View Full Version : Doesn't America deserve all the **** it gets?

22nd December 2016, 12:05 AM
Considering how much of the ills of todays world that can be tracked back to that nation and those who rule it. Isn't it simply justice if some of the things the US has done to the rest of the world came back to them?

22nd December 2016, 12:39 AM
On the one hand I don't disagree, but on the other hand this kind of thinking is why Germany is committing suicide by muslim.

22nd December 2016, 01:03 AM
Nice attempt at derailing the thread Schlomo. We are talking about USA here, not muslims or Germany.

22nd December 2016, 02:10 AM
Do the Norwegian police know you might go goatfucker on them?

All Muslims: dead or deported.

Twisted Titan
22nd December 2016, 02:41 AM
There is a law of sowing and reaping

America has sown much evil in this world over CENTURIES

just one example is Iran.

In the 1950's Iran was like any cosmopolitan country at the time any very progressive ...I saw pictures of women at the time and thought I was looking at some place in France. It was very beautiful.

Mossadek. Was democratically elected by his people weather he was good or bad I haven't done a whole heap of research but that's their choice and they own it either way.

The Multinationals want to run some oil pipes through Iran he tells them to flake off or get better terms. Like any sane person would do.

How do they respond?

Operation Ajax

They overthrow Mossadek and install The Shah of Iran with his death squads and implements a reign of terror that lasts well over a decade.

The oppresion is so horrible that it culminates civil unrest on multiple fronts and The Shah has to flee and who seized power the most radical element of all

The ayatollah Khomeini

And it has been down hill ever since . So I always get a chuckle when I hear the talking heads and pundits drone on about how dangerous Iran is.

If you would have been equitable rather than a complete asshole. You wouldn't have the problems that you do today

Twisted Titan
22nd December 2016, 02:50 AM
That being said..do they oppressed have a right to lash back at their oppressors?

Of course they do.

The only problem is they can't lash back at the people in particular that do the terrorizing.
So what you have is me and people like me that become the targets of the misplaced rage.

I have no desire to die in things I didn't do.

So To Sum It Up.

Yes America is wrong to destabilize
Yes it is right for the affected to strike back
Yes it right for me to defend myself from the oppressed attackers

22nd December 2016, 04:41 AM
Hey norweger, are you still bowing to the silver vagina - encased meteorite?

22nd December 2016, 06:10 AM
Nice attempt at derailing the thread Schlomo. We are talking about USA here, not muslims or Germany.
You want to blame someone? Here you go! Since American politics was hijacked at the beginning of the 20th century you really need to go after the people who have played the largest role in American tyranny, and it's not nearly your typical American.


22nd December 2016, 07:14 AM
Do the Norwegian police know you might go goatfucker on them?

All Muslims: dead or deported.

Does your mommy know that you are posting on the internet?

midnight rambler
22nd December 2016, 10:03 AM
Does your mommy know that you are posting on the internet?

That's very original. lol

22nd December 2016, 02:05 PM
Does your mommy know that you are posting on the internet?

Wow, back to childhood insults?

Fact: I don't live with my mommy.

Fact: I don't live in her basement.

Fact: you are a Muslim terrorist.

midnight rambler
22nd December 2016, 02:30 PM
Fact: you are a Muslim terrorist.

Fred, you're repeating yourself.

22nd December 2016, 02:39 PM
To blame all "Americans" is just a idiotic as blaming all "Germans" for their ills, all Chinese for their faults, all Indians (dots) for their troubles.

If you wanted to blame American bureaucrats, then I couldn't argue.

If you wanted to blame the MIC, you would be correct. Especially so since MIC is in every country.

If you wanted to blame the Rothchilds and their ilk, I would agree,

You can't blame the sheep. Too many generations have passed that have been brainwashed by the state.

So what's with the pissyness?

22nd December 2016, 02:41 PM
Does your mommy know that you are posting on the internet?


I'm being facetious.

22nd December 2016, 05:01 PM
Wow, back to childhood insults?

Fact: I don't live with my mommy.

Fact: I don't live in her basement.

Fact: you are a Muslim terrorist.

Childhood insults.. it's you who are using profanities in every post you are making. I felt that it was fitting to ask.

22nd December 2016, 05:03 PM
To blame all "Americans" is just a idiotic as blaming all "Germans" for their ills, all Chinese for their faults, all Indians (dots) for their troubles.

If you wanted to blame American bureaucrats, then I couldn't argue.

If you wanted to blame the MIC, you would be correct. Especially so since MIC is in every country.

If you wanted to blame the Rothchilds and their ilk, I would agree,

You can't blame the sheep. Too many generations have passed that have been brainwashed by the state.

So what's with the pissyness?

I havent blamed all americans, i said America as in the nation, the political and militaristic entity.

22nd December 2016, 07:04 PM
I havent blamed all americans, i said America as in the nation, the political and militaristic entity.
So, wutcha gonna do about it hajji?

22nd December 2016, 07:07 PM
I havent blamed all americans, i said America as in the nation, the political and militaristic entity.

Then you are smart enough to know that "America" is just another tool for TPTB.

22nd December 2016, 07:42 PM
Childhood insults.. it's you who are using profanities in every post you are making. I felt that it was fitting to ask.

Thank you for your admission via non-denial that this statement is true:

Fact: you are a Muslim terrorist.

22nd December 2016, 08:44 PM
Thank you for your admission via non-denial that this statement is true:

Fact: you are a Muslim terrorist.

I don't feel the need to deny such outlandish claims. I don't take such posts seriously. Am i one of those guys that shoots over 9000 rockets daily from the Gaza strip or fly airplanes into skyscrapers?

Do i come across as some sort of hollywood character?

22nd December 2016, 09:16 PM
Considering how much of the ills of todays world that can be tracked back to that nation and those who rule it. Isn't it simply justice if some of the things the US has done to the rest of the world came back to them?

Depends on your definition of ****

If you mean the fruit of the world's labor which it currently does recieve then No.

This also the reason for what is seen as regurgatation thru empire. Many other countries love an empire.

Norway loves the winter olympics.

Truth is its all about a dollar, and how zionist privateers worked down the throat of the world.

The world loved being deepthroated, it is the whore that reeps what's sewn.

22nd December 2016, 11:47 PM
I don't feel the need to deny such outlandish claims. I don't take such posts seriously....Do i come across as some sort of hollywood character?

You come across as the typical lying Mooslim Ambassador of Taqiyya: "Islam is good, we are 'just like you'."

There are multiple stages and facets of Jihad, and you are actively and continuously engaged in one of them.

The transition from "peaceful educator" (sic) to homicidal maniac for a Muslim is one second.

Hopefully the Norwegian police are tracking you closely.

23rd December 2016, 01:20 AM
You are possessed.

23rd December 2016, 01:41 AM
You are possessed.

Hallelujah, that's the nicest thing you could say to me! I am indeed possessed, by the love of Truth and the Spirit of the One and Only Almighty, Yahweh.

Twisted Titan
23rd December 2016, 02:16 AM
You are possessed.

I Know someone else who thought he was possessed that tried to commit suicide by throwing himself off a mountain multiple times, thought he was getting beaten senseless by a demon in a cave and would sometimes start to foam at the mouth like a rabid dog when Revelations came down.

Care to take a guess as to who that might have been??

A.) Bill Bixy as the Incredible Hulk
B.) Linda Hamilton before she Becomes Wonder Woman
C.) Steve Rogers before he get a dose of the super serum
D.) The Beloved Prophet of the Noble Koran

23rd December 2016, 04:12 AM
I don't feel the need to deny such outlandish claims. I don't take such posts seriously. Am i one of those guys that shoots over 9000 rockets daily from the Gaza strip or fly airplanes into skyscrapers?

Do i come across as some sort of hollywood character?

you come across as an adherent to a devilish cult with intent to further the influence of that system. There is no limit to what you would do in order to dominate others under your oppressive movement.

are you still worshiping the meteorite in mecca? And what spirits inhabit the object of your adoration?

23rd December 2016, 05:12 PM
Order followers suffer from 2nd degree psychopathy

so what is gonna happen do you think?

Twisted Titan
23rd December 2016, 10:34 PM
If The Believer in a supreme being is relegated to psychopath

Please be honorable and tell us what the classification of the unbeliever is

im very eager to hear this

Twisted Titan
26th December 2016, 04:04 AM
Do hurry.. The theme music for jeopardy is almost over

6th February 2017, 08:40 PM
Looking at videos of people traveling throughout United States it is clear that it is lacking in the culture department. It's just a bunch of eateries of unhealty foods and gift shops. What else does America have to show for? If America ceased to exist the world would hardly notice.

6th February 2017, 09:01 PM
If America ceased to exist the world would hardly notice.

If Islam ceased to exist, all decent people everywhere would rejoice.

7th February 2017, 03:30 AM
Decent.. as in those people here who fantasize about murder and violence.

You didn't try to defend America for it's lack of culture though.

7th February 2017, 03:54 AM
Decent.. as in those people here who fantasize about murder and violence.

Decent people who don't strap on suicide vests, rape blonde women to destroy their ancient heritage, and/or lie about Islam's real nature.

You didn't try to defend America for it's lack of culture though.

Says the one using American technology - the Internet - to dissimulate about Islam.

Islamic "culture":


https://img.ifcdn.com/images/608ba2d84438b91d04b5dafce2c201e7120dfd3401dc15ec63 bcc1004e018bdd_1.jpg


Allah's vagina:


7th February 2017, 04:32 AM
America has never been a culture-bearing nation.

7th February 2017, 05:16 AM
America has never been a culture-bearing nation.

Islam has never been anything but a cult of violence and destruction.

7th February 2017, 05:26 AM
Islam has never been anything but a cult of violence and destruction.

Rich coming from an American. How many nations have not your culture-lacking nation ruined?

Even going as far as to fabricate large scale falsehoods in order to fight wars on behalf of jewry against muslim nations.

7th February 2017, 05:32 AM
Rich coming from an American. How many nations have not your culture-lacking nation ruined?

Even going as far as to fabricate large scale falsehoods in order to fight wars on behalf of jewry against muslim nations.

Culture lacking. LOL That is hilarious coming from a Muslim whose only culture is of death, destruction, rape and pillaging. Tell me Muslim scum, what's the last invention to come out of the mid east in the last 1000 years that has benefited mankind?

7th February 2017, 05:33 AM
What else does America have to show for?


7th February 2017, 05:33 AM
Rich coming from an American. How many nations have not your culture-lacking nation ruined?

America didn't import Jizzlam into Norway.

7th February 2017, 05:37 AM
America with it's interference in WW2 enabled the rule of Europe by so called intellectuals that got their ideologies from jews which is where we get the concept of multiculturalism. Oh and the immigrants does mostly come from nations that America has bombed and invaded. Hardly a coincidence.

They say that Islam is spread by the sword, the sword in this case belongs to America.

7th February 2017, 05:42 AM
America with it's interference in WW2 enabled the rule of Europe by so called intellectuals that got their ideologies from jews which is where we get the concept of multiculturalism. Oh and the immigrants does mostly come from nations that America has bombed and invaded. Hardly a coincidence.

They say that Islam is spread by the sword, the sword in this case belongs to America.

Agreed to an extent. Even Patton after WWII was finished said that the wrong side had won. It takes some time, but we learn eventually. The same however cannot be said of Babylonian moon god worshipers. Stuck in the 8th and 9th century and expects the world to remain with them or be called an "infidel" for not believing in the all mighty moon god.

Islam USED to be spread by the sword, but since the moon gods followers haven't advanced beyond the 10th century they lack the ability to advance without outside help.

Nothing more than modern day niggers. Cannot survive or even fight for their own countries. They leave to populate Europe bringing their filthy culture and moon god worshiping with them. They subsist on hand outs, and the generosity of the state.

Any military aged male who leaves home instead of fighting for his country to protect his way of life is a coward. Most moon god worshipers are cowards anyway, that's no surprise really.

7th February 2017, 06:14 AM
America with it's interference in WW2 enabled the rule of Europe by so called intellectuals that got their ideologies from jews which is where we get the concept of multiculturalism. Oh and the immigrants does mostly come from nations that America has bombed and invaded. Hardly a coincidence.

They say that Islam is spread by the sword, the sword in this case belongs to America.

American institutions were hijacked long ago - American values are the Bill of Rights. Its been a long slog, but the people are finally attempting to peacefully reclaim our values - it may be too late.

7th February 2017, 06:49 AM
They say that Islam is spread by the sword, the sword in this case belongs to America.

We have America to thank for you? Well, maybe I'll have to reevaluate my position.

7th February 2017, 06:54 AM
American values are the Bill of Rights.
This set of the first 10 amendments are largely not available to U.S. citizens. The reason is the federation dissolved in 1868 in favor of a single nation (E Pluribus Unum) and it would be ludicrous to believe that a nation can be controlled by the constitution intended for a federation. Therefore the XIV amendment forms the entire constitution for the present U.S. [Ever wonder why due process clause is duplicated in the Vth and XIV amendment?]

7th February 2017, 12:31 PM
America with it's interference in WW2 enabled the rule of Europe by so called intellectuals that got their ideologies from jews which is where we get the concept of multiculturalism. Oh and the immigrants does mostly come from nations that America has bombed and invaded. Hardly a coincidence.

They say that Islam is spread by the sword, the sword in this case belongs to America.

Europe started WWII and in turn broke America.

7th February 2017, 01:19 PM
Europe started WWII and in turn broke America.

France and Britain you mean.

7th February 2017, 01:37 PM
Europe started WWII and in turn broke America.

WWI broke America. Most Jews (and Americans) were pro-German until Britain offered the Balfour Declaration - then, they did a 180 and began demonizing Germany in the newspapers across the country - calling them Huns, and baby killers, while they lobbied for America's entry into the war for the British. The rest is history.