View Full Version : The 'impossible' spacecraft engine that generates thrust from the quantum vacuum

20th December 2016, 04:39 AM
glad that there is now a VIABLE possible solution to send back any cyborgs and AI where they come from... and this only is the tip of the iceberg, we can trust that DARPA Deep State has more of them

the bad/good news is that soon mainstream physics will go bunk... is space really a vacuum ??? A huge boost for the electric universe theory is right around the corner.

BOLD: patented scientism and religious doctrines stand in the way

Earthians are the only smart creatures in the entire universe? Sorry, this assumption is too about to fall apart.



EM Drive is an 'impossible' spacecraft engine that generates thrust from the quantum vacuum, using no moving parts and producing no exhaust
20 December 2016 GMT

The technology in question is called the EM Drive, and it’s an “impossible” spacecraft propulsion device that produces real thrust while emitting nothing (i.e. no exhaust) and having no moving parts. “The EM Drive (Electro Magnetic Drive) uses electromagnetic microwave cavities to directly convert electrical energy to thrust without the need to expel any propellant,” explains Hacked.com.

“[Harold G. White, a scientist] proposes that the EM Drive’s thrust is due to virtual particles in the quantum vacuum that behave like propellant ions in magneto-hydrodynamical propulsion systems, extracting ‘fuel’ from the very fabric of space-time and eliminating the need to carry propellant.”’.....................

EMDrive appears to violate the laws of known physics… but it also appears to work

“Our measurements reveal thrusts as expected from previous claims after carefully studying thermal and electromagnetic interferences,” says the science paper. Tests were also conducted in a high vacuum: “We used this setup to test an EMDrive for the first time in high vacuum down to 4×10 -6 mbar observing similar thrusts (although at somewhat lower power levels) ruling out any air influence in this configuration.”...........

UK media begins to report on the EM Drive

I’ve been watching this story for over a year, waiting for another laboratory confirmation of the thrust values. To my surprise, the UK media has begun to pick up on this development, too.

“The drive is capable of producing thrust several thousand times greater than a standard photon rocket and could get to Mars within 70 days or Pluto within 18 months,” reports the Telegraph. “A trip to Alpha Centauri, which would take tens of thousands of years to reach right now, could be reached in just 100 years.”

The Telegraph goes on to say:

Shawyer also claims that he is just a few months away from publishing new results confirming that his drive works in a peer reviewed journal.

However scientists still have no idea how it actually works. Nasa suggested that it could have something to do with the technology manipulating subatomic particles which constantly pop in and out of existence in empty space.

Prof Tajmer presented his findings to the 2015 American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics’ Propulsion and Energy Forum and Exposition this week.
Known science blown away by a breakthrough that no one understands

One of the reasons I love to cover this sort of news is because it reinforces the all-important idea that arrogant scientists aren’t fooling Mother Nature. It’s nice to see arrogant scientists humbled from time to time by new, emerging phenomena they can’t explain.

Richard Feynman understood this. He was brilliant but humble, always fascinated by the mysteries of nature. Feynman fully realized that even his own vast knowledge of physics was little more than a spec of dust compared to the realm of knowledge and yet to be explored.

Today, far too many scientists have abandoned the very idea that anything new might yet be discovered. They think they know everything already… that “science” has reached a plateau of absolute truth from which zero divergence is tolerated. But that isn’t science… it’s dogma. Real science is the practice of intentionally pursuing new knowledge even when you realize that new discoveries might render your existing “scientific” beliefs obsolete.............

Such ideas frighten conventional, old-school scientists who are terrified of real discoveries because they might threaten their sacred dogma. The idea that a device which emits nothing might produce enormous thrust that could revolutionize space travel just isn’t a concept most scientists are willing to entertain… even if it might arguably be one of human civilization’s most important inventions ever. (The implications for colonization of other worlds are staggering… this could be the technology that takes humanity from a vulnerable, single-planet species to a galactic civilization.)

For that reason alone, the EM Drive will be viciously attacked by old-school physicists and stodgy, cognitively constipated scientists. The idea that their faith-based scientific beliefs might be overwritten by new expansions in human understanding simply infuriates them. So they lash out and attack the pioneers to tear them down, suppressing the advancement of science while simultaneously protecting their “intellectual territory” and industry influence..............


Additional sources for this story include:







However in recent years Nasa has confirmed that they believe it works and this week Martin Tajmar, a professor and chair for Space Systems at Dresden University of Technology in Germany also showed that it produces thrust.

The drive is capable of producing thrust several thousand times greater than even a photon rocket and could get to Mars within 70 days or Pluto within 18 months. A trip to Alpha Centauri, which would take tens of thousands of years to reach right now, could be reached in just 100 years.

"Our test campaign cannot confirm or refute the claims of the EM Drive but intends to independently assess possible side-effects in the measurements methods used so far," said Prof Tajmar.

"Nevertheless, we do observe thrust close to the actual predictions after eliminating many possible error sources that should warrant further investigation into the phenomena."

20th December 2016, 05:32 AM
This "science" like MOST science today of this type is nothing but CGI, DRAWINGS And HYPE (just like evolution)
All designed to bring in $$Investers$$ somewhere along the line to fleece with these science FICTION fantasies.

They are doing the same thing with these so called trips to mars, in particular, they especially want BILLIONAIRES to apply so that they can steal their money and then have a valid excuse to make them "disappear" (they go to "mars" which is nothing more than a light in the sky, to never return)

20th December 2016, 05:55 AM
STREEOFGOLD, money must go.... there is NOTHING to capitalize on. This money making mentality is archonic. Nobody will ever profit from the Principle Of Care, Nature

I find mind boggling that we have the evidence of massive job losses around the corner, yet people still want to believe in money and profits, many are even ready to side with the government's universal income because they are so stubborn and wont let go. That is what Life is about, letting go, because we will always find better theories to improve and support Life.

what is happening to this planet is not about money but POWER. And money is a mean to achieve it. It is a smoke screen.

Let go money, and their power falls apart... that is what jesus meant when speaking in favor of the poor and saying, come and follow me.

Thats the topic of doc I am working on

20th December 2016, 06:14 AM
STREEOFGOLD, money must go.... there is NOTHING to capitalize on. This money making mentality is archonic. Nobody will ever profit from the Principle Of Care, Nature

I find mind boggling that we have the evidence of massive job losses around the corner, yet people still want to believe in money and profits, many are even ready to side with the government's universal income because they are so stubborn and wont let go. That is what Life is about, letting go, because we will always find better theories to improve and support Life.

what is happening to this planet is not about money but POWER. And money is a mean to achieve it. It is a smoke screen.

Let go money, and their power falls apart... that is what jesus meant when speaking in favor of the poor and saying, come and follow me.

Thats the topic of doc I am working on


Here you go again preaching your bullshit about money. Please explain to the class how anyone is going to feed themselves without money being used as the medium of exchange to purchase the surplus that a farmer who has the land, knowledge and skill to grow the food?

20th December 2016, 09:31 AM

Here you go again preaching your bullshit about money. Please explain to the class how anyone is going to feed themselves without money being used as the medium of exchange to purchase the surplus that a farmer who has the land, knowledge and skill to grow the food?
There really is no practicality to her thoughts whatsoever. She has correctly identified that the current monetary system is run by a gang of crooks. However there is something that stops her from pointing out that this gang of crooks are Jews, so the culprit becomes monetary systems in general instead, to avoid to point out what is the actual problem. While ignoring the fact that there have been successful monetary system prior. Like Germany's under Hitler/Schacht which became such a threat to the hegemony to the bankers, they had to start a war encompassing the whole world for 6 years, and a hundred million lives to suppress the idea of it.

They have ruled supreme ever since, with small challenges from tin pot dictators like Saddam Hussein and Mohammar Ghadaffi, solemnly beaten into the ground.

20th December 2016, 01:58 PM
In the western tradition work has value and the saved value includes a medium of exchange.

In the eastern tradition inactivity is value and ...well without leeching off the western tradition, inactivity leads to extinction.

20th December 2016, 02:32 PM
Unbelievable...that someone would believe these utter fantasies.

Long before someone will develop a "quantum vacuum" propulsion system they will develop a Zero Point Energy electricity generation system. That has not yet happened. Arguably, cheap and reliable nuclear fusion, hot or cold, will be developed before ZPE systems are developed.

No surprise that the con-man's website is pushing these lies. "[T]here is now a VIABLE possible solution." No, there is not.

22nd December 2016, 09:14 AM
Nothing about Quantum Vacuum in this article from Spanish Russia Today. They claim that it operates on microwaves produced by a magnetron.

link to foto http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4052580/China-claims-built-working-version-NASA-s-impossible-engine-says-s-orbiting-Earth.html

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/11/07/11/3A25C7B500000578-3912828-A_prototype_of_the_impossible_fuel_free_engine_tha t_some_say_pow-a-2_1478518237773.jpg


The 'impossible' engine without fuel is successfully tested for the first time.
Posted: Dec 22, 2016 | 11:01 GMT
The 'impossible' engine without fuel is successfully tested for the first time


The operation of this engine causes a stir in the scientific community by going against the laws of physics.

Chinese scientists have revealed that they have successfully launched a prototype fuel-free version of the EmDrive engine. The engine was tested at the Tiangong-2 Chinese space laboratory, and is now expected to use it in orbiting satellites, the Daily Mail reported.

The EmDrive engine consists of a magnetron, which generates microwaves, and a resonator that collects the energy from these vibrations. This design allows to transform the emission of waves in propulsion. EmDrive's propulsive capacity would allow it to reach Mars in as little as ten weeks.

At a press conference held in Beijing, researchers from the Chinese Academy of Space Technologies said that the Chinese government has been funding since 2010 the investigation of this engine, which allegedly violates the laws of physics.

According to Li Feng, director of the satellite development department, the prototype has a drag capacity of several millinewtons and to operate on a satellite should reach a level close to 1.1 newtons. This means they will have to improve the design to reduce energy loss.

El motor 'imposible' sin combustible es probado por primera vez con éxito

El funcionamiento de este motor causa revuelo en la comunidad científica al ir en contra de las leyes de la física.

Científicos chinos han revelado que han conseguido poner en marcha con éxito un prototipo de la versión sin combustible del motor EmDrive. El motor fue probado en el laboratorio espacial chino Tiangong-2 (https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/221332-china-lanza-primera-mision-tripulada), y ahora esperan utilizarlo en satélites en órbita, informó (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4052580/China-claims-built-working-version-NASA-s-impossible-engine-says-s-orbiting-Earth.html) el diario británico 'Daily Mail'.

El motor EmDrive consta de un magnetrón, que genera microondas, y de un resonador que recoge la energía de estas vibraciones. Este diseño permite transformar la emisión de ondas en propulsión. La capacidad propulsora del EmDrive permitiría llegar a Marte en tan solo diez semanas.

En una rueda de prensa celebrada en Pekín, los investigadores de la Academia China de Tecnologías Espaciales afirmaron que el Gobierno chino ha estado financiando desde el año 2010 la investigación de este motor, que supuestamente incumple las leyes de la física (https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/226641-galaxias-no-poder-viajar-tiempo).

Según Li Feng, directora del departamento de desarrollo de satélites, el prototipo tiene un capacidad de arrastre de varios milinewtons y para que funcionara en un satélite debería alcanzar un nivel cercano a 1,1 newtons. Esto siginifica que tendrán que mejorar el diseño para reducir la pérdida de energía.

22nd December 2016, 09:19 AM
If space is a vacuum what does a rocket engine thrust against? How are forward motion and directional control achieved/maintained?

22nd December 2016, 09:33 AM
The concept of an EmDrive engine is relatively simple.
It provides thrust to a spacecraft by bouncing microwaves around in a closed container.
Solar energy provides the electricity to power the microwaves, which means that no propellant is needed.
The implications for this could be huge. For instance, current satellites could be half the size they are today without the need to carry fuel.
Humans could also travel further into space, generating their own propulsion on the way.
But when the concept was first proposed it was considered implausible because it went against the laws of physics.
Its allegedly fuel-free nature also means the drive may directly contradict the law of conservation of momentum.
It suggests it would produce a forward-facing force without an equal and opposite force acting in the other direction.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4052580/China-claims-built-working-version-NASA-s-impossible-engine-says-s-orbiting-Earth.html#ixzz4Taa0tTgb
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The supporting physics model for these conditions, according to the researchers, could be a 'nonlocal hidden-variable theory, or pilot-wave theory for short' - an interpretation of quantum mechanics. Many have taken interest in the findings, including one physicist who has claimed that there ‘may really be something’ in the findings – but, the cause might be something entirely different than what’s been proposed.
Rather than the quantum vacuum theory which was initially cited in the leaked version to explain the findings, a phenomenon known as the ‘Mach effect’ could be to blame, according to Motherboard (http://motherboard.vice.com/read/the-fact-and-fiction-of-the-nasa-emdrive-paper-leak).
By this effect, which Woodward first theorized in the 1990s, some of the force applied to an accelerating body of mass is stored as potential energy in its body rather than generating kinetic energy, according to Motherboard.
This causes fluctuations in the object’s resting mass, and this effect could be harnessed to create the type of thrust seen in the experiments.

Read more:

Q-Thruster In-Vacuum Fall 2015 Test Report.pdf - Google Drive (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7kgKijo-p0ibm94VUY0TVktQlU/view)

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4052580/China-claims-built-working-version-NASA-s-impossible-engine-says-s-orbiting-Earth.html#ixzz4TadlZP00
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