View Full Version : Trump is Israel's shoe-shine boy.

23rd December 2016, 01:45 AM
Have you ever been faced with having to weigh what seems like a good option but has a known bad element to it that you cannot get rid of, and, that, upon reflection, outweighs the good part?

Well, that is what I ran up against early on in Trump's run when I learned about his irrational prejudiced outlook concerning Israel to the utter disregard for the rights of abused Palestinians. When I discovered that, I struggled back and forth between my revulsion to Trump's pro-Israel stance and him being the clear better choice over the Hag (whom I deemed to be the absolute worst of all time - like Jezebel).

But, I finally wound up swallowing my aversion to Trump's pro-Israel stance due to my strong revulsion to Hillary, so, I got onto Trump's bandwagon, hoping beyond hope that his pro-Israeli stance wouldn't be a problem, somehow.

Well, I was wrong.

I now wish I had of just forgotten the whole damn thing, and had not let myself get enthusiastic about the Trump candidacy. What just happened was that Egypt, who had planned on introducing a resolution condemning Israel for building settlements in the West Bank (as if Palestinians have NO RIGHTS and are nothing more than cattle), but, due to pressure from Trump upon Obama to vote AGAINST this upcoming resolution, Egypt has abandon its plans to introduce this resolution.


On tonight's Jeff Rense program, the first hour, Jonathan Emord appeared as a guest and he claimed that Trump put pressure upon Egypt to abandon their upcoming resolution, and, as Trump has already been able to get action from other parties, even before taking office, he was able to get Egypt to comply, due to "threats", according to Emord. I don't know how much to believe of what Emord says, but, it sounds likely that this is what happened, and, this makes me sick at my stomach.

Trump is already making US policy subservient to Israeli interests, and he hasn't even taken office yet. That leads me to believe his whole plan is not to make "America" great again, but to make "Israel" great again and to commit whatever American resources he needs to, including the committing of American blood in combat, to grant to Israel whatever the hell they want.

I no longer give a shit about Donald Trump - a man his age ought to know damn well better than to pay anything more than lip-service to Israel, or any other foreign country. And he damn sure ought not to act in utter disregard for the fundamental rights of the Palestinians who have been abused beyond recovery by jews who stole that land. If it comes to pass somehow that Trump is no longer Prexy, then I'll let out a loud Texas yell in gratitude.

I don't know how the other folks on this website feel about committing american resources to foreign nations, but, I am hoping that my sentiments are also shared with the majority here - Trump is acting like a duped, gullible, dick-head who has had his mind completely captured by some idiotic cow-manure philosophy about having to "help Israel" or else.

I've had it! I am hoping his term as Prexy is short lived - very short lived.

We need a leader who puts AMERICA first, to the abandonment of ALL OTHER NATIONS! (especially that shitpile of a jewish gaggle over there brutally occupying Palestine via a plenitude of American resources).

23rd December 2016, 02:01 AM
Democracy is a plaything for the jews. It's all a facade.

23rd December 2016, 02:43 AM
Trump is already making US policy subservient to Israeli interests, and he hasn't even taken office yet. That leads me to believe his whole plan is not to make "America" great again, but to make "Israel" great again and to commit whatever American resources he needs to, including the committing of American blood in combat, to grant to Israel whatever the hell they want

This is the plan!

23rd December 2016, 03:00 AM
From the Yinan plan (1982) outlining greater Israel:

"Syria will fall apart, in accordance with its ethnic and religious structure, into several states such as in present day Lebanon, so that there will be a Shi’ite Alawi state along its coast, a Sunni state in the Aleppo area, another Sunni state in Damascus hostile to its northern neighbor, and the Druzes who will set up a state, maybe even in our Golan, and certainly in the Hauran and in northern Jordan. This state of affairs will be the guarantee for peace and security in the area in the long run, and that aim is already within our reach today. 14"

23rd December 2016, 03:48 PM
great, call all the troops back home, shut down all military bases abroad FIRST

then we can start talking of the next step

We need a leader who puts AMERICA first, to the abandonment of ALL OTHER NATIONS! (especially that shitpile of a jewish gaggle over there brutally occupying Palestine via a plenitude of American resources).