket line demanding taxpayers pick up the tab for their plastic surgery. Other times, students are forced to sit in classes led by totally unqualified teachers who will never leave because they’re protected by tenure.

For every disgraceful teacher, though, there are tons of good ones who are doing their best. The problem often isn’t teachers’ incompetence, it’s that they’re forced to instruct kids using rubbish. Look at the Common Core State Standards, which were adopted initially by 46 states because their federal education funding depended on it. The math is backwards, confusing, and, as the National Review so suitably dubbed it, “dumb.” The reading standards fill students’ minds with filth in the form of raunchy books and with yawn-inducing “informational texts.”

Our schools no longer teach reading, writing, and arithmetic. Rather than be taught how to think and problem-solve, children are thought what to think and how to feel. All these money-making and money-spending schemes tend to sound nice, of course, but they inevitably fall flat.............

19th December 2016, 06:50 AM
Precisely, I've been saying this for the last 8 years. Schools are now indoctrination centers, not education centers

19th December 2016, 06:53 AM
it's got nothing to do with the teachers, but skype media have brainwashed the public into blaming them. skoolz OFFER education...and certain demographics mostly choose not to take advantage of it. drags the scores down - and the skype scream that the skoolz/teachers are racist/incompetent because those demos reject learning

19th December 2016, 06:56 AM
Precisely, I've been saying this for the last 8 years. Schools are now indoctrination centers, not education centers

my kidz government book would blow you away. it is solid. i'll post some excerpts soon.

19th December 2016, 07:21 AM
Math 101 .... don't worry about the 8.3 billion dollars when you have a dollar that has no definition.

I passed a truck on the interstate the other day carrying 8.3 billion post holes. I thought he looked empty.

19th December 2016, 08:04 AM
It isn't too bad... The Jews that win every other Nobel prize score the same...


And you beat Chile, Greece, Turkey and Mexico of the developed nations...


19th December 2016, 09:06 AM
The mixed race population of America is the problem...not a "lack of money" or "bad teachers."

Home-schooled White kids from poor families will outperform "advanced placement" students from any publik skool. Latent intelligence, combined with a desire for real knowledge, leads to education.

19th December 2016, 10:33 AM
not money responsible for the education disaster but mixed races?

but the mixed races are the direct result of profiting from slavery and cheap illegal immigrants

one cannot fixed one issue separately when neglecting the whole picture

when I see how the system has compartmentalized most minds, is mind boggling.

refreshing to see Dice at work again, LOL
